OpenText Content Manager SDK 23.3 and 23.4
TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes Interface Reference

Allows you to retrieve and set the notes associated with a Trim Object More...

Inheritance diagram for TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes:
TRIM.SDK.ActionDef TRIM.SDK.Activity TRIM.SDK.ArchiveEvent TRIM.SDK.ArchiveEventOccurrence TRIM.SDK.AutoPartRule TRIM.SDK.Classification TRIM.SDK.DocumentQueue TRIM.SDK.ExternalLink TRIM.SDK.ExternalWorkflow TRIM.SDK.FieldDefinition TRIM.SDK.Hold TRIM.SDK.Jurisdiction TRIM.SDK.Keyword TRIM.SDK.Location TRIM.SDK.LookupItem TRIM.SDK.LookupSet TRIM.SDK.Meeting TRIM.SDK.MeetingInvitation TRIM.SDK.MeetingType TRIM.SDK.Origin TRIM.SDK.Record TRIM.SDK.RecordAction TRIM.SDK.RecordLocation TRIM.SDK.RecordRendition TRIM.SDK.RecordType TRIM.SDK.Request TRIM.SDK.Schedule TRIM.SDK.ScheduledTask TRIM.SDK.ScheduledTaskHistory TRIM.SDK.SecurityCaveat TRIM.SDK.SecurityGuide TRIM.SDK.SecurityLevel TRIM.SDK.TodoItem TRIM.SDK.UserLabel TRIM.SDK.Workflow TRIM.SDK.WorkflowTemplate

Public Member Functions

void SetNotes (string NewNotesText, NotesUpdateType TypeOfNotesUpdate)
 Updates the notes attached to this object. Typically used when a new contibution is to be combined with the existing notes, as some users only have the privilige to add to the notes, rather than overwriting them. More...


bool CanModifyExistingNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating whether the current user can modify the existing notes attached to this object. More...
bool CanAddToNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current user can either append or prepend some text to the existing notes. More...
string Notes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value corresponding to the notes attached to this object. More...

Detailed Description

Allows you to retrieve and set the notes associated with a Trim Object

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetNotes()

Property Documentation

◆ CanAddToNotes

bool TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes.CanAddToNotes

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current user can either append or prepend some text to the existing notes.

◆ CanModifyExistingNotes

bool TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes.CanModifyExistingNotes

Gets a boolean parameter indicating whether the current user can modify the existing notes attached to this object.

◆ Notes

string TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes.Notes

Gets or sets a string value corresponding to the notes attached to this object.