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Micro Focus Content Manager SDK 9.3
The following properties are no longer required and have been removed from the SDK:
You can now specify whether you want audit log entries when using the Bulk Add/Remove to hold feature.
CR 64234
CR 65057
CR 65921
You can flag transfer or archive consignments to have all documents in the consignment converted to the long-term preservation format.
CR 64782
Content Manager now supports keeping a log of all searches undertaken. If stored to the online audit log, these a can now be selected to be executed again at a later date.
CR 65586
Some preliminary work has been done to support event-based retention scheduling. This has not yet been implemented fully in Content Manager and the work will be completed in the next major release. Events can be created however they cannot be associated with a retention schedule or used for disposal scheduling of records. Consider these objects “reserved for future use”.
CR 57424
CR 62404
CRs 64463, 65867, 58614, 59359, 57362, 64305
CR 65586
CR 65044
CR 62258
CR 62670
CR 61994
CR 62066
New hashing related methods and properties are:
While it was possible to enable duplicate checking in the system options there was no programmatic way to check for uniqueness of a document using its hash, two new SDK methods support this. CalculateDocumentHash will calculate the hash for a local file and FindRecordsByHash will find any Records with documents that match the hash.
For systems that have previously use hashing for de-duplication existing hashes will be stored against Records on upgrade, otherwise after hashing is enabled only newly created Records will have a hash stored against them. CalculateHash may be used to retrospectively calculate hashes.
The following code:
CR 61825
Two new search clauses make it simpler to find the correct Record type when creating a contained (or container) Record.
CR 61030
New LookupSet and properties are:
New LookupItem methods and properties are:
New LookupItem search clauses
Lookup Sets have changed significantly and the properties (and methods) reflect this, changes include:
CR 61030
Some of the TrimMainObjects had issues with their constructors which have been fixed, these included:
The following example creates a new Alert.
CR 60946
Rather than returning false when a particular purpose was not valid IsValidFor was throwing an exception.
The code below calls IsValidFor on a Location.
CR 60986
Ability to promote a revision to be the main document as could already be done through the native client.
Choose a particular record revision then promote it.
CR 61192
Calling Database.Connect() can take several hundred milliseconds to complete. This is not a problem in a client application where the connection is preserved for the life of the application but for a web service application it adds significant overhead to each request. The database pool optimises this connection process by storing each instance of the database in a cache and then on subsequent requests retrieving the cached instance instead of connecting a new instance.
Database pooling operated transparently as long as the database is connected in the appropriate way, as seen in the sample below.
Two scenarios where the pool should be flushed to prevent the usage of a stale connection are when a user option is changed or when SetDataGridVisiblePropertiesOrFields is called.
The database instance will be cached if a workgroup server name, trusted user and database Id are specified. The instance will remain in the cache for 5 minutes.
CR 61398
New methods are:
New methods to determine whether a user has the ability to perform certain actions in general and on specific objects and properties.
CR 62054
Putting invalid characters in CheckInAs would cause an error when check the document out, these characters are now stripped from the file name on check out.
CR 62763
New method and property are:
User defined fields are now sortable and the CanSort function allows a developer to determine whether a particular field is sortable.
CR 63439
New methods provided:
A system administrator can choose to "block" certain searching methods from normal users. When this happens, it is expected that these methods will not be presented in user interfaces for the currently logged in user. To assist in implementing such user interfaces, the extra methods above have been provided to allow SDK developers to filter out such blocked search methods.
CR 64493
New methods provided:
This new property has been added in order that SDK applications can specify that a workflow be generated as part of the process of creating a new record. To do that you need to specify a valid workflow template in this property - the new workflow will be created based on that template. Note that this property is a little special in that it cannot be set for an existing record - if you try to do that you will get an error. It really is only applicable for new records. The value of the property is also "forgotten" once the record has been created.
CR 64506
New properties provided:
This boolean property of ExtractDocument has been provided so that you can write an application that extracts a copy of a record's document without setting the DateLastAction property of the Record. Typically the act of extracting a document can be seen as an "action" on a record and so the DateLastAction is set, together with a consequential update to the DateLastUpdatedOn property. If you turn it on, this property overrides the RecordType setting for "Set Last Action Date On View". It is useful for writing an app that must periodically check and extract any new content, and is relying on the DateLastUpdatedOn property to find recently updated records.