Micro Focus Content Manager SDK 9.3
Property values may be retrieved using th GetProperty and GetPropertyAsString methods. In addition the PropertyDef class may be used to interrogate system metadata.
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Action Name | ActionDefActionName | adfActionName | String | ActionDefName |
Assignable | ActionDefAssignable | adfAssignable | Boolean | ActionDefAssignable |
Assignee | ActionDefAssignee | adfAssignee | Object | Unknown |
Cost | ActionDefCost | adfCost | Currency | Unknown |
Days | ActionDefDays | adfDays | Number | Unknown |
Hours | ActionDefHours | adfHours | Number | Unknown |
Is Procedure? | ActionDefIsProcedure | adfIsProcedure | Boolean | ActionDefIsProcedure |
Minutes | ActionDefMinutes | adfMinutes | Number | Unknown |
Instructions | ActionDefNotes | adfNotes | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Activity ID | ActivityActivityId | wacActivityId | Number | ActivityId |
Priority | ActivityActivityPriority | wacActivityPriority | Enum | ActivityPriority |
Actual Cost | ActivityActualCost | wacActualCost | Currency | Unknown |
Actual Duration | ActivityActualDuration | wacActualDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Assigned By | ActivityAssignedBy | wacAssignedBy | Object | Unknown |
Assigned To | ActivityAssignedTo | wacAssignedTo | Object | ActivityAssignee |
Automatically Complete activity | ActivityAutoComplete | wacAutoComplete | Boolean | Unknown |
Completed By | ActivityCompletedBy | wacCompletedBy | Object | ActivityDoneBy |
Completed On Time | ActivityCompletedOnTime | wacCompletedOnTime | Boolean | ActivityDoneOnTime |
Date Assigned | ActivityDateAssigned | wacDateAssigned | Datetime | ActivityAssignedOn |
Final Completion Date | ActivityDateAuthorized | wacDateAuthorized | Datetime | ActivityAuthorizedOn |
Interim Completion Date | ActivityDateCompleted | wacDateCompleted | Datetime | ActivityDoneOn |
Due Date | ActivityDateDue | wacDateDue | Datetime | ActivityDueOn |
Earliest Start Date | ActivityDateEarliestStart | wacDateEarliestStart | Datetime | ActivityEarliestStartOn |
Latest Start Date | ActivityDateLatestStart | wacDateLatestStart | Datetime | ActivityLatestStartOn |
Date Skipped | ActivityDateSkipped | wacDateSkipped | Datetime | Unknown |
Start Date | ActivityDateStarted | wacDateStarted | Datetime | ActivityStartedOn |
Date Suspended | ActivityDateSuspended | wacDateSuspended | Datetime | Unknown |
Suspended Until | ActivityDateSuspendedUntil | wacDateSuspendedUntil | Datetime | ActivitySuspendedUntil |
Template | ActivityDerivedFromTemplate | wacDerivedFromTemplate | Object | Unknown |
Email on Assignment | ActivityEmailAssigned | wacEmailAssigned | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Authorizable | ActivityEmailAuthorizable | wacEmailAuthorizable | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Completed | ActivityEmailCompleted | wacEmailCompleted | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Startable | ActivityEmailCurrent | wacEmailCurrent | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Escalated | ActivityEmailEscalated | wacEmailEscalated | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Overdue | ActivityEmailOverdue | wacEmailOverdue | Boolean | Unknown |
Email on Reassignment | ActivityEmailReassigned | wacEmailReassigned | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Skipped | ActivityEmailSkipped | wacEmailSkipped | Boolean | Unknown |
Email when Undone | ActivityEmailUndone | wacEmailUndone | Boolean | Unknown |
Escalated To | ActivityEscalatedTo | wacEscalatedTo | Object | ActivityEscalatedTo |
Estimated Cost | ActivityEstimatedCost | wacEstimatedCost | Currency | Unknown |
Estimated Duration | ActivityEstimatedDuration | wacEstimatedDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Has Sub Activities | ActivityHasSubActivities | wacHasSubActivities | Boolean | ActivityCompound |
Is Complete | ActivityIsComplete | wacIsComplete | Boolean | ActivityDone |
Is Last activity | ActivityIsLastActivity | wacIsLastActivity | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Overdue | ActivityIsOverdue | wacIsOverdue | Boolean | ActivityOverdue |
Is Ready To Start | ActivityIsReadyToStart | wacIsReadyToStart | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Start activity | ActivityIsStartActivity | wacIsStartActivity | Boolean | Unknown |
Name | ActivityName | wacName | String | ActivityName |
Normal View Rectangle | ActivityNormalRect | wacNormalRect | String | Unknown |
Notes | ActivityNotes | wacNotes | String | Unknown |
Original Assignee | ActivityOriginalAssignee | wacOriginalAssignee | Object | ActivityOriginalAssignee |
Outline View Rectangle | ActivityOutlineRect | wacOutlineRect | String | Unknown |
Parent activity ID | ActivityParentActivityId | wacParentActivityId | Number | Unknown |
Percent Complete | ActivityPercentComplete | wacPercentComplete | Number | Unknown |
Reason For Suspension | ActivityReasonForSuspension | wacReasonForSuspension | String | Unknown |
Requires Authorization Before Finally Complete | ActivityRequiresAuthorization | wacRequiresAuthorization | Boolean | Unknown |
Result | ActivityResult | wacResult | String | Unknown |
Scheduled Duration | ActivityScheduledDuration | wacScheduledDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Activity State | ActivityState | wacState | Enum | Unknown |
Supervisor | ActivitySupervisor | wacSupervisor | Object | ActivitySupervisor |
Suspended By | ActivitySuspendedBy | wacSuspendedBy | Object | ActivitySuspendedBy |
Template | ActivityTemplate | wacTemplate | Object | ActivityTemplate |
Total Suspension Duration | ActivityTotalSuspensionDuration | wacTotalSuspensionDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Use Advanced Completion Wizard | ActivityUseAdvancedCompletionWizard | wacUseAdvancedCompletionWizard | Boolean | Unknown |
Was Skipped | ActivityWasSkipped | wacWasSkipped | Boolean | ActivitySkipped |
Is Template Activity? | ActivityWithinTemplate | wacWithinTemplate | Boolean | ActivityInsideTemplate |
Workflow | ActivityWorkflow | wacWorkflow | Object | ActivityWorkflow |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Item Order Number | AgendaItemAgendaItemOrderNumber | agiAgendaItemOrderNumber | Number | AgendaItemOrder |
Is Approved | AgendaItemApproved | agiApproved | Boolean | AgendaItemApproved |
Carried Forward From Item | AgendaItemCarriedForwardFromItem | agiCarriedForwardFromItem | Object | AgendaItemCarriedOverFrom |
Date Approved | AgendaItemDateApproved | agiDateApproved | Datetime | AgendaItemApprovedOn |
Date Submitted | AgendaItemDateSubmitted | agiDateSubmitted | Datetime | AgendaItemSubmittedOn |
Default minute item type | AgendaItemDefaultMinuteItemType | agiDefaultMinuteItemType | Object | Unknown |
Agenda Item Description | AgendaItemDescription | agiDescription | String | AgendaItemName |
Document Last Modified | AgendaItemDocDateModified | agiDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Document Extension | AgendaItemDocExtension | agiDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Document Size (Bytes) | AgendaItemDocSize | agiDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Document Store | AgendaItemDocStore | agiDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID | AgendaItemDocStoreId | agiDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Expanded Number | AgendaItemExpandedNumber | agiExpandedNumber | String | AgendaItemNumberx |
Is Pending Item | AgendaItemIsPending | agiIsPending | Boolean | AgendaItemPending |
Is Section Heading | AgendaItemIsSection | agiIsSection | Boolean | AgendaItemSection |
Is Standing Item | AgendaItemIsStanding | agiIsStanding | Boolean | AgendaItemStanding |
Agenda Item Type | AgendaItemItemType | agiItemType | Object | AgendaItemType |
Requiring Approval By | AgendaItemNeedsApprovalBy | agiNeedsApprovalBy | Object | AgendaItemApprover |
Agenda Item Number | AgendaItemNumber | agiNumber | String | AgendaItemNumber |
Outline Number | AgendaItemOutlineNumber | agiOutlineNumber | String | Unknown |
Subordinate Item Of | AgendaItemParentAgendaItem | agiParentAgendaItem | Object | AgendaItemParent |
For meeting | AgendaItemParentMeeting | agiParentMeeting | Object | AgendaItemMeeting |
For meeting type | AgendaItemParentMeetingType | agiParentMeetingType | Object | AgendaItemMeetingType |
Primary location | AgendaItemPrimaryLocation | agiPrimaryLocation | Object | Unknown |
Primary record | AgendaItemPrimaryRecord | agiPrimaryRecord | Object | Unknown |
Submitted By | AgendaItemSubmittedBy | agiSubmittedBy | Object | AgendaItemSubmittedBy |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Default minute item type | AgendaItemTypeDefaultMinuteItemType | agtDefaultMinuteItemType | Object | Unknown |
Document Last Modified | AgendaItemTypeDocDateModified | agtDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Document Extension | AgendaItemTypeDocExtension | agtDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Document Size (Bytes) | AgendaItemTypeDocSize | agtDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Document Store | AgendaItemTypeDocStore | agtDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID | AgendaItemTypeDocStoreId | agtDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Last Number Used | AgendaItemTypeLastNumber | agtLastNumber | String | Unknown |
Agenda Item Type Name | AgendaItemTypeName | agtName | String | AgendaItemTypeName |
Requiring Approval By | AgendaItemTypeNeedsApprovalBy | agtNeedsApprovalBy | Object | Unknown |
Numbering Pattern | AgendaItemTypeNumberPattern | agtNumberPattern | String | Unknown |
Owner | AgendaItemTypeOwner | agtOwner | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Search Criteria | AlertCriteria | altCriteria | String | Unknown |
Description | AlertDescription | altDescription | String | Unknown |
Event Type | AlertEventType | altEventType | Enum | AlertEventType |
Object Type | AlertObjectType | altObjectType | Enum | AlertObjectType |
Suspended From | AlertSuspendUserFrom | altSuspendUserFrom | Date | Unknown |
Suspended Until | AlertSuspendUserUntil | altSuspendUserUntil | Date | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Adhoc | ArchiveEventAdHoc | areAdHoc | Boolean | Unknown |
Description | ArchiveEventDescription | areDescription | String | Unknown |
Send Reminders | ArchiveEventDoReminders | areDoReminders | Boolean | Unknown |
Last Reminder Date | ArchiveEventLastReminderDate | areLastReminderDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Next Event Due | ArchiveEventNextOccurrenceDue | areNextOccurrenceDue | Datetime | Unknown |
Notes | ArchiveEventNotes | areNotes | String | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Days | ArchiveEventOccurrenceDay | areOccurrenceDay | Number | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Months | ArchiveEventOccurrenceMonth | areOccurrenceMonth | Number | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Starting From | ArchiveEventOccurrencesStartOn | areOccurrencesStartOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Years | ArchiveEventOccurrenceYears | areOccurrenceYears | Number | Unknown |
One Off | ArchiveEventOneOff | areOneOff | Boolean | Unknown |
Occurrence Schedule Paused | ArchiveEventPaused | arePaused | Boolean | Unknown |
Reminder Days | ArchiveEventReminderDays | areReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
Title | ArchiveEventTitle | areTitle | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Number of contents | AutoPartRuleContentLimit | aprContentLimit | Number | Unknown |
Date Type | AutoPartRuleDateType | aprDateType | Enum | AutoPartRuleDateType |
Time Interval Value | AutoPartRuleDelayInterval | aprDelayInterval | Number | Unknown |
Time Interval Type | AutoPartRuleDelayType | aprDelayType | Enum | Unknown |
Description | AutoPartRuleDescription | aprDescription | String | Unknown |
Fixed Date | AutoPartRuleFixedDate | aprFixedDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Name | AutoPartRuleName | aprName | String | AutoPartRuleName |
Notes | AutoPartRuleNotes | aprNotes | String | Unknown |
Type | AutoPartRulePartRuleType | aprPartRuleType | Enum | AutoPartRuleType |
Additional Date Field | AutoPartRuleUserDefinedDateField | aprUserDefinedDateField | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Location | CensusCensusLocation | cnsCensusLocation | Object | CensusCensusLocation |
End Date | CensusEndDate | cnsEndDate | Datetime | CensusEndDate |
In Progress | CensusInProgress | cnsInProgress | Boolean | CensusInProgress |
Name | CensusName | cnsName | String | CensusName |
Records at End | CensusRecordsEnd | cnsRecordsEnd | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records not Marked | CensusRecordsMissing | cnsRecordsMissing | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records at Start | CensusRecordsStart | cnsRecordsStart | BigNumber | Unknown |
Start Date | CensusStartDate | cnsStartDate | Datetime | CensusStartDate |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Action | CheckinStyleAction | chsAction | Object | Unknown |
Assignee | CheckinStyleAssignee | chsAssignee | Object | Unknown |
Auto Render | CheckinStyleAutoRender | chsAutoRender | Boolean | Unknown |
Classification | CheckinStyleClassification | chsClassification | Object | Unknown |
Container | CheckinStyleContainer | chsContainer | Object | Unknown |
Description | CheckinStyleDescription | chsDescription | String | Unknown |
Finalize | CheckinStyleFinalizeOnSave | chsFinalizeOnSave | Boolean | Unknown |
GPS Location | CheckinStyleGpsLocation | chsGpsLocation | Geography | Unknown |
Template | CheckinStyleInitiateWorkflow | chsInitiateWorkflow | Object | Unknown |
Is Matter SubFolder | CheckinStyleIsMatterSubfolder | chsIsMatterSubfolder | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Matter Template | CheckinStyleIsMatterTemplate | chsIsMatterTemplate | Boolean | Unknown |
Jurisdiction | CheckinStyleJurisdiction | chsJurisdiction | Object | Unknown |
Email cleanup style | CheckinStyleMailCleanupStyle | chsMailCleanupStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Make Private | CheckinStyleMakePrivate | chsMakePrivate | Boolean | Unknown |
Matter record | CheckinStyleMatter | chsMatter | Object | Unknown |
Name | CheckinStyleName | chsName | String | Unknown |
Record Type | CheckinStyleRecordType | chsRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Retention schedule | CheckinStyleRetentionSchedule | chsRetentionSchedule | Object | Unknown |
Security | CheckinStyleSecurity | chsSecurity | String | Unknown |
If possible, display a data entry form for new records | CheckinStyleShowDataEntryForm | chsShowDataEntryForm | Boolean | Unknown |
Style Owner | CheckinStyleStyleOwner | chsStyleOwner | Object | Unknown |
Matter Sub Folder record type | CheckinStyleSubFolderRecordType | chsSubFolderRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Automatically create server-side document capture folders | CheckinStyleUseForServerDocCapture | chsUseForServerDocCapture | Boolean | Unknown |
Automatically create server-side email capture folders | CheckinStyleUseForServerMailCapture | chsUseForServerMailCapture | Boolean | Unknown |
Folder Type for automatically created server-side email capture folder | CheckinStyleUseForServerMailFolderType | chsUseForServerMailFolderType | Enum | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | ClassificationAccessControl | plnAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | ClassificationActiveDescription | plnActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | ClassificationActiveFrom | plnActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | ClassificationActiveTo | plnActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Approver | ClassificationApprover | plnApprover | Object | ClassificationApprover |
Can Attach Records | ClassificationCanAttachRecords | plnCanAttachRecords | Boolean | Unknown |
Last Sub classification number | ClassificationChildLastNumber | plnChildLastNumber | String | Unknown |
Sub classification Pattern | ClassificationChildPattern | plnChildPattern | String | Unknown |
Record Class | ClassificationClassOfRecord | plnClassOfRecord | Enum | ClassificationClass |
Auto-Classification will Create Containers | ClassificationContainerCreation | plnContainerCreation | Boolean | Unknown |
Container Date Range Interval | ClassificationContainerDateInterval | plnContainerDateInterval | Enum | Unknown |
Use Container Date Ranges | ClassificationContainerHasDateRange | plnContainerHasDateRange | Boolean | Unknown |
One Container Per Owner | ClassificationContainerPerOwner | plnContainerPerOwner | Boolean | Unknown |
One Container Per User Field Value | ClassificationContainerPerUserField | plnContainerPerUserField | Object | Unknown |
Container Size Threshold | ClassificationContainerSizeThreshold | plnContainerSizeThreshold | Number | Unknown |
record type for Auto-Classification container | ClassificationContainerType | plnContainerType | Object | Unknown |
Default Record Access | ClassificationCopiedAccessControl | plnCopiedAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Default jurisdiction | ClassificationDefaultJurisdiction | plnDefaultJurisdiction | Object | Unknown |
Home | ClassificationHomeLocation | plnHomeLocation | Object | ClassificationHome |
Number | ClassificationIdNumber | plnIdNumber | String | ClassificationNumber |
Expanded Number | ClassificationIdNumberUncompressed | plnIdNumberUncompressed | String | ClassificationNumberx |
IDOL Category ID | ClassificationIdolCategory | plnIdolCategory | BigNumber | Unknown |
Active? | ClassificationIsActive | plnIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Approved | ClassificationIsApproved | plnIsApproved | Boolean | ClassificationApproved |
Level Number | ClassificationLevelNumber | plnLevelNumber | String | Unknown |
Expanded Level Number | ClassificationLevelNumberUncompressed | plnLevelNumberUncompressed | String | Unknown |
Minumum Confidence Level | ClassificationMinimumConfidenceLevel | plnMinimumConfidenceLevel | Number | Unknown |
Name | ClassificationName | plnName | String | ClassificationName |
Notes | ClassificationNotes | plnNotes | String | Unknown |
Numbering requires manual input | ClassificationNumberingIsManual | plnNumberingIsManual | Boolean | Unknown |
Classification Details | ClassificationNumberPlusName | plnNumberPlusName | String | Unknown |
Owner | ClassificationOwnerLocation | plnOwnerLocation | Object | ClassificationOwner |
Parent classification | ClassificationParentClassification | plnParentClassification | Object | ClassificationParent |
Holding Bay For records requiring automatic classification | ClassificationPendingAutoClassification | plnPendingAutoClassification | Boolean | ClassificationPendingAuto |
Policy Center Solution GUID | ClassificationPolicyCentreGUID | plnPolicyCentreGUID | String | Unknown |
Exclude from Auto-Classification | ClassificationPreventAutoClassification | plnPreventAutoClassification | Boolean | Unknown |
Last record number | ClassificationRecordLastNumber | plnRecordLastNumber | String | Unknown |
Record Pattern | ClassificationRecordPattern | plnRecordPattern | String | Unknown |
Retention schedule | ClassificationRetentionSchedule | plnRetentionSchedule | Object | ClassificationSchedule |
Record Security | ClassificationSecurity | plnSecurity | String | Unknown |
Classification title | ClassificationTitle | plnTitle | String | ClassificationTitle |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Date Of Communication | CommunicationDated | cmmDated | Datetime | CommunicationDated |
Description | CommunicationDescription | cmmDescription | String | Unknown |
Direction | CommunicationDirection | cmmDirection | Enum | CommunicationDirection |
Medium | CommunicationMedium | cmmMedium | Enum | CommunicationMedium |
Recipients | CommunicationRecipients | cmmRecipients | String | Unknown |
Record | CommunicationRecord | cmmRecord | Object | CommunicationRecord |
Sender | CommunicationSender | cmmSender | String | Unknown |
Record is viewable | CommunicationViewable | cmmViewable | Boolean | CommunicationViewable |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Transfer Acknowledgement Date | ConsignmentAckTransferDate | conAckTransferDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Allow Selection Of records On Hold | ConsignmentAllowOnHold | conAllowOnHold | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow Selection Outside Schedule | ConsignmentAllowOutsideSchedule | conAllowOutsideSchedule | Boolean | Unknown |
Responsible Archivist | ConsignmentArchivist | conArchivist | Object | Unknown |
Consignment approvers need authentication | ConsignmentAuthenticateApprovals | conAuthenticateApprovals | Boolean | Unknown |
Render records to long term storage format (PDF) | ConsignmentAutoRenderToPDF | conAutoRenderToPDF | Boolean | Unknown |
Cutoff Date | ConsignmentCutoffDate | conCutoffDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Approval Complete | ConsignmentDateApproved | conDateApproved | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Auto Examination Complete | ConsignmentDateAutoExamined | conDateAutoExamined | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Rejected | ConsignmentDateRejected | conDateRejected | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Review Complete | ConsignmentDateReviewed | conDateReviewed | Datetime | Unknown |
Description | ConsignmentDescription | conDescription | String | Unknown |
Disposal Date | ConsignmentDisposalDate | conDisposalDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Disposal Method | ConsignmentDisposalMethod | conDisposalMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Consignment needs approval | ConsignmentDoApprovals | conDoApprovals | Boolean | Unknown |
Filter String | ConsignmentFilterString | conFilterString | String | Unknown |
Is Complete | ConsignmentIsComplete | conIsComplete | Boolean | Unknown |
Log record | ConsignmentLogRecord | conLogRecord | Object | Unknown |
Number of approvers | ConsignmentNbrApprovers | conNbrApprovers | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of approvers who have not completed approval | ConsignmentNbrApproversPending | conNbrApproversPending | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records where disposal failed | ConsignmentNbrDisposalErrors | conNbrDisposalErrors | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records disposed | ConsignmentNbrDisposed | conNbrDisposed | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of disposal issues requiring resolution | ConsignmentNbrIssuesNow | conNbrIssuesNow | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records currently in the consignment | ConsignmentNbrRecordsNow | conNbrRecordsNow | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records originally selected for the consignment | ConsignmentNbrRecordsStart | conNbrRecordsStart | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records rejected | ConsignmentNbrRejected | conNbrRejected | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of rejected records requiring confirmation | ConsignmentNbrRejectedNeedConfirm | conNbrRejectedNeedConfirm | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of records removed | ConsignmentNbrRemoved | conNbrRemoved | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number | ConsignmentNumber | conNumber | String | Unknown |
Only Selected Scheduled Disposals | ConsignmentOnlyScheduledDisposal | conOnlyScheduledDisposal | Boolean | Unknown |
Request Owner Approval | ConsignmentOwnerApproval | conOwnerApproval | Boolean | Unknown |
Query String | ConsignmentQueryString | conQueryString | String | Unknown |
Use top container selection style | ConsignmentSelectingTopContainers | conSelectingTopContainers | Boolean | Unknown |
Consignment approvals need to be digitally signed | ConsignmentSignedApprovals | conSignedApprovals | Boolean | Unknown |
Status | ConsignmentStatus | conStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Transfer To location | ConsignmentTransferLocation | conTransferLocation | Object | Unknown |
Use Owner Administrator For Approval | ConsignmentUseOwnerAdminForApproval | conUseOwnerAdminForApproval | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Waiting For Transfer Acknowledgement | ConsignmentWaitingAcknowledgement | conWaitingAcknowledgement | Boolean | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Details of signed approval document | ConsignmentApproverApprovalDocumentDetails | coaApprovalDocumentDetails | String | Unknown |
Date Completed | ConsignmentApproverApprovedOn | coaApprovedOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Approver | ConsignmentApproverApprover | coaApprover | Object | Unknown |
Consignment | ConsignmentApproverConsignment | coaConsignment | Object | Unknown |
Date last modified of signed approval document | ConsignmentApproverDateModified | coaDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Approver description | ConsignmentApproverDescription | coaDescription | String | Unknown |
File size (bytes) of signed approval document | ConsignmentApproverDocumentSize | coaDocumentSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
File type of signed approval document | ConsignmentApproverExtension | coaExtension | String | Unknown |
Approver is an owner | ConsignmentApproverIsOwner | coaIsOwner | Boolean | Unknown |
Last email notification sent | ConsignmentApproverLastNotification | coaLastNotification | Datetime | Unknown |
Reason for rejecting all records | ConsignmentApproverReasonAllRejected | coaReasonAllRejected | String | Unknown |
Status | ConsignmentApproverStatus | coaStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Document Store for signed approval | ConsignmentApproverStore | coaStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID of signed approval document | ConsignmentApproverStoreID | coaStoreID | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Consignment | ConsignmentIssueConsignment | cisConsignment | Object | Unknown |
Description | ConsignmentIssueDescription | cisDescription | String | Unknown |
Issue ID | ConsignmentIssueIssueId | cisIssueId | Number | Unknown |
Issue Type | ConsignmentIssueIssueType | cisIssueType | Enum | Unknown |
Within Consignment Record | ConsignmentIssueParentRecord | cisParentRecord | Object | Unknown |
Issue record | ConsignmentIssueRecord | cisRecord | Object | Unknown |
Reviewer | ConsignmentIssueReviewer | cisReviewer | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Approver | ConsignmentRejectionApprover | crjApprover | Object | Unknown |
Consignment | ConsignmentRejectionConsignment | crjConsignment | Object | Unknown |
Rejection description | ConsignmentRejectionDescription | crjDescription | String | Unknown |
Rejection Confirmed? | ConsignmentRejectionIsConfirmed | crjIsConfirmed | Boolean | Unknown |
Record date closed | ConsignmentRejectionRecDateClosed | crjRecDateClosed | Datetime | Unknown |
Record date last updated | ConsignmentRejectionRecDateLastUpdated | crjRecDateLastUpdated | Datetime | Unknown |
Record | ConsignmentRejectionRecord | crjRecord | Object | Unknown |
Record Type | ConsignmentRejectionRecRecType | crjRecRecType | Object | Unknown |
Record title | ConsignmentRejectionRecTitle | crjRecTitle | String | Unknown |
Date Rejected | ConsignmentRejectionRejectedOn | crjRejectedOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Reason for rejection | ConsignmentRejectionRejectReason | crjRejectReason | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Allow Automatic Processing | DocumentQueueAllowAutomaticProcessing | dcqAllowAutomaticProcessing | Boolean | DocumentQueueAuto |
Display Document in Viewer When Processing | DocumentQueueAutoViewDocuments | dcqAutoViewDocuments | Boolean | Unknown |
Check For linked documents | DocumentQueueCheckLinks | dcqCheckLinks | Boolean | Unknown |
Default classification | DocumentQueueClassification | dcqClassification | Object | Unknown |
Confirm Check In Action | DocumentQueueConfirmCheckIn | dcqConfirmCheckIn | Boolean | Unknown |
Default container | DocumentQueueContainer | dcqContainer | Object | DocumentQueueContainer |
Display Data Entry Form for New records | DocumentQueueDisplayEntryForm | dcqDisplayEntryForm | Boolean | Unknown |
Document Update Style | DocumentQueueDocumentUpdateStyle | dcqDocumentUpdateStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Email Update Style | DocumentQueueEmailUpdateStyle | dcqEmailUpdateStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Ignore Original Documents | DocumentQueueIgnoreOriginals | dcqIgnoreOriginals | Boolean | Unknown |
Last Processed On | DocumentQueueLastProcessed | dcqLastProcessed | Datetime | Unknown |
Location | DocumentQueueLocation | dcqLocation | String | DocumentQueueLocation |
Location | DocumentQueueLocationDisplay | dcqLocationDisplay | String | Unknown |
Machine | DocumentQueueMachine | dcqMachine | String | DocumentQueueMachine |
Name | DocumentQueueName | dcqName | String | DocumentQueueName |
Notes | DocumentQueueNotes | dcqNotes | String | Unknown |
Type | DocumentQueueQueueType | dcqQueueType | Enum | DocumentQueueType |
Default Record Type | DocumentQueueRecordType | dcqRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Select Files Filter | DocumentQueueSelectFilter | dcqSelectFilter | String | Unknown |
Show Binary Files | DocumentQueueShowBinaryFiles | dcqShowBinaryFiles | Boolean | Unknown |
Show Hidden Files | DocumentQueueShowHiddenFiles | dcqShowHiddenFiles | Boolean | Unknown |
Show Content Manager Reference Files | DocumentQueueShowReferenceFiles | dcqShowReferenceFiles | Boolean | Unknown |
Show Rendition Files | DocumentQueueShowRenditions | dcqShowRenditions | Boolean | Unknown |
Show System Files | DocumentQueueShowSystemFiles | dcqShowSystemFiles | Boolean | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Alert Level | ElectronicStoreAlertLevel | estAlertLevel | Number | Unknown |
AUTN_GROUP for CFS Connector Store | ElectronicStoreAutnGroup | estAutnGroup | String | ElectronicStoreAutnGroup |
Storage Available(compressed) | ElectronicStoreBytesRemaining | estBytesRemaining | BigNumber | Unknown |
Storage Used | ElectronicStoreBytesUsed | estBytesUsed | BigNumber | Unknown |
Maximum Capacity | ElectronicStoreCapacity | estCapacity | BigNumber | Unknown |
Compress | ElectronicStoreCompress | estCompress | Boolean | Unknown |
Default Last Access Date For Documents | ElectronicStoreDefaultAccessDate | estDefaultAccessDate | Datetime | ElectronicStoreAccessDate |
Default For | ElectronicStoreDefaultFor | estDefaultFor | String | Unknown |
Delete Retry Requests Queued | ElectronicStoreDeleteRetriesQueued | estDeleteRetriesQueued | BigNumber | Unknown |
Deployment Status | ElectronicStoreDeploymentStatus | estDeploymentStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Encrypt | ElectronicStoreEncrypt | estEncrypt | Boolean | Unknown |
External Store Configuration | ElectronicStoreExternalConfig | estExternalConfig | String | Unknown |
External Store ProgID | ElectronicStoreExternalProgId | estExternalProgId | String | Unknown |
Files Per Directory | ElectronicStoreFilesPerFolder | estFilesPerFolder | Number | Unknown |
In Storage Pool | ElectronicStoreInPool | estInPool | Boolean | Unknown |
Keep Last Access Date For Documents | ElectronicStoreKeepAccessDates | estKeepAccessDates | Boolean | Unknown |
Store Login | ElectronicStoreLoginName | estLoginName | String | Unknown |
Password | ElectronicStoreLoginPassword | estLoginPassword | String | Unknown |
Maximum Folder Size | ElectronicStoreMaxFolderSize | estMaxFolderSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Name | ElectronicStoreName | estName | String | ElectronicStoreName |
Path/URL | ElectronicStorePath | estPath | String | Unknown |
SEC Compliant | ElectronicStoreSecCompliant | estSecCompliant | Boolean | Unknown |
Storage Tier | ElectronicStoreStorageTier | estStorageTier | Enum | ElectronicStoreTier |
Store Location | ElectronicStoreStoreLocation | estStoreLocation | String | Unknown |
Type | ElectronicStoreStoreType | estStoreType | Enum | ElectronicStoreStoreType |
Update Last Access Date When Document Is Added | ElectronicStoreUpdateAccessDateOnAdd | estUpdateAccessDateOnAdd | Boolean | Unknown |
Read Only | ElectronicStoreWriteProtected | estWriteProtected | Boolean | ElectronicStoreReadonly |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Abbreviation | FieldDefinitionAbbreviation | fldAbbreviation | String | Unknown |
Currency Symbol | FieldDefinitionCurrencySymbol | fldCurrencySymbol | String | Unknown |
Date Time values are UTC | FieldDefinitionDateTimeIsUTC | fldDateTimeIsUTC | Boolean | Unknown |
Default Boolean | FieldDefinitionDefaultBoolean | fldDefaultBoolean | Boolean | Unknown |
Default Currency | FieldDefinitionDefaultCurrency | fldDefaultCurrency | Currency | Unknown |
Default Date | FieldDefinitionDefaultDate | fldDefaultDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Default Decimal | FieldDefinitionDefaultDecimal | fldDefaultDecimal | Decimal | Unknown |
Default Value | FieldDefinitionDefaultDisplay | fldDefaultDisplay | String | Unknown |
Default Internal | FieldDefinitionDefaultInternal | fldDefaultInternal | String | Unknown |
Default Integer | FieldDefinitionDefaultNumber | fldDefaultNumber | Number | Unknown |
Default String | FieldDefinitionDefaultString | fldDefaultString | String | Unknown |
External ID | FieldDefinitionExternalId | fldExternalId | String | Unknown |
Format | FieldDefinitionFormat | fldFormat | Enum | FieldDefinitionFormat |
Icon | FieldDefinitionIconId | fldIconId | Enum | Unknown |
ID | FieldDefinitionId | fldId | String | Unknown |
Index Null Values | FieldDefinitionIndexNulls | fldIndexNulls | Boolean | Unknown |
Included in the IDOL text group | FieldDefinitionInIDOLtext | fldInIDOLtext | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Searchable | FieldDefinitionIsSearchable | fldIsSearchable | Boolean | FieldDefinitionInIdolSchema |
Used By | FieldDefinitionIsUsedBy | fldIsUsedBy | String | Unknown |
Used By record types | FieldDefinitionIsUsedByRecordTypes | fldIsUsedByRecordTypes | String | Unknown |
View additional field Value | FieldDefinitionIsVisible | fldIsVisible | Boolean | FieldDefinitionVisible |
Maximum Length | FieldDefinitionLength | fldLength | Number | Unknown |
Location Restriction | FieldDefinitionLocationRestriction | fldLocationRestriction | Enum | Unknown |
Lookup Set | FieldDefinitionLookupSet | fldLookupSet | Object | FieldDefinitionLookupSet |
Minimum Value | FieldDefinitionLowerLimit | fldLowerLimit | String | Unknown |
Validation Mask | FieldDefinitionMask | fldMask | String | Unknown |
Name | FieldDefinitionName | fldName | String | FieldDefinitionName |
Notes | FieldDefinitionNotes | fldNotes | String | Unknown |
Content Manager Object Type | FieldDefinitionObjectType | fldObjectType | Enum | Unknown |
Plugin Component ID | FieldDefinitionPluginId | fldPluginId | String | Unknown |
SAP KeySet Field | FieldDefinitionSapKeySetField | fldSapKeySetField | String | Unknown |
Search Clause Name | FieldDefinitionSearchClause | fldSearchClause | String | Unknown |
Search Clause Caption | FieldDefinitionSearchClauseCaption | fldSearchClauseCaption | String | Unknown |
Search Clause Name | FieldDefinitionSearchClauseName | fldSearchClauseName | String | Unknown |
Maximum Value | FieldDefinitionUpperLimit | fldUpperLimit | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
For activity | HistoryActivity | hisActivity | Object | HistoryActivity |
Client IP Address | HistoryClientIPAddress | hisClientIPAddress | String | HistoryClientIPA |
Connection IP Address | HistoryConnectionIPAddress | hisConnectionIPAddress | String | HistoryConnectionIPA |
Event Date | HistoryDoneOn | hisDoneOn | Datetime | HistoryDate |
Event Date (GMT) | HistoryDoneOnGMT | hisDoneOnGMT | Datetime | Unknown |
Event Date (Originator Local Time) | HistoryDoneOnLocal | hisDoneOnLocal | Datetime | Unknown |
Computer Name | HistoryDoneOnMachine | hisDoneOnMachine | String | HistoryComputer |
Event Details | HistoryEventDescription | hisEventDescription | String | Unknown |
Associated Event URI | HistoryEventObject | hisEventObject | Object | Unknown |
Record Event | HistoryEventType | hisEventType | Enum | HistoryType |
Obsolete - Use 'eventObject' property | HistoryEventUri | hisEventUri | Number | Unknown |
For Object Type | HistoryForObjectType | hisForObjectType | Enum | HistoryObjectType |
For Object Uri | HistoryForObjectUri | hisForObjectUri | Object | Unknown |
Is Search Event | HistoryIsSearch | hisIsSearch | Boolean | HistoryIsSearch |
Security Violation | HistoryIsSecurityViolation | hisIsSecurityViolation | Boolean | HistoryBreach |
For location | HistoryLocation | hisLocation | Object | HistoryLocation |
Updated By (Login User Name) | HistoryLogin | hisLogin | String | Unknown |
Updated By | HistoryLoginLocation | hisLoginLocation | Object | HistoryUser |
Moved To location | HistoryMovementLocation | hisMovementLocation | Object | HistoryChangedTo |
Event | HistoryOtherEventType | hisOtherEventType | Enum | HistoryEvent |
Event Details (Unformatted) | HistoryRawEventDescription | hisRawEventDescription | String | Unknown |
For record | HistoryRecord | hisRecord | Object | HistoryRecord |
Search Title | HistorySearchTitle | hisSearchTitle | String | Unknown |
Summary Information (Text) | HistoryTextSummary | hisTextSummary | String | Unknown |
Update Comments | HistoryUpdateComments | hisUpdateComments | String | Unknown |
For workflow | HistoryWorkflow | hisWorkflow | Object | HistoryWorkflow |
Summary Information (XML) | HistoryXmlSummary | hisXmlSummary | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | HoldActiveDescription | lglActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | HoldActiveFrom | lglActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | HoldActiveTo | lglActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Only Affects Disposition Changes | HoldAffectsDispositionOnly | lglAffectsDispositionOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Contact | HoldContact | lglContact | Object | HoldContact |
External ID | HoldExternalId | lglExternalId | String | HoldExternal |
Active? | HoldIsActive | lglIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Hold Title | HoldName | lglName | String | HoldName |
Notes | HoldNotes | lglNotes | String | Unknown |
Search Criteria | HoldSearchCriteria | lglSearchCriteria | String | Unknown |
Search Last Run On | HoldSearchLastRunOn | lglSearchLastRunOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Extension | HtmlLayoutExtension | wwwExtension | String | Unknown |
Object Type | HtmlLayoutForType | wwwForType | Enum | HtmlLayoutType |
Name | HtmlLayoutName | wwwName | String | HtmlLayoutName |
Template | HtmlLayoutTemplate | wwwTemplate | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | JurisdictionActiveDescription | jrsActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | JurisdictionActiveFrom | jrsActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | JurisdictionActiveTo | jrsActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Comments | JurisdictionComments | jrsComments | String | Unknown |
Description | JurisdictionDescription | jrsDescription | String | Unknown |
Active? | JurisdictionIsActive | jrsIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Jurisdiction Type | JurisdictionJurisdictionType | jrsJurisdictionType | Enum | Unknown |
Member jurisdictions | JurisdictionMembers | jrsMembers | String | Unknown |
Short Name | JurisdictionName | jrsName | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | KeywordAccessControl | thsAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | KeywordActiveDescription | thsActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | KeywordActiveFrom | thsActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | KeywordActiveTo | thsActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Flags | KeywordEnablerFlags | thsEnablerFlags | String | Unknown |
Has Any Relationships | KeywordHasRelatedKeywords | thsHasRelatedKeywords | Boolean | Unknown |
Identification Number | KeywordIdentificationNumber | thsIdentificationNumber | String | Unknown |
Active? | KeywordIsActive | thsIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Primary Term | KeywordIsAPrimaryTerm | thsIsAPrimaryTerm | Boolean | KeywordPrimary |
Is Forbidden | KeywordIsForbidden | thsIsForbidden | Boolean | KeywordForbidden |
Is Node Label | KeywordIsNodeLabel | thsIsNodeLabel | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Prompt | KeywordIsPrompt | thsIsPrompt | Boolean | Unknown |
Term | KeywordName | thsName | String | KeywordName |
Notes | KeywordNotes | thsNotes | String | Unknown |
Source Authority | KeywordSource | thsSource | String | KeywordSource |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | LocationAccessControl | locAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | LocationActiveDescription | locActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | LocationActiveFrom | locActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | LocationActiveTo | locActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Content Manager Barcode | LocationActualBarcode | locActualBarcode | String | Unknown |
Additional Network Login | LocationAdditionalLogin | locAdditionalLogin | String | Unknown |
Administrator | LocationAdministrator | locAdministrator | Object | Unknown |
Home Phone | LocationAfterHoursPhoneNumber | locAfterHoursPhoneNumber | String | Unknown |
All Administrators | LocationAllAdministrators | locAllAdministrators | String | Unknown |
All Members | LocationAllMembers | locAllMembers | String | Unknown |
All Memberships | LocationAllMemberships | locAllMemberships | String | Unknown |
All Memberships (Expanded) | LocationAllMembershipsRecursive | locAllMembershipsRecursive | String | Unknown |
Direct delivery to requestor | LocationCanDeliverDirect | locCanDeliverDirect | Boolean | Unknown |
Accepting Logins | LocationCanLogin | locCanLogin | Boolean | Unknown |
Committee | LocationCommittee | locCommittee | Object | Unknown |
Request Cut-off Time | LocationCutoffTime | locCutoffTime | Number | Unknown |
Date Of Birth | LocationDateOfBirth | locDateOfBirth | Date | LocationDob |
Default jurisdiction | LocationDefaultJurisdiction | locDefaultJurisdiction | Object | Unknown |
Only deliver containers | LocationDeliverContainersOnly | locDeliverContainersOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Delivery Location | LocationDeliveryLocation | locDeliveryLocation | Object | Unknown |
Email Address | LocationEmailAddress | locEmailAddress | String | LocationEmail |
Fax | LocationFaxNumber | locFaxNumber | String | Unknown |
First Initial | LocationFirstInitial | locFirstInitial | String | Unknown |
Foreign Barcode | LocationForeignBarcode | locForeignBarcode | String | Unknown |
Dear ... (formal) | LocationFormalPreamble | locFormalPreamble | String | Unknown |
Address | LocationFormattedAddress | locFormattedAddress | String | Unknown |
Address (ISO) | LocationFormattedAddressISO | locFormattedAddressISO | String | Unknown |
Display Name | LocationFormattedName | locFormattedName | String | Unknown |
Full Description | LocationFullFormattedName | locFullFormattedName | String | Unknown |
Functions | LocationFunctionsString | locFunctionsString | String | Unknown |
Gender | LocationGenderValue | locGenderValue | Enum | Unknown |
First Names | LocationGivenNames | locGivenNames | String | LocationGivenNames |
GPS Location | LocationGpsLocation | locGpsLocation | Geography | Unknown |
Has A Valid Login | LocationHasAValidLogin | locHasAValidLogin | Boolean | Unknown |
Holding organization Name | LocationHoldingOrganizationName | locHoldingOrganizationName | String | Unknown |
Home Dataset | LocationHomeDataset | locHomeDataset | String | Unknown |
Title | LocationHonorific | locHonorific | String | Unknown |
ID Number | LocationIdNumber | locIdNumber | String | LocationId |
Dear ... (informal) | LocationInformalPreamble | locInformalPreamble | String | Unknown |
Initials | LocationInitials | locInitials | String | LocationInitials |
Internet Email Address | LocationInternetMailAddress | locInternetMailAddress | String | Unknown |
Active? | LocationIsActive | locIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Visitor Login | LocationIsVisitor | locIsVisitor | Boolean | Unknown |
Internal | LocationIsWithin | locIsWithin | Boolean | LocationInternal |
Job Title | LocationJobDescription | locJobDescription | String | Unknown |
Keep Address History | LocationKeepAddressHistory | locKeepAddressHistory | Boolean | Unknown |
LDAP Synch Distinguished Name | LocationLdapSynchDN | locLdapSynchDN | String | Unknown |
LDAP Synch Enabled | LocationLdapSynchEnabled | locLdapSynchEnabled | Boolean | Unknown |
LDAP Synch Date Last Updated | LocationLdapSynchLastUpdated | locLdapSynchLastUpdated | Datetime | Unknown |
User Type | LocationLoginDetails | locLoginDetails | String | Unknown |
Login Expires On | LocationLoginExpires | locLoginExpires | Datetime | Unknown |
Network Login | LocationLogsInAs | locLogsInAs | String | Unknown |
Honorific (Long Form) | LocationLongHonorific | locLongHonorific | String | Unknown |
Mobile Phone | LocationMobileNumber | locMobileNumber | String | LocationMobile |
Unique Name | LocationNickName | locNickName | String | LocationUnique |
Notes | LocationNotes | locNotes | String | Unknown |
Old Mailing Addresses | LocationOldPostalAddresses | locOldPostalAddresses | String | Unknown |
Old Mailing Addresses (ISO) | LocationOldPostalAddressesISO | locOldPostalAddressesISO | String | Unknown |
Old Street Addresses | LocationOldStreetAddresses | locOldStreetAddresses | String | Unknown |
Old Street Addresses (ISO) | LocationOldStreetAddressesISO | locOldStreetAddressesISO | String | Unknown |
Business Phone | LocationPhoneNumber | locPhoneNumber | String | LocationBusinessPhone |
Position | LocationPosition | locPosition | Object | Unknown |
Mailing Address | LocationPostalAddress | locPostalAddress | String | Unknown |
Mailing Address (ISO) | LocationPostalAddressISO | locPostalAddressISO | String | Unknown |
Suffix | LocationPostNominal | locPostNominal | String | Unknown |
Project Team | LocationProjectTeam | locProjectTeam | Object | Unknown |
Container For storage provider Logs | LocationProviderContainer | locProviderContainer | Object | Unknown |
Record Type For storage provider Logs | LocationProviderLogRecordType | locProviderLogRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Request Response Time (Priority: high) | LocationRequestResponseHigh | locRequestResponseHigh | BigNumber | Unknown |
Request Response Time (Priority: low) | LocationRequestResponseLow | locRequestResponseLow | BigNumber | Unknown |
Request Response Time (Priority: medium) | LocationRequestResponseMedium | locRequestResponseMedium | BigNumber | Unknown |
Requests need approval | LocationRequestsNeedApproval | locRequestsNeedApproval | Boolean | Unknown |
Review Date | LocationReviewDate | locReviewDate | Datetime | LocationReview |
Salutation | LocationSalutation | locSalutation | String | Unknown |
Security Keys | LocationSecurityKeys | locSecurityKeys | String | Unknown |
Security | LocationSecurityString | locSecurityString | String | Unknown |
Name | LocationSortName | locSortName | String | LocationSortName |
Street Address | LocationStreetAddress | locStreetAddress | String | Unknown |
Street Address (ISO) | LocationStreetAddressISO | locStreetAddressISO | String | Unknown |
Supervisor | LocationSupervisor | locSupervisor | Object | Unknown |
Last Name | LocationSurname | locSurname | String | LocationSurname |
Last Name (No Prefix) | LocationSurnameNoPrefix | locSurnameNoPrefix | String | Unknown |
Last Name Prefix | LocationSurnamePrefix | locSurnamePrefix | String | LocationSurnamePrefix |
Location Type | LocationTypeOfLocation | locTypeOfLocation | Enum | LocationType |
Organization | LocationUnit | locUnit | Object | Unknown |
Use Address Of | LocationUseAddressOf | locUseAddressOf | Object | LocationUsingAddressOf |
Use For Statistical Aggregations | LocationUsedForStatistics | locUsedForStatistics | Boolean | Unknown |
Use Profile Of | LocationUseProfileOf | locUseProfileOf | Object | Unknown |
User License Type | LocationUserLicenseType | locUserLicenseType | Enum | Unknown |
User Type | LocationUserType | locUserType | Enum | Unknown |
View Pane ID | LocationViewPaneId | locViewPaneId | String | Unknown |
Web Page | LocationWebPage | locWebPage | String | Unknown |
Workgroup | LocationWorkgroup | locWorkgroup | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | LookupSetAccessControl | cdsAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Icon | LookupSetIconId | cdsIconId | Enum | Unknown |
Used By additional fields | LookupSetIsUsedByAdditionalFields | cdsIsUsedByAdditionalFields | String | Unknown |
Item display style | LookupSetItemDisplayStyle | cdsItemDisplayStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Items have comments | LookupSetItemsHaveComments | cdsItemsHaveComments | Boolean | Unknown |
Items are hierarchical | LookupSetItemsHaveHierarchy | cdsItemsHaveHierarchy | Boolean | Unknown |
Items have a long value | LookupSetItemsHaveLongValue | cdsItemsHaveLongValue | Boolean | Unknown |
Items have a short value | LookupSetItemsHaveShortValue | cdsItemsHaveShortValue | Boolean | Unknown |
Long Value length | LookupSetLongValueMaxLength | cdsLongValueMaxLength | Number | Unknown |
Type | LookupSetLookupSetType | cdsLookupSetType | Enum | LookupSetType |
Lookup Set | LookupSetName | cdsName | String | LookupSetName |
Notes | LookupSetNotes | cdsNotes | String | Unknown |
Only apply items at lowest level | LookupSetOnlySelectLowestLevel | cdsOnlySelectLowestLevel | Boolean | Unknown |
Short value is a number | LookupSetShortValueIsNumeric | cdsShortValueIsNumeric | Boolean | Unknown |
Short Value length | LookupSetShortValueMaxLength | cdsShortValueMaxLength | Number | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Attach Reference | MailTemplateAttachReference | mtmAttachReference | Boolean | Unknown |
Content Template | MailTemplateContentTemplate | mtmContentTemplate | String | Unknown |
Mail Event Type | MailTemplateForEventType | mtmForEventType | Enum | MailTemplateType |
Object Property ID | MailTemplateForPropertyId | mtmForPropertyId | Enum | Unknown |
Recipient Property ID | MailTemplateForRecipientPropertyId | mtmForRecipientPropertyId | Enum | Unknown |
Recipient Field | MailTemplateForRecipientUserDefinedField | mtmForRecipientUserDefinedField | Object | Unknown |
Recipients With Value | MailTemplateForRecipientWithValue | mtmForRecipientWithValue | String | Unknown |
Object Field | MailTemplateForUserDefinedField | mtmForUserDefinedField | Object | Unknown |
Template Name | MailTemplateName | mtmName | String | MailTemplateName |
Objects Selected | MailTemplateObjectsSelected | mtmObjectsSelected | String | Unknown |
Recipients Selected | MailTemplateRecipientsSelected | mtmRecipientsSelected | String | Unknown |
Content Manager Object Type | MailTemplateRelatingToObjectType | mtmRelatingToObjectType | Enum | Unknown |
Reply To | MailTemplateReplyTo | mtmReplyTo | String | Unknown |
Subject Template | MailTemplateSubjectTemplate | mtmSubjectTemplate | String | Unknown |
Use HTML Format | MailTemplateUseHTMLformat | mtmUseHTMLformat | Boolean | Unknown |
Objects With Value | MailTemplateWithValue | mtmWithValue | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Agenda Issue Date | MeetingAgendaIssueDate | mtgAgendaIssueDate | Datetime | MeetingIssue |
Agenda Open | MeetingAgendaOpen | mtgAgendaOpen | Boolean | MeetingOpen |
Agenda | MeetingAgendaRecord | mtgAgendaRecord | Object | MeetingAgenda |
Apologies | MeetingApologies | mtgApologies | String | Unknown |
Attendees | MeetingAttendees | mtgAttendees | String | Unknown |
Chair | MeetingChair | mtgChair | Object | Unknown |
Invitations | MeetingInvitations | mtgInvitations | String | Unknown |
Meeting Date | MeetingMeetingDate | mtgMeetingDate | Datetime | MeetingDate |
Meeting Duration | MeetingMeetingDuration | mtgMeetingDuration | Number | Unknown |
Meeting Place | MeetingMeetingPlace | mtgMeetingPlace | Object | MeetingPlace |
Meeting Type | MeetingMeetingType | mtgMeetingType | Object | MeetingType |
Minutes | MeetingMinutesRecord | mtgMinutesRecord | Object | MeetingMinutes |
Meeting Name | MeetingName | mtgName | String | MeetingName |
Notes | MeetingNotes | mtgNotes | String | Unknown |
Pending | MeetingPending | mtgPending | Boolean | MeetingPending |
Submission Cutoff Date | MeetingSubmissionsCutoffDate | mtgSubmissionsCutoffDate | Datetime | MeetingCutoff |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Agenda classification | MeetingTypeAgendaClassification | mgmAgendaClassification | Object | Unknown |
Agenda Container | MeetingTypeAgendaContainer | mgmAgendaContainer | Object | Unknown |
Agenda record type | MeetingTypeAgendaRecordType | mgmAgendaRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Agenda Template Document Last Modified | MeetingTypeAtDocDateModified | mgmAtDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Agenda Template Document Extension | MeetingTypeAtDocExtension | mgmAtDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Agenda Template Document Size (Bytes) | MeetingTypeAtDocSize | mgmAtDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Agenda Template document store | MeetingTypeAtDocStore | mgmAtDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Agenda Template document store ID | MeetingTypeAtDocStoreId | mgmAtDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Scheduled To | MeetingTypeLatestMeeting | mgmLatestMeeting | Datetime | Unknown |
Meeting Occurs | MeetingTypeMeeetingFrequencyDesc | mgmMeeetingFrequencyDesc | String | Unknown |
Meeting Duration | MeetingTypeMeetingDuration | mgmMeetingDuration | Number | Unknown |
Meeting Frequency | MeetingTypeMeetingFrequency | mgmMeetingFrequency | Number | Unknown |
Meeting Frequency Type | MeetingTypeMeetingFrequencyType | mgmMeetingFrequencyType | Enum | Unknown |
Meeting Place | MeetingTypeMeetingPlace | mgmMeetingPlace | Object | MeetingTypePlace |
Meeting Snap Day | MeetingTypeMeetingSnapDay | mgmMeetingSnapDay | Enum | Unknown |
Meeting Snap Day Count | MeetingTypeMeetingSnapDayCount | mgmMeetingSnapDayCount | Number | Unknown |
Meeting Time | MeetingTypeMeetingTime | mgmMeetingTime | Number | Unknown |
Minute Template Document Last Modified | MeetingTypeMtDocDateModified | mgmMtDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Minute Template Document Extension | MeetingTypeMtDocExtension | mgmMtDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Minute Template Document Size (Bytes) | MeetingTypeMtDocSize | mgmMtDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Minute Template document store | MeetingTypeMtDocStore | mgmMtDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Minute Template document store ID | MeetingTypeMtDocStoreId | mgmMtDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Meeting Name | MeetingTypeName | mgmName | String | MeetingTypeName |
Next meeting | MeetingTypeNextMeeting | mgmNextMeeting | Datetime | Unknown |
Notes | MeetingTypeNotes | mgmNotes | String | Unknown |
Submissions Cutoff Amount | MeetingTypeSubmissionCutoff | mgmSubmissionCutoff | Number | Unknown |
Submissions Cutoff | MeetingTypeSubmissionCutoffDesc | mgmSubmissionCutoffDesc | String | Unknown |
Submissions Cutoff Interval | MeetingTypeSubmissionCutoffInterval | mgmSubmissionCutoffInterval | Enum | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Condition Test | MetadataRuleConditionExpression | metConditionExpression | String | Unknown |
Warning Only | MetadataRuleIsWarning | metIsWarning | Boolean | Unknown |
Message | MetadataRuleMessage | metMessage | String | Unknown |
Object Type | MetadataRuleObjectType | metObjectType | Enum | Unknown |
Warning Only | MetadataRuleOnlyForNew | metOnlyForNew | Boolean | Unknown |
Validation Test | MetadataRuleValidationExpression | metValidationExpression | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Description | MinuteItemDescription | mniDescription | String | MinuteItemName |
Document Last Modified | MinuteItemDocDateModified | mniDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Document Extension | MinuteItemDocExtension | mniDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Document Size (Bytes) | MinuteItemDocSize | mniDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Document Store | MinuteItemDocStore | mniDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID | MinuteItemDocStoreId | mniDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Is Motion | MinuteItemIsMotion | mniIsMotion | Boolean | MinuteItemMotion |
Minute Item Type | MinuteItemItemType | mniItemType | Object | MinuteItemType |
Meeting | MinuteItemMeeting | mniMeeting | Object | MinuteItemMeeting |
Item Order Number | MinuteItemMinuteItemOrderNumber | mniMinuteItemOrderNumber | Number | MinuteItemOrder |
Outcome | MinuteItemOutcome | mniOutcome | Enum | MinuteItemOutcome |
For agenda item | MinuteItemParentAgendaItem | mniParentAgendaItem | Object | MinuteItemAgenda |
Proposed By | MinuteItemProposedBy | mniProposedBy | Object | MinuteItemProposer |
Seconded By | MinuteItemSecondedBy | mniSecondedBy | Object | MinuteItemSeconder |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Document Last Modified | MinuteItemTypeDocDateModified | mitDocDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Document Extension | MinuteItemTypeDocExtension | mitDocExtension | String | Unknown |
Document Size (Bytes) | MinuteItemTypeDocSize | mitDocSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Document Store | MinuteItemTypeDocStore | mitDocStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID | MinuteItemTypeDocStoreId | mitDocStoreId | String | Unknown |
Minute Item Type Name | MinuteItemTypeName | mitName | String | MinuteItemTypeName |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Description | NotificationDescription | ntfDescription | String | Unknown |
Event Date | NotificationEventDate | ntfEventDate | Datetime | NotificationEventDate |
Event Type | NotificationEventType | ntfEventType | Enum | NotificationEventType |
Object Type | NotificationObjectType | ntfObjectType | Enum | NotificationObjectType |
Object Unique Identifier | NotificationObjectUri | ntfObjectUri | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Author | OfflineRecordAuthorName | offAuthorName | String | Unknown |
Is Flagged for Automatic Check In | OfflineRecordAutoCheckin | offAutoCheckin | Boolean | Unknown |
Number Of Contained Items | OfflineRecordContainedItemsCount | offContainedItemsCount | Number | Unknown |
Container (Offline) | OfflineRecordContainer | offContainer | Object | OfflineRecordContainer |
Container | OfflineRecordContainerRecord | offContainerRecord | Object | Unknown |
Container title | OfflineRecordContainerTitle | offContainerTitle | String | Unknown |
Checked Out On | OfflineRecordDateCheckedOut | offDateCheckedOut | Datetime | Unknown |
Created On | OfflineRecordDateCreated | offDateCreated | Datetime | Unknown |
Modified On | OfflineRecordDateModified | offDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Modified When Checked Out | OfflineRecordDateModifiedAtCheckout | offDateModifiedAtCheckout | Datetime | Unknown |
Extension | OfflineRecordExtension | offExtension | String | OfflineRecordExtension |
File Name (on Disk) | OfflineRecordFileName | offFileName | String | Unknown |
File Type | OfflineRecordFileType | offFileType | String | Unknown |
Full File Name (on Disk) | OfflineRecordFullFileName | offFullFileName | String | Unknown |
Is A Document | OfflineRecordIsADocument | offIsADocument | Boolean | Unknown |
Is A Folder | OfflineRecordIsAFolder | offIsAFolder | Boolean | Unknown |
Revision | OfflineRecordNextRevision | offNextRevision | Number | Unknown |
Record | OfflineRecordRecord | offRecord | Object | Unknown |
Record Number | OfflineRecordRecordNumber | offRecordNumber | String | Unknown |
Record URI | OfflineRecordRecordUri | offRecordUri | Object | Unknown |
Size | OfflineRecordSize | offSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Status | OfflineRecordStatus | offStatus | Enum | OfflineRecordStatus |
Title | OfflineRecordTitle | offTitle | String | OfflineRecordTitle |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Auto Start | OriginAutoStart | ognAutoStart | Boolean | OriginAuto |
Create Containers | OriginContainerCreation | ognContainerCreation | Boolean | Unknown |
Container Date Range Interval | OriginContainerDateInterval | ognContainerDateInterval | Enum | Unknown |
Use Container Date Ranges | OriginContainerHasDateRange | ognContainerHasDateRange | Boolean | Unknown |
One Container Per Owner | OriginContainerPerOwner | ognContainerPerOwner | Boolean | Unknown |
One Container Per User Field Value | OriginContainerPerUserField | ognContainerPerUserField | Object | Unknown |
Container Size Threshold | OriginContainerSizeThreshold | ognContainerSizeThreshold | Number | Unknown |
Container record type | OriginContainerType | ognContainerType | Object | Unknown |
Date Last Loaded | OriginDateLastLoaded | ognDateLastLoaded | Datetime | OriginLoadedOn |
Date Modified | OriginDateModified | ognDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Default author | OriginDefaultAuthor | ognDefaultAuthor | Object | Unknown |
Default classification | OriginDefaultClassification | ognDefaultClassification | Object | Unknown |
Default container | OriginDefaultContainer | ognDefaultContainer | Object | Unknown |
Default creator | OriginDefaultCreator | ognDefaultCreator | Object | Unknown |
Default home | OriginDefaultHomeLocation | ognDefaultHomeLocation | Object | Unknown |
Default owner | OriginDefaultOwnerLocation | ognDefaultOwnerLocation | Object | Unknown |
Default record type | OriginDefaultRecordType | ognDefaultRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Default schedule | OriginDefaultSchedule | ognDefaultSchedule | Object | Unknown |
Extension | OriginExtension | ognExtension | String | Unknown |
Keep Checked Out | OriginKeepCheckedOut | ognKeepCheckedOut | Boolean | Unknown |
Location Match Type | OriginLocationMatching | ognLocationMatching | Enum | Unknown |
Make New Revision | OriginMakeNewRevision | ognMakeNewRevision | Boolean | Unknown |
Name | OriginName | ognName | String | OriginName |
Notes | OriginNotes | ognNotes | String | Unknown |
Source | OriginOriginLocation | ognOriginLocation | String | OriginSource |
Run On Computer | OriginRunsOnMachine | ognRunsOnMachine | String | OriginMachine |
Size | OriginSize | ognSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Store | OriginStore | ognStore | Object | Unknown |
Store ID | OriginStoreId | ognStoreId | String | Unknown |
Processing From | OriginTimeFrom | ognTimeFrom | Number | Unknown |
Processing To | OriginTimeTo | ognTimeTo | Number | Unknown |
Origin Type | OriginTypeOfOrigin | ognTypeOfOrigin | Enum | OriginType |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Date Import Run | OriginHistoryDateRun | oghDateRun | Datetime | OriginHistoryRunOn |
Locations Created | OriginHistoryLocationsCreated | oghLocationsCreated | BigNumber | Unknown |
Location Errors | OriginHistoryLocationsInError | oghLocationsInError | BigNumber | Unknown |
Name | OriginHistoryName | oghName | String | Unknown |
Origin | OriginHistoryOrigin | oghOrigin | Object | OriginHistoryOrigin |
Source | OriginHistoryOriginLocationUsed | oghOriginLocationUsed | String | OriginHistorySource |
Records Created | OriginHistoryRecordsCreated | oghRecordsCreated | BigNumber | Unknown |
Record Errors | OriginHistoryRecordsInError | oghRecordsInError | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Updated | OriginHistoryRecordsUpdated | oghRecordsUpdated | BigNumber | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | RecordAccessControl | recAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Accession Number | RecordAccessionNumber | recAccessionNumber | Number | RecordAccession |
All actions | RecordActions | recActions | String | Unknown |
Addressee | RecordAddressee | recAddressee | Object | Unknown |
Aggregated Disposal Schedule | RecordAggregatedDisposal | recAggregatedDisposal | String | Unknown |
All contacts | RecordAllContacts | recAllContacts | String | Unknown |
All holds | RecordAllHolds | recAllHolds | String | Unknown |
Meetings (All) | RecordAllMeetings | recAllMeetings | String | Unknown |
All Parts | RecordAllParts | recAllParts | String | Unknown |
All to do items | RecordAllTodoItems | recAllTodoItems | String | Unknown |
All Versions | RecordAllVersions | recAllVersions | String | Unknown |
Alternate Contents Count | RecordAlternateContentsCount | recAlternateContentsCount | BigNumber | Unknown |
Alternative container | RecordAlternativeContainer | recAlternativeContainer | Object | Unknown |
Alternative Containers | RecordAlternativeContainers | recAlternativeContainers | String | Unknown |
Alternatively Contains | RecordAlternativeContents | recAlternativeContents | String | Unknown |
Date Due for Archival (Keep) | RecordArchivePermDate | recArchivePermDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Due for Archival (Transfer) | RecordArchiveTransferDate | recArchiveTransferDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Assignee | RecordAssignee | recAssignee | Object | RecordAssignee |
Assignee Status | RecordAssigneeStatus | recAssigneeStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Attached thesaurus terms | RecordAttachedKeywords | recAttachedKeywords | String | Unknown |
Author | RecordAuthor | recAuthor | Object | Unknown |
Authorization Method | RecordAuthorizationMethod | recAuthorizationMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Auto-Classification Confidence Level | RecordAutoClassificationConfidenceLevel | recAutoClassificationConfidenceLevel | Number | Unknown |
Auto Renditions | RecordAutoRenderStatus | recAutoRenderStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Render to PDF after saving | RecordAutoRenderToPDFOnSave | recAutoRenderToPDFOnSave | Boolean | Unknown |
Content Manager Barcode | RecordBarcode | recBarcode | String | Unknown |
Document Template | RecordBlueprintTitle | recBlueprintTitle | Object | Unknown |
Bypass record type Access Controls | RecordBypassRecordTypeAccessControls | recBypassRecordTypeAccessControls | Boolean | Unknown |
Can Use Classification | RecordCanUseClassification | recCanUseClassification | Boolean | RecordCanUseClass |
Checked In By | RecordCheckedInBy | recCheckedInBy | Object | RecordCheckedInBy |
Checked Out On | RecordCheckedOutOn | recCheckedOutOn | Datetime | RecordLockedOn |
Checked Out Path | RecordCheckedOutPath | recCheckedOutPath | String | Unknown |
Checked Out To | RecordCheckedOutTo | recCheckedOutTo | Object | RecordCheckedOutBy |
Classification | RecordClassification | recClassification | Object | RecordClassification |
Record Class | RecordClassOfRecord | recClassOfRecord | Enum | RecordClass |
Client | RecordClient | recClient | Object | Unknown |
Client Name | RecordClientName | recClientName | String | Unknown |
Client Number | RecordClientNumber | recClientNumber | String | Unknown |
Client record | RecordClientRecord | recClientRecord | Object | RecordClientRecord |
Consignment Number | RecordConsignment | recConsignment | String | RecordConsignmentNumber |
Consignment | RecordConsignmentObject | recConsignmentObject | Object | Unknown |
Container | RecordContainer | recContainer | Object | RecordContainer |
Container title | RecordContainerTitle | recContainerTitle | String | Unknown |
Contained records | RecordContents | recContents | String | Unknown |
Content Manager URL | RecordContextURL | recContextURL | String | Unknown |
Email Conversation ID | RecordConversationId | recConversationId | String | RecordConversationId |
Creator | RecordCreator | recCreator | Object | RecordCreator |
CS: Declassify Details | RecordCSdeclassifyDetails | recCSdeclassifyDetails | String | Unknown |
CS: Declassify On | RecordCSdeclassifyOn | recCSdeclassifyOn | Datetime | RecordCS_declassify |
CS: Downgrade Details | RecordCSdowngradeDetails | recCSdowngradeDetails | String | Unknown |
CS: Downgrade On | RecordCSdowngradeOn | recCSdowngradeOn | Datetime | RecordCS_downgrade |
CS: Security Guide Entries | RecordCSguideEntries | recCSguideEntries | String | Unknown |
CS: Security At Registration | RecordCSinitialSecurity | recCSinitialSecurity | String | RecordCS_initial |
CS: Last Reviewed By | RecordCSlastReviewed | recCSlastReviewed | String | Unknown |
CS: Most Recent Update | RecordCSlastUpdateDetails | recCSlastUpdateDetails | String | Unknown |
CS: Initial Security | RecordCSprimordialSecurity | recCSprimordialSecurity | String | Unknown |
CS: Security Details | RecordCSsecurityDetails | recCSsecurityDetails | String | Unknown |
Current action | RecordCurrentAction | recCurrentAction | String | Unknown |
Latest Finalized Version | RecordCurrentVersion | recCurrentVersion | Object | Unknown |
Date Assigned | RecordDateAssigned | recDateAssigned | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Closed | RecordDateClosed | recDateClosed | Datetime | RecordClosedOn |
Date Created | RecordDateCreated | recDateCreated | Datetime | RecordCreatedOn |
Date Due | RecordDateDue | recDateDue | Datetime | RecordDueOn |
Date Declared As Final | RecordDateFinalized | recDateFinalized | Datetime | RecordFinalisedOn |
Date Imported | RecordDateImported | recDateImported | Datetime | RecordImported |
Date Inactive | RecordDateInactive | recDateInactive | Datetime | RecordInactiveOn |
Date Modified | RecordDateModified | recDateModified | Datetime | RecordEditedOn |
Date Published | RecordDatePublished | recDatePublished | Datetime | RecordPublishedOn |
Date Received | RecordDateReceived | recDateReceived | Datetime | RecordReceivedOn |
Date Registered | RecordDateRegistered | recDateRegistered | Datetime | RecordRegisteredOn |
Date Superseded | RecordDateSuperseded | recDateSuperseded | Datetime | RecordSupersededOn |
Date Due for Destruction | RecordDestructionDate | recDestructionDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Date of Disposal | RecordDisposalDate | recDisposalDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Disposal Type | RecordDisposalMethod | recDisposalMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Disposition | RecordDisposition | recDisposition | Enum | RecordDisposition |
Date Of Most Recent Disposition Change | RecordDispositionChangedDate | recDispositionChangedDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Disposal Schedule | RecordDispositionSchedule | recDispositionSchedule | String | Unknown |
Document Attach is Pending | RecordDocumentAttachPending | recDocumentAttachPending | Boolean | Unknown |
Document Details | RecordDocumentDetails | recDocumentDetails | String | Unknown |
Document Hash | RecordDocumentHash | recDocumentHash | String | Unknown |
Document Last Accessed Date | RecordDocumentLastAccessedDate | recDocumentLastAccessedDate | Datetime | RecordAccessedOn |
Size | RecordDocumentSize | recDocumentSize | BigNumber | RecordDocumentSize |
Edit Status | RecordDocumentStatus | recDocumentStatus | String | Unknown |
Document Type | RecordDocumentType | recDocumentType | String | Unknown |
Editor | RecordEditor | recEditor | Object | Unknown |
Elasticsearch Indexing Metadata (JSON) | RecordElasticMetadataJSON | recElasticMetadataJSON | String | Unknown |
Linked Documents | RecordElinkedDocuments | recElinkedDocuments | String | Unknown |
Used As Link By | RecordElinkOf | recElinkOf | String | Unknown |
Flags | RecordEnablerFlags | recEnablerFlags | String | Unknown |
Source Document | RecordESource | recESource | String | Unknown |
Document Store | RecordEStore | recEStore | Object | RecordStore |
Document Store ID | RecordEStoreId | recEStoreId | String | Unknown |
Extension | RecordExtension | recExtension | String | RecordExtension |
External ID | RecordExternalReference | recExternalReference | String | RecordExternal |
DOS file | RecordFilePath | recFilePath | String | Unknown |
Declare As Final After Saving | RecordFinalizeOnSave | recFinalizeOnSave | Boolean | Unknown |
Folder Origin | RecordFolderOrigin | recFolderOrigin | Object | RecordFolderOrigin |
Foreign Barcode | RecordForeignBarcode | recForeignBarcode | String | Unknown |
Full classification number | RecordFullClassification | recFullClassification | String | Unknown |
Title (Structured Part) | RecordGeneratedTitle | recGeneratedTitle | String | RecordGeneratedTitle |
GPS Location | RecordGpsLocation | recGpsLocation | Geography | Unknown |
Has Email Attachments | RecordHasEmailAttachments | recHasEmailAttachments | Boolean | RecordAttachments |
Is in one or more holds | RecordHasHold | recHasHold | Boolean | RecordHasHold |
Has Links | RecordHasLinkedDocuments | recHasLinkedDocuments | Boolean | Unknown |
Audit Events | RecordHistory | recHistory | String | Unknown |
Home | RecordHomeLocation | recHomeLocation | Object | RecordHome |
Home Status | RecordHomeLocationStatus | recHomeLocationStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Home space | RecordHomeSpace | recHomeSpace | Object | Unknown |
Home space Number | RecordHomeSpaceNumber | recHomeSpaceNumber | String | Unknown |
Content Indexing Metadata (XML) | RecordIdolMetadataXML | recIdolMetadataXML | String | Unknown |
Initiate workflow from | RecordInitiateTemplate | recInitiateTemplate | Object | Unknown |
Checked Out? | RecordIsCheckedOut | recIsCheckedOut | Boolean | Unknown |
Is a container | RecordIsContainer | recIsContainer | Boolean | RecordHasContents |
Is Electronic | RecordIsElectronic | recIsElectronic | Boolean | RecordElectronic |
Enclosed? | RecordIsEnclosed | recIsEnclosed | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Part | RecordIsInPartSeries | recIsInPartSeries | Boolean | Unknown |
Is First Part | RecordIsRootOfPartSeries | recIsRootOfPartSeries | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Shared | RecordIsShared | recIsShared | Boolean | Unknown |
Signature | RecordIsSigned | recIsSigned | Boolean | Unknown |
Jurisdictions | RecordJurisdictions | recJurisdictions | String | Unknown |
All thesaurus terms | RecordKeywords | recKeywords | String | Unknown |
Last Action Date | RecordLastActionDate | recLastActionDate | Datetime | RecordActionedOn |
Latest Part | RecordLastPartRecord | recLastPartRecord | Object | Unknown |
Latest Version | RecordLatestVersion | recLatestVersion | Object | Unknown |
Expanded Number | RecordLongNumber | recLongNumber | String | RecordNumberx |
Date Due for Make Inactive | RecordMakeInactiveDate | recMakeInactiveDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Manual Disposal Date | RecordManualDestructionDate | recManualDestructionDate | Date | Unknown |
Matter Name | RecordMatterName | recMatterName | String | Unknown |
Matter Number | RecordMatterNumber | recMatterNumber | String | Unknown |
Matter record | RecordMatterRecord | recMatterRecord | Object | RecordMatterRecord |
Media Type | RecordMediaType | recMediaType | Enum | RecordMedia |
Meeting (Most Recent) | RecordMeeting | recMeeting | Object | Unknown |
Email Message ID | RecordMessageId | recMessageId | String | RecordMessageId |
Internet Media Type | RecordMimeType | recMimeType | String | RecordMime |
Most Recently Completed Task | RecordMostRecentTask | recMostRecentTask | String | Unknown |
Movement History | RecordMovementHistory | recMovementHistory | String | Unknown |
My Authorization Comments | RecordMyAuthorizationComments | recMyAuthorizationComments | String | Unknown |
My Authorization Complete | RecordMyAuthorizationComplete | recMyAuthorizationComplete | Boolean | Unknown |
My Review Comments | RecordMyReviewComments | recMyReviewComments | String | Unknown |
My Review Complete | RecordMyReviewComplete | recMyReviewComplete | Boolean | Unknown |
Number of Pages | RecordNbrPages | recNbrPages | Number | Unknown |
Needs Authorization | RecordNeedsAuthorization | recNeedsAuthorization | Boolean | Unknown |
Needs Data Entry Form | RecordNeedsDataEntryForm | recNeedsDataEntryForm | Boolean | Unknown |
Needs Review | RecordNeedsReview | recNeedsReview | Boolean | Unknown |
Automated Part Rule | RecordNewPartCreationRule | recNewPartCreationRule | Object | RecordPartRule |
Next Part | RecordNextPartRecord | recNextPartRecord | Object | Unknown |
Next scheduled task Due | RecordNextTaskDue | recNextTaskDue | String | Unknown |
Notes | RecordNotes | recNotes | String | Unknown |
Record Number | RecordNumber | recNumber | String | RecordNumber |
Record Details | RecordNumberPlusName | recNumberPlusName | String | Unknown |
Originated From | RecordOriginatedFrom | recOriginatedFrom | Object | RecordOrigin |
Originated From Run | RecordOriginatedFromRun | recOriginatedFromRun | Object | RecordOriginRun |
Other contact | RecordOtherContact | recOtherContact | Object | Unknown |
Overdue actions | RecordOverdueActions | recOverdueActions | String | Unknown |
Owner | RecordOwnerLocation | recOwnerLocation | Object | RecordOwner |
Preserve Hierarchy On Data Entry | RecordPreserveHierarchyOnDataEntry | recPreserveHierarchyOnDataEntry | Boolean | Unknown |
Previous Part | RecordPrevPartRecord | recPrevPartRecord | Object | Unknown |
Primary contact | RecordPrimaryContact | recPrimaryContact | Object | Unknown |
Priority | RecordPriority | recPriority | String | RecordPriority |
Record Type | RecordRecordType | recRecordType | Object | RecordType |
Redacted From | RecordRedactedFrom | recRedactedFrom | String | Unknown |
All Redactions | RecordRedactionsOf | recRedactionsOf | String | Unknown |
Related record | RecordRelatedRecord | recRelatedRecord | Object | Unknown |
Related records | RecordRelatedRecs | recRelatedRecs | String | Unknown |
Number of renditions | RecordRenditionCount | recRenditionCount | Number | Unknown |
Representative | RecordRepresentative | recRepresentative | Object | Unknown |
Current requests | RecordRequests | recRequests | String | Unknown |
Retention schedule | RecordRetentionSchedule | recRetentionSchedule | Object | RecordSchedule |
Due for Return On | RecordReturnDueDateTime | recReturnDueDateTime | Datetime | RecordReturnOn |
Retention Review Date | RecordReviewDate | recReviewDate | Datetime | RecordReview |
Document Review Due Date | RecordReviewDueDate | recReviewDueDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Document Review State | RecordReviewState | recReviewState | Enum | Unknown |
Document Review State Date | RecordReviewStateDate | recReviewStateDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Revision Count | RecordRevisionCount | recRevisionCount | Number | Unknown |
Revision Number | RecordRevisionNumber | recRevisionNumber | Number | Unknown |
First Part | RecordRootPartRecord | recRootPartRecord | Object | Unknown |
SAP Archived Date | RecordSapArchiveDate | recSapArchiveDate | Datetime | Unknown |
SAP Archive Link Version | RecordSapArchiveLinkVsn | recSapArchiveLinkVsn | String | Unknown |
SAP Business ID | RecordSapBusinessId | recSapBusinessId | String | Unknown |
SAP Business Object | RecordSapBusinessObject | recSapBusinessObject | String | Unknown |
SAP Creator Location | RecordSapCreatorLocUri | recSapCreatorLocUri | Object | Unknown |
SAP Creator Name | RecordSapCreatorName | recSapCreatorName | String | Unknown |
SAP Customer | RecordSapCustomerName | recSapCustomerName | String | Unknown |
SAP Customer ID | RecordSapCustomerNumber | recSapCustomerNumber | String | Unknown |
SAP Document | RecordSapDocumentId | recSapDocumentId | String | Unknown |
SAP Document Protection | RecordSapDocumentProtection | recSapDocumentProtection | String | Unknown |
SAP Document Type | RecordSapDocumentType | recSapDocumentType | String | Unknown |
SAP Modified Date | RecordSapModifiedDate | recSapModifiedDate | Datetime | Unknown |
SAP Repository | RecordSapReposId | recSapReposId | String | Unknown |
Scheduled Disposal Date | RecordScheduledDisposalDate | recScheduledDisposalDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Scheduled Disposal Method | RecordScheduledDisposalMethod | recScheduledDisposalMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Scheduled Disposal Status | RecordScheduledDisposalStatus | recScheduledDisposalStatus | Enum | RecordScheduleStatus |
Scheduled Inactive Status | RecordScheduledInactiveStatus | recScheduledInactiveStatus | Enum | Unknown |
SDM Environment ID | RecordSdmEnvironmentID | recSdmEnvironmentID | String | Unknown |
SDM File Name | RecordSdmFileName | recSdmFileName | String | Unknown |
SDM Folder Name | RecordSdmFolderName | recSdmFolderName | String | Unknown |
SDM Run ID | RecordSdmRunID | recSdmRunID | String | Unknown |
SEC Compliant | RecordSecCompliant | recSecCompliant | Boolean | Unknown |
Security | RecordSecurity | recSecurity | String | Unknown |
Security Caveats | RecordSecurityCaveats | recSecurityCaveats | String | Unknown |
Security Level | RecordSecurityLevel | recSecurityLevel | String | Unknown |
Security Locks | RecordSecurityLocks | recSecurityLocks | String | Unknown |
Series record | RecordSeriesRecord | recSeriesRecord | Object | Unknown |
SharePoint Farm ID | RecordSpFarmGUID | recSpFarmGUID | String | RecordSpFarmGUID |
SharePoint ID | RecordSpGUID | recSpGUID | String | RecordSpGUID |
Number of SharePoint List Items | RecordSpListItemCount | recSpListItemCount | Number | Unknown |
SharePoint List Type | RecordSpListType | recSpListType | String | Unknown |
SharePoint Site Collection ID | RecordSpSiteCollectionGUID | recSpSiteCollectionGUID | String | RecordSpSiteCollectionGUID |
SharePoint Element Type | RecordSpType | recSpType | Enum | RecordSpType |
SharePoint URL | RecordSpURL | recSpURL | String | RecordSpURL |
Storage destruction date | RecordStorageDestructionDate | recStorageDestructionDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Suggested File Name | RecordSuggestedFileName | recSuggestedFileName | String | Unknown |
Title | RecordTitle | recTitle | String | RecordCombinedTitle |
Top actions | RecordTopLevelActions | recTopLevelActions | String | Unknown |
Title (Free Text Part) | RecordTypedTitle | recTypedTitle | String | RecordTypedTitle |
Update the record number when the classification is changed | RecordUpgradeNumber | recUpgradeNumber | Boolean | Unknown |
View Pane ID | RecordViewPaneId | recViewPaneId | String | Unknown |
Vital Review Period | RecordVitalReviewPeriod | recVitalReviewPeriod | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Action | RecordActionActionName | racActionName | String | RecordActionName |
Actual Days | RecordActionActualDays | racActualDays | Number | Unknown |
Actual Duration | RecordActionActualDuration | racActualDuration | String | Unknown |
Actual Hours | RecordActionActualHours | racActualHours | Number | Unknown |
Actual Minutes | RecordActionActualMinutes | racActualMinutes | Number | Unknown |
Assigned By | RecordActionAssignedBy | racAssignedBy | Object | RecordActionAssignedBy |
Date Attached | RecordActionAttachDate | racAttachDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Content Manager Barcode | RecordActionBarcode | racBarcode | String | Unknown |
Completed By location | RecordActionCompletedBy | racCompletedBy | Object | RecordActionCompletedBy |
Completed On Time | RecordActionCompletedOnTime | racCompletedOnTime | Boolean | RecordActionDoneOnTime |
Cost | RecordActionCost | racCost | Currency | Unknown |
Days | RecordActionDays | racDays | Number | Unknown |
Done | RecordActionDone | racDone | Boolean | RecordActionDone |
Due Date | RecordActionDueDate | racDueDate | Datetime | RecordActionDueOn |
Estimated Duration | RecordActionDuration | racDuration | String | Unknown |
Completed On | RecordActionEndDate | racEndDate | Datetime | RecordActionDoneOn |
Hours | RecordActionHours | racHours | Number | Unknown |
Ready To Start | RecordActionIsReadyToStart | racIsReadyToStart | Boolean | Unknown |
Minutes | RecordActionMinutes | racMinutes | Number | Unknown |
Notes | RecordActionNotes | racNotes | String | Unknown |
Overdue | RecordActionOverdue | racOverdue | Boolean | RecordActionOverdue |
Parent record action | RecordActionParentRecordAction | racParentRecordAction | Object | RecordActionParent |
Percentage Complete | RecordActionPercentComplete | racPercentComplete | Number | Unknown |
Procedure | RecordActionProcedure | racProcedure | Boolean | RecordActionProcedure |
Record | RecordActionRecord | racRecord | Object | RecordActionRecord |
Responsible location | RecordActionResponsibility | racResponsibility | Object | RecordActionAssignee |
Start Date | RecordActionStartDate | racStartDate | Datetime | RecordActionStartOn |
Status | RecordActionStatus | racStatus | String | Unknown |
Record is viewable | RecordActionViewable | racViewable | Boolean | RecordActionViewable |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | RecordTypeAccessControl | rtyAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Requests Need Acknowledgement before Completion | RecordTypeAcknowledgeRequests | rtyAcknowledgeRequests | Boolean | RecordTypeAckRequests |
Assigned action | RecordTypeAction | rtyAction | Object | RecordTypeAction |
Active Dates | RecordTypeActiveDescription | rtyActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | RecordTypeActiveFrom | rtyActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | RecordTypeActiveTo | rtyActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Allow Blank Free Text title | RecordTypeAllowBlankFreeTextTitle | rtyAllowBlankFreeTextTitle | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow multiple Extensions | RecordTypeAllowMultipleExtensions | rtyAllowMultipleExtensions | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow Parts | RecordTypeAllowParts | rtyAllowParts | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow Replace | RecordTypeAllowReplace | rtyAllowReplace | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow Revisions | RecordTypeAllowVersions | rtyAllowVersions | Boolean | Unknown |
Always Log Security Breaches To Online Audit Log | RecordTypeAlwaysAuditSecurityBreaches | rtyAlwaysAuditSecurityBreaches | Boolean | Unknown |
Annotate records Only | RecordTypeAnnotateOnly | rtyAnnotateOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Can Annotate records When Read Only | RecordTypeAnnotateWhenReadOnly | rtyAnnotateWhenReadOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee | RecordTypeAssignee | rtyAssignee | Object | RecordTypeAssignee |
Audit Record Created Events Offline | RecordTypeAuditCreateEventsOffline | rtyAuditCreateEventsOffline | Boolean | Unknown |
Audit Record Deleted Events Offline | RecordTypeAuditDeleteEventsOffline | rtyAuditDeleteEventsOffline | Boolean | Unknown |
Audit Events | RecordTypeAuditEvents | rtyAuditEvents | String | Unknown |
Audit Record Modified Events Offline | RecordTypeAuditModifyEventsOffline | rtyAuditModifyEventsOffline | Boolean | Unknown |
Authorization Method | RecordTypeAuthorizationMethod | rtyAuthorizationMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Days before issuing an authorization reminder | RecordTypeAuthorizerReminderDays | rtyAuthorizerReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
Automatically Declare As Final | RecordTypeAutoFinalize | rtyAutoFinalize | Boolean | Unknown |
Automatically create OCR rendition for Image Documents | RecordTypeAutoRenderOCR | rtyAutoRenderOCR | Boolean | Unknown |
Automatically create PDF rendition | RecordTypeAutoRenderPDF | rtyAutoRenderPDF | Boolean | Unknown |
Records Must Belong To A Matter | RecordTypeBelongsToAMatter | rtyBelongsToAMatter | Boolean | RecordTypeHasMatter |
Borrowing Limit (Days) | RecordTypeBorrowingLimit | rtyBorrowingLimit | Number | Unknown |
Records can be SharePoint List Item records | RecordTypeCanHaveSharePointItems | rtyCanHaveSharePointItems | Boolean | RecordTypeLir |
Can Change title (free text part) When Read Only | RecordTypeChangeTitleWhenReadOnly | rtyChangeTitleWhenReadOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Behaviour for Duplicate Titles | RecordTypeCheckDuplicateTitles | rtyCheckDuplicateTitles | Enum | Unknown |
Starting classification | RecordTypeClassification | rtyClassification | Object | RecordTypeClassification |
Classification Mandatory | RecordTypeClassificationMandatory | rtyClassificationMandatory | Boolean | Unknown |
Record Class | RecordTypeClassOfRecord | rtyClassOfRecord | Enum | Unknown |
Compress Part Number | RecordTypeCompressPartNumber | rtyCompressPartNumber | Boolean | Unknown |
Confirm Each Number | RecordTypeConfirmEachNumber | rtyConfirmEachNumber | Boolean | Unknown |
Confirm Document View on Preview Pane | RecordTypeConfirmPreview | rtyConfirmPreview | Boolean | Unknown |
Container Rule | RecordTypeContainerRule | rtyContainerRule | Enum | Unknown |
Contents Rule | RecordTypeContentsRule | rtyContentsRule | Enum | Unknown |
Default record access | RecordTypeCopiedAccessControl | rtyCopiedAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Days Until Due | RecordTypeDaysDue | rtyDaysDue | Number | Unknown |
Default jurisdiction | RecordTypeDefaultJurisdiction | rtyDefaultJurisdiction | Object | Unknown |
Series | RecordTypeDefaultSeries | rtyDefaultSeries | Object | Unknown |
Deindex disposition | RecordTypeDeindexAfterDisposition | rtyDeindexAfterDisposition | Number | Unknown |
Deindex after years | RecordTypeDeindexAfterYears | rtyDeindexAfterYears | Number | Unknown |
Disposition | RecordTypeDisposition | rtyDisposition | Enum | Unknown |
Days before issuing a drafting reminder | RecordTypeEditorReminderDays | rtyEditorReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
Knowledge Workers cam modify unfinalized Records | RecordTypeEndUsersCanModify | rtyEndUsersCanModify | Boolean | Unknown |
Inactive Electronic record Action | RecordTypeEsoActionType | rtyEsoActionType | Enum | Unknown |
Inactive documents processed by Event Server | RecordTypeEsoAllowEvents | rtyEsoAllowEvents | Boolean | Unknown |
Inactive Electronic records Date selector | RecordTypeEsoDateType | rtyEsoDateType | Enum | Unknown |
Enable Inactive Record Manager (Electronic) | RecordTypeEsoEnable | rtyEsoEnable | Boolean | Unknown |
Inactive Electronic records Monthss after date selector | RecordTypeEsoMonths | rtyEsoMonths | Number | Unknown |
Inactive records Document Store | RecordTypeEsoStoreUri | rtyEsoStoreUri | Object | Unknown |
Inactive Electronic records Years after date selector | RecordTypeEsoYears | rtyEsoYears | Number | Unknown |
Store Name | RecordTypeEStore | rtyEStore | Object | RecordTypeStore |
Borrowing Extension (Days) | RecordTypeExtensionLimit | rtyExtensionLimit | Number | Unknown |
External ID | RecordTypeExternalId | rtyExternalId | String | RecordTypeExternalId |
Finalize Previous Version | RecordTypeFinalisePreviousVersion | rtyFinalisePreviousVersion | Boolean | Unknown |
Days before issuing a finalize reminder | RecordTypeFinalReminderDays | rtyFinalReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
Days before issuing a follow up reminder | RecordTypeFollowupReminderDays | rtyFollowupReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
Hide Free Text title On Data Entry Form | RecordTypeHideFreeTextTitle | rtyHideFreeTextTitle | Boolean | Unknown |
Home can be a space | RecordTypeHomeCanBeSpace | rtyHomeCanBeSpace | Boolean | Unknown |
Home | RecordTypeHomeLocation | rtyHomeLocation | Object | RecordTypeHome |
Behaviour for handling more secure contents | RecordTypeInsecureContainer | rtyInsecureContainer | Enum | Unknown |
Behaviour for handling less secure contents | RecordTypeInsecureDocument | rtyInsecureDocument | Enum | Unknown |
Active? | RecordTypeIsActive | rtyIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Last Number Used | RecordTypeLastNumber | rtyLastNumber | String | Unknown |
Container Level | RecordTypeLevel | rtyLevel | Number | RecordTypeLevel |
Default media type | RecordTypeMediaType | rtyMediaType | Enum | RecordTypeMedia |
Can Move record When Read Only | RecordTypeMoveWhenReadOnly | rtyMoveWhenReadOnly | Boolean | Unknown |
Name | RecordTypeName | rtyName | String | RecordTypeName |
Documents should be subject to an authorization process | RecordTypeNeedsAuthorizationProcess | rtyNeedsAuthorizationProcess | Boolean | Unknown |
Needs classification | RecordTypeNeedsClassification | rtyNeedsClassification | Boolean | Unknown |
Documents should be subject to a review process | RecordTypeNeedsReviewProcess | rtyNeedsReviewProcess | Boolean | Unknown |
Default automated part rule | RecordTypeNewPartCreationRule | rtyNewPartCreationRule | Object | Unknown |
Notes | RecordTypeNotes | rtyNotes | String | Unknown |
Notes Insert Style | RecordTypeNotesInsertStyle | rtyNotesInsertStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Numbering based on another record type | RecordTypeNumberFromType | rtyNumberFromType | Object | Unknown |
Numbering requires manual input | RecordTypeNumberingIsManual | rtyNumberingIsManual | Boolean | Unknown |
Numbering Method | RecordTypeNumberMethod | rtyNumberMethod | Enum | Unknown |
Number Pattern | RecordTypeNumberPattern | rtyNumberPattern | String | Unknown |
Previous version purge style | RecordTypeOldVersionPurgeStyle | rtyOldVersionPurgeStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Owner | RecordTypeOwnerLocation | rtyOwnerLocation | Object | RecordTypeOwner |
Part Separator | RecordTypePartSeparator | rtyPartSeparator | String | Unknown |
Prevent disposition change if no schedule | RecordTypePreventDispChangeIfNoSchedule | rtyPreventDispChangeIfNoSchedule | Boolean | Unknown |
Inactive record Action | RecordTypePsoActionType | rtyPsoActionType | Enum | Unknown |
Inactive records (physical) box record type | RecordTypePsoBoxRTY | rtyPsoBoxRTY | Object | Unknown |
Inactive records Date selector | RecordTypePsoDateType | rtyPsoDateType | Enum | Unknown |
Enable Inactive Record Manager (Physical) | RecordTypePsoEnable | rtyPsoEnable | Boolean | Unknown |
Inactive records Monthss after date selector | RecordTypePsoMonths | rtyPsoMonths | Number | Unknown |
Inactive records Document Store | RecordTypePsoNewHomeLoc | rtyPsoNewHomeLoc | Object | Unknown |
Inactive records Years after date selector | RecordTypePsoYears | rtyPsoYears | Number | Unknown |
Purge previous version | RecordTypePurgePreviousVersion | rtyPurgePreviousVersion | Boolean | Unknown |
Reset At End | RecordTypeResetAtEnd | rtyResetAtEnd | Boolean | Unknown |
Reset at year end | RecordTypeResetAtYearEnd | rtyResetAtYearEnd | Boolean | Unknown |
Retention schedule | RecordTypeRetentionSchedule | rtyRetentionSchedule | Object | RecordTypeSchedule |
Days before issuing a review reminder | RecordTypeReviewerReminderDays | rtyReviewerReminderDays | Number | Unknown |
SAP Container Record Type | RecordTypeSapContainerRecordType | rtySapContainerRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Create Contact for SAP documents | RecordTypeSapCreateContact | rtySapCreateContact | Boolean | Unknown |
Create Containers for SAP documents | RecordTypeSapCreateContainers | rtySapCreateContainers | Boolean | Unknown |
Create SAP Countries | RecordTypeSapCreateCountries | rtySapCreateCountries | Boolean | Unknown |
Create Creator Location for SAP documents | RecordTypeSapCreateCreatorLoc | rtySapCreateCreatorLoc | Boolean | Unknown |
Force SAP Delete Date | RecordTypeSapForceDeleteDate | rtySapForceDeleteDate | Boolean | Unknown |
SAP Repository ID | RecordTypeSapRepositoryId | rtySapRepositoryId | String | Unknown |
SAP Title Template | RecordTypeSapTitleTemplate | rtySapTitleTemplate | String | Unknown |
SAP Title Template (Keys Set) | RecordTypeSapTitleTemplateKS | rtySapTitleTemplateKS | String | Unknown |
Use SAP Country Code | RecordTypeSapUseCountryCode | rtySapUseCountryCode | Boolean | Unknown |
Use SAP Delete Date | RecordTypeSapUseDeleteDate | rtySapUseDeleteDate | Boolean | Unknown |
SEC Compliant | RecordTypeSecCompliant | rtySecCompliant | Boolean | Unknown |
Record Security | RecordTypeSecProfile | rtySecProfile | String | Unknown |
Set the due date to the due date of the current action | RecordTypeSetDueDateFromActions | rtySetDueDateFromActions | Boolean | Unknown |
Set Last Action Date when viewing a document | RecordTypeSetLastActionOnView | rtySetLastActionOnView | Boolean | Unknown |
Sort Order | RecordTypeSortOrder | rtySortOrder | String | RecordTypeSortOrder |
Initiate workflow based on a template | RecordTypeStartupTemplate | rtyStartupTemplate | Object | RecordTypeTemplate |
Use Store | RecordTypeStoreType | rtyStoreType | Enum | Unknown |
Suppress Content Indexing | RecordTypeSuppressContentIndexing | rtySuppressContentIndexing | Boolean | Unknown |
Task List | RecordTypeTasks | rtyTasks | String | Unknown |
Titling Method | RecordTypeTitlingMethod | rtyTitlingMethod | Enum | RecordTypeTitling |
Icon | RecordTypeTrimIconId | rtyTrimIconId | Enum | Unknown |
Track during Census | RecordTypeUseCensus | rtyUseCensus | Boolean | RecordTypeCensus |
Use Part Number | RecordTypeUsePartNumber | rtyUsePartNumber | Boolean | Unknown |
Allow Retention Schedule | RecordTypeUseRetention | rtyUseRetention | Boolean | RecordTypeArchive |
Behaves Like | RecordTypeUsualBehaviour | rtyUsualBehaviour | Enum | RecordTypeBehaviour |
Use Version Numbering | RecordTypeVersionNumbering | rtyVersionNumbering | Boolean | Unknown |
Records should be placed within a series | RecordTypeWithinSeries | rtyWithinSeries | Boolean | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Count | ReportCount | rptCount | Number | Unknown |
Dataset | ReportDatabaseName | rptDatabaseName | String | Unknown |
Date | ReportDate | rptDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Default Printer Device | ReportDefaultDevice | rptDefaultDevice | String | Unknown |
Default Print Driver | ReportDefaultDriver | rptDefaultDriver | String | Unknown |
Default Printer Port | ReportDefaultPort | rptDefaultPort | String | Unknown |
Default Printer Tray | ReportDefaultTray | rptDefaultTray | String | Unknown |
Type | ReportForBobType | rptForBobType | Number | Unknown |
Type | ReportForBobTypeDesc | rptForBobTypeDesc | String | Unknown |
For Object Type | ReportForObject | rptForObject | Enum | ReportType |
Licensee | ReportLicensee | rptLicensee | String | Unknown |
Login Name | ReportLoginName | rptLoginName | String | Unknown |
Name | ReportName | rptName | String | Unknown |
Page | ReportPage | rptPage | Number | Unknown |
End of Report | ReportReportEnd | rptReportEnd | String | Unknown |
Name | ReportReportName | rptReportName | String | ReportName |
Search Criteria Title | ReportSearchTitle | rptSearchTitle | String | Unknown |
Time | ReportTime | rptTime | Datetime | Unknown |
Report Title | ReportTitle | rptTitle | String | Unknown |
Optional Title | ReportUserTitle | rptUserTitle | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Bitmap File | ReportBitmapBitmapFileName | rbmBitmapFileName | String | Unknown |
Date Modified | ReportBitmapDateModified | rbmDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Store | ReportBitmapEStore | rbmEStore | Object | Unknown |
Extension | ReportBitmapExtension | rbmExtension | String | Unknown |
Name | ReportBitmapName | rbmName | String | ReportBitmapName |
Size | ReportBitmapSize | rbmSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Store ID | ReportBitmapStoreId | rbmStoreId | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Content Reference | RequestContentReference | rcqContentReference | Object | Unknown |
Record assignee | RequestCurrentLocation | rcqCurrentLocation | Object | RequestAssignee |
Date Completed | RequestDateCompleted | rcqDateCompleted | Datetime | RequestCompletedOn |
Date Created | RequestDateCreated | rcqDateCreated | Datetime | RequestCreatedOn |
Description | RequestDescription | rcqDescription | String | Unknown |
Date Required | RequestDueDate | rcqDueDate | Datetime | RequestDueOn |
Date of Final Request | RequestEndDate | rcqEndDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Frequency | RequestFrequency | rcqFrequency | Number | Unknown |
Frequency Type | RequestFrequencyType | rcqFrequencyType | Enum | Unknown |
Is Complete | RequestIsComplete | rcqIsComplete | Boolean | RequestDone |
Notes | RequestNotes | rcqNotes | String | Unknown |
Priority | RequestPriority | rcqPriority | Enum | RequestPriority |
Record | RequestRecord | rcqRecord | Object | RequestRecord |
Requested By | RequestRequestor | rcqRequestor | Object | RequestBy |
Request Type | RequestRequestType | rcqRequestType | Enum | RequestType |
Service Location | RequestServiceLocation | rcqServiceLocation | Object | RequestServiceLocation |
Service Space | RequestServiceSpace | rcqServiceSpace | Object | Unknown |
Status | RequestStatus | rcqStatus | Enum | RequestStatus |
Date Status Changed | RequestStatusChangedDate | rcqStatusChangedDate | Datetime | RequestStatusDate |
Status Details | RequestStatusDetails | rcqStatusDetails | String | Unknown |
Delivery/Pickup Address | RequestTransitAddress | rcqTransitAddress | String | Unknown |
Delivery/Pickup Location | RequestTransitLocation | rcqTransitLocation | Object | RequestDeliverTo |
Record is viewable | RequestViewable | rcqViewable | Boolean | RequestViewable |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | SavedSearchAccessControl | srhAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Any Word search includes document content | SavedSearchAnyWordContents | srhAnyWordContents | Boolean | Unknown |
Any Word search includes Record notes | SavedSearchAnyWordNotes | srhAnyWordNotes | Boolean | Unknown |
Any Word search includes Record titles | SavedSearchAnyWordTitle | srhAnyWordTitle | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee includes authorizations | SavedSearchAssigneeSearchIncludesAuthorisation | srhAssigneeSearchIncludesAuthorisation | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee includes delegates | SavedSearchAssigneeSearchIncludesDelegates | srhAssigneeSearchIncludesDelegates | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee includes escalated | SavedSearchAssigneeSearchIncludesEscalated | srhAssigneeSearchIncludesEscalated | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee includes groups | SavedSearchAssigneeSearchIncludesGroups | srhAssigneeSearchIncludesGroups | Boolean | Unknown |
Assignee includes position | SavedSearchAssigneeSearchIncludesPosition | srhAssigneeSearchIncludesPosition | Boolean | Unknown |
Can edit query | SavedSearchCanEdit | srhCanEdit | Boolean | SavedSearchCanEdit |
Can execute query | SavedSearchCanExecute | srhCanExecute | Boolean | SavedSearchCanExecute |
When using a default record search, look for matches in record document content | SavedSearchDefaultIncludesContent | srhDefaultIncludesContent | Boolean | Unknown |
When using a default record search, look for matches in record notes | SavedSearchDefaultIncludesNotes | srhDefaultIncludesNotes | Boolean | Unknown |
When using a default record search, look for matching record numbers | SavedSearchDefaultIncludesNumber | srhDefaultIncludesNumber | Boolean | Unknown |
When using a default record search, look for matches in record titles | SavedSearchDefaultIncludesTitle | srhDefaultIncludesTitle | Boolean | Unknown |
Description | SavedSearchDescription | srhDescription | String | Unknown |
Extended IDOL optimization | SavedSearchExtendedIDOLOptimization | srhExtendedIDOLOptimization | Boolean | Unknown |
Filter String | SavedSearchFilterString | srhFilterString | String | Unknown |
Full Name | SavedSearchFullName | srhFullName | String | SavedSearchFullName |
Icon | SavedSearchIconId | srhIconId | Enum | Unknown |
IDOL search style | SavedSearchIdolSearchStyle | srhIdolSearchStyle | Enum | Unknown |
Is Search Group | SavedSearchIsGrouping | srhIsGrouping | Boolean | SavedSearchGroup |
Old Format | SavedSearchIsOldFormat | srhIsOldFormat | Boolean | SavedSearchOld |
Is Public | SavedSearchIsPublic | srhIsPublic | Boolean | SavedSearchPublic |
Name | SavedSearchName | srhName | String | SavedSearchName |
Object Type | SavedSearchObjectType | srhObjectType | Enum | SavedSearchType |
Owner | SavedSearchOwner | srhOwner | Object | SavedSearchOwner |
Within Search Group | SavedSearchParent | srhParent | Object | SavedSearchParent |
Query String | SavedSearchQueryString | srhQueryString | String | Unknown |
Sort String | SavedSearchSortString | srhSortString | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | ScheduleAccessControl | schAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Action Summary | ScheduleActionSummary | schActionSummary | String | Unknown |
Active Dates | ScheduleActiveDescription | schActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | ScheduleActiveFrom | schActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | ScheduleActiveTo | schActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Can Only Dispose Inactive records | ScheduleCanOnlyDestroyInactive | schCanOnlyDestroyInactive | Boolean | Unknown |
Expanded Schedule Title | ScheduleExpandedTitle | schExpandedTitle | String | Unknown |
Has Child Schedules | ScheduleHasChildSchedules | schHasChildSchedules | Boolean | Unknown |
Ignore Disposal Triggers with a blank Due Date | ScheduleIgnoreBlankDestroyTriggers | schIgnoreBlankDestroyTriggers | Boolean | Unknown |
Active? | ScheduleInUse | schInUse | Boolean | Unknown |
Agency Specific | ScheduleIsAgencySpecific | schIsAgencySpecific | Boolean | ScheduleAgency |
Schedule Number | ScheduleName | schName | String | ScheduleName |
Notes | ScheduleNotes | schNotes | String | Unknown |
Parent Schedule | ScheduleParentSchedule | schParentSchedule | Object | ScheduleParent |
Policy Center Solution GUID | SchedulePolicyCentreGUID | schPolicyCentreGUID | String | Unknown |
Retain Jurisdictions | ScheduleRetainJurisdictions | schRetainJurisdictions | String | Unknown |
Retain Style | ScheduleRetention | schRetention | Enum | Unknown |
Source | ScheduleSource | schSource | String | ScheduleSource |
Suppress trigger calculations whenever this schedule is modified | ScheduleSuppressTriggerCalculationAlways | schSuppressTriggerCalculationAlways | Boolean | Unknown |
Suppress trigger calculations for this modification | ScheduleSuppressTriggerCalculationEventOnCommit | schSuppressTriggerCalculationEventOnCommit | Boolean | Unknown |
Title | ScheduleTitle | schTitle | String | Unknown |
Use Earliest Disposal Date | ScheduleUseEarliestDestroyDate | schUseEarliestDestroyDate | Boolean | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Assigned To | ScheduledTaskAssignee | tskAssignee | Object | ScheduledTaskAssignee |
Attached On | ScheduledTaskAttachDate | tskAttachDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Attached To | ScheduledTaskAttachedToObject | tskAttachedToObject | String | Unknown |
Attached To | ScheduledTaskAttachedToObjectType | tskAttachedToObjectType | Enum | ScheduledTaskObjectType |
Attached To Object | ScheduledTaskAttachedToObjectUri | tskAttachedToObjectUri | Object | Unknown |
Finishing date | ScheduledTaskCompletionDate | tskCompletionDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Description | ScheduledTaskDescription | tskDescription | String | Unknown |
Interval Size | ScheduledTaskIntervalSize | tskIntervalSize | Number | Unknown |
Interval Type | ScheduledTaskIntervalType | tskIntervalType | Enum | Unknown |
Is Complete | ScheduledTaskIsComplete | tskIsComplete | Boolean | ScheduledTaskDone |
Last Done On | ScheduledTaskLastActionedOn | tskLastActionedOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Next Due Date | ScheduledTaskNextDueDate | tskNextDueDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Notes | ScheduledTaskNotes | tskNotes | String | Unknown |
Maximum Repetitions | ScheduledTaskRepetitions | tskRepetitions | Number | Unknown |
Number of times performed | ScheduledTaskRepetitionsDone | tskRepetitionsDone | Number | Unknown |
Schedule Description | ScheduledTaskScheduleDescription | tskScheduleDescription | String | Unknown |
Commencement date | ScheduledTaskStartDate | tskStartDate | Datetime | ScheduledTaskDate |
Status | ScheduledTaskStatus | tskStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Form Definition XML | SearchFormDefinition | sfmDefinition | String | Unknown |
Description | SearchFormDescription | sfmDescription | String | Unknown |
Factory Default Form Definition XML | SearchFormFactoryDefinition | sfmFactoryDefinition | String | Unknown |
Name | SearchFormName | sfmName | String | SearchFormName |
Object Type | SearchFormObjectType | sfmObjectType | Enum | SearchFormType |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Abbreviation | SecurityCaveatAbbreviation | scvAbbreviation | String | SecurityCaveatAbbreviation |
Active Dates | SecurityCaveatActiveDescription | scvActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | SecurityCaveatActiveFrom | scvActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | SecurityCaveatActiveTo | scvActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
ID | SecurityCaveatCaveatNumber | scvCaveatNumber | Number | SecurityCaveatCaveatNumber |
Active? | SecurityCaveatIsActive | scvIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Description | SecurityCaveatName | scvName | String | SecurityCaveatName |
Notes | SecurityCaveatNotes | scvNotes | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Abbreviation | SecurityLevelAbbreviation | slvAbbreviation | String | SecurityLevelAbbreviation |
Active Dates | SecurityLevelActiveDescription | slvActiveDescription | String | Unknown |
Active From | SecurityLevelActiveFrom | slvActiveFrom | Date | Unknown |
Active To | SecurityLevelActiveTo | slvActiveTo | Date | Unknown |
Active? | SecurityLevelIsActive | slvIsActive | Boolean | Unknown |
Ranking | SecurityLevelLevelNumber | slvLevelNumber | Number | SecurityLevelLevelNumber |
Description | SecurityLevelName | slvName | String | SecurityLevelName |
Notes | SecurityLevelNotes | slvNotes | String | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Is A Document | SharePointItemIsDocument | spiIsDocument | Boolean | Unknown |
SharePoint Document URL | SharePointItemItemURL | spiItemURL | String | Unknown |
SharePoint List GUID | SharePointItemListGUID | spiListGUID | String | Unknown |
List Item ID | SharePointItemListItemId | spiListItemId | BigNumber | SharePointItemListId |
List Item record | SharePointItemListItemRecord | spiListItemRecord | Object | SharePointItemRecord |
List record | SharePointItemListRecord | spiListRecord | Object | SharePointItemList |
SharePoint List GUID | SharePointItemListType | spiListType | String | Unknown |
SharePoint List URL | SharePointItemListURL | spiListURL | String | Unknown |
Modified Title | SharePointItemModifiedTitle | spiModifiedTitle | String | Unknown |
Originator | SharePointItemOriginator | spiOriginator | Enum | Unknown |
Relationship Properties | SharePointItemRelationship | spiRelationship | String | Unknown |
Status | SharePointItemStatus | spiStatus | Enum | Unknown |
Synchronization Pending | SharePointItemSynchPending | spiSynchPending | Boolean | Unknown |
SharePoint Identifier | SharePointItemUniqueId | spiUniqueId | String | SharePointItemUniqueId |
Record is viewable | SharePointItemViewable | spiViewable | Boolean | SharePointItemViewable |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | SpaceAccessControl | spmAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Space Usage - Detailed | SpaceAdvancedUsageDetails | spmAdvancedUsageDetails | String | Unknown |
Total Available Space | SpaceAvailable | spmAvailable | BigNumber | Unknown |
Total Capacity | SpaceCapacity | spmCapacity | BigNumber | Unknown |
Description | SpaceDescription | spmDescription | String | Unknown |
Number of Destroyed records in All Holding Bays | SpaceDestroyedAllBays | spmDestroyedAllBays | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of Destroyed records in Holding Bay | SpaceDestroyedInBay | spmDestroyedInBay | BigNumber | Unknown |
Number of Destroyed records | SpaceDestroyedRecords | spmDestroyedRecords | BigNumber | Unknown |
Foreign Barcode | SpaceForeignBarcode | spmForeignBarcode | String | Unknown |
Full Description | SpaceFullDescription | spmFullDescription | String | Unknown |
Has Holding Bay | SpaceHasHoldingBay | spmHasHoldingBay | Boolean | Unknown |
Has Been Captioned | SpaceIsCaptioned | spmIsCaptioned | Boolean | Unknown |
Is Lowest Level | SpaceIsLowestLevel | spmIsLowestLevel | Boolean | Unknown |
Level Name | SpaceLevel | spmLevel | Enum | Unknown |
Search Key | SpaceNickName | spmNickName | String | Unknown |
Available | SpaceNodeAvailable | spmNodeAvailable | BigNumber | Unknown |
Capacity | SpaceNodeCapacity | spmNodeCapacity | BigNumber | Unknown |
Used | SpaceNodeUsed | spmNodeUsed | BigNumber | Unknown |
Space Number | SpaceNumber | spmNumber | String | Unknown |
Records Actually In All Holding Bays | SpaceRecordsActualAllBays | spmRecordsActualAllBays | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Actually Within | SpaceRecordsActuallyAtHome | spmRecordsActuallyAtHome | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Actually In Holding Bays | SpaceRecordsActuallyInBay | spmRecordsActuallyInBay | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Added 2 Years Ago | SpaceRecordsAdded2YearsAgo | spmRecordsAdded2YearsAgo | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Added Last Year | SpaceRecordsAddedLastYear | spmRecordsAddedLastYear | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records Added This Year | SpaceRecordsAddedThisYear | spmRecordsAddedThisYear | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records In All Holding Bays | SpaceRecordsAllBays | spmRecordsAllBays | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records In Storage | SpaceRecordsAtHome | spmRecordsAtHome | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records In Holding Bay | SpaceRecordsInHoldingBay | spmRecordsInHoldingBay | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records On Loan From All Holding Bays | SpaceRecordsLoanAllBays | spmRecordsLoanAllBays | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records On Loan | SpaceRecordsOut | spmRecordsOut | BigNumber | Unknown |
Records On Loan From Holding Bays | SpaceRecordsOutOfBay | spmRecordsOutOfBay | BigNumber | Unknown |
Security | SpaceSecurity | spmSecurity | String | Unknown |
Space Usage | SpaceUsageDetails | spmUsageDetails | String | Unknown |
Total Used Space | SpaceUsed | spmUsed | BigNumber | Unknown |
Within space | SpaceWithin | spmWithin | Object | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Noise Word | StopWordName | swdName | String | StopWordName |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Assignee | TodoItemAssignee | tdoAssignee | Object | TodoItemAssignee |
Created By | TodoItemCreatedBy | tdoCreatedBy | Object | TodoItemCreator |
Date Created | TodoItemDateCreated | tdoDateCreated | Datetime | Unknown |
Date Completed | TodoItemDateDone | tdoDateDone | Datetime | TodoItemDoneOn |
Date Due | TodoItemDateDue | tdoDateDue | Datetime | TodoItemDueOn |
Description | TodoItemDescription | tdoDescription | String | Unknown |
Completed | TodoItemIsComplete | tdoIsComplete | Boolean | TodoItemDone |
Overdue | TodoItemIsOverdue | tdoIsOverdue | Boolean | TodoItemOverdue |
Priority | TodoItemItemPriority | tdoItemPriority | Enum | TodoItemPriority |
Notes | TodoItemNotes | tdoNotes | String | Unknown |
Notify By Email | TodoItemNotifyByEmail | tdoNotifyByEmail | Boolean | Unknown |
To Be Done | TodoItemTodo | tdoTodo | String | TodoItemName |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Date Created | UserLabelDateCreated | lblDateCreated | Datetime | UserLabelDateCreated |
Full user label Name | UserLabelFullName | lblFullName | String | UserLabelFullName |
Has Child User Labels | UserLabelHasChildLabels | lblHasChildLabels | Boolean | UserLabelHasChildren |
Icon | UserLabelIconId | lblIconId | Enum | Unknown |
User Label Type | UserLabelLabelType | lblLabelType | Enum | UserLabelType |
User Label Name | UserLabelName | lblName | String | UserLabelName |
Owner | UserLabelOwner | lblOwner | Object | UserLabelOwner |
Parent user label | UserLabelParentLabel | lblParentLabel | Object | UserLabelParent |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Usage Count | WordCount | wrdCount | BigNumber | WordCount |
Field | WordField | wrdField | Object | WordField |
Indexed Word | WordName | wrdName | String | WordName |
Type | WordWordType | wrdWordType | Enum | WordType |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | WorkflowAccessControl | wkfAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Automatically Start activities | WorkflowAutoStartActivities | wkfAutoStartActivities | Boolean | Unknown |
Workflow Creator | WorkflowCreator | wkfCreator | Object | WorkflowCreator |
Client | WorkflowCustomer | wkfCustomer | Object | WorkflowCustomer |
Date Completed | WorkflowDateCompleted | wkfDateCompleted | Datetime | WorkflowDoneOn |
Date Due | WorkflowDateDue | wkfDateDue | Datetime | WorkflowDueOn |
Date Registered | WorkflowDateRegistered | wkfDateRegistered | Datetime | WorkflowRegisteredOn |
Date Started | WorkflowDateStarted | wkfDateStarted | Datetime | WorkflowStartedOn |
Default container | WorkflowDefaultContainer | wkfDefaultContainer | Object | WorkflowContainer |
Date Due For Destruction | WorkflowDestroyDueDate | wkfDestroyDueDate | Datetime | WorkflowDestroyOn |
Email Supervisor | WorkflowEmailSupervisor | wkfEmailSupervisor | Boolean | Unknown |
Incomplete | WorkflowIncomplete | wkfIncomplete | Boolean | Unknown |
Initiating record | WorkflowInitiator | wkfInitiator | Object | WorkflowInitiator |
Complete | WorkflowIsComplete | wkfIsComplete | Boolean | WorkflowDone |
Overdue | WorkflowIsOverdue | wkfIsOverdue | Boolean | WorkflowOverdue |
Job Number | WorkflowJobNumber | wkfJobNumber | String | WorkflowJob |
Job Number (Expanded) | WorkflowJobNumberExpanded | wkfJobNumberExpanded | String | WorkflowJobx |
Locked By | WorkflowLockedBy | wkfLockedBy | Object | WorkflowLockedBy |
Locked On | WorkflowLockedOn | wkfLockedOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Lock Status | WorkflowLockStatus | wkfLockStatus | String | Unknown |
Name | WorkflowName | wkfName | String | WorkflowName |
Normal View Rectangle | WorkflowNormalRect | wkfNormalRect | String | Unknown |
Notes | WorkflowNotes | wkfNotes | String | Unknown |
Outline View Rectangle | WorkflowOutlineRect | wkfOutlineRect | String | Unknown |
Cost Overhead | WorkflowOverheadCost | wkfOverheadCost | Currency | Unknown |
Percentage Completed | WorkflowPercentageCompleted | wkfPercentageCompleted | Number | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Finishing Early | WorkflowRecalcWhenFinishEarly | wkfRecalcWhenFinishEarly | Boolean | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Finishing Late | WorkflowRecalcWhenFinishLate | wkfRecalcWhenFinishLate | Boolean | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Suspended | WorkflowRecalcWhenSuspended | wkfRecalcWhenSuspended | Boolean | Unknown |
Record Type | WorkflowRecordType | wkfRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Scheduled Start Date | WorkflowScheduledStartDate | wkfScheduledStartDate | Datetime | WorkflowScheduledStartOn |
Workflow Supervisor | WorkflowSupervisor | wkfSupervisor | Object | WorkflowSupervisor |
Based On template | WorkflowTemplate | wkfTemplate | Object | WorkflowTemplate |
Total Actual Cost | WorkflowTotalActualCost | wkfTotalActualCost | Currency | Unknown |
Total Actual Duration | WorkflowTotalActualDuration | wkfTotalActualDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Total Estimated Cost | WorkflowTotalEstimatedCost | wkfTotalEstimatedCost | Currency | Unknown |
Total Estimated Duration | WorkflowTotalEstimatedDuration | wkfTotalEstimatedDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Total Remaining Duration | WorkflowTotalRemainingDuration | wkfTotalRemainingDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Priority | WorkflowWorkflowPriority | wkfWorkflowPriority | Enum | WorkflowPriority |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Attached Labels | AttachedLabels | attachedLabels | String | Unknown |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Access Control | WorkflowTemplateAccessControl | wktAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Automatically Start activities | WorkflowTemplateAutoStartActivities | wktAutoStartActivities | Boolean | Unknown |
Default workflow Access Control | WorkflowTemplateCopiedAccessControl | wktCopiedAccessControl | String | Unknown |
Date Registered | WorkflowTemplateDateRegistered | wktDateRegistered | Datetime | WorkflowTemplateDateRegistered |
Default container | WorkflowTemplateDefaultContainer | wktDefaultContainer | Object | Unknown |
Priority | WorkflowTemplateDefaultPriority | wktDefaultPriority | Enum | WorkflowTemplatePriority |
Email Supervisor | WorkflowTemplateEmailSupervisor | wktEmailSupervisor | Boolean | Unknown |
Initiating Record Behaviour | WorkflowTemplateInitRecordBehavior | wktInitRecordBehavior | Enum | Unknown |
Locked By | WorkflowTemplateLockedBy | wktLockedBy | Object | Unknown |
Locked On | WorkflowTemplateLockedOn | wktLockedOn | Datetime | Unknown |
Lock Status | WorkflowTemplateLockStatus | wktLockStatus | String | Unknown |
Workflow Retention Period (months) | WorkflowTemplateMonthsToKeep | wktMonthsToKeep | Number | Unknown |
Name | WorkflowTemplateName | wktName | String | WorkflowTemplateName |
Notes | WorkflowTemplateNotes | wktNotes | String | Unknown |
Cost Overhead | WorkflowTemplateOverheadCost | wktOverheadCost | Currency | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Finishing Early | WorkflowTemplateRecalcWhenFinishEarly | wktRecalcWhenFinishEarly | Boolean | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Finishing Late | WorkflowTemplateRecalcWhenFinishLate | wktRecalcWhenFinishLate | Boolean | Unknown |
Recalculate Due Date When Suspended | WorkflowTemplateRecalcWhenSuspended | wktRecalcWhenSuspended | Boolean | Unknown |
Record Type | WorkflowTemplateRecordType | wktRecordType | Object | Unknown |
Workflow Supervisor | WorkflowTemplateSupervisor | wktSupervisor | Object | WorkflowTemplateSupervisor |
Template Total Cost | WorkflowTemplateTotalEstimatedCost | wktTotalEstimatedCost | Currency | Unknown |
Total Estimated Duration | WorkflowTemplateTotalEstimatedDuration | wktTotalEstimatedDuration | BigNumber | Unknown |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
Author | WorkingCopyAuthor | wcrAuthor | Object | WorkingCopyAuthor |
Modified On | WorkingCopyDateModified | wcrDateModified | Datetime | Unknown |
Extension | WorkingCopyExtension | wcrExtension | String | WorkingCopyExtension |
Full File Name (on Disk) | WorkingCopyFullFileName | wcrFullFileName | String | Unknown |
Lock Expiry Date | WorkingCopyLockExpiryDate | wcrLockExpiryDate | Datetime | Unknown |
Lock String | WorkingCopyLockString | wcrLockString | String | Unknown |
Record | WorkingCopyRecord | wcrRecord | Object | WorkingCopyRecord |
Record URI | WorkingCopyRecordUri | wcrRecordUri | Object | Unknown |
Revision | WorkingCopyRevision | wcrRevision | Number | Unknown |
Size | WorkingCopySize | wcrSize | BigNumber | Unknown |
Document Store | WorkingCopyStore | wcrStore | Object | Unknown |
Document Store ID | WorkingCopyStoreId | wcrStoreId | String | Unknown |
Title | WorkingCopyTitle | wcrTitle | String | WorkingCopyTitle |
Caption | Id | Internal Name | Format | SearchClauseId |
Date Last Updated | DateLastUpdated | dateLastUpdated | Datetime | Updated |
Last Updated By | LastUpdatedBy | lastUpdatedBy | Object | UpdatedBy |
Unique Identifier | Uri | uri | BigNumber | Uri |
Web URL | Url | url | String | Unknown |
City | ZipCodeCity | zipCity | String | ZipCodeCity |
Country | ZipCodeCountry | zipCountry | String | ZipCodeCountry |
Postal Code | ZipCodePostcode | zipPostcode | String | ZipCodePostcode |
Region | ZipCodeRegion | zipRegion | String | ZipCodeRegion |
State | ZipCodeState | zipState | String | ZipCodeState |