HPE Content Manager SDK 9.0
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location Class Reference

The Location object is the second most important object in the HP Records Object Model. It is used to record the various relationships between people and places and records. There are many types of locations as indicated by the TypeOfLocation enumeration More...

Inheritance diagram for HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location:
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimUserFields HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimSecurity HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControl HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet

Public Member Functions

 Location (Database database, TrimURI uri)
 Location (Database database, string name)
 Location (Database database)
void AddRelationship (Location relatedLocation, LocRelationshipType relationshipType, bool makeThisTheDefaultRelationship)
 Add a relationship to the location More...
void RemoveRelationship (Location relatedLocation, LocRelationshipType relationshipType)
 Remove a specific relationship with the specified location More...
void RemoveRelationship (Location relatedLocation)
 Remove all relationships with the specified location More...
void RemoveAllRelationships ()
 Remove all relationships More...
bool HasPermission (UserPermissions checkForPermission)
 Flag to indicate whether the permission is valid More...
bool HasRelationship (Location relatedLocation, LocRelationshipType relationshipType)
 Flag to indicate whether there is a relationship More...
void DeleteEx (Location replaceLocationWith, bool removeAnyRequests, bool removeAnyAccessControls, bool copyEmailAddressesToReplacement, bool copyAssociationsToReplacement)
 Delete the Ex More...
void SetPermission (UserPermissions permission, bool turnOn)
 Set the permission More...
 Location (Database database, LocationType initializeAsType)
Location NewCopy ()
void SetNotes (string newValue, NotesUpdateType TypeOfNotesUpdate)
 Updates the notes attached to this object. Typically used when a new contibution is to be combined with the existing notes, as some users only have the privilige to add to the notes, rather than overwriting them. More...
UserFieldValue GetFieldValue (FieldDefinition userFieldType)
 Gets the value of the nominated user-defined field for this object. More...
void SetFieldValue (FieldDefinition userFieldType, UserFieldValue newValue)
 Sets the value of the nominated user-defined field for this object. More...
string GetFieldValueAsString (FieldDefinition userFieldType, StringDisplayType fieldValueStringType, bool useHTMLEscapeChars)
 Gets a string representation of a user-defined field value in a format appropriate for a specific use. More...
void SetActiveDateRange (TrimDateTime validFromDate, TrimDateTime validToDate)
 Sets the date range for which this object is active. Note that only the date component of the date and time is relevant for active date ranges. More...
void ApplyUserLabel (UserLabel userLabelToApply)
 Creates a link between the nominated user label and this object. More...
void DetachUserLabel (UserLabel userLabelToDetach)
 Removes the link between the nominated user label and this object. More...
void AddToFavorites ()
 Adds the object to the special user label called 'Favorites' More...
void RemoveFromFavorites ()
 Removes the object from the special user label called 'Favorites' More...
bool ChangePositionWithinFavorites (LabelPositionChange positionChange)
 Changes the position of this object within a users list of favorite objects of this type More...
bool ChangePositionWithinUserLabel (UserLabel label, LabelPositionChange positionChange)
 Changes the position of this object within a users list of objects that have been labeled with the specified user label More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject
virtual void Save ()
 Permanently commits all changes made to this object (and all its child objects). For new objects a new unique identifier will be allocated (Uri). More...
string MakeReference (string SuggestName)
 Creates a TRIM reference file for this object, given the path and filename. A reference file can be associated with the Open command of various of the TRIM executables - TRIM.exe, TRIMDesktop.exe, etc. When the reference file is double-clicked, the associated application will then launch (or activate if it already running) and the object will then be displayed inside that executable. Returns a string containing the path and filename of the reference file created. More...
virtual void Delete ()
 Permanently removes this object and all its associated child objects from the database. More...
bool IsDeleteOk ()
 Determines if this object can be deleted. If it returns false, check the ErrorMessage details for more information. It is possible that the ErrorMessage property could contain a warning message even though the function returns true. More...
bool Verify (bool failOnWarning)
 Verifies all properties that have been modified since this object was last saved. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the function succeeded. If false, the error description is stored in the ErrorMessage property. More...
TrimChildObjectList GetChildObjectList (BaseObjectTypes childType)
 Retrieves the child object collection of the nominated child object type. More...
TrimMainObject GetNewCopy ()
 Creates a new TrimMainObject which is a copy of this TrimMainObject. Where appropriate, property values are copied from this TrimMainObject to the new TrimMainObject. You will generally need to set any unique properties manually afterwards, prior to committing this new TrimMainObject to the TRIM database with the Save() method. See also the NewCopy function of the derived objects that implement this capability. Will return NULL if this object does not support the Copy function. More...
virtual void Refresh ()
 Resets this object to the current state on the database, will revert any changes that might have been made. Only required if you are not using BOBnotifications, or need to guarantee a really up-to-date version of the object state. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject
bool IsMandatory (FieldDefinition field)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified field must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, TrimMainObject purposeExtraObject)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, int purposeExtraEnumValue)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraInformation is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
TrimIcon GetPropertyIcon (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets the icon value associated the a property of this object. More...
TrimMainObject GetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId)
string GetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId)
int GetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId)
long GetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool GetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDateTime GetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDecimal GetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimCurrency GetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimURI GetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool SetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimMainObject newValue)
bool SetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId, string newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId, int newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId, long newValue)
bool SetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId, bool newValue)
bool SetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDateTime newValue)
bool SetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimCurrency newValue)
bool SetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDecimal newValue)
bool SetPropertyDouble (PropertyIds dnPropId, double newValue)
bool SetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimURI newValue)
bool ClearProperty (PropertyIds dnPropId)
object GetProperty (PropertyIds propId)
bool SetProperty (PropertyIds propId, object newValue)
string GetPropertyAsString (PropertyIds propertyId, StringDisplayType propertyValueStringType, bool useHTMLEscapeChars)
 Gets a string representation of a property value in a format appropriate for a specific use. More...
bool IsMandatory (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified property must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool VerifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId, bool doMandatoryChecks)
 Verifies the value of a particular property, by cross checking it against other property values. The ErrorMessage property provides details if the verification fails. More...
bool CanModifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Indicates whether the current user has the permission to modify the specified property. More...


string ActualBarcode [get]
 Gets a string containing the internal HPE Content Manager Barcode of this Location. More...
string AdditionalLogin [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the additional Network Login by which this location may log in to the HPE Content Manager Dataset. More...
Location Administrator [get]
 Gets the Location for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Administered By'. More...
string AfterHoursPhoneNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the home number of this Location. More...
string AllAdministrators [get]
 Gets a string listing all locations that are administrators of this location. More...
string AllMembers [get]
 Gets a string listing all locations that are members of this location. More...
string AllMemberships [get]
 Gets a string listing all locations that this location is a member of. More...
string AllMembershipsRecursive [get]
 Gets a string listing all locations that this location is a member of, and all locations that those locations are a member of, etc). More...
bool CanDeliverDirect [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether delivery requests can be handled by direct delivery to the request location, rather than via a transit location More...
bool CanLogin [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Location can log in to the HPE Content Manager Context Dataset. More...
Location Committee [get]
 Gets the Location of Location Type 'Committee' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default committee. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set. More...
int CutoffTime [get, set]
 Gets or sets the time of day (in seconds past midnight) at which requests are cut-off and must be processed the following day. More...
TrimDateTime DateOfBirth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the date of birth of this Location. More...
Jurisdiction DefaultJurisdiction [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default jurisdiction of this location. A location can either have a default jurisdiction or a default jurisdiction group. More...
bool DeliverContainersOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether deliver requests are only support for container records (folders and boxes) rather than individual documents. More...
Location DeliveryLocation [get]
 Gets a location property which represents the location for staging pickup/delivery requests More...
string EmailAddress [get, set]
 Gets a string containing the email address of this Location. If there is more than one email address in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default email address is returned. If there is no default, the latest added email address is returned. More...
string FaxNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the fax number of this Location. More...
string FirstInitial [get]
 First initial of this Location. More...
string ForeignBarcode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing an external system's Barcode for this Location. More...
string FormalPreamble [get]
 Gets a string containing a form of this Location's name to be used in formal correspondence, to complete the salutation: 'Dear ...'. An example formal preamble could be: 'Mr. Abbott', so that the salutation becomes: 'Dear Mr. Abbott'. Note: This property is set automatically by HPE Content Manager. For the title to be included in the formal preamble you must ensure the 'Display any Title' option is checked in Tools - System Options - Locations. More...
string FormattedAddress [get]
 Gets a string containing the formatted address of this Location. This is by default the postal address of the location if there is one, otherwise the street address. It contains the country name in ISO format. More...
string FormattedName [get]
 Gets a string containing the Display Name of this Location. The format of the Display Name is dependent on the system settings for 'Display and Reporting Format for names of People' under Tools - HPE Content Manager Administration - System Options - Locations Tab. More...
string FullFormattedName [get]
 Gets a string containing the Full Description of this Location. The Full Description consists of the Location's organization and Display Name. The Display Name is contained alone in the property Location.FormattedName More...
Gender GenderValue [get, set]
 Gets or sets a gnGender enum value indicating the gender of this Location. More...
string GivenNames [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the given names of this Location. More...
string GpsLocation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a geography value representing the GPS reference point for this location More...
bool HasAValidLogin [get]
 Gets a boolean property idicating whether this location has a valid login. More...
string HoldingOrganizationName [get]
 Gets a string representing the name of the holding organization for this location. This is based on the default parent organization if it exists. More...
string Honorific [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the title of this Location (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr. etc). More...
string IdNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the unique ID number for this Location More...
string InformalPreamble [get]
 Gets a string containing a form of this Location's name to be used in informal correspondence, to complete the salutation: 'Dear ...'. An example informal preamble could be: 'Peter', so that the salutation becomes: 'Dear Peter'. More...
string Initials [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the full set of initials of this Location. More...
string InternetMailAddress [get]
 Gets a string containing the email address of this Location which is of email Type 'Internet'. If there is more than one Internet email address in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default Internet email address is returned. If there is no default, the latest added Internet email address is returned. Create a new LocEAddress child object of EAddress Type 'etEAdressType.etMail' and SubType 'SMTP' to add a new Internet email address for this Location. More...
bool IsWithin [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Location is internal. More...
string JobDescription [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the Job Title of this Location (for example, Chief Executive Officer). More...
bool KeepAddressHistory [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a history of address changes for this Location should be kept. When the Address History is enabled, modifying an existing LocAddress will cause a new LocAddress child object containing the old address to be automatically created and set to inactive. The LocAddress object that was modified contains the new address and remains active. More...
string LoginDetails [get]
 Gets a string containing the login details for this Location including 'login enabled' status and user type. The format of the string varies according to various circumstances of the location. More...
TrimDateTime LoginExpires [get, set]
 Gets or sets the date the login for this Location will expire, if it is a time limited login. More...
string LogsInAs [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the Network Login by which this Location may log in to the HPE Content Manager Dataset. More...
string LongHonorific [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the longer form of the title of this Location (for example, Mister ). More...
string MobileNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the mobile number of this Location. More...
string NickName [get, set]
 Gets or sets the string containing the unique name or abbreviation of this Location. More...
string PhoneNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the main telephone number of this Location. Mobile, fax and home telephone numbers are held in the mobileNo, faxNo and ahPhoneNo properties, respectively. More...
Location Position [get]
 Gets the Location of Location Type 'Position' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default position. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set. More...
string PostalAddress [get]
 Gets a string containing the formatted postal address of this location. More...
string PostNominal [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the suffix of this Location (for example, BA, PhD etc). More...
Location ProjectTeam [get]
 Gets the Location of Location Type 'Project Team' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default project team. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set. More...
Record ProviderContainer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Record Container which will be used when automatically capturing electronic activity log files from storage providers. More...
RecordType ProviderLogRecordType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Record Type which will be used when automatically capturing electronic activity log files from storage providers. More...
long RequestResponseHigh [get, set]
 Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of high priority requests. More...
long RequestResponseLow [get, set]
 Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of low priority requests. More...
long RequestResponseMedium [get, set]
 Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of medium priority requests. More...
bool RequestsNeedApproval [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether requests for records that are located at this location (home) need to be approved by a Request administrator. More...
TrimDateTime ReviewDate [get, set]
 Gets the date this Location's settings are due to be reviewed (for example, when a Temporary Staff Member is due to leave the organization). More...
string Salutation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing a custom greeting by which this Location is to be addressed in correspondence. For example:'Dear President'. More...
string SecurityKeys [get]
 Gets a comma-separated string listing a set of record viewing access keys held by this user. More...
string SecurityString [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string listing the security level and security caveats assigned to this Location, delimited by commas ','. The first element listed is always the security level, followed by the caveats. More...
string SortName [get, set]
 Gets or sets the string containing the sort name of this Location. This is the name that appears in the Locations List Pane. More...
string StreetAddress [get]
 Gets a string containing the formatted street address of this location. More...
Location Supervisor [get]
 Gets the Location for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Supervised By'. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set. More...
string Surname [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the full surname (including any prefix) of this Location. More...
string SurnameNoPrefix [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the non prefix part of the surname of this Location. For example 'Garderen' is the non prefix part of the full surname 'van Garderen'. More...
string SurnamePrefix [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the prefix part of the surname of this Location. For example 'van' is the prefix part of the full surname 'van Garderen'. More...
LocationType TypeOfLocation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the enum value containing the location type of this Location, for example: Person. More...
Location Unit [get, set]
 Gets the Location of Location Type 'organization' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default organization. More...
Location UseAddressOf [get, set]
 Gets or sets a pre-existing Location from whom this Location's Street and Mailing Addresses are copied. More...
bool UsedForStatistics [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this location is to be used for aggregating statistics. More...
Location UseProfileOf [get, set]
 Gets or sets a pre-existing internal Location from whom this Location's Security and Access Permission Details are copied and set. More...
UserLicenseTypes UserLicenseType [get]
 Gets ane enumerated value which determines which of the license seat counts is consumed by this user. More...
UserTypes UserType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a utUserTypes value which determines the access permissions of this Location. More...
string ViewPaneId [get]
 Gets a string containing the View Pane ID of this Location. This is used by HPE Content Manager as a key for storing which fields are displayed in the Locations List Window for this Location. More...
string WebPage [get, set]
 Gets a string containing the web page URL of this Location. If there is more than one web page in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default web page is returned. If there is no default, the latest added web page is returned. More...
Location Workgroup [get]
 Gets the Location of Location Type 'Workgroup' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default workgroup. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set. More...
LocationAddresses ChildAddresses [get]
 Get the list of Physical Addresses More...
LocationEAddresses ChildEAddresses [get]
 Get the list of Electronic Addresses More...
string DataEntryFormDefinition [get]
 Get the xml data entry definition. This will be obsoleted shortly, use the FormDefinition property instead More...
bool CanModifyExistingNotes [get]
bool CanAddToNotes [get]
string Notes [get, set]
TrimSecurityProfile SecurityProfile [get, set]
TrimAccessControlList AccessControlList [get, set]
TrimDateTime DateActiveFrom [get]
TrimDateTime DateActiveTo [get]
string ActiveDateRangeDescription [get]
bool IsActive [get]
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject
TrimDateTime LastUpdatedOn [get]
 Returns the date and time that changes to this object were last committed. More...
string Name [get]
 Gets a string name for this object which is a user-friendly way of displaying this object. For most TRIM objects the name is a unique string, although some times this is not the case (eg Location Names). More...
bool Verified [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object has been verified. That is, whether a call to the 'Verify' method has been made and has succeeded. More...
string WebURL [get]
bool IsInFavorites [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this object is in the current user's list of favorites More...
string UpdateComment [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value to be recorded with any audit entries related to the update of this object More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject
BaseObjectTypes TrimType [get]
 Gets a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating the type of this object. More...
TrimURI Uri [get]
 Gets the unique row identifier for this object. Once an object has been committed to the database, typically by calling a Save method, this unique identifier is allocated. From that time on, the uri will remain constant and can never be changed. It is always unique across all objects of the same Type. More...
string URN [get]
 Gets the uniform resource name for this object. More...
string NameString [get]
 Gets a string name for this object which is a user-friendly way of displaying this object. For most TRIM objects the name is a unique string, although some times this is not the case (eg Location Names). More...
string NameStringExtra [get]
 Gets a more verbose description of this object, particularly when the name is perhaps a little cryptic or not enough to fully describe the object. More...
bool IsReadOnly [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if this object is "ReadOnly". This would generally indicate that none of the object's properties could be modified, in some cases there are exceptions that can be tested via CanModifyProperty method. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
string ErrorMessage [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
TrimException Error [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
Database Database [get]
 Gets the TRIM Database object in which this object resides. All Trim objects live within a particular TRIM database and cannot be created without one. More...
virtual string Caption [get]
 Gets the user-defined caption that has been associated with all TrimPropertySets of this type. More...
virtual TrimIcon Icon [get]
 Gets the icon value associated this TrimPropertySet. More...
bool IsModified [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if any changes have been made to this object since it was first constructed, or last saved. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes
bool CanModifyExistingNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating whether the current user can modify the existing notes attached to this object. More...
bool CanAddToNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current user can either append or prepend some text to the existing notes. More...
string Notes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value corresponding to the notes attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimSecurity
TrimSecurityProfile SecurityProfile [get, set]
 Gets or sets the security profile attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControl
TrimAccessControlList AccessControlList [get, set]
 Gets or sets the access control list attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates
TrimDateTime DateActiveFrom [get]
 Gets the TrimDateTime property corresponding to when this object first became active. If the returned value is blank, it indicates that the item has always been active (until the DateActiveTo value). More...
TrimDateTime DateActiveTo [get]
 Gets the TrimDateTime property corresponding to when this object first became active. If the returned value is blank, it indicates that the item has always been active (until the DateActiveTo value). More...
string ActiveDateRangeDescription [get]
 Gets a string describing the period during which this object was active. More...
bool IsActive [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this object is currently active. More...

Detailed Description

The Location object is the second most important object in the HP Records Object Model. It is used to record the various relationships between people and places and records. There are many types of locations as indicated by the TypeOfLocation enumeration

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Location ( Database  database,
TrimURI  uri 
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Location ( Database  database,
string  name 
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Location ( Database  database)
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Location ( Database  database,
LocationType  initializeAsType 

Member Function Documentation

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AddRelationship ( Location  relatedLocation,
LocRelationshipType  relationshipType,
bool  makeThisTheDefaultRelationship 

Add a relationship to the location

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AddToFavorites ( )

Adds the object to the special user label called 'Favorites'

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ApplyUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToApply)

Creates a link between the nominated user label and this object.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ChangePositionWithinFavorites ( LabelPositionChange  positionChange)

Changes the position of this object within a users list of favorite objects of this type

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ChangePositionWithinUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToChange,
LabelPositionChange  positionChange 

Changes the position of this object within a users list of objects that have been labeled with the specified user label

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DeleteEx ( Location  replaceLocationWith,
bool  removeAnyRequests,
bool  removeAnyAccessControls,
bool  copyEmailAddressesToReplacement,
bool  copyAssociationsToReplacement 

Delete the Ex

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DetachUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToDetach)

Removes the link between the nominated user label and this object.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

UserFieldValue HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.GetFieldValue ( FieldDefinition  userFieldType)

Gets the value of the nominated user-defined field for this object.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimUserFields.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.GetFieldValueAsString ( FieldDefinition  userFieldType,
StringDisplayType  fieldValueStringType,
bool  useHTMLEscapeChars 

Gets a string representation of a user-defined field value in a format appropriate for a specific use.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimUserFields.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.HasPermission ( UserPermissions  checkForPermission)

Flag to indicate whether the permission is valid

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.HasRelationship ( Location  relatedLocation,
LocRelationshipType  relationshipType 

Flag to indicate whether there is a relationship

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.NewCopy ( )
void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RemoveAllRelationships ( )

Remove all relationships

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RemoveFromFavorites ( )

Removes the object from the special user label called 'Favorites'

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RemoveRelationship ( Location  relatedLocation,
LocRelationshipType  relationshipType 

Remove a specific relationship with the specified location

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RemoveRelationship ( Location  relatedLocation)

Remove all relationships with the specified location

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SetActiveDateRange ( TrimDateTime  validFromDate,
TrimDateTime  validToDate 

Sets the date range for which this object is active. Note that only the date component of the date and time is relevant for active date ranges.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SetFieldValue ( FieldDefinition  userFieldType,
UserFieldValue  newFieldValue 

Sets the value of the nominated user-defined field for this object.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimUserFields.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SetNotes ( string  NewNotesText,
NotesUpdateType  TypeOfNotesUpdate 

Updates the notes attached to this object. Typically used when a new contibution is to be combined with the existing notes, as some users only have the privilige to add to the notes, rather than overwriting them.

Implements HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SetPermission ( UserPermissions  permission,
bool  turnOn 

Set the permission

Property Documentation

TrimAccessControlList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AccessControlList
string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ActiveDateRangeDescription
string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ActualBarcode

Gets a string containing the internal HPE Content Manager Barcode of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AdditionalLogin

Gets or sets a string containing the additional Network Login by which this location may log in to the HPE Content Manager Dataset.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Administrator

Gets the Location for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Administered By'.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AfterHoursPhoneNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the home number of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AllAdministrators

Gets a string listing all locations that are administrators of this location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AllMembers

Gets a string listing all locations that are members of this location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AllMemberships

Gets a string listing all locations that this location is a member of.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.AllMembershipsRecursive

Gets a string listing all locations that this location is a member of, and all locations that those locations are a member of, etc).

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.CanAddToNotes
bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.CanDeliverDirect

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether delivery requests can be handled by direct delivery to the request location, rather than via a transit location

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.CanLogin

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Location can log in to the HPE Content Manager Context Dataset.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.CanModifyExistingNotes
LocationAddresses HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ChildAddresses

Get the list of Physical Addresses

LocationEAddresses HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ChildEAddresses

Get the list of Electronic Addresses

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Committee

Gets the Location of Location Type 'Committee' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default committee. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.CutoffTime

Gets or sets the time of day (in seconds past midnight) at which requests are cut-off and must be processed the following day.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DataEntryFormDefinition

Get the xml data entry definition. This will be obsoleted shortly, use the FormDefinition property instead

TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DateActiveFrom
TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DateActiveTo
TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DateOfBirth

Gets or sets the date of birth of this Location.

Jurisdiction HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DefaultJurisdiction

Gets or sets the default jurisdiction of this location. A location can either have a default jurisdiction or a default jurisdiction group.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DeliverContainersOnly

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether deliver requests are only support for container records (folders and boxes) rather than individual documents.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.DeliveryLocation

Gets a location property which represents the location for staging pickup/delivery requests

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.EmailAddress

Gets a string containing the email address of this Location. If there is more than one email address in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default email address is returned. If there is no default, the latest added email address is returned.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FaxNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the fax number of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FirstInitial

First initial of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ForeignBarcode

Gets or sets a string containing an external system's Barcode for this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FormalPreamble

Gets a string containing a form of this Location's name to be used in formal correspondence, to complete the salutation: 'Dear ...'. An example formal preamble could be: 'Mr. Abbott', so that the salutation becomes: 'Dear Mr. Abbott'. Note: This property is set automatically by HPE Content Manager. For the title to be included in the formal preamble you must ensure the 'Display any Title' option is checked in Tools - System Options - Locations.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FormattedAddress

Gets a string containing the formatted address of this Location. This is by default the postal address of the location if there is one, otherwise the street address. It contains the country name in ISO format.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FormattedName

Gets a string containing the Display Name of this Location. The format of the Display Name is dependent on the system settings for 'Display and Reporting Format for names of People' under Tools - HPE Content Manager Administration - System Options - Locations Tab.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.FullFormattedName

Gets a string containing the Full Description of this Location. The Full Description consists of the Location's organization and Display Name. The Display Name is contained alone in the property Location.FormattedName

Gender HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.GenderValue

Gets or sets a gnGender enum value indicating the gender of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.GivenNames

Gets or sets a string containing the given names of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.GpsLocation

Gets or sets a geography value representing the GPS reference point for this location

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.HasAValidLogin

Gets a boolean property idicating whether this location has a valid login.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.HoldingOrganizationName

Gets a string representing the name of the holding organization for this location. This is based on the default parent organization if it exists.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Honorific

Gets or sets a string containing the title of this Location (for example, Mr., Ms., Dr. etc).

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.IdNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the unique ID number for this Location

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.InformalPreamble

Gets a string containing a form of this Location's name to be used in informal correspondence, to complete the salutation: 'Dear ...'. An example informal preamble could be: 'Peter', so that the salutation becomes: 'Dear Peter'.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Initials

Gets or sets a string containing the full set of initials of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.InternetMailAddress

Gets a string containing the email address of this Location which is of email Type 'Internet'. If there is more than one Internet email address in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default Internet email address is returned. If there is no default, the latest added Internet email address is returned. Create a new LocEAddress child object of EAddress Type 'etEAdressType.etMail' and SubType 'SMTP' to add a new Internet email address for this Location.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.IsActive
bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.IsWithin

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Location is internal.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.JobDescription

Gets or sets a string containing the Job Title of this Location (for example, Chief Executive Officer).

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.KeepAddressHistory

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a history of address changes for this Location should be kept. When the Address History is enabled, modifying an existing LocAddress will cause a new LocAddress child object containing the old address to be automatically created and set to inactive. The LocAddress object that was modified contains the new address and remains active.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.LoginDetails

Gets a string containing the login details for this Location including 'login enabled' status and user type. The format of the string varies according to various circumstances of the location.

TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.LoginExpires

Gets or sets the date the login for this Location will expire, if it is a time limited login.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.LogsInAs

Gets or sets a string containing the Network Login by which this Location may log in to the HPE Content Manager Dataset.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.LongHonorific

Gets or sets a string containing the longer form of the title of this Location (for example, Mister ).

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.MobileNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the mobile number of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.NickName

Gets or sets the string containing the unique name or abbreviation of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Notes
string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.PhoneNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the main telephone number of this Location. Mobile, fax and home telephone numbers are held in the mobileNo, faxNo and ahPhoneNo properties, respectively.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Position

Gets the Location of Location Type 'Position' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default position. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.PostalAddress

Gets a string containing the formatted postal address of this location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.PostNominal

Gets or sets a string containing the suffix of this Location (for example, BA, PhD etc).

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ProjectTeam

Gets the Location of Location Type 'Project Team' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default project team. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set.

Record HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ProviderContainer

Gets or sets a Record Container which will be used when automatically capturing electronic activity log files from storage providers.

RecordType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ProviderLogRecordType

Gets or sets a Record Type which will be used when automatically capturing electronic activity log files from storage providers.

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RequestResponseHigh

Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of high priority requests.

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RequestResponseLow

Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of low priority requests.

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RequestResponseMedium

Gets or sets the time interval (in seconds) allowed for servicing of medium priority requests.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.RequestsNeedApproval

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating whether requests for records that are located at this location (home) need to be approved by a Request administrator.

TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ReviewDate

Gets the date this Location's settings are due to be reviewed (for example, when a Temporary Staff Member is due to leave the organization).

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Salutation

Gets or sets a string containing a custom greeting by which this Location is to be addressed in correspondence. For example:'Dear President'.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SecurityKeys

Gets a comma-separated string listing a set of record viewing access keys held by this user.

TrimSecurityProfile HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SecurityProfile
string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SecurityString

Gets or sets a string listing the security level and security caveats assigned to this Location, delimited by commas ','. The first element listed is always the security level, followed by the caveats.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SortName

Gets or sets the string containing the sort name of this Location. This is the name that appears in the Locations List Pane.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.StreetAddress

Gets a string containing the formatted street address of this location.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Supervisor

Gets the Location for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Supervised By'. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Surname

Gets or sets a string containing the full surname (including any prefix) of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SurnameNoPrefix

Gets or sets a string containing the non prefix part of the surname of this Location. For example 'Garderen' is the non prefix part of the full surname 'van Garderen'.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.SurnamePrefix

Gets or sets a string containing the prefix part of the surname of this Location. For example 'van' is the prefix part of the full surname 'van Garderen'.

LocationType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.TypeOfLocation

Gets or sets the enum value containing the location type of this Location, for example: Person.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Unit

Gets the Location of Location Type 'organization' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default organization.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.UseAddressOf

Gets or sets a pre-existing Location from whom this Location's Street and Mailing Addresses are copied.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.UsedForStatistics

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this location is to be used for aggregating statistics.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.UseProfileOf

Gets or sets a pre-existing internal Location from whom this Location's Security and Access Permission Details are copied and set.

UserLicenseTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.UserLicenseType

Gets ane enumerated value which determines which of the license seat counts is consumed by this user.

UserTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.UserType

Gets or sets a utUserTypes value which determines the access permissions of this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.ViewPaneId

Gets a string containing the View Pane ID of this Location. This is used by HPE Content Manager as a key for storing which fields are displayed in the Locations List Window for this Location.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.WebPage

Gets a string containing the web page URL of this Location. If there is more than one web page in the Electronic Addresses for this location, the default web page is returned. If there is no default, the latest added web page is returned.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Location.Workgroup

Gets the Location of Location Type 'Workgroup' for which this Location holds a relationship of type 'Member Of'. If there is more than one, it returns the Location designated as the default workgroup. Use the Location.AddRelationship method to create relationships between Locations, through which this property may be set.