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Micro Focus Content Manager SDK 9.3
Search clauses may be used with TrimMainObjectSearch either via the TrimSearchClause class or as strings via TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchString. Given that search clauses may be captioned it is a good idea when using them as strings to use their internal name. This document lists all search clauses along with their internal names.
The information about search clauses, like much of the CM metadata, is available via the SDK. In this case we can use the SearchClauseDef to get information about each search clause. This Powershell script was used to build the table below.
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Actions within this dataset. | |
assignable | adfAssignable | Boolean | True | ActionDefAssignable | Selects Actions based on a value for Assignable. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Actions that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Actions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Actions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
isProcedure | adfIsProcedure | Boolean | True | ActionDefIsProcedure | Selects Actions based on a value for Is Procedure?. |
name | adfName | String | True | ActionDefActionName | Selects Actions based on a value for Action Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Actions. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Actions that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Actions based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Actions based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Actions based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Activities within this dataset. | |
assignedOn | wacAssignedOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateAssigned | Selects Activities based on a value for Date Assigned. |
assignee | wacAssignee | Location | True | ActivityAssignedTo | Selects Activities based on a value for Assigned To. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Activities that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
authorizedBy | wacAuthorizedBy | Location | False | Selects Activities authorized by the specified location | |
authorizedOn | wacAuthorizedOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateAuthorized | Selects Activities based on a value for Final Completion Date. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Activities by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
canStart | wacCanStart | Boolean | False | Selects Activities that can now be worked on | |
ccto | wacCcto | Location | False | Selects Activities having the specified location on the cc list | |
child | wacChild | Boolean | False | Selects Activities that are subordinate activities | |
compound | wacCompound | Boolean | False | ActivityHasSubActivities | Selects Activities that are compound activities |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Activities based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
done | wacDone | Boolean | False | ActivityIsComplete | Selects Activities based on a value for Is Complete. |
doneBy | wacDoneBy | Location | True | ActivityCompletedBy | Selects Activities based on a value for Completed By. |
doneOn | wacDoneOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateCompleted | Selects Activities based on a value for Interim Completion Date. |
doneOnTime | wacDoneOnTime | Boolean | False | ActivityCompletedOnTime | Selects Activities based on a value for Completed On Time. |
dueOn | wacDueOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateDue | Selects Activities based on a value for Due Date. |
earliestStartOn | wacEarliestStartOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateEarliestStart | Selects Activities based on a value for Earliest Start Date. |
escalatedTo | wacEscalatedTo | Location | True | ActivityEscalatedTo | Selects Activities based on a value for Escalated To. |
id | wacId | Number | True | ActivityActivityId | Selects Activities based on a value for Activity ID. |
insideTemplate | wacInsideTemplate | Boolean | False | ActivityWithinTemplate | Selects Activities that are within a template |
latestStartOn | wacLatestStartOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateLatestStart | Selects Activities based on a value for Latest Start Date. |
name | wacName | String | True | ActivityName | Selects Activities based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Activities. | |
originalAssignee | wacOriginalAssignee | Location | True | ActivityOriginalAssignee | Selects Activities based on a value for Original Assignee. |
overdue | wacOverdue | Boolean | False | ActivityIsOverdue | Selects Activities based on a value for Is Overdue. |
pendingAuthorizationBy | wacPendingAuthorizationBy | Location | False | Selects Activities awaiting authorization from the specified location | |
priority | wacPriority | Priority | True | ActivityActivityPriority | Selects Activities based on a value for Priority. |
record | wacRecord | Record | False | Selects Activities with the specified record as an associated document. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Activities that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
skipped | wacSkipped | Boolean | False | ActivityWasSkipped | Selects Activities based on a value for Was Skipped. |
startedOn | wacStartedOn | Datetime | True | ActivityDateStarted | Selects Activities based on a value for Start Date. |
supervisor | wacSupervisor | Location | True | ActivitySupervisor | Selects Activities based on a value for Supervisor. |
suspendedBy | wacSuspendedBy | Location | True | ActivitySuspendedBy | Selects Activities based on a value for Suspended By. |
suspendedUntil | wacSuspendedUntil | Datetime | True | ActivityDateSuspendedUntil | Selects Activities based on a value for Suspended Until. |
template | wacTemplate | WorkflowTemplate | True | ActivityTemplate | Selects Activities based on a value for Template. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | False | Selects all top-level Activities (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Activity). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Activities based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Activities based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Activities based on a unique identifier value. |
within | wacWithin | Activity | False | Selects Activities Selects subordinate activities of a specified parent activity | |
word | wacWord | String | False | Selects Activities based on the Activity Word index. | |
workflow | wacWorkflow | Workflow | True | ActivityWorkflow | Selects Activities based on a value for Workflow. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Agenda Items having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Agenda Items within this dataset. | |
approved | agiApproved | Boolean | False | AgendaItemApproved | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Approved. |
approvedOn | agiApprovedOn | Datetime | True | AgendaItemDateApproved | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Date Approved. |
approver | agiApprover | Location | True | AgendaItemNeedsApprovalBy | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Requiring Approval By. |
attached | agiAttached | AgendaItemAttachment | False | Selects Agenda Items with an associated Agenda Item Attachment having selected property values. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Agenda Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Agenda Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
carriedOverFrom | agiCarriedOverFrom | AgendaItem | True | AgendaItemCarriedForwardFromItem | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Carried Forward From Item. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Agenda Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
meeting | agiMeeting | Meeting | True | AgendaItemParentMeeting | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for For meeting. |
meetingType | agiMeetingType | MeetingType | True | AgendaItemParentMeetingType | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for For meeting type. |
name | agiName | String | True | AgendaItemDescription | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Description. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Agenda Items. | |
number | agiNumber | String | True | AgendaItemNumber | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Number. |
numberx | agiNumberx | String | True | AgendaItemExpandedNumber | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Expanded Number. |
order | agiOrder | Number | True | AgendaItemAgendaItemOrderNumber | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Item Order Number. |
parent | agiParent | AgendaItem | True | AgendaItemParentAgendaItem | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Subordinate Item Of. |
pending | agiPending | Boolean | False | AgendaItemIsPending | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Pending Item. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Agenda Items that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
section | agiSection | Boolean | False | AgendaItemIsSection | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Section Heading. |
standing | agiStanding | Boolean | False | AgendaItemIsStanding | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Standing Item. |
submittedBy | agiSubmittedBy | Location | True | AgendaItemSubmittedBy | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Submitted By. |
submittedOn | agiSubmittedOn | Datetime | True | AgendaItemDateSubmitted | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Date Submitted. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Agenda Items (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Agenda Item). | |
type | agiType | AgendaItemType | True | AgendaItemItemType | Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Agenda Items based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Agenda Items based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Agenda Items based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Agenda Item Types having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Agenda Item Types within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Agenda Item Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Agenda Item Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Agenda Item Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | agtName | String | True | AgendaItemTypeName | Selects Agenda Item Types based on a value for Agenda Item Type Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Agenda Item Types. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Agenda Item Types that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Agenda Item Types based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Agenda Item Types based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Agenda Item Types based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Agenda Item Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Alerts within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Alerts by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
eventType | altEventType | Events | True | AlertEventType | Selects Alerts based on a value for Event Type. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Alerts. | |
objectType | altObjectType | BaseObjectTypes | True | AlertObjectType | Selects Alerts based on a value for Object Type. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Alerts that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
subscriber | altSubscriber | AlertSubscriber | False | Selects Alerts with an associated Alert Subscriber having selected property values. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Alerts based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Alerts based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Alerts based on a unique identifier value. |
user | altUser | Location | False | Selects Alerts that are subscribed to by the specified location |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Automated Part Rules having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Automated Part Rules within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Automated Part Rules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
dateType | aprDateType | AprDateTypes | True | AutoPartRuleDateType | Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Date Type. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Automated Part Rules based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | aprName | String | True | AutoPartRuleName | Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Automated Part Rules. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Automated Part Rules that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | aprType | AprType | True | AutoPartRulePartRuleType | Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Automated Part Rules based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Automated Part Rules based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Automated Part Rules based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Automated Part Rules that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Censuses within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Censuses that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Censuses by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
censusLocation | cnsCensusLocation | Location | True | CensusCensusLocation | Selects Censuses based on a value for Location. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Censuses based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
endDate | cnsEndDate | Datetime | True | CensusEndDate | Selects Censuses based on a value for End Date. |
inProgress | cnsInProgress | Boolean | False | CensusInProgress | Selects Censuses based on a value for In Progress. |
name | cnsName | String | True | CensusName | Selects Censuses based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Censuses. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Censuses that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
startDate | cnsStartDate | Datetime | True | CensusStartDate | Selects Censuses based on a value for Start Date. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Censuses based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Censuses based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Censuses based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
action | chsAction | ActionDef | True | CheckinStyleAction | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Action. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Check In Styles within this dataset. | |
assignee | chsAssignee | Location | True | CheckinStyleAssignee | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Assignee. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Check In Styles by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
classification | chsClassification | Classification | True | CheckinStyleClassification | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Classification. |
container | chsContainer | Record | True | CheckinStyleContainer | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Container. |
jurisdiction | chsJurisdiction | Jurisdiction | True | CheckinStyleJurisdiction | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Jurisdiction. |
matter | chsMatter | Record | True | CheckinStyleMatter | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Matter record. |
matterFolder | chsMatterFolder | Boolean | False | CheckinStyleIsMatterSubfolder | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Is Matter SubFolder. |
matterTemplate | chsMatterTemplate | Boolean | False | CheckinStyleIsMatterTemplate | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Is Matter Template. |
name | chsName | String | True | CheckinStyleName | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Check In Styles. | |
owner | chsOwner | Location | True | CheckinStyleStyleOwner | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Style Owner. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Check In Styles that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
schedule | chsSchedule | Schedule | True | CheckinStyleRetentionSchedule | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Retention schedule. |
template | chsTemplate | WorkflowTemplate | True | CheckinStyleInitiateWorkflow | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Template. |
type | chsType | RecordType | True | CheckinStyleRecordType | Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Record Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Check In Styles based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Check In Styles based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Check In Styles based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Classifications having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Classifications that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Classifications that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Classifications that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Classifications within this dataset. | |
approved | plnApproved | Boolean | True | ClassificationIsApproved | Selects Classifications based on a value for Approved. |
approver | plnApprover | Location | True | ClassificationApprover | Selects Classifications based on a value for Approver. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Classifications that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Classifications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
class | plnClass | RecordClass | True | ClassificationClassOfRecord | Selects Classifications based on a value for Record Class. |
copyacl | unkCopyacl | Location | False | Selects Classifications having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Classifications based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Classifications. | |
home | plnHome | Location | True | ClassificationHomeLocation | Selects Classifications based on a value for Home. |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Classifications with a specified User Label. | |
name | plnName | String | True | ClassificationName | Selects Classifications based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Classifications. | |
number | plnNumber | String | True | ClassificationIdNumber | Selects Classifications based on a value for Number. |
numberx | plnNumberx | String | True | ClassificationIdNumberUncompressed | Selects Classifications based on a value for Expanded Number. |
owner | plnOwner | Location | True | ClassificationOwnerLocation | Selects Classifications based on a value for Owner. |
parent | plnParent | Classification | True | ClassificationParentClassification | Selects Classifications based on a value for Parent classification. |
parentOf | plnParentOf | Classification | False | Selects Classifications that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s) | |
pcsid | plnPcsid | String | True | ClassificationPolicyCentreGUID | Selects Classifications based on a value for Policy Center Solution GUID. |
pendingAuto | plnPendingAuto | Boolean | True | ClassificationPendingAutoClassification | Selects Classifications based on a value for Holding Bay For records requiring automatic classification. |
recordType | plnRecordType | RecordType | False | Selects Classifications that have the specified record types in the 'Only Record Types' list | |
sapobject | plnSapobject | String | False | Selects Classifications that have been linked to the specified SAP Business Object | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Classifications that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
schedule | plnSchedule | Schedule | True | ClassificationRetentionSchedule | Selects Classifications based on a value for Retention schedule. |
secure | plnSecure | Boolean | False | Selects Classifications that have have a security profile no higher than that of the current user | |
securityCaveat | plnSecurityCaveat | SecurityCaveat | False | Selects Classifications that have the specified security caveat | |
securityLevel | plnSecurityLevel | SecurityLevel | False | Selects Classifications that have the specified security level | |
title | plnTitle | String | False | ClassificationTitle | Selects Classifications based on a value for Classification title. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Classifications (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Classification). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Classifications based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Classifications based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Classifications based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Classifications that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
viewRecords | plnViewRecords | Boolean | False | Selects Classifications that satisfy the view record access control | |
word | plnWord | String | False | Selects Classifications based on the Classification Word index. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Communications within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Communications that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Communications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
dated | cmmDated | Datetime | True | CommunicationDated | Selects Communications based on a value for Date Of Communication. |
detail | cmmDetail | CommunicationDetail | False | Selects Communications with an associated Communication Detail having selected property values. | |
direction | cmmDirection | CommunicationDirection | True | CommunicationDirection | Selects Communications based on a value for Direction. |
medium | cmmMedium | CommunicationMedium | True | CommunicationMedium | Selects Communications based on a value for Medium. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Communications. | |
record | cmmRecord | Record | True | CommunicationRecord | Selects Communications based on a value for Record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Communications that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Communications based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Communications based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Communications based on a unique identifier value. |
viewable | cmmViewable | Boolean | False | CommunicationViewable | Selects Communications based on a value for Record is viewable. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Consignments within this dataset. | |
approvedOn | conApprovedOn | Datetime | True | ConsignmentDateApproved | Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Approval Complete. |
archivist | conArchivist | Location | True | ConsignmentArchivist | Selects Consignments based on a value for Responsible Archivist. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Consignments that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
autoExaminedOn | conAutoExaminedOn | Datetime | True | ConsignmentDateAutoExamined | Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Auto Examination Complete. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Consignments by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
cutoffDate | conCutoffDate | Datetime | True | ConsignmentCutoffDate | Selects Consignments based on a value for Cutoff Date. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Consignments based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
disposalDate | conDisposalDate | Datetime | True | ConsignmentDisposalDate | Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Date. |
disposedOn | conDisposedOn | Datetime | True | ConsignmentDisposalDate | Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Date. |
done | conDone | Boolean | False | ConsignmentIsComplete | Selects Consignments based on a value for Is Complete. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Consignments. | |
number | conNumber | String | True | ConsignmentNumber | Selects Consignments based on a value for Number. |
reviewedOn | conReviewedOn | Datetime | True | ConsignmentDateReviewed | Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Review Complete. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Consignments that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
status | conStatus | ConsignmentState | True | ConsignmentStatus | Selects Consignments based on a value for Status. |
transferLocation | conTransferLocation | Location | True | ConsignmentTransferLocation | Selects Consignments based on a value for Transfer To location. |
type | conType | ConsignmentDisposalType | True | ConsignmentDisposalMethod | Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Method. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Consignments based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Consignments based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Consignments based on a unique identifier value. |
waiting | conWaiting | Boolean | True | ConsignmentWaitingAcknowledgement | Selects Consignments based on a value for Is Waiting For Transfer Acknowledgement. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Consignment Approvers within this dataset. | |
approver | coaApprover | Location | True | ConsignmentApproverApprover | Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Approver. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Consignment Approvers by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
consignment | coaConsignment | Consignment | True | ConsignmentApproverConsignment | Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Consignment. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Consignment Approvers. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Consignment Approvers that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
status | coaStatus | ConsignmentItemApprovalStatus | True | ConsignmentApproverStatus | Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Status. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Consignment Approvers based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Consignment Approvers based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Consignment Approvers based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Consignment Issues within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Consignment Issues by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
consignment | cisConsignment | Consignment | True | ConsignmentIssueConsignment | Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Consignment. |
issueType | cisIssueType | ConsignmentItemIssueType | True | ConsignmentIssueIssueType | Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Issue Type. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Consignment Issues. | |
reviewer | cisReviewer | Location | True | ConsignmentIssueReviewer | Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Reviewer. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Consignment Issues that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Consignment Issues based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Consignment Issues based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Consignment Issues based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Consignment Record Rejections within this dataset. | |
approver | crjApprover | Location | True | ConsignmentRejectionApprover | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Approver. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Consignment Record Rejections by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
consignment | crjConsignment | Consignment | True | ConsignmentRejectionConsignment | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Consignment. |
isConfirmed | crjIsConfirmed | Boolean | True | ConsignmentRejectionIsConfirmed | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Rejection Confirmed?. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Consignment Record Rejections. | |
record | crjRecord | Record | True | ConsignmentRejectionRecord | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Record. |
rejectedOn | crjRejectedOn | Datetime | True | ConsignmentRejectionRejectedOn | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Date Rejected. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Consignment Record Rejections that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Document Queues having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Document Queues within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Document Queues that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
auto | dcqAuto | Boolean | True | DocumentQueueAllowAutomaticProcessing | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Allow Automatic Processing. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Document Queues by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
container | dcqContainer | Record | True | DocumentQueueContainer | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Default container. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Document Queues based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Document Queues. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Document Queues with a specified User Label. | |
location | dcqLocation | String | False | DocumentQueueLocation | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Location. |
machine | dcqMachine | String | True | DocumentQueueMachine | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Machine. |
name | dcqName | String | True | DocumentQueueName | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Document Queues. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Document Queues that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | dcqType | QueueTypes | True | DocumentQueueQueueType | Selects Document Queues based on a value for Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Document Queues based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Document Queues based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Document Queues based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Document Queues that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
accessDate | estAccessDate | Datetime | True | ElectronicStoreDefaultAccessDate | Selects Document Stores based on a value for Default Last Access Date For Documents. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Document Stores within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Document Stores that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
autnGroup | estAutnGroup | String | False | ElectronicStoreAutnGroup | Selects Document Stores based on a value for AUTN_GROUP for CFS Connector Store. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Document Stores by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Document Stores based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | estName | String | True | ElectronicStoreName | Selects Document Stores based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Document Stores. | |
readonly | estReadonly | Boolean | False | ElectronicStoreWriteProtected | Selects Document Stores based on a value for Read Only. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Document Stores that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
storeType | estStoreType | EstoreTypes | True | ElectronicStoreStoreType | Selects Document Stores based on a value for Type. |
tier | estTier | TieredStorageType | True | ElectronicStoreStorageTier | Selects Document Stores based on a value for Storage Tier. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Document Stores based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Document Stores based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Document Stores based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Additional Fields having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Additional Fields within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Additional Fields that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Additional Fields by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Additional Fields based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
forLocations | fldForLocations | LocationType | False | Selects Additional Fields that are used by locations of the specified type. | |
format | fldFormat | UserFieldFormats | True | FieldDefinitionFormat | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Format. |
forRecords | fldForRecords | RecordType | False | Selects Additional Fields that are used by records of the specified record type | |
inIdolSchema | fldInIdolSchema | Boolean | True | FieldDefinitionIsSearchable | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Is Searchable. |
lookupSet | fldLookupSet | LookupSet | True | FieldDefinitionLookupSet | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Lookup Set. |
name | fldName | String | True | FieldDefinitionName | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Additional Fields. | |
sapkey | fldSapkey | String | True | FieldDefinitionSapKeySetField | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for SAP KeySet Field. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Additional Fields that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Additional Fields based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Additional Fields based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Additional Fields based on a unique identifier value. |
usedFor | fldUsedFor | BaseObjectTypes | False | Selects Additional Fields that are used by trim objects of the specified type | |
visible | fldVisible | Boolean | False | FieldDefinitionIsVisible | Selects Additional Fields based on a value for View additional field Value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
activity | hisActivity | Activity | False | HistoryActivity | Selects Historical Events based on a value for For activity. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Historical Events within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Historical Events by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
breach | hisBreach | Boolean | True | HistoryIsSecurityViolation | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Security Violation. |
changedTo | hisChangedTo | Location | False | HistoryMovementLocation | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Moved To location. |
clientIPA | hisClientIPA | String | True | HistoryClientIPAddress | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Client IP Address. |
computer | hisComputer | String | True | HistoryDoneOnMachine | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Computer Name. |
connectionIPA | hisConnectionIPA | String | True | HistoryConnectionIPAddress | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Connection IP Address. |
date | hisDate | Datetime | True | HistoryDoneOn | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Event Date. |
event | hisEvent | Events | True | HistoryOtherEventType | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Event. |
isSearch | hisIsSearch | Boolean | False | HistoryIsSearch | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Is Search Event. |
location | hisLocation | Location | False | HistoryLocation | Selects Historical Events based on a value for For location. |
login | hisLogin | String | True | HistoryLogin | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Updated By (Login User Name). |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Historical Events. | |
object | hisObject | Unknown | False | Selects Historical Events that occurred for the specified object | |
objectType | hisObjectType | BaseObjectTypes | True | HistoryForObjectType | Selects Historical Events based on a value for For Object Type. |
record | hisRecord | Record | False | HistoryRecord | Selects Historical Events based on a value for For record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Historical Events that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | hisType | HistoryTypes | False | HistoryEventType | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Record Event. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Historical Events based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Historical Events based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Historical Events based on a unique identifier value. |
user | hisUser | Location | True | HistoryLoginLocation | Selects Historical Events based on a value for Updated By. |
workflow | hisWorkflow | Workflow | False | HistoryWorkflow | Selects Historical Events based on a value for For workflow. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Holds that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Holds that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Holds that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Holds within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Holds that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Holds by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
contact | lglContact | Location | True | HoldContact | Selects Holds based on a value for Contact. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Holds based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
external | lglExternal | String | True | HoldExternalId | Selects Holds based on a value for External ID. |
name | lglName | String | True | HoldName | Selects Holds based on a value for Hold Title. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Holds. | |
record | lglRecord | Record | False | Selects Holds that have been applied to the specified record | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Holds that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Holds based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Holds based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Holds based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Web Publisher Layouts within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Web Publisher Layouts by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Web Publisher Layouts based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | wwwName | String | True | HtmlLayoutName | Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Web Publisher Layouts. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Web Publisher Layouts that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | wwwType | BaseObjectTypes | True | HtmlLayoutForType | Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a value for Object Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Jurisdictions that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Jurisdictions that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Jurisdictions that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Jurisdictions within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Jurisdictions that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Jurisdictions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Jurisdictions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
description | jrsDescription | String | True | JurisdictionDescription | Selects Jurisdictions based on a value for Description. |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Jurisdictions. | |
hasMember | jrsHasMember | Jurisdiction | False | Selects Jurisdictions that have the specified jurisdiction as a member. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Jurisdictions with a specified User Label. | |
members | jrsMembers | Jurisdiction | False | Selects Jurisdictions that are members of a specified jurisdiction | |
name | jrsName | String | True | JurisdictionName | Selects Jurisdictions based on a value for Short Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Jurisdictions. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Jurisdictions that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
top | unkTop | Boolean | False | Selects all top-level Jurisdictions (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Jurisdiction). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Jurisdictions based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Jurisdictions based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Jurisdictions based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Thesaurus Terms that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Thesaurus Terms that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Thesaurus Terms within this dataset. | |
attachedTo | thsAttachedTo | Record | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that have been attached to the specified records | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
broader | thsBroader | Keyword | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are broader terms of a specified thesaurus term | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Thesaurus Terms based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Thesaurus Terms. | |
forbidden | thsForbidden | Boolean | True | KeywordIsForbidden | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Is Forbidden. |
inTitleOf | thsInTitleOf | Record | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that have been used to title the specified records | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms with a specified User Label. | |
name | thsName | String | True | KeywordName | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Term. |
narrower | thsNarrower | Keyword | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are narrower terms of a specified thesaurus term | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Thesaurus Terms. | |
nonPreferredFormsOf | thsNonPreferredFormsOf | Keyword | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are non-preferred forms of the specified thesaurus term | |
primary | thsPrimary | Boolean | True | KeywordIsAPrimaryTerm | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Is Primary Term. |
related | thsRelated | Keyword | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are related terms of a specified thesaurus term | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
source | thsSource | String | True | KeywordSource | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Source Authority. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
usedFor | thsUsedFor | Keyword | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms that are used in preference to the specified thesaurus term | |
word | thsWord | String | False | Selects Thesaurus Terms based on the Thesaurus Word index. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Locations having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Locations that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Locations that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Locations that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
address | locAddress | LocationAddress | False | Selects Locations with an associated Physical Address having selected property values. | |
administeredBy | locAdministeredBy | Location | False | Selects Locations that the specified location. are administered by. | |
administratorOf | locAdministratorOf | Location | False | Selects Locations that are adminstrators of the specified location. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Locations within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Locations that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
barcode | unkBarcode | String | False | Selects Locations by barcode. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Locations by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
businessPhone | locBusinessPhone | String | True | LocationPhoneNumber | Selects Locations based on a value for Business Phone. |
communication | locCommunication | Communication | False | Selects Locations that are associated with the specified communication | |
contactOf | locContactOf | Record | False | Selects Locations that are contacts of the specified record | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Locations based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
delegateOf | locDelegateOf | Location | False | Selects Locations that are delegates of the specified location. | |
delegateTo | locDelegateTo | Location | False | Selects Locations that have been delegated to by the specified location. | |
dob | locDob | Date | True | LocationDateOfBirth | Selects Locations based on a value for Date Of Birth. |
locEmail | String | False | LocationEmailAddress | Selects Locations with a specified email address | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Locations. | |
fbarcode | unkFbarcode | String | False | Selects Locations by foreign barcode. | |
givenNames | locGivenNames | String | True | LocationGivenNames | Selects Locations based on a value for First Names. |
gps | locGps | Geography | True | LocationGpsLocation | Selects Locations based on a value for GPS Location. |
hasMember | locHasMember | Location | False | Selects Locations that have the specified location as a member. | |
hasOther | locHasOther | Location | False | Selects Locations that have the specified location as an 'other' relationship. | |
id | locId | String | True | LocationIdNumber | Selects Locations based on a value for ID Number. |
initials | locInitials | String | True | LocationInitials | Selects Locations based on a value for Initials. |
internal | locInternal | Boolean | True | LocationIsWithin | Selects Locations based on a value for Internal. |
jurisdiction | locJurisdiction | Jurisdiction | True | LocationDefaultJurisdiction | Selects Locations based on a value for Default jurisdiction. |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Locations with a specified User Label. | |
login | locLogin | String | False | Selects Locations that have the specified network login | |
members | locMembers | Location | False | Selects Locations that are members of a specified location. | |
mobile | locMobile | String | True | LocationMobileNumber | Selects Locations based on a value for Mobile Phone. |
name | locName | String | False | Selects Locations that have a name matching the supplied value (uses name parsing techniques) | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Locations. | |
others | locOthers | Location | False | Selects Locations that have an 'other' relationship to a specified location. | |
phone | locPhone | String | False | Selects Locations with the specified phone number. | |
recipientOf | locRecipientOf | Communication | False | Selects Locations that are recipients of the specified communication | |
review | locReview | Datetime | True | LocationReviewDate | Selects Locations based on a value for Review Date. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Locations that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
securityCaveat | locSecurityCaveat | SecurityCaveat | False | Selects Locations that have the specified security caveat attached | |
securityLevel | locSecurityLevel | SecurityLevel | False | Selects Locations that have the specified security level | |
senderOf | locSenderOf | Communication | False | Selects Locations that are senders of the specified communication | |
sortName | locSortName | String | True | LocationSortName | Selects Locations based on a value for Name. |
supervisedBy | locSupervisedBy | Location | False | Selects Locations that have a supervisor of a specified location. | |
supervisorOf | locSupervisorOf | Location | False | Selects Locations that are the supervisor of the specified location. | |
surname | locSurname | String | True | LocationSurname | Selects Locations based on a value for Last Name. |
surnamePrefix | locSurnamePrefix | String | True | LocationSurnamePrefix | Selects Locations based on a value for Last Name Prefix. |
type | locType | LocationType | True | LocationTypeOfLocation | Selects Locations based on a value for Location Type. |
unique | locUnique | String | True | LocationNickName | Selects Locations based on a value for Unique Name. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Locations based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Locations based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Locations based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Locations that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
userType | locUserType | UserTypes | False | LocationUserType | Selects Locations based on a value for User Type. |
usingAddressOf | locUsingAddressOf | Location | True | LocationUseAddressOf | Selects Locations based on a value for Use Address Of. |
usingProfileOf | locUsingProfileOf | Location | True | LocationUseProfileOf | Selects Locations based on a value for Use Profile Of. |
validLogin | locValidLogin | Boolean | False | LocationHasAValidLogin | Selects Locations based on a value for Has A Valid Login. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Lookup Sets having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Lookup Sets within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Lookup Sets that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Lookup Sets by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Lookup Sets based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | cdsName | String | True | LookupSetName | Selects Lookup Sets based on a value for Lookup Set. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Lookup Sets. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Lookup Sets that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | cdsType | LookupSetType | True | LookupSetLookupSetType | Selects Lookup Sets based on a value for Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Lookup Sets based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Lookup Sets based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Lookup Sets based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Lookup Sets that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Email Templates within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Email Templates that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Email Templates by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Email Templates based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | mtmName | String | True | MailTemplateName | Selects Email Templates based on a value for Template Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Email Templates. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Email Templates that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | mtmType | MailEventType | True | MailTemplateForEventType | Selects Email Templates based on a value for Mail Event Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Email Templates based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Email Templates based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Email Templates based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Meetings having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
agenda | mtgAgenda | Record | True | MeetingAgendaRecord | Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Meetings within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Meetings that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Meetings by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
cutoff | mtgCutoff | Datetime | True | MeetingSubmissionsCutoffDate | Selects Meetings based on a value for Submission Cutoff Date. |
date | mtgDate | Datetime | True | MeetingMeetingDate | Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Date. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Meetings based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
document | mtgDocument | MeetingDocument | False | Selects Meetings with an associated Meeting Document having selected property values. | |
invite | mtgInvite | MeetingInvitation | False | Selects Meetings with an associated Meeting Participant having selected property values. | |
issue | mtgIssue | Datetime | True | MeetingAgendaIssueDate | Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda Issue Date. |
minutes | mtgMinutes | Record | True | MeetingMinutesRecord | Selects Meetings based on a value for Minutes. |
name | mtgName | String | True | MeetingName | Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Meetings. | |
open | mtgOpen | Boolean | False | MeetingAgendaOpen | Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda Open. |
pending | mtgPending | Boolean | False | MeetingPending | Selects Meetings based on a value for Pending. |
place | mtgPlace | Location | True | MeetingMeetingPlace | Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Place. |
record | mtgRecord | Record | False | Selects Meetings that are associated with the specified records | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Meetings that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | mtgType | MeetingType | True | MeetingMeetingType | Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Meetings based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Meetings based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Meetings based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Meetings that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Meeting Types having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Meeting Types within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Meeting Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Meeting Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
copyacl | unkCopyacl | Location | False | Selects Meeting Types having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Meeting Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | mgmName | String | True | MeetingTypeName | Selects Meeting Types based on a value for Meeting Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Meeting Types. | |
place | mgmPlace | Location | True | MeetingTypeMeetingPlace | Selects Meeting Types based on a value for Meeting Place. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Meeting Types that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Meeting Types based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Meeting Types based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Meeting Types based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Meeting Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Metadata Validation Rules within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Metadata Validation Rules that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Metadata Validation Rules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
message | metMessage | String | True | MetadataRuleMessage | Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a value for Message. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Metadata Validation Rules. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Metadata Validation Rules that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | metType | BaseObjectTypes | True | MetadataRuleObjectType | Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a value for Object Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
action | mniAction | MinuteItemActionArising | False | Selects Minute Items with an associated Action Item Arising having selected property values. | |
agenda | mniAgenda | AgendaItem | True | MinuteItemParentAgendaItem | Selects Minute Items based on a value for For agenda item. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Minute Items within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Minute Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Minute Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Minute Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
meeting | mniMeeting | Meeting | False | MinuteItemMeeting | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Meeting. |
motion | mniMotion | Boolean | False | MinuteItemIsMotion | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Is Motion. |
name | mniName | String | True | MinuteItemDescription | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Description. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Minute Items. | |
order | mniOrder | Number | True | MinuteItemMinuteItemOrderNumber | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Item Order Number. |
outcome | mniOutcome | MotionOutcome | True | MinuteItemOutcome | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Outcome. |
proposer | mniProposer | Location | True | MinuteItemProposedBy | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Proposed By. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Minute Items that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
seconder | mniSeconder | Location | True | MinuteItemSecondedBy | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Seconded By. |
type | mniType | MinuteItemType | True | MinuteItemItemType | Selects Minute Items based on a value for Minute Item Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Minute Items based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Minute Items based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Minute Items based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Minute Item Types having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Minute Item Types within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Minute Item Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Minute Item Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Minute Item Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | mitName | String | True | MinuteItemTypeName | Selects Minute Item Types based on a value for Minute Item Type Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Minute Item Types. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Minute Item Types that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Minute Item Types based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Minute Item Types based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Minute Item Types based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Minute Item Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Notifications within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Notifications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
eventDate | ntfEventDate | Datetime | True | NotificationEventDate | Selects Notifications based on a value for Event Date. |
eventType | ntfEventType | Events | True | NotificationEventType | Selects Notifications based on a value for Event Type. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Notifications. | |
objectType | ntfObjectType | BaseObjectTypes | True | NotificationObjectType | Selects Notifications based on a value for Object Type. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Notifications that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Notifications based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Notifications based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Notifications based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Offline Records within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Offline Records by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
container | offContainer | OfflineRecord | True | OfflineRecordContainer | Selects Offline Records based on a value for Container (Offline). |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Offline Records based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
extension | offExtension | String | True | OfflineRecordExtension | Selects Offline Records based on a value for Extension. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Offline Records. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Offline Records that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
status | offStatus | OfflineStatus | True | OfflineRecordStatus | Selects Offline Records based on a value for Status. |
title | offTitle | String | True | OfflineRecordTitle | Selects Offline Records based on a value for Title. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | False | Selects all top-level Offline Records (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Offline Record). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Offline Records based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Offline Records based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Offline Records based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Origins having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Origins within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Origins that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
auto | ognAuto | Boolean | True | OriginAutoStart | Selects Origins based on a value for Auto Start. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Origins by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Origins based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
loadedOn | ognLoadedOn | Datetime | True | OriginDateLastLoaded | Selects Origins based on a value for Date Last Loaded. |
machine | ognMachine | String | True | OriginRunsOnMachine | Selects Origins based on a value for Run On Computer. |
name | ognName | String | True | OriginName | Selects Origins based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Origins. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Origins that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
source | ognSource | String | True | OriginOriginLocation | Selects Origins based on a value for Source. |
type | ognType | OriginType | True | OriginTypeOfOrigin | Selects Origins based on a value for Origin Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Origins based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Origins based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Origins based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Origins that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Origin Run Histories within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Origin Run Histories by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Origin Run Histories. | |
origin | oghOrigin | Origin | True | OriginHistoryOrigin | Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Origin. |
runOn | oghRunOn | Datetime | True | OriginHistoryDateRun | Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Date Import Run. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Origin Run Histories that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
source | oghSource | String | True | OriginHistoryOriginLocationUsed | Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Source. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Origin Run Histories based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Origin Run Histories based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Origin Run Histories based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
accessedOn | recAccessedOn | Datetime | False | RecordDocumentLastAccessedDate | Selects Records based on a value for Document Last Accessed Date. |
accession | recAccession | Number | True | RecordAccessionNumber | Selects Records based on a value for Accession Number. |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Records having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
action | recAction | RecordAction | False | Selects Records that have the specified action(s) attached | |
actionedOn | recActionedOn | Datetime | True | RecordLastActionDate | Selects Records based on a value for Last Action Date. |
activity | recActivity | Activity | False | Selects Records that are associated with the specified activity | |
addressee | recAddressee | Location | False | Selects Records that have an addressee of the specified location | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Records within this dataset. | |
allParts | recAllParts | Record | False | Selects Records that have in the same part series as the specified record | |
allRelated | recAllRelated | Record | False | Selects Records that have any relationship with the specified record (excludes parts, versions, series, alt container and SharePoint relationship types) | |
allVersions | recAllVersions | Record | False | Selects Records that have in the same version series as the specified record | |
altContainer | recAltContainer | Record | False | Selects Records that have the alternatively contains relationship with the specified record | |
altContains | recAltContains | Record | False | Selects Records that have the alternatively within relationship with the specified record | |
anyWord | recAnyWord | String | False | Selects Records based on the Any Word index. | |
archivedOn | recArchivedOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that had disposition changed to archived (keep forever) on the specified date. | |
archiveOn | recArchiveOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to archived (keep forever) on the specified date. | |
assignee | recAssignee | Location | True | RecordAssignee | Selects Records based on a value for Assignee. |
assigneex | recAssigneex | RecordLocation | False | Selects Records with an associated assignee having selected property values | |
atHome | recAtHome | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are at home (i.e. assignee is same as home) | |
attachedTo | recAttachedTo | Record | False | Selects Records that have the attached to relationship with the specified record | |
attachments | recAttachments | Boolean | False | RecordHasEmailAttachments | Selects Records based on a value for Has Email Attachments. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Records that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
author | recAuthor | Location | False | Selects Records that have an author of the specified location | |
authorizer | recAuthorizer | Location | False | Selects Records that have an authorizer of the specified location | |
barcode | unkBarcode | String | False | Selects Records by barcode. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Records by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
bcc | recBcc | Location | False | Selects Records that have the specified location in the bcc contacts list | |
canUseClass | recCanUseClass | Boolean | False | RecordCanUseClassification | Selects Records based on a value for Can Use Classification. |
cc | recCc | Location | False | Selects Records that have the specified location in the cc contacts list | |
checkedInBy | recCheckedInBy | Location | True | RecordCheckedInBy | Selects Records based on a value for Checked In By. |
checkedOutBy | recCheckedOutBy | Location | True | RecordCheckedOutTo | Selects Records based on a value for Checked Out To. |
checkinStyle | recCheckinStyle | CheckinStyle | False | Selects Records that are used by the specified check in style | |
class | recClass | RecordClass | True | RecordClassOfRecord | Selects Records based on a value for Record Class. |
classification | recClassification | Classification | True | RecordClassification | Selects Records based on a value for Classification. |
client | recClient | Location | True | Selects Records that have a client contact of the specified location | |
clientOf | recClientOf | Record | False | Selects Records that are the Client record of the specified records | |
clientRecord | recClientRecord | Record | True | RecordClientRecord | Selects Records based on a value for Client record. |
closedOn | recClosedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateClosed | Selects Records based on a value for Date Closed. |
combinedTitle | recCombinedTitle | String | True | RecordTitle | Selects Records based on a value for Full Title. |
communication | recCommunication | Communication | False | Selects Records that were associated with the specified communication | |
consignment | recConsignment | Consignment | True | RecordConsignmentObject | Selects Records based on a value for Consignment. |
consignmentNumber | recConsignmentNumber | String | True | RecordConsignment | Selects Records based on a value for Consignment Number. |
contact | recContact | Location | True | Selects Records that have a contact attached matching the location details specified. | |
contactx | recContactx | RecordLocation | False | Selects Records with an associated Contact having selected property values. | |
container | recContainer | Record | True | RecordContainer | Selects Records based on a value for Container. |
containerEx | recContainerEx | Record | False | Selects Records that are contained within or are alternately contained within the specified record | |
contains | recContains | Record | False | Selects Records that are a container for the specified records | |
containsEx | recContainsEx | Record | False | Selects Records that are either a container or an alternate container for the specified records | |
content | recContent | String | False | Selects Records that have a document with contents matching the content index search clause supplied. | |
contentBlockIn | recContentBlockIn | Record | False | Selects Records that have the is a document content block within relationship with the specified record | |
conversation | recConversation | Record | False | Selects Records that are in the same email message conversation as the specified record | |
conversationId | recConversationId | String | True | RecordConversationId | Selects Records based on a value for Email Conversation ID. |
copyOf | recCopyOf | Record | False | Selects Records that have the copy of relationship with the specified record | |
createdOn | recCreatedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateCreated | Selects Records based on a value for Date Created. |
creator | recCreator | Location | True | RecordCreator | Selects Records based on a value for Creator. |
CS_atRegistration | recCS_atRegistration | SecurityLevel | False | Selects Records that have classified security with the nominated security level at registration | |
CS_classifiedBy | recCS_classifiedBy | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been classified by the specified person | |
CS_classifiedByAgency | recCS_classifiedByAgency | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been classified by the specified agency | |
CS_declassify | recCS_declassify | Datetime | False | RecordCSdeclassifyOn | Selects Records based on a value for CS: Declassify On. |
CS_derivedFrom | recCS_derivedFrom | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security derived from a particular source | |
CS_downgrade | recCS_downgrade | Datetime | False | RecordCSdowngradeOn | Selects Records based on a value for CS: Downgrade On. |
CS_downgradeInstructions | recCS_downgradeInstructions | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security with the specified downgrade instructions | |
CS_guide | recCS_guide | SecurityGuide | False | Selects Records that have security set up from the specified security guide entry entry | |
CS_initial | recCS_initial | String | False | RecordCSinitialSecurity | Selects Records based on a value for CS: Security At Registration. |
CS_reason | recCS_reason | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security with a particular reason | |
CS_reviewedBy | recCS_reviewedBy | Location | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been reviewed by the specified location | |
CS_reviewedOn | recCS_reviewedOn | Datetime | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been reviewed on the specified date | |
CS_updatedBy | recCS_updatedBy | Location | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been updated by the specified location | |
CS_updatedOn | recCS_updatedOn | Datetime | False | Selects Records that have classified security that has been updated on the specified date | |
CS_updatedReason | recCS_updatedReason | String | False | Selects Records that have classified security that was updated for the specified reason | |
currentVersion | recCurrentVersion | Record | False | Selects Records that are the most recently finalized version of the specified record | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Records based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
derivedFrom | recDerivedFrom | Record | False | Selects Records that have the derived from relationship with the specified record | |
destroyedOn | recDestroyedOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that had disposition changed to destroyed on the specified date. | |
destroyOn | recDestroyOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to destroyed on the specified date. | |
disposition | recDisposition | RecordDisp | True | RecordDisposition | Selects Records based on a value for Disposition. |
documentSize | recDocumentSize | BigNumber | True | RecordDocumentSize | Selects Records based on a value for Size. |
dueOn | recDueOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateDue | Selects Records based on a value for Date Due. |
dueOrInTray | recDueOrInTray | Boolean | False | Selects Records that you or your position are the current assignee of or have a current action or document review task to be completed. | |
dueTray | recDueTray | Boolean | False | Selects Records that you or your position have a current action or document review task to be completed. | |
editedOn | recEditedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateModified | Selects Records based on a value for Date Modified. |
editor | recEditor | Location | False | Selects Records that have an editor of the specified location | |
electronic | recElectronic | Boolean | False | RecordIsElectronic | Selects Records based on a value for Is Electronic. |
enclosed | recEnclosed | Boolean | False | Selects Records that have a container and are enclosed in that container | |
extension | recExtension | String | True | RecordExtension | Selects Records based on a value for Extension. |
external | recExternal | String | True | RecordExternalReference | Selects Records based on a value for External ID. |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Records. | |
fbarcode | unkFbarcode | String | False | Selects Records by foreign barcode. | |
final | recFinal | Boolean | False | Selects Records that have been finalized. | |
finalisedOn | recFinalisedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateFinalized | Selects Records based on a value for Date Declared As Final. |
firstPart | recFirstPart | Record | False | Selects Records that have the first part of relationship with the specified record | |
firstVersionOf | recFirstVersionOf | Record | False | Selects Records that have the first version of relationship with the specified record | |
folderOrigin | recFolderOrigin | Origin | True | RecordFolderOrigin | Selects Records based on a value for Folder Origin. |
generatedTitle | recGeneratedTitle | String | True | RecordGeneratedTitle | Selects Records based on a value for Title (Structured Part). |
gps | recGps | Geography | True | RecordGpsLocation | Selects Records based on a value for GPS Location. |
hasAttachment | recHasAttachment | Record | False | Selects Records that have the has attachment relationship with the specified record | |
hasContentBlock | recHasContentBlock | Record | False | Selects Records that have the contains document content block relationship with the specified record | |
hasContents | recHasContents | Boolean | True | RecordIsContainer | Selects Records based on a value for Has Contents. |
hasDerivation | recHasDerivation | Record | False | Selects Records that have the derivations relationship with the specified record | |
hasFirstPart | recHasFirstPart | Record | False | Selects Records that have the has first part of relationship with the specified record | |
hasFirstVersion | recHasFirstVersion | Record | False | Selects Records that have the has first version of relationship with the specified record | |
hasHold | recHasHold | Boolean | True | RecordHasHold | Selects Records based on a value for Is in one or more holds. |
hasRedaction | recHasRedaction | Record | False | Selects Records that have the was redacted to relationship with the specified record | |
hasReply | recHasReply | Record | False | Selects Records that have the has reply relationship with the specified record | |
hasSite | recHasSite | Record | False | Selects Records that have the contains sharepoint list or site relationship with the specified record | |
hold | recHold | Hold | False | Selects Records that are associated with the specified hold | |
holdingBay | recHoldingBay | Space | False | RecordHomeSpace | Selects Records based on a value for In Holding Bay. |
home | recHome | Location | True | RecordHomeLocation | Selects Records based on a value for Home. |
homex | recHomex | RecordLocation | False | Selects Records with an associated home having selected property values | |
imported | recImported | Datetime | True | RecordDateImported | Selects Records based on a value for Date Imported. |
inactiveOn | recInactiveOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateInactive | Selects Records based on a value for Date Inactive. |
index | recIndex | RecordKeyword | False | Selects Records with an associated Attached thesaurus term having selected property values. | |
inSeries | recInSeries | Record | False | Selects Records that are in the specified series record | |
inSite | recInSite | Record | False | Selects Records that have the within sharepoint site relationship with the specified record | |
inSpList | recInSpList | Record | False | Selects Records that represent SharePoint list items within the nominated SharePoint list. | |
inTray | recInTray | Boolean | False | Selects Records that you or your position are the current assignee of. | |
isSeriesOf | recIsSeriesOf | Record | False | Selects Records that are a series record of the specified record | |
jurisdiction | recJurisdiction | Jurisdiction | False | Selects Records that have the specified jurisdiction. | |
keyword | recKeyword | Keyword | False | Selects Records that have the specified thesaurus term attached. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Records with a specified User Label. | |
latestPart | recLatestPart | Record | False | Selects Records that are the latest part of the specified record | |
latestVersion | recLatestVersion | Record | False | Selects Records that are the latest version of the specified record | |
linkOf | recLinkOf | Record | False | Selects Records that have an document that contains an embedded link to record | |
linksTo | recLinksTo | Record | False | Selects Records that is an embedded link of the the specified record | |
lockedOn | recLockedOn | Datetime | True | RecordCheckedOutOn | Selects Records based on a value for Checked Out On. |
makeInactiveOn | recMakeInactiveOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to inactive on the specified date. | |
matterOf | recMatterOf | Record | False | Selects Records that are the Matter record of the specified records | |
matterRecord | recMatterRecord | Record | True | RecordMatterRecord | Selects Records based on a value for Matter record. |
media | recMedia | MediaTypes | True | RecordMediaType | Selects Records based on a value for Media Type. |
meeting | recMeeting | Meeting | False | Selects Records associated with the specified meeting. | |
messageId | recMessageId | String | True | RecordMessageId | Selects Records based on a value for Email Message ID. |
mime | recMime | String | True | RecordMimeType | Selects Records based on a value for Internet Media Type. |
missing | recMissing | Boolean | False | Selects Records that have an unknown assignee | |
myContainers | recMyContainers | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are in your recently used containers tray. | |
myContent | recMyContent | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are in your favorite content blocks tray. | |
myDocuments | recMyDocuments | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are in your recently accessed documents tray. | |
myTemplates | recMyTemplates | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are in your favorite document templates tray. | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Records. | |
notes | recNotes | String | False | Selects Records based on the Notes Word index. | |
number | recNumber | String | True | RecordNumber | Selects Records based on a value for Record Number. |
numberx | recNumberx | String | True | RecordLongNumber | Selects Records based on a value for Expanded Number. |
offline | recOffline | OfflineRecord | False | Selects Records that are associated with the specified offline records | |
origin | recOrigin | Origin | False | RecordOriginatedFrom | Selects Records based on a value for Originated From. |
originalOf | recOriginalOf | Record | False | Selects Records that have the original of relationship with the specified record | |
originRun | recOriginRun | OriginHistory | True | RecordOriginatedFromRun | Selects Records based on a value for Originated From Run. |
otherContact | recOtherContact | Location | False | Selects Records that have an other type of contact of the specified location | |
owner | recOwner | Location | True | RecordOwnerLocation | Selects Records based on a value for Owner. |
partRule | recPartRule | AutoPartRule | True | RecordNewPartCreationRule | Selects Records based on a value for Automated Part Rule. |
party | recParty | Location | False | Selects Records that have the specified location attached as an interested party. | |
partyEx | recPartyEx | RecordClientMatterParty | False | Selects Records with an associated Client/Matter Party having selected property values. | |
priority | recPriority | String | True | RecordPriority | Selects Records based on a value for Priority. |
publishedOn | recPublishedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDatePublished | Selects Records based on a value for Date Published. |
receivedOn | recReceivedOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateReceived | Selects Records based on a value for Date Received. |
reclocationx | recReclocationx | RecordLocation | False | Selects Records with an associated record location having selected property values | |
redactionOf | recRedactionOf | Record | False | Selects Records that have the redaction of relationship with the specified record | |
registeredOn | recRegisteredOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateRegistered | Selects Records based on a value for Date Registered. |
related | recRelated | Record | False | Selects Records that have the related to relationship with the specified record | |
relatedEx | recRelatedEx | Record | False | Selects Records that have the specified relationship with the specified records | |
relatedReverseEx | recRelatedReverseEx | Record | False | Selects Records that have the specified reverse record relationship with the specified records | |
replyTo | recReplyTo | Record | False | Selects Records that have the reply to relationship with the specified record | |
representative | recRepresentative | Location | False | Selects Records that have a representative of the specified location | |
request | recRequest | Request | False | Selects Records that are associated with the specified request | |
requestedOn | recRequestedOn | Datetime | False | Selects Records that have been requested on the specified date/time | |
requestor | recRequestor | Location | False | Selects Records that have been requested by the specified location | |
returnOn | recReturnOn | Datetime | True | RecordReturnDueDateTime | Selects Records due for return by a specified date. |
review | recReview | Datetime | True | RecordReviewDate | Selects Records based on a value for Retention Review Date. |
reviewer | recReviewer | Location | False | Selects Records that have a reviewer of the specified location | |
reviewState | recReviewState | DocumentReviewStates | True | RecordReviewState | Selects Records based on a value for Document Review State. |
reviewStatus | recReviewStatus | PendingEventReviewFilter | False | Selects Records that have a review date set indicating the desired review status | |
revisionEx | recRevisionEx | RecordRevision | False | Selects Records with an associated Revision having selected property values. | |
role | recRole | Location | False | Selects Records that have the specified location attached as playing a role for the client. | |
roleEx | recRoleEx | RecordClientMatterRole | False | Selects Records with an associated Client/Matter Role having selected property values. | |
sameClient | recSameClient | Record | False | Selects Records that share the same client as the specified record | |
sameContact | recSameContact | Record | False | Selects Records that share the same contact as the specified record | |
sapcustomer | recSapcustomer | String | True | RecordSapCustomerName | Selects Records based on a value for SAP Customer. |
sapcustomerid | recSapcustomerid | String | True | RecordSapCustomerNumber | Selects Records based on a value for SAP Customer ID. |
sapdoc | recSapdoc | String | True | RecordSapDocumentId | Selects Records based on a value for SAP Document. |
saprepos | recSaprepos | String | True | RecordSapReposId | Selects Records based on a value for SAP Repository. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Records that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
schedule | recSchedule | Schedule | True | RecordRetentionSchedule | Selects Records based on a value for Retention schedule. |
scheduleStatus | recScheduleStatus | DisposalScheduleStatus | True | RecordScheduledDisposalStatus | Selects Records based on a value for Scheduled Disposal Status. |
sdmenv | recSdmenv | String | False | RecordSdmEnvironmentID | Selects Records based on a value for SDM Environment ID. |
sdmfile | recSdmfile | String | False | RecordSdmFileName | Selects Records based on a value for SDM File Name. |
sdmfolder | recSdmfolder | String | False | RecordSdmFolderName | Selects Records based on a value for SDM Folder Name. |
sdmrun | recSdmrun | String | False | RecordSdmRunID | Selects Records based on a value for SDM Run ID. |
securityCaveat | recSecurityCaveat | SecurityCaveat | False | Selects Records that have the specified security caveat | |
securityLevel | recSecurityLevel | SecurityLevel | False | Selects Records that have the specified security level | |
space | recSpace | Space | True | RecordHomeSpace | Selects Records based on a value for In space. |
spaceOrBay | recSpaceOrBay | Space | False | RecordHomeSpace | Selects Records based on a value for In space Or Holding Bay. |
spFarmGUID | recSpFarmGUID | String | True | RecordSpFarmGUID | Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint Server Farm ID. |
spGUID | recSpGUID | String | True | RecordSpGUID | Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint GUID. |
spLirId | recSpLirId | BigNumber | False | Selects Records that represent a SharePoint List Item with the nominated ID. | |
spLirURL | recSpLirURL | String | False | Selects Records that represent a SharePoint List Item with the nominated URL. | |
spList | recSpList | SharePointItem | False | Selects Records that represent the SharePoint List for the specified SharePoint items | |
spRecord | recSpRecord | SharePointItem | False | Selects Records that manage the specified SharePoint items | |
spSiteCollectionGUID | recSpSiteCollectionGUID | String | True | RecordSpSiteCollectionGUID | Selects Records that represent a SharePoint Site within the nominated site collection. |
spType | recSpType | SpElementType | False | RecordSpType | Selects Records that are the specified type of SharePoint object. |
spURL | recSpURL | String | True | RecordSpURL | Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint URL. |
store | recStore | ElectronicStore | True | RecordEStore | Selects Records based on a value for Document Store. |
supersededBy | recSupersededBy | Record | False | Selects Records that have the is superseded by relationship with the specified record | |
supersededOn | recSupersededOn | Datetime | True | RecordDateSuperseded | Selects Records based on a value for Date Superseded. |
supersedes | recSupersedes | Record | False | Selects Records that have the supersedes relationship with the specified record | |
task | recTask | ScheduledTask | False | Selects Records that have the specified vital review task(s) attached | |
title | recTitle | String | False | Selects Records based on the Title Word index. | |
todo | recTodo | TodoItem | False | Selects Records referenced by the specificed to do item. | |
transferOn | recTransferOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to archived (custody transferred) on the specified date. | |
transferredOn | recTransferredOn | Datetime | True | Selects Records that had disposition changed to archived (custody transferred) on the specified date. | |
type | recType | RecordType | True | RecordRecordType | Selects Records based on a value for Record Type. |
typedTitle | recTypedTitle | String | True | RecordTypedTitle | Selects Records based on a value for Title (Free Text Part). |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Records based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Records based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Records based on a unique identifier value. |
workflow | recWorkflow | Workflow | False | Selects Records that are associated with the specified workflow | |
workTray | recWorkTray | Boolean | False | Selects Records that are in your working records tray. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Record Actions within this dataset. | |
assignedBy | racAssignedBy | Location | True | RecordActionAssignedBy | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Assigned By. |
assignee | racAssignee | Location | True | RecordActionResponsibility | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Responsible location. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Record Actions that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
barcode | unkBarcode | String | False | Selects Record Actions by barcode. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Record Actions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
canStart | racCanStart | Boolean | False | Selects Record Actions that can now be worked on | |
completedBy | racCompletedBy | Location | True | RecordActionCompletedBy | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed By location. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Record Actions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
done | racDone | Boolean | False | RecordActionDone | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Done. |
doneOn | racDoneOn | Datetime | True | RecordActionEndDate | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed On. |
doneOnTime | racDoneOnTime | Boolean | False | RecordActionCompletedOnTime | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed On Time. |
dueOn | racDueOn | Datetime | True | RecordActionDueDate | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Due Date. |
fbarcode | unkFbarcode | String | False | Selects Record Actions by foreign barcode. | |
name | racName | String | True | RecordActionActionName | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Action. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Record Actions. | |
overdue | racOverdue | Boolean | False | RecordActionOverdue | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Overdue. |
parent | racParent | RecordAction | True | RecordActionParentRecordAction | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Parent record action. |
procedure | racProcedure | Boolean | True | RecordActionProcedure | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Procedure. |
record | racRecord | Record | True | RecordActionRecord | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Record Actions that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
startOn | racStartOn | Datetime | True | RecordActionStartDate | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Start Date. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Record Actions (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Record Action). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Record Actions based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Record Actions based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Record Actions based on a unique identifier value. |
viewable | racViewable | Boolean | False | RecordActionViewable | Selects Record Actions based on a value for Record is viewable. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
ackRequests | rtyAckRequests | Boolean | True | RecordTypeAcknowledgeRequests | Selects Record Types based on a value for Requests Need Acknowledgement before Completion. |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Record Types having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
action | rtyAction | ActionDef | True | RecordTypeAction | Selects Record Types based on a value for Assigned action. |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Record Types that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Record Types that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Record Types that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Record Types within this dataset. | |
archive | rtyArchive | Boolean | True | RecordTypeUseRetention | Selects Record Types based on a value for Allow Retention Schedule. |
assignee | rtyAssignee | Location | True | RecordTypeAssignee | Selects Record Types based on a value for Assignee. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Record Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Record Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
behaviour | rtyBehaviour | RecordBehaviour | True | RecordTypeUsualBehaviour | Selects Record Types based on a value for Behaves Like. |
canBeContainedBy | rtyCanBeContainedBy | RecordType | False | Selects Record Types that can contained by the specified record types | |
canContain | rtyCanContain | RecordType | False | Selects Record Types that can contain the specified record types | |
census | rtyCensus | Boolean | True | RecordTypeUseCensus | Selects Record Types based on a value for Track during Census. |
classification | rtyClassification | Classification | True | RecordTypeClassification | Selects Record Types based on a value for Starting classification. |
copyacl | unkCopyacl | Location | False | Selects Record Types having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Record Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
externalId | rtyExternalId | String | True | RecordTypeExternalId | Selects Record Types based on a value for External ID. |
field | rtyField | FieldDefinition | False | Selects Record Types that use the specified additional field | |
hasElecDocSupport | rtyHasElecDocSupport | Boolean | False | Selects Record Types that support Electronic Documents. | |
hasMatter | rtyHasMatter | Boolean | True | RecordTypeBelongsToAMatter | Selects Record Types based on a value for Records Must Belong To A Matter. |
home | rtyHome | Location | True | RecordTypeHomeLocation | Selects Record Types based on a value for Home. |
level | rtyLevel | Number | True | RecordTypeLevel | Selects Record Types based on a value for Container Level. |
lir | rtyLir | Boolean | True | RecordTypeCanHaveSharePointItems | Selects Record Types based on a value for Records can be SharePoint List Item records. |
media | rtyMedia | MediaTypes | True | RecordTypeMediaType | Selects Record Types based on a value for Default media type. |
name | rtyName | String | True | RecordTypeName | Selects Record Types based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Record Types. | |
owner | rtyOwner | Location | True | RecordTypeOwnerLocation | Selects Record Types based on a value for Owner. |
saprepository | rtySaprepository | String | True | RecordTypeSapRepositoryId | Selects Record Types based on a value for SAP Repository ID. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Record Types that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
schedule | rtySchedule | Schedule | True | RecordTypeRetentionSchedule | Selects Record Types based on a value for Retention schedule. |
sortOrder | rtySortOrder | String | True | RecordTypeSortOrder | Selects Record Types based on a value for Sort Order. |
space | rtySpace | Boolean | False | RecordTypeHomeCanBeSpace | Selects Record Types that can be stored in the space management system |
store | rtyStore | ElectronicStore | True | RecordTypeEStore | Selects Record Types based on a value for Store Name. |
template | rtyTemplate | WorkflowTemplate | True | RecordTypeStartupTemplate | Selects Record Types based on a value for Initiate workflow based on a template. |
titling | rtyTitling | TitlingMethods | True | RecordTypeTitlingMethod | Selects Record Types based on a value for Titling Method. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Record Types based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Record Types based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Record Types based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Record Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Reports having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Reports within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Reports by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Reports based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Reports. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Reports with a specified User Label. | |
name | rptName | String | True | ReportReportName | Selects Reports based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Reports. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Reports that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | rptType | BaseObjectTypes | True | ReportForObject | Selects Reports based on a value for For Object Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Reports based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Reports based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Reports based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Reports that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Report Graphics within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Report Graphics by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Report Graphics based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | rbmName | String | True | ReportBitmapName | Selects Report Graphics based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Report Graphics. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Report Graphics that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Report Graphics based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Report Graphics based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Report Graphics based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Requests within this dataset. | |
assignee | rcqAssignee | Location | False | RequestCurrentLocation | Selects Requests based on a value for Record assignee. |
athome | rcqAthome | Boolean | False | Selects Requests that are for records that are currently at their home location. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Requests that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Requests by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
by | rcqBy | Location | True | RequestRequestor | Selects Requests based on a value for Requested By. |
completedOn | rcqCompletedOn | Datetime | True | RequestDateCompleted | Selects Requests based on a value for Date Completed. |
createdOn | rcqCreatedOn | Datetime | True | RequestDateCreated | Selects Requests based on a value for Date Created. |
deliverTo | rcqDeliverTo | Location | True | RequestTransitLocation | Selects Requests based on a value for Delivery/Pickup Location. |
done | rcqDone | Boolean | False | RequestIsComplete | Selects Requests based on a value for Is Complete. |
dueOn | rcqDueOn | Datetime | True | RequestDueDate | Selects Requests based on a value for Date Required. |
isCurrent | rcqIsCurrent | Boolean | False | Selects Requests that are the currently outstanding retrieval request for the records they are associated with. | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Requests. | |
priority | rcqPriority | RequestPriority | True | RequestPriority | Selects Requests based on a value for Priority. |
record | rcqRecord | Record | True | RequestRecord | Selects Requests based on a value for Record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Requests that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
serviceLocation | rcqServiceLocation | Location | True | RequestServiceLocation | Selects Requests based on a value for Service Location. |
space | rcqSpace | Space | True | RequestServiceSpace | Selects Requests that are for records with home location within the nominated spaces. |
status | rcqStatus | RequestStatus | True | RequestStatus | Selects Requests based on a value for Status. |
statusDate | rcqStatusDate | Datetime | True | RequestStatusChangedDate | Selects Requests based on a value for Date Status Changed. |
type | rcqType | RequestTypes | True | RequestRequestType | Selects Requests based on a value for Request Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Requests based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Requests based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Requests based on a unique identifier value. |
viewable | rcqViewable | Boolean | False | RequestViewable | Selects Requests based on a value for Record is viewable. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Saved Searches having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Saved Searches within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Saved Searches that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Saved Searches by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
canEdit | srhCanEdit | Boolean | False | SavedSearchCanEdit | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Can edit query. |
canExecute | srhCanExecute | Boolean | False | SavedSearchCanExecute | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Can execute query. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Saved Searches based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Saved Searches. | |
fullName | srhFullName | String | False | SavedSearchFullName | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Full Name. |
group | srhGroup | Boolean | True | SavedSearchIsGrouping | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Is Search Group. |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Saved Searches with a specified User Label. | |
name | srhName | String | True | SavedSearchName | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Saved Searches. | |
old | srhOld | Boolean | True | SavedSearchIsOldFormat | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Old Format. |
owner | srhOwner | Location | True | SavedSearchOwner | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Owner. |
parent | srhParent | SavedSearch | True | SavedSearchParent | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Within Search Group. |
public | srhPublic | Boolean | False | SavedSearchIsPublic | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Is Public. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Saved Searches that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Saved Searches (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Saved Search). | |
type | srhType | BaseObjectTypes | True | SavedSearchObjectType | Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Object Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Saved Searches based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Saved Searches based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Saved Searches based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Saved Searches that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Schedules having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Schedules that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Schedules that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Schedules that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
agency | schAgency | Boolean | True | ScheduleIsAgencySpecific | Selects Schedules based on a value for Agency Specific. |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Schedules within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Schedules that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
barcode | unkBarcode | String | False | Selects Schedules by barcode. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Schedules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Schedules based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Schedules. | |
fbarcode | unkFbarcode | String | False | Selects Schedules by foreign barcode. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Schedules with a specified User Label. | |
name | schName | String | True | ScheduleName | Selects Schedules based on a value for Schedule Number. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Schedules. | |
parent | schParent | Schedule | True | ScheduleParentSchedule | Selects Schedules based on a value for Parent Schedule. |
parentOf | schParentOf | Schedule | False | Selects Schedules that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s) | |
pcsid | schPcsid | String | True | SchedulePolicyCentreGUID | Selects Schedules based on a value for Policy Center Solution GUID. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Schedules that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
source | schSource | String | True | ScheduleSource | Selects Schedules based on a value for Source. |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Schedules (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Schedule). | |
trigger | schTrigger | ScheduleTrigger | False | Selects Schedules with an associated Trigger having selected property values. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Schedules based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Schedules based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Schedules based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Schedules that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
word | schWord | String | False | Selects Schedules based on the Schedule Word index. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Scheduled Tasks within this dataset. | |
assignee | tskAssignee | Location | True | ScheduledTaskAssignee | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Assigned To. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
classification | tskClassification | Classification | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks that are attached to the specified classifications | |
date | tskDate | Datetime | True | ScheduledTaskStartDate | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Commencement date. |
done | tskDone | Boolean | False | ScheduledTaskIsComplete | Selects Scheduled Tasks that have been completed. |
folders | tskFolders | Boolean | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks for records that are folders. | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Scheduled Tasks. | |
objectType | tskObjectType | BaseObjectTypes | True | ScheduledTaskAttachedToObjectType | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Attached To. |
overdue | tskOverdue | Boolean | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks that are overdue. | |
record | tskRecord | Record | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks that are attached to the specified records | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Scheduled Tasks that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Search Forms having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Search Forms within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Search Forms by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Search Forms based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Search Forms. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Search Forms with a specified User Label. | |
name | sfmName | String | True | SearchFormName | Selects Search Forms based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Search Forms. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Search Forms that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | sfmType | BaseObjectTypes | True | SearchFormObjectType | Selects Search Forms based on a value for Object Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Search Forms based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Search Forms based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Search Forms based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Search Forms that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
abbreviation | scvAbbreviation | String | True | SecurityCaveatAbbreviation | Selects Security Caveats based on a value for Abbreviation. |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Security Caveats that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Security Caveats that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Security Caveats that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Security Caveats within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Security Caveats that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Security Caveats by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
caveatNumber | scvCaveatNumber | Number | True | SecurityCaveatCaveatNumber | Selects Security Caveats based on a value for ID. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Security Caveats based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
held | scvHeld | Boolean | False | Selects Security Caveats that are also held by the currently logged-in user | |
name | scvName | String | True | SecurityCaveatName | Selects Security Caveats based on a value for Description. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Security Caveats. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Security Caveats that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Security Caveats based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Security Caveats based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Security Caveats based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
abbreviation | slvAbbreviation | String | True | SecurityLevelAbbreviation | Selects Security Levels based on a value for Abbreviation. |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Security Levels that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Security Levels that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Security Levels that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Security Levels within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Security Levels that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Security Levels by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Security Levels based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
held | slvHeld | Boolean | False | Selects Security Levels that are at or below the currently logged in users security level | |
levelNumber | slvLevelNumber | Number | True | SecurityLevelLevelNumber | Selects Security Levels based on a value for Ranking. |
name | slvName | String | True | SecurityLevelName | Selects Security Levels based on a value for Description. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Security Levels. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Security Levels that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Security Levels based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Security Levels based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Security Levels based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all SharePoint Documents within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects SharePoint Documents by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all SharePoint Documents based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
list | spiList | Record | True | SharePointItemListRecord | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List record. |
listId | spiListId | BigNumber | True | SharePointItemListItemId | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List Item ID. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no SharePoint Documents. | |
record | spiRecord | Record | True | SharePointItemListItemRecord | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List Item record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects SharePoint Documents that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
synchPending | spiSynchPending | Boolean | True | Selects SharePoint Documents that are currently needing synchronization | |
uniqueId | spiUniqueId | String | True | SharePointItemUniqueId | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for SharePoint Identifier. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects SharePoint Documents based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects SharePoint Documents based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a unique identifier value. |
viewable | spiViewable | Boolean | False | SharePointItemViewable | Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for Record is viewable. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Spaces having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Spaces within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Spaces that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
barcode | unkBarcode | String | False | Selects Spaces by barcode. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Spaces by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
bay | spmBay | Boolean | True | SpaceHasHoldingBay | Selects Spaces based on a value for Has Holding Bay. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Spaces based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Spaces. | |
fbarcode | unkFbarcode | String | False | Selects Spaces by foreign barcode. | |
key | spmKey | String | True | SpaceNickName | Selects Spaces based on a value for Search Key. |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Spaces with a specified User Label. | |
lowest | spmLowest | Boolean | True | SpaceIsLowestLevel | Selects Spaces based on a value for Is Lowest Level. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Spaces. | |
number | spmNumber | String | True | SpaceNumber | Selects Spaces based on a value for Space Number. |
parentOf | spmParentOf | Space | False | Selects Spaces that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s) | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Spaces that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level Spaces (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Space). | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Spaces based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Spaces based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Spaces based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Spaces that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
within | spmWithin | Space | True | SpaceWithin | Selects Spaces based on a value for Within space. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Noise Words within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Noise Words by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Noise Words based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
name | swdName | String | True | StopWordName | Selects Noise Words based on a value for Noise Word. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Noise Words. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Noise Words that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Noise Words based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Noise Words based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Noise Words based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all To Do Items within this dataset. | |
assignee | tdoAssignee | Location | True | TodoItemAssignee | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Assignee. |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects To Do Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects To Do Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
creator | tdoCreator | Location | True | TodoItemCreatedBy | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Created By. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all To Do Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
done | tdoDone | Boolean | False | TodoItemIsComplete | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Completed. |
doneOn | tdoDoneOn | Datetime | True | TodoItemDateDone | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Date Completed. |
dueOn | tdoDueOn | Datetime | True | TodoItemDateDue | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Date Due. |
name | tdoName | String | True | TodoItemTodo | Selects To Do Items based on a value for To Be Done. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no To Do Items. | |
overdue | tdoOverdue | Boolean | False | TodoItemIsOverdue | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Overdue. |
priority | tdoPriority | Priority | True | TodoItemItemPriority | Selects To Do Items based on a value for Priority. |
reference | tdoReference | TodoItemItemReference | False | Selects To Do Items with an associated To Do Item Reference having selected property values. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects To Do Items that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects To Do Items based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects To Do Items based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects To Do Items based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all User Labels within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects User Labels by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
dateCreated | lblDateCreated | Datetime | True | UserLabelDateCreated | Selects User Labels based on a value for Date Created. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all User Labels based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
fullName | lblFullName | String | False | UserLabelFullName | Selects User Labels based on a value for Full user label Name. |
hasChildren | lblHasChildren | Boolean | True | UserLabelHasChildLabels | Selects User Labels based on a value for Has Child User Labels. |
name | lblName | String | True | UserLabelName | Selects User Labels based on a value for User Label Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no User Labels. | |
owner | lblOwner | Location | True | UserLabelOwner | Selects User Labels based on a value for Owner. |
parent | lblParent | UserLabel | True | UserLabelParentLabel | Selects User Labels based on a value for Parent user label. |
parentOf | lblParentOf | UserLabel | False | Selects User Labels that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s) | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects User Labels that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
stuckOn | lblStuckOn | Unknown | False | Selects User Labels that have been attached the specified Content Manager object | |
top | unkTop | Boolean | True | Selects all top-level User Labels (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other User Label). | |
type | lblType | UserLabelType | True | UserLabelLabelType | Selects User Labels based on a value for User Label Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects User Labels based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects User Labels based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects User Labels based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Indexed Words within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Indexed Words by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
count | wrdCount | BigNumber | True | WordCount | Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Usage Count. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Indexed Words based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
field | wrdField | FieldDefinition | False | WordField | Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Field. |
name | wrdName | String | True | WordName | Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Indexed Word. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Indexed Words. | |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Indexed Words that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
type | wrdType | WordTypes | True | WordWordType | Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Type. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Indexed Words based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Indexed Words based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Indexed Words based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Workflows having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
activity | wkfActivity | Activity | False | Selects Workflows that contain the specified activity | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Workflows within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Workflows that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Workflows by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
container | wkfContainer | Record | True | WorkflowDefaultContainer | Selects Workflows based on a value for Default container. |
creator | wkfCreator | Location | True | WorkflowCreator | Selects Workflows based on a value for Workflow Creator. |
customer | wkfCustomer | Location | True | WorkflowCustomer | Selects Workflows based on a value for Client. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Workflows based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
destroyOn | wkfDestroyOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowDestroyDueDate | Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Due For Destruction. |
done | wkfDone | Boolean | False | WorkflowIsComplete | Selects Workflows based on a value for Complete. |
doneOn | wkfDoneOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowDateCompleted | Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Completed. |
dueOn | wkfDueOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowDateDue | Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Due. |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Workflows. | |
initiator | wkfInitiator | Record | True | WorkflowInitiator | Selects Workflows based on a value for Initiating record. |
job | wkfJob | String | False | WorkflowJobNumber | Selects Workflows based on a value for Job Number. |
jobx | wkfJobx | String | True | WorkflowJobNumberExpanded | Selects Workflows based on a value for Job Number (Expanded). |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Workflows with a specified User Label. | |
lockedBy | wkfLockedBy | Location | True | WorkflowLockedBy | Selects Workflows based on a value for Locked By. |
name | wkfName | String | True | WorkflowName | Selects Workflows based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Workflows. | |
overdue | wkfOverdue | Boolean | False | WorkflowIsOverdue | Selects Workflows based on a value for Overdue. |
priority | wkfPriority | Priority | True | WorkflowWorkflowPriority | Selects Workflows based on a value for Priority. |
record | wkfRecord | Record | False | Selects Workflows associated with the specified record | |
registeredOn | wkfRegisteredOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowDateRegistered | Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Registered. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Workflows that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
scheduledStartOn | wkfScheduledStartOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowScheduledStartDate | Selects Workflows based on a value for Scheduled Start Date. |
startedOn | wkfStartedOn | Datetime | True | WorkflowDateStarted | Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Started. |
supervisor | wkfSupervisor | Location | True | WorkflowSupervisor | Selects Workflows based on a value for Workflow Supervisor. |
template | wkfTemplate | WorkflowTemplate | True | WorkflowTemplate | Selects Workflows based on a value for Based On template. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Workflows based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Workflows based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Workflows based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Workflows that satisfy the can use or view criteria. | |
word | wkfWord | String | False | Selects Workflows based on the Workflow Word index. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
acl | unkAcl | Location | False | Selects Templates having selected locations in a particular access control. | |
active | unkActive | Boolean | True | Selects Templates that are active. | |
activeFrom | unkActiveFrom | Date | True | Selects Templates that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range. | |
activeTo | unkActiveTo | Date | True | Selects Templates that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range. | |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Templates within this dataset. | |
audit | unkAudit | History | False | Selects Templates that are involved with the specified Historical Event. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Templates by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
copyacl | unkCopyacl | Location | False | Selects Templates having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set. | |
dateRegistered | wktDateRegistered | Datetime | True | WorkflowTemplateDateRegistered | Selects Templates based on a value for Date Registered. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Templates based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
favorite | unkFavorite | Boolean | False | Selects favourite Templates. | |
label | unkLabel | UserLabel | False | Selects Templates with a specified User Label. | |
name | wktName | String | True | WorkflowTemplateName | Selects Templates based on a value for Name. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Templates. | |
priority | wktPriority | Priority | True | WorkflowTemplateDefaultPriority | Selects Templates based on a value for Priority. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Templates that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
supervisor | wktSupervisor | Location | True | WorkflowTemplateSupervisor | Selects Templates based on a value for Workflow Supervisor. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Templates based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Templates based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Templates based on a unique identifier value. |
usable | unkUsable | Boolean | False | Selects Templates that satisfy the can use or view criteria. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Working Copies within this dataset. | |
author | wcrAuthor | Location | True | WorkingCopyAuthor | Selects Working Copies based on a value for Author. |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Working Copies by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Working Copies based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
extension | wcrExtension | String | False | WorkingCopyExtension | Selects Working Copies based on a value for Extension. |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Working Copies. | |
record | wcrRecord | Record | True | WorkingCopyRecord | Selects Working Copies based on a value for Record. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Working Copies that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
title | wcrTitle | String | False | WorkingCopyTitle | Selects Working Copies based on a value for Title. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Working Copies based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Working Copies based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Working Copies based on a unique identifier value. |
Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip |
all | unkAll | Boolean | False | Selects all Postal Codes within this dataset. | |
batch | unkBatch | Number | False | Selects Postal Codes by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters. | |
city | zipCity | String | True | ZipCodeCity | Selects Postal Codes based on a value for City. |
country | zipCountry | String | True | ZipCodeCountry | Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Country. |
default | unkDefault | String | False | Selects all Postal Codes based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property). | |
none | unkNone | Boolean | False | Selects no Postal Codes. | |
postcode | zipPostcode | String | True | ZipCodePostcode | Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Postal Code. |
region | zipRegion | String | True | ZipCodeRegion | Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Region. |
saved | unkSaved | SavedSearch | False | Selects Postal Codes that satisfy a specified saved search. | |
state | zipState | String | True | ZipCodeState | Selects Postal Codes based on a value for State. |
updated | unkUpdated | Datetime | True | DateLastUpdated | Selects Postal Codes based on when they were last updated. |
updatedBy | unkUpdatedBy | Location | True | LastUpdatedBy | Selects Postal Codes based on who they were last updated by. |
uri | unkUri | BigNumber | True | Uri | Selects Postal Codes based on a unique identifier value. |