HPE Content Manager SDK 9.2
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database Class Reference

The Database object is the first object that must be created when using the TRIM SDK. All other objects in the SDK are dependent upon this object – they cannot be created independently. The Database object is responsible for making a connection to a TRIM database and for creating all SDK objects that are to be used by the client More...

Inheritance diagram for HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database:
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()
bool IsOwningReference ()
 Returns true if the Database object is an owning reference. Owning references must be manually disposed, by calling Dispose (). If the Database object is not an owning reference, the object can be safely discarded without calling Dispose (). More...
 Database ()
 Default constructor for the Trim Database object More...
void Connect ()
 Establishes a connection to a particular TRIM database for the given user. More...
void Disconnect ()
 Disconnects the current user from the SDK server. Call this function when the database connection is no longer required, to decrease the reference count. When all user references have been removed, the SDK server will shut down More...
void SaveCaptions ()
 Any changes made to the default captions for objects and properties are held in memory. This method will make these changes permanent and apply them to all users of this database. More...
bool IsModuleLicensed (LicenseTypes moduleType)
 Determines if the specified module is in the current TRIM license - see also IsProductFeatureLicenced, IsProductFeatureActivated. More...
bool IsProductFeatureLicensed (ProductFeatures featureType)
 Determines if the specified TRIM product feature is licensed in this TRIM installation. More...
bool IsProductFeatureActivated (ProductFeatures moduleType)
 Determines if the specified TRIM product feature has been activated in this TRIM installation. More...
void ConnectAs (string userName, string password)
 Emulates the user of the nominated Windows UserName and Password for any subsequent database activity More...
void SetTimezone (int minutesAheadOfGMT)
 Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Consider using the SetTimezoneString function instead, as it supports daylight saving More...
int GetTimezone ()
 Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to see the timezone that has been set on the database - this may be different to the timezone of the machine that is running the SDK. More...
void SetTimezoneString (string windowsTimezoneString)
 Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Uses the standard windows timezone string to specify a timezone, which supports daylight saving times, and is therefore preferable to using the basic GMT offset approach. More...
string GetTimezoneString ()
 Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to see the timezone that has been set on the database - this may be different to the timezone of the machine that is running the SDK. More...
void SetTimezone (System.TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
 Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Need to have called SetAsService or SetAsWebService prior to calling this function. More...
void SetStrictRecordNumbers (bool setStrictValueOn)
 Turns off the TRIM feature that finds the first part of a container, if the part suffix was not specified. For example if the feature is not turned off, passing the record number 'G05/1' to the GetRecord method will also look for the record 'G05/1-01' if no record 'G05/1' exists. More...
void SetClassificationTopLevelNumbering (string numberingPattern, string lastNumberUsed)
 Allows you to set the numbering pattern and last number for the numbering of top level classification More...
void BeginTrans (string transactionName)
 Creates a broader user-defined transaction allowing you to co-ordinate the saving of a number of TRIM objects. This transaction must execute either a CommitTrans or RollbackTrans before the database can be closed. More...
void CommitTrans ()
 Commits the current user-defined transaction as created using the BeginTrans method. More...
void RollbackTrans ()
 Rolls out changes done within the current user-defined transaction as created by the BeginTrans method. More...
Database SpawnImpersonatedDatabase (string loginUserNameToImpersonate)
 Gets a copy of the this database that simulates a login by a different user More...
string GetTRIMFolder (TrimPathType pathType, bool asIfInsideAService)
 Gets the name of the nominated TRIM special folder More...
string GetTRIMFileName (TrimPathType pathType, bool asIfInsideAService)
 Gets the name of the nominated TRIM special folder More...
void RunEventStatistics (string outputFileName, TrimDateTime fromDateTime, TrimDateTime toDateTime, bool generateMonthlyTotals)
 Creates an output file (.html or .csv) containing statistics related to events recieved by the TRIM event processor More...
void RunRecordCreationStatistics (string outputFileName, TrimDateTime fromDateTime, TrimDateTime toDateTime, PrimaryRecordStatisticsGrouping primaryGrouping, LocationGrouping locationGrouping, StatisticalDateRangeTypes statisticalDateType, bool useStatisticalLocations, string recordSearchString)
 Creates an output file (.html or .csv) containing statistics related to how many records were created divided into specified sub-categories More...
void RefreshCache ()
 Clears the entire TRIM object cache, for this dataset. More...
void RefreshCache (BaseObjectTypes objectType, TrimURI objectUri)
 Clears the object of the nominated uri and object type from the cache. If a 0 is passed for the uri parameter, all objects of the type specified are cleared from the cache. If Unknown is passed for objectType, the entire cache is cleared. More...
void Save ()
 Permanently commits all changes made to this database properties. More...
void LogExternalEvent (string eventDetails, BaseObjectTypes affectingObjectType, TrimURI affectingObjectUri, bool addToOnlineAuditLog)
 This function allows you to create an external event which will be passed through to the event processor. An option also exists to make the retrieve the label that represents one of the special type of "Favorites" currently available for Records. More...
void SetAuthenticationCredentials (string userName, string password)
 Provides credentials for use with the specified Authentication method. Currently only used by the ExplicitWindows authentication method More...
string GetDefaultRecordSearchForm ()
 Gets an XML-formatted string representing the definition of the search form to be used by the current user when searching for records using the TRIM Web Client More...
string GetDefaultSearchForm (BaseObjectTypes objectType)
 Gets an XML-formatted string representing the definition of the search form to be used by the current user when searching using the TRIM Web Client More...
string GetAppConfig (string appName)
 Gets an XML string which represents the configuration setting of the nominated application More...
void SetAppConfig (string appName, string configText)
 Sets a string which represents the configuration setting of the nominated application More...
string GetUserAppConfig (string appName)
 Gets a string which represents the current user's preferences for the nominated application More...
void SetUserAppConfig (string appName, string configXML)
 Sets an XML string which represents the current user's preferences for the nominated application More...
void SetDefaultUserAppConfig (string appName, string configXML)
 Sets an XML string which represents the default user preferences for the nominated application More...
TrimMainObject NewTrimObject (BaseObjectTypes ofObjectType)
 Constructs a new TrimMainObject object of the nominated type. More...
TrimMainObject FindTrimObjectByUri (BaseObjectTypes makingObjectType, long makingObjectUri)
 Finds a TrimMainObject of the nominated type and uri. More...
TrimMainObject FindTrimObjectByName (BaseObjectTypes makingObjectType, string lookForObjectName)
 Finds a TrimMainObject of the nominated type and uri. More...
TrimMainObject FindTrimObjectByURN (string URNvalue)
 Finds a TrimMainObject using the specified URN. The URN format is trim:/DB/obj/uri for example trim:/JW/rec/33 More...
TrimUserOptionSet GetUserOptionSet (UserOptionSetIds optionSetType)
 Gets the nominated UserOptionSet for the currently logged in user. More...
string EscapeString (string src, bool useHtmlEscapeCharacters)
 Escapes characters in the supplied string to create an output string that can be used in TAB-delimited text files, etc. More...
string UnescapeString (string src, bool useHtmlEscapeCharacters)
 Removes escape characters in the supplied string - reverses effect of EscapeString. More...
UserLabel GetFavoritesLabel ()
 Gets the UserLabel corresponding to the Favorites tray for the current user More...
UserLabel GetFavoritesLabel (FavoriteType typeOfFavorite)
 Gets the UserLabel corresponding to the Favorites tray sub type for the current user More...
TrimMainObjectSearch GetNotifications (TrimURI startingAfter, int nbrNotificationsToGet, int processNbr, int nbrProcesses)
 Gets a list of notification objects representing activity on records. Used for synchronising external indexing systems More...
TrimMainObjectSearch GetLocationNotifications (TrimURI startingAfter, int nbrNotificationsToGet, int processNbr, int nbrProcesses)
 Gets a list of notification objects representing activity on locations. Used for synchronising external indexing systems More...
void ClearAllSearchState ()
 Clears all TrimMainObjectSearch search state held by this Database object. More...
void ClearExpiredSearchState ()
 Clears expired TrimMainObjectSearch search state held by this Database object. More...
bool Ping (bool checkDatabase)
 Checks the network connection to see if the workgroup is available. THere is also an option to test if the connection from the workgroup to the DBMS is alive. If it fails, extra information on the error can be found in the ErrorMessage property More...
bool CurrentUserHasPermission (GenericPermissions prm, BaseObjectTypes forObjectType)
 Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action of the nominated type of object More...
Record FindSAPDocument (string sapRepositoryId, string sapDocumentId)
 A special method for the SAP ArchiveLink integration - used to find the recordd corresponding to nominated SAP document More...
TrimMainObjectSearch FindRecordsByHash (string hashString)
 A special method to find all records that have a matching hash. More...
string CalculateDocumentHash (string filename)
 Calculate the hash of a document ( using Microsoft AES Cryptographic Provider 256-bit SHA hashing algorithm ) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject
bool IsMandatory (FieldDefinition field)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified field must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, TrimMainObject purposeExtraObject)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, int purposeExtraEnumValue)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraInformation is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
bool HasPermission (GenericPermissions prm)
 Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action on this object More...
bool HasPropertyPermission (GenericPermissions prm, PropertyIds propId)
 Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action on the specified property of this object More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
TrimIcon GetPropertyIcon (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets the icon value associated the a property of this object. More...
TrimMainObject GetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId)
string GetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId)
int GetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId)
long GetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool GetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDateTime GetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDecimal GetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimCurrency GetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimURI GetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool SetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimMainObject newValue)
bool SetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId, string newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId, int newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId, long newValue)
bool SetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId, bool newValue)
bool SetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDateTime newValue)
bool SetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimCurrency newValue)
bool SetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDecimal newValue)
bool SetPropertyDouble (PropertyIds dnPropId, double newValue)
bool SetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimURI newValue)
bool ClearProperty (PropertyIds dnPropId)
object GetProperty (PropertyIds propId)
bool SetProperty (PropertyIds propId, object newValue)
string GetPropertyAsString (PropertyIds propertyId, StringDisplayType propertyValueStringType, bool useHTMLEscapeChars)
 Gets a string representation of a property value in a format appropriate for a specific use. More...
bool IsMandatory (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified property must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool VerifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId, bool doMandatoryChecks)
 Verifies the value of a particular property, by cross checking it against other property values. The ErrorMessage property provides details if the verification fails. More...
bool CanModifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Indicates whether the current user has the permission to modify the specified property. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsAuthenticationMethodSupported (string dbid, ClientAuthenticationMechanism authStyle)
 Provides an indication of whether the specified authentication method is supported. It is based on the information returned from the workgroup server at the time of the last connection. More...
static void FlushConnectionPool ()
 Flushes the internal database connection pool. More...


bool ActionReminder [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether a reminder email message should be sent when an action is approaching its due date More...
long ActionReminderInterval [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the time (in seconds) before the due date when a reminder email should be sent for an action. More...
bool ActivityReminder [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether a reminder email message should be sent when an activity is approaching its due date More...
long ActivityReminderInterval [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the time (in seconds) before the due date when a reminder email should be sent for an activity. More...
bool AddHoldToContainedRecord [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records that are within a container may be added to Holds. More...
bool AddToContainerOnHold [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records can be added to a container which is on hold. Note that holds that affect disposition only will always allow contents to be added. More...
bool AllowCatalogMessageBodyOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should allow users the option of only cataloguing the body of an email message (without attachments) More...
bool AllowLargeFolders [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should implement business rules based on folders possibly containing large numbers of contained items (>500) More...
bool AllowManualSentItemsCheckin [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that, when using the Outlook Add-In, users can directly check in email from the Sent Items folder More...
bool AllowUsersToSetDblClick [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating whether users are allowed to set the double click behavior for bs_record% More...
bool AlternatelyContainDuplicateMail [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should create an alternate container for a duplicated email message, rather than creating a new record More...
string AlternateWorkgroupServerName [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the name of an alternative Workgroup Server to use to connect to this database. The alternate workgroup is used if the main workgroup server is unavailable. More...
int AlternateWorkgroupServerPort [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value to indicate which RCF port to use to connect to the alternate Content Manager Workgroup Server. Note that this will only be used if you specify a value for alternateWorkgroupServerName. More...
string AlternateWorkgroupServerURL [get, set]
 Gets or sets the URL used to connect to the alternate Content Manager Workgroup Server. The URL is in the format {protocol}://{machine}:{port}. Protocol and port components are optional and will default to TCP and 1137, respectively. More...
bool AlwaysCheckSpelling [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a spelling check should be enforced for every user upon any modifications to Title and Notes fields. More...
bool AuditActive [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether events should be logged to the Content Manager Audit Log. More...
Record AuditLogContainer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Record object which is used as a container when cataloguing audit logs into TRIM More...
RecordType AuditLogRecordType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a RecordType object which is used when cataloguing audit logs into TRIM More...
bool AutoConnect [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an automatic connection should be made to the workgroup server. If turned off (it is on by default), you can start the Database in an 'offline' mode which allows certain objects to be managed without a workgroup connection. More...
bool AutoFinalizeEmail [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that when creating a record from an email message, automatically finalize the record. More...
bool AutoGenerateThumbnail [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that a thumbnail rendition should be automatically generated for a b_record%. More...
bool AutomaticallyOCR [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new image documents to text using the Image Processing functions of R_trim%. More...
bool AutoVitalRecordReview [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Vital Classifications and Records must automatically have a Vital Record Review and Update assigned. This will cause all records with Scheduled Tasks attached to be automatically processed and placed in the Scheduled Tasks Due tray of the responsible location when the due date for the Scheduled Task arrives. An email notification will also be sent to the responsible location upon this event. More...
bool BlueprintsConverted [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether all Document Templates and Content Blocks have been converted to the new Office 2007 Open XML format More...
bool BypassBobChildListLimits [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a site can bypass the BOBchildList limits More...
bool CalculateDispositionEvents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Schedule events should be created for this database and processed by the Event Server. This property also enables the calculation and recalculation of Retention Schedule Trigger dates whenever these events occur (upon the creation/modification of any Retention Schedules) and activates Pending Event Search functionality. More...
NativeMailStyles CaptureNativeMailAs [get]
 Obsolete - no longer used More...
bool CascadeClassifications [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a classification applied to a folder or a box should be cascaded down to all its contents More...
bool CascadeParentFields [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that, when creating a new record for a classification, client or matter, relevant user-defined field values will be copied from the parent item to the new record. More...
bool CatalogAuditLogs [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to catalog offline audit log files into TRIM More...
bool CheckForDocumentLinks [get]
 Gets a boolean value to indicate whether TRIM should check submitted documents to see if they contain links to separate external documents. If enabled, TRIM will provide some special options for managing these linked documents. Corresponds to the Embedded Links product feature. More...
bool CheckForDuplicateDocuments [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should check for duplicate documents when creating new records (requires Document Hashing feature to be enabled) More...
bool CheckForDuplicateEmailMessages [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should check for duplicate email messages when creating new records based on email messages More...
string ClassificationLastNumber [get]
 Gets the last number used for creating top level classifications. More...
bool ClassificationsNeedApproval [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether classification require an approval process before being available for use. More...
string ClassificationTopPattern [get]
 Gets the numbering pattern used for top level classifications. More...
bool ClassifiedSecurity [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the Classified Security functionality specific to Us DoD (United States Department of Defense) 5015.2 compliance should be activated. Corresponds to the Classified Security product feature. More...
int ClientDocumentCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating how many megabytes to reserve for a client side document cache for TRIM. TRIM will remove older documents if the client document cache exceeds this limit. You must enable document caching using the UseClientDocumentCache parameter before this setting will take effect. More...
bool ClientRecordAccessReferenced [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the client record provides access control and security references to all records for that client More...
bool CollectUpdateComments [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to display an update comment facility for audit log entries More...
bool ConfirmContactValidation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether strict validation for Record contacts should be used. When true, the user is forced to validate (via KwikSelect) every contact selection made. More...
bool ConfirmLocationValidation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether strict validation for all Record locations should be used. When true, the user is forced to validate (via KwikSelect) every location selection made. More...
int ConsignmentApprovalReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating how many days to wait before sending a reminder to consignment approvers to complete the approval process More...
bool ContainerRulesForAlternate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that containment rules should apply to alternate containers as well as the main container. More...
ContentIndexType ContentIndex [get]
 Gets a ContentIndexType enumerated value indicating the features of the content index available with with this dataset. More...
bool CreateUdfChangedEvents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to create an event whenever an additional field value is modified More...
int CurrencyDecimalDigits [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal symbol for the currency used in this database. More...
string CurrencyDecimalSymbol [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the decimal symbol to be used for the currency in this database. For example '.' or ','. More...
int CurrencyGroupingFmt [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer indicating how the currency should be grouped in this database. That is, it indicates how many numbers should be assembled in each group. For example, the value '3' will correspond to a grouping: '123,456,789'. The separation character is held in the database.currGroupingSymbol property More...
string CurrencyGroupingSymbol [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the grouping symbol to be used for the currency in this database. For example ',' or ' '. This determines the separator used in the number arrangement of numbers before the decimal symbol in this currency. The grouping format is held in the database.currGroupingFmt property More...
int CurrencyNegativeFormat [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating how negative currency amounts should be displayed in this database. The integer values correspond to the following set formats: 0: '($1.1)', 1: '-$1.1', 2 '$-1.1', 3 '$1.1-', 4 '(1.1$)', 5 '-1.1$', 6 '1.1-$', 7 '1.1$-', 8 '1.1$-', 9 '-1.1 $', 10 '-$ 1.1', 11 '1.1 $-', 12 '$ 1.1-', 13 '$ -1.1', 14 '1.1- $', 15 '($ 1.1)', 16 '(1.1 $)'. More...
int CurrencyPositiveFormat [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating how positive currency amounts should be displayed in this database. The integer values correspond to the following set formats: 0 '$1.1', 1 '1.1$', 2 '$ 1.1', 3 '1.1 $'. More...
string CurrencySymbol [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the symbol for the currency used in this database. For example '$'. More...
Location CurrentUser [get]
 Gets the Content Manager Location corresponding to the current logged in user. More...
string CurrentWorkgroup [get]
 Gets a string containing the name of the current Workgroup Server. Set the property Database.WorkgroupServerName to specify which Workgroup Server to use. More...
bool DataSecurity [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records with a higher Security Profile than the Current User should not be retrieved (and displayed amongst the search results) when searching in this database. The value of this property is true by default. More...
DblClickContainerStyle DblClickContainers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a DblClickContainerStyle enum that determines what happens when a user double clicks on a container More...
DblClickStyle DblClickDocsDesktop [get, set]
 Gets or sets a DblClickStyle enum that determines what the happens when a user double clicks on a document in R_DESKTOP% More...
DblClickStyle DblClickDocsTrim [get, set]
 Gets or sets a DblClickStyle enum that determines what the happens when a user double clicks on a document in R_TRIM% More...
string DblClickExtLink [get, set]
 Gets or sets a external link to run when a user double clicks on a record More...
DatabaseTypes Dbms [get]
 Gets a databaseTypes enumerated value indicating the type of DBMS used for this TRIM dataset. More...
int DeclassifyYears [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the number of years set as the default declassification period for classified records (if not otherwise specified). More...
long DeduplicationThreshold [get, set]
 Gets or sets a file size parameter (bytes) to indicate the minimum size a document needs to be before it is considered suitable for de-duplication. More...
bool DefaultAssigneeFromClassificationOwner [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the default assignee for a record should be based on the Owner Location of a selected classification. More...
LocationDefault DefaultHome [get, set]
 Gets a ldLocationDefault value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's home location (unless otherwise specified) should be the assignee, or the assignee's organization. More...
LocationDefault DefaultOwner [get, set]
 Gets a ldLocationDefault value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's owner location (unless otherwise specified) should be the assignee, or the assignee's organization. More...
ElectronicStore DefaultStore [get, set]
 Gets or sets the ElectronicStore object which is the default Document Store for this Database. More...
ElectronicStore DefaultStoreForConsignmentApprovals [get, set]
 Gets or sets the TRIM ElectronicStore object which will be used as a default for storing all consignment approval documentation More...
bool DeleteEmailCaptureDuplicates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether a captured email that is a copy of an email filed by a user should be deleted. More...
bool DocumentSecurity [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records with a higher Security Profile than the Current User should not available for document operations (view, edit, etc). Only relevant if the DataSecurity property is false. The value of this property is true by default. More...
bool DocumentSingleInstancing [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the storage system will do single instancing for documents that are no email messages More...
bool DocumentsOnlyWithinFolders [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records that behave as documents may only be contained within records that behave as a container. It prevents a document from being directly filed under a classification. by default. More...
bool EmailActivitySupervisors [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating whether the supervisor of an activity should be added to the cc list for any email notifications sent out regarding that activity. More...
bool EmailExpandOrganisations [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that when sending an email to an activity assignee, if the assignee is an organization, expand the organization to include members of the organization More...
EmailSecurityMode EmailSecurity [get, set]
 Gets or sets an emailSecurityMode enumeration value indicating whether email should be annotated with standard security annotations More...
string EmailSubjectPrefix [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value specifying a subject prefix to place on any email message that has been catalogued into R_TRIM%. More...
bool EmlAttachmentSingleInstancing [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the storage system extracts attachments from EML email messages, single instancing them separately and replace the embedded attachment with a store item reference More...
bool EnableScheduledTasks [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether Vital Record review tasks should be created. Corresponds to the Vital Records product feature. More...
int EndOfDay [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the number of seconds since midnight indicating the time the working day usually ends. This is used to calculate the timing of Record Action Tracking and Workflows. More...
bool EnsureUniqueEmails [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether email addresses are unique More...
Location EstoreMailAddress [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Document Store reaching its set capacity, or a percentage of total capacity More...
Classification FailedAutoClassifyClassification [get, set]
 Gets or sets a classification object representing the default classification for records that fail auto-classification. More...
bool FDA21CFR11compliant [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager should work in compliance with the US FDA 21 CFR 11 standard. More...
bool FileIntoClosedContainers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating whether non-administrative users are allowed to put records into closed containers. More...
bool FilterClassifications [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether classification plan levels that are of a higher security level than the user should not be displayed to the user in a classification list. More...
bool FilterClassificationsByCopyACL [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating if classifications should be hidden from classification lists when users are not included in the default record access control list, irrespective of the copy style More...
bool GenerateAddAuditSummary [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Added events in Audit Logs More...
bool GenerateDeleteAuditSummary [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Removed events in Audit Logs More...
bool GenerateModifyAuditSummary [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Modified events in Audit Logs More...
int GlobalTimezone [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating a global timezone as seconds after GMT. This timezone is used when determining if a formatted number needs to be reset at the end of a year. More...
string GoogleKey [get, set]
 Gets or sets your organization's Google license key. More...
bool HideClassificationNumbers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the display of Classification numbers will be limited in this database. That is, whether the Classification Number component for any records created using a Classification Plan should be hidden from users or not. More...
bool HideCustomRecordTypes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether custom record types (those with a non-blank RecordType.ExternalId property) should be hidden from users of standard Content Manager client applications More...
bool HideSQLFromClients [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating if SQL should be hidden from client interfaces. This affects the content of error messages produced by the server and also turns off client side SQL logging More...
string Id [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the Database id for this Database. Setting this property will make a connection to the specified database. More...
IdolSearchStyles IdolSearchStyle [get, set]
 Gets or sets a idolSearchStyles enum value indicating extended usage of the content search engine More...
bool IgnoreAccentsInWordIndexes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether TRIM should ignore accents on characters when word indexing text containing them. If enabled, words containing accents are treated identically to the same word spelt without access on any characters. More...
bool IgnoreStaleUpdates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether updates will be processed regardless of whether the data being used for the update is out of date. More...
bool IncludeLargeTextUpdatesInLogs [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether full details of additions and changes to large text fields should be included in audit logs More...
ContainerSecurityHandling InsecureContainer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a csContainerSecurityHandling enum value indicating the desired behavior when placing a record in a container with a lower security profile than the record. More...
GeneralExceptionHandling InsecureCurrent [get, set]
 Gets or sets a geGeneralExceptionHandling enum value indicating whether changing a record's assignee, home or owner location to a location with a lower security profile than the record should be prevented, ignored, or initiate a warning message. More...
bool IsConnected [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether there is currently a connection to this Database object. More...
bool IsDefault [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this Database is the default database for this user. More...
bool IsValid [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this Database is valid. This property indicates if the Database is in a valid state to be used, and should be queried prior to connecting to the database. If the query indicates the database is invalid the Database.ErrorMessage property is populated with a description of the problem. More...
bool JitcCompliant [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether user permissions and functionality specific to US DoD (United States Department of Defense) 5015.2 compliance should be enforced. More...
int LastDayInFiscalMonth [get, set]
 Gets or sets a day of the month value to endicate which day of the month (as indicated LastMonthInFiscalYear) is the end of the financial year for the default locale that this database will operate in. More...
Months LastMonthInFiscalYear [get, set]
 Gets or sets a months enumerated value indicate which month is the last month of the financial year for the default locale that this database will operate in More...
string LicenceeName [get]
 Gets a string containing the name of the Content Manager license holder. More...
Location LicenseMailAddress [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Content Manager licensing breach or if the license nearing its limit More...
int LocationCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of locations in the Content Manager business object cache. More...
bool LocationFormatShowHonorific [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether any title (honorific) belonging to the person should be displayed for 'Person' type locations. More...
bool LocationFormatShowInitials [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the initials should be displayed rather than first names for 'Person' type locations. More...
bool LocationFormatShowPostNominal [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether any suffix (post-nominal) belonging to the person should be displayed for 'Person' type locations. More...
bool LocationFormatSurnameFirst [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the last name should be displayed before the first name or initials for 'Person' type locations. More...
LockdownStyles LockdownSettings [get, set]
 Gets or sets an lkLockdownStyles enum value indicating the type of lock down to apply to this database. This feature affects how users may use or modify Global Settings, making it possible to force users to use Global Settings. The values are 'lkNormal' (No lock down - Users can get global settings, and are also allowed to modify settings), 'lkSessionLock' (Session Lock down - Users can modify settings but the new settings are not retained past the current logged-on session) and 'lkTotalLock' (Lock down - Users are not allowed to change any settings, they must use the global settings). More...
bool LogStorageTransfers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to create an audit log entry whenever a document is transferred to a different storage device More...
bool LogWebServiceLogins [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an event should be created when a user logs in or out using a web service. More...
bool MailRecipientMustExist [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether recipients from an email message will be added as contacts in Content Manager. Recipient must exist as a Location to be attached to the Record More...
bool MailRecipientsAsContacts [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether all the recipients from an email message being cataloged as a Content Manager Record should be created as contacts in Content Manager and attached to the Record. Note: Recipients in the 'bcc' field will not be captured. More...
bool MatterRecordAccessReferenced [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the client record provides access control and security references to all records within a matter More...
int MinimumThesaurusLevels [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer indicating the minimum number of required Thesaurus Terms when titling records by Thesaurus in this Database. More...
bool ModifyLogsPreviousValues [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether previous values of properties should be displayed in the Audit Log for Object Modified events More...
int MyContainersLimit [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number that limits how many containers are kept in the 'Containers' tray More...
string Name [get]
 Gets a string containing the name of this Database object. More...
bool NeedLongevityRenditionToArchive [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether archiving is prevented for records that do not have a longevity rendition. More...
bool NENcompliant [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager (in particular in the management of location information) should work in compliance with the Dutch NEN1888 standard. More...
bool NotifyAssignedAction [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to all responsible locations when an Action is first assigned to a record. More...
bool NotifyAutomaticUserRegistrations [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether an email message should be sent when a new user is automatically registered by the Content Manager Workgroup Server More...
bool NotifyDocumentReviewEvents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that email messages should be sent to editors, reviewers or authorizers when relevant events occur More...
bool NotifyNextAction [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location when an Action is ready to commence or has been reassigned (responsible location has changed). More...
bool NotifyOverdueAction [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location in the event of an Action becoming overdue. More...
bool NotifyOverdueReturn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the assignee location in the event of the Record Return Date becoming overdue. More...
bool NotifyRecordRequest [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification or Digest should be sent to the service location in the event of a new Record Request. More...
bool NotifyRequestsAwaitingAcknowledgement [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to a requestor when a request is waiting for an acknowledgement of delivery. More...
bool NotifyTodoItems [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether reminder email notifications should be sent regarding outstanding todo items. More...
bool NotifyUserOptionChanges [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether changes to a user's preferred options should be notified to all machines on the network More...
bool NotifyWorkflowMail [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location when an event occurs in a Workflow Activity. The detailed settings are applied in the workflow definition itself. More...
int ObjectCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of objects in the Content Manager business object cache. More...
ObjectURLformats ObjectURLFormat [get, set]
 Gets or sets an ouObjectUrlFormats enum value indicating which web-based product the URL should be formatted to work with, when embedding URLs in reference files. More...
bool OnlyEmailTRIMRefsToTRIMUsers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Content Manager Record References will only be sent to locations that can log in to Content Manager. Any addressee locations that are not able to log in to this database will be sent an email without the Record Reference, but the actual document attached. More...
BarcodePrintOption OtherBarcode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a bpBarcodePrintOption enum value indicating which function should occur when printing barcodes for non-record objects (for example, Locations). The values are 'bpInternal' (Print Content Manager Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and the foreign barcode to be retained, 'bpInternalClear' (Print Content Manager Barcode, Clear Any Foreign Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and removes the foreign barcode upon printing, or 'bpExternal' (Print Foreign Barcode, if it exists) which utilizes the foreign barcode rather than the Content Manager internal barcode. More...
bool OwnerFromContainer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the default owner of a new record (unless otherwise specified) should be determined from the owner location of its container, if it has a container record. More...
bool PaperFoldersBypassRecordTypeRestriction [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether Paper Folder records ignore the 'Restrict To Record Type'. More...
bool PrefetchForeignBarcodes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether foreign barcodes are prefetched when prefetching TRIM objects into the client side object cache. More...
bool PreventDuplicatedDocuments [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should prevent users from storing duplicate documents (requeires Document Hashing feature to be enabled More...
bool PreventDuplicatedMailMessages [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should prevent users from storing duplicate mail messages More...
bool PreventZeroByteFiles [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that files that are 0 bytes in length should not be allowed to be added to the repository. More...
bool ReadOnly [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this database is in a read-only state and cannot be updated. More...
int RecentDocumentsLimit [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number that limits how many documents are kept in the 'E_tt_documents' view More...
CurrLocDef RecordAssigneeDefault [get, set]
 Gets a CurrLocDef enum value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's assignee location (unless otherwise specified) should be the current user (that is, the user who is logged on and creating the new record), the current user's position, or the current user's organization. More...
BarcodePrintOption RecordBarcode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a bpBarcodePrintOption enum value indicating which function should occur when printing barcodes for records. The values are 'bpInternal' (Print Content Manager Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and allows the foreign barcode to be retained, 'bpInternalClear' (Print Content Manager Barcode, Clear Any Foreign Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager Context internal barcode and removes the foreign barcode upon printing, or 'bpExternal' (Print Foreign Barcode, if it exists) which utilizes the foreign barcode rather than the Content Manager internal barcode. More...
int RecordCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of records in the Content Manager business object cache. More...
bool RecordOwnersInAuditLog [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the owner of a record should appear in the offline audit log when displaying events for records More...
bool RelaxedActionDates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether actions may be added to a record with a starting date earlier than the due date of existing actions already attached to the record. If true, it means that more than one action may simultaneously be active for a record. The only restriction is that the starting date of new Procedures added to the record must not be earlier than the starting date of the first (earliest starting) action on the record. More...
bool RelaxedDates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether chronological discrepancies in date checking should be ignored or not. That is, whether date comparisons between Date Registered, Date Created, Date Closed, Last Action Date and Retention Review Date fields should be suppressed during record creation and modification. More...
bool ReportAddInMemoryLeaks [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if TRIM should prompt when external add-ins create memory leaks. More...
bool RescheduleActionsIfFinishEarly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether subsequent actions should be automatically rescheduled when an action is completed early. More...
bool RescheduleActionsIfFinishLate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether subsequent actions should be automatically rescheduled when an action is completed late. More...
RmTerminologyType RmTerminology [get, set]
 Gets or sets a rmTerminologyType enum value indicating which style of captioning to use for records management concepts More...
bool SaveTransparentRedactions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether, upon creating a redaction from an original record, a transparent form of the redaction should be saved as a rendition of the original record. More...
bool ScanEmailForSecurityMarkings [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating if the subject of email messages should be scanned for a security level, eg [SEC=TOP SECRET] More...
int SchemaVersion [get]
 Gets an integer containing the version number of the Database schema. More...
Location SecurityMailAddress [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Security Breach. A Security Breach occurs when a record is moved to a location of a lower security profile than its own security profile. More...
int ServerDocumentCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating how many megabytes to reserve for a document cache for an SDK-based service application. More...
int ServiceLocationCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of locations in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program. More...
int ServiceObjectCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of objects in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program. More...
int ServiceRecordCacheSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default size for the caching of records in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program. More...
bool ShredderDelete [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a 'Shredder Delete' should be used for electronic documents. With this option set to true, electronic documents that are deleted from this database are not only deleted but also overwritten with nonsense characters. This means that nobody with third party 'unerase' software will be able to read what was deleted on the hard-drive. More...
HashingAlgorithms SignatureHashingAlgorithm [get, set]
 Gets or sets a haHashingAlgorithm enum value indicating the type of Signature Hashing Algorithm to be used for encrypting message digests. The values are 'haSha': Secure Hash Algorithm (default) or 'haMd5': Message Digest 5. More...
string SiteId [get]
 Gets a string containing a unique identifier for the customer site which this database belongs to. More...
int StartOfDay [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the number of seconds since midnight indicating the time the working day usually starts. This is used to calculate the timing of Record Action Tracking and Workflows. More...
bool StatisticsDst [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to adjust the statisticsTimeZone for daylight saving changes More...
string StatisticsTimeZone [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value indicating the time zone to be used when calculating time based statistics. More...
bool StorageHashCheck [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should perform a hash check to verify the safe transfer of documents from the workgroup to the final storage destination More...
bool StoreAutoClassifyNotes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether auto-classification details are being stored on the notes of a record More...
bool StoreDocumentHashes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether document hashes should be stored for latest document revisions More...
bool StrictCount [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating if counts displayed for search results should include all security filtering. More...
bool SuppressAutoProfile [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether automatic profiling of a record from its document profile should be suppressed in this database. With this option set to true the user will not be able to extract any profiling information for new documents - it thus may be used to prevent unreliable summary data being used to populate fields in Content Manager. More...
bool SuppressWarningsForClosedContainers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating whether to suppress warning when users put records into closed containers. More...
bool SurnamePrefixNotInSort [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a location's last name prefix will not impact its sort order. That is, if true, a location with Surname 'van Garderen' will be sorted by 'G' rather than 'v'. If false, the location will be sorted under 'v'. More...
bool TitleAndNotesEvents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to generate record title and notes events (if not, presumes that the Content Index will be used for these type of searches) More...
bool TNAcompliant [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager should work in compliance with the UK National Archives standard. More...
bool TransferHashCheck [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should perform a hash check to verify the safe transfer of documents from a client to a server More...
bool UnambiguousDateDisplay [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the dates should be displayed in reports with unambiguous day/month value More...
bool UpdateCommentsAreMandatory [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether audit comments are mandatory whgen using the update comment facility More...
bool UseClientDocumentCache [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether TRIM clients will cache any documents added or extracted to TRIM. The client cache can speed up operations in many desktop editing situations. More...
bool UseServerDocumentCache [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether SDK=based service applications will cache any documents added or extracted from the dataset. More...
bool UseServiceAPIUIinOfficeAddin [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to use the serviceAPI UI components instead of the SDK.NET UI components in the Office addin More...
bool UsingStoredProcedures [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether Stored Procedures are used in this database. A Stored Procedure is a set procedure that will be run by the database software when a field is accessed in Content Manager. More...
bool WarnWhenChangeDispositionOfRelated [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a warning should be displayed upon removing or changing the disposition of a record if it is related to other records. More...
string WebServerURL [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the URL (Universal Resource Locator) where the Web Server for this database may be found, if a Context ICE Server is being used. More...
string WorkgroupServerName [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the name of the Workgroup Server on which this database will be found. This property is only used when making an connection - if the database is already connected, it will have no effect. More...
int WorkgroupServerPort [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value to indicate which RCF port to use to connect to the nominated Content Manager Workgroup Server. Note that this will only be used if you specify a value for workgroupServerName. More...
string WorkgroupServerURL [get, set]
 Gets or sets the URL used to connect to the Content Manager Workgroup Server. The URL is in the format {protocol}://{machine}:{port}. Protocol and port components are optional and will default to TCP and 1137, respectively. More...
static bool AllowAccessFromMultipleThreads [get, set]
 Indicates whether the developer has provided thread protection such that calls can be made to a database object from a different thread to that which created it. More...
bool UsingInternetContentSearchStyle [get]
 Indicates whether the content search string format is the ISYS 'Internet Style' or the older format ISYS search. More...
string TrustedUser [get, set]
 Instruct TRIM to connect using the supplied user name, rather than the user name of the currently logged in process. This will fail if the connection is not being made by a trusted account name in the TRIM network (see TRIM Enterprise Studio - Miscellaneous). More...
IpConnectionType ClientIPConnectionType [get]
 Gets an IpConnectionType enum value indicating how the client is connecting to the machine running the SDK More...
string ClientIPAddress [get, set]
 Gets or sets the IP address of the client machine that this database is servicing. This is only relevant for web applications where the connection is being made from a remote browser. This IP address is available in audit logs - web browser developers should set this for a more comprehensive audit trail. More...
bool IsSingleHopClient [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that the SDK connection is being made from the same machine that is running the client application. Basically, a thick client. More...
ClientAuthenticationMechanism AuthenticationMethod [get, set]
 Gets or sets the authentication method to be used when making the database connection More...
TrimDateTime DateUserKeyStateChanged [get]
 Gets the date that the most recent change to the system was made that affects the state of the user record access keys. More...
TrimDateTime DateIdolMetadataSchemaChanged [get]
 Gets the date that the most recent change to the system was made that affects the IDOL metadata schema. More...
bool UpdateUserTrays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether records should be added to trays (Recent Documents, Recent Containers) in the same way that happens when using the HPE Content Manager client software More...
bool RelaxBusinessRulesForConversion [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether certain business rules should be relaxed to assist in certain conversion scenarios. This should only be used when running a data conversion and requires administrator privileges. More...
bool RelaxBusinessRulesForPerformance [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether certain business rules should be relaxed to improve performance. This turns off a number of duplicate tests and should only be used when running a data conversion and requires administrator privileges. More...
int BusyThreadId [get]
 Gets the id of the thread that is currently using this database for work. Mostly useful for diagnosing multi-threaded issues. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimObject
BaseObjectTypes TrimType [get]
 Gets a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating the type of this object. More...
TrimURI Uri [get]
 Gets the unique row identifier for this object. Once an object has been committed to the database, typically by calling a Save method, this unique identifier is allocated. From that time on, the uri will remain constant and can never be changed. It is always unique across all objects of the same Type. More...
string URN [get]
 Gets the uniform resource name for this object. More...
string NameString [get]
 Gets a string name for this object which is a user-friendly way of displaying this object. For most TRIM objects the name is a unique string, although some times this is not the case (eg Location Names). More...
string NameStringExtra [get]
 Gets a more verbose description of this object, particularly when the name is perhaps a little cryptic or not enough to fully describe the object. More...
bool IsReadOnly [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if this object is "ReadOnly". This would generally indicate that none of the object's properties could be modified, in some cases there are exceptions that can be tested via CanModifyProperty method. More...
bool PossiblyHasSubordinates [get]
 Indicates if this object could possibly have child objects of the same type that can be displayed in a hierarchy. More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
string ErrorMessage [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
TrimException Error [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
Database Database [get]
 Gets the TRIM Database object in which this object resides. All Trim objects live within a particular TRIM database and cannot be created without one. More...
virtual string Caption [get]
 Gets the user-defined caption that has been associated with all TrimPropertySets of this type. More...
virtual TrimIcon Icon [get]
 Gets the icon value associated this TrimPropertySet. More...
bool IsModified [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if any changes have been made to this object since it was first constructed, or last saved. More...

Detailed Description

The Database object is the first object that must be created when using the TRIM SDK. All other objects in the SDK are dependent upon this object – they cannot be created independently. The Database object is responsible for making a connection to a TRIM database and for creating all SDK objects that are to be used by the client

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Database ( )

Default constructor for the Trim Database object

Member Function Documentation

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.BeginTrans ( string  transactionName)

Creates a broader user-defined transaction allowing you to co-ordinate the saving of a number of TRIM objects. This transaction must execute either a CommitTrans or RollbackTrans before the database can be closed.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CalculateDocumentHash ( string  filename)

Calculate the hash of a document ( using Microsoft AES Cryptographic Provider 256-bit SHA hashing algorithm )

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClearAllSearchState ( )

Clears all TrimMainObjectSearch search state held by this Database object.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClearExpiredSearchState ( )

Clears expired TrimMainObjectSearch search state held by this Database object.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CommitTrans ( )

Commits the current user-defined transaction as created using the BeginTrans method.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Connect ( )

Establishes a connection to a particular TRIM database for the given user.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ConnectAs ( string  userName,
string  password 

Emulates the user of the nominated Windows UserName and Password for any subsequent database activity

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrentUserHasPermission ( GenericPermissions  prm,
BaseObjectTypes  forObjectType 

Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action of the nominated type of object

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Disconnect ( )

Disconnects the current user from the SDK server. Call this function when the database connection is no longer required, to decrease the reference count. When all user references have been removed, the SDK server will shut down

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Dispose ( )
string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EscapeString ( string  src,
bool  useHtmlEscapeCharacters 

Escapes characters in the supplied string to create an output string that can be used in TAB-delimited text files, etc.

TrimMainObjectSearch HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FindRecordsByHash ( string  hashString)

A special method to find all records that have a matching hash.

Record HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FindSAPDocument ( string  sapRepositoryId,
string  sapDocumentId 

A special method for the SAP ArchiveLink integration - used to find the recordd corresponding to nominated SAP document

TrimMainObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FindTrimObjectByName ( BaseObjectTypes  makingObjectType,
string  lookForObjectName 

Finds a TrimMainObject of the nominated type and uri.

TrimMainObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FindTrimObjectByUri ( BaseObjectTypes  makingObjectType,
long  makingObjectUri 

Finds a TrimMainObject of the nominated type and uri.

TrimMainObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FindTrimObjectByURN ( string  URNvalue)

Finds a TrimMainObject using the specified URN. The URN format is trim:/DB/obj/uri for example trim:/JW/rec/33

static void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FlushConnectionPool ( )

Flushes the internal database connection pool.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetAppConfig ( string  appName)

Gets an XML string which represents the configuration setting of the nominated application

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetDefaultRecordSearchForm ( )

Gets an XML-formatted string representing the definition of the search form to be used by the current user when searching for records using the TRIM Web Client

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetDefaultSearchForm ( BaseObjectTypes  objectType)

Gets an XML-formatted string representing the definition of the search form to be used by the current user when searching using the TRIM Web Client

UserLabel HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetFavoritesLabel ( )

Gets the UserLabel corresponding to the Favorites tray for the current user

UserLabel HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetFavoritesLabel ( FavoriteType  typeOfFavorite)

Gets the UserLabel corresponding to the Favorites tray sub type for the current user

TrimMainObjectSearch HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetLocationNotifications ( TrimURI  startingAfter,
int  nbrNotificationsToGet,
int  processNbr,
int  nbrProcesses 

Gets a list of notification objects representing activity on locations. Used for synchronising external indexing systems

TrimMainObjectSearch HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetNotifications ( TrimURI  startingAfter,
int  nbrNotificationsToGet,
int  processNbr,
int  nbrProcesses 

Gets a list of notification objects representing activity on records. Used for synchronising external indexing systems

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetTimezone ( )

Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to see the timezone that has been set on the database - this may be different to the timezone of the machine that is running the SDK.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetTimezoneString ( )

Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to see the timezone that has been set on the database - this may be different to the timezone of the machine that is running the SDK.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetTRIMFileName ( TrimPathType  pathType,
bool  asIfInsideAService 

Gets the name of the nominated TRIM special folder

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetTRIMFolder ( TrimPathType  pathType,
bool  asIfInsideAService 

Gets the name of the nominated TRIM special folder

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetUserAppConfig ( string  appName)

Gets a string which represents the current user's preferences for the nominated application

TrimUserOptionSet HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GetUserOptionSet ( UserOptionSetIds  optionSetType)

Gets the nominated UserOptionSet for the currently logged in user.

static bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsAuthenticationMethodSupported ( string  dbid,
ClientAuthenticationMechanism  authStyle 

Provides an indication of whether the specified authentication method is supported. It is based on the information returned from the workgroup server at the time of the last connection.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsModuleLicensed ( LicenseTypes  moduleType)

Determines if the specified module is in the current TRIM license - see also IsProductFeatureLicenced, IsProductFeatureActivated.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsOwningReference ( )

Returns true if the Database object is an owning reference. Owning references must be manually disposed, by calling Dispose (). If the Database object is not an owning reference, the object can be safely discarded without calling Dispose ().

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsProductFeatureActivated ( ProductFeatures  moduleType)

Determines if the specified TRIM product feature has been activated in this TRIM installation.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsProductFeatureLicensed ( ProductFeatures  featureType)

Determines if the specified TRIM product feature is licensed in this TRIM installation.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LogExternalEvent ( string  eventDetails,
BaseObjectTypes  affectingObjectType,
TrimURI  affectingObjectUri,
bool  addToOnlineAuditLog 

This function allows you to create an external event which will be passed through to the event processor. An option also exists to make the retrieve the label that represents one of the special type of "Favorites" currently available for Records.

TrimMainObject HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NewTrimObject ( BaseObjectTypes  ofObjectType)

Constructs a new TrimMainObject object of the nominated type.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Ping ( bool  checkDatabase)

Checks the network connection to see if the workgroup is available. THere is also an option to test if the connection from the workgroup to the DBMS is alive. If it fails, extra information on the error can be found in the ErrorMessage property

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RefreshCache ( )

Clears the entire TRIM object cache, for this dataset.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RefreshCache ( BaseObjectTypes  objectType,
TrimURI  objectUri 

Clears the object of the nominated uri and object type from the cache. If a 0 is passed for the uri parameter, all objects of the type specified are cleared from the cache. If Unknown is passed for objectType, the entire cache is cleared.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RollbackTrans ( )

Rolls out changes done within the current user-defined transaction as created by the BeginTrans method.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RunEventStatistics ( string  outputFileName,
TrimDateTime  fromDateTime,
TrimDateTime  toDateTime,
bool  generateMonthlyTotals 

Creates an output file (.html or .csv) containing statistics related to events recieved by the TRIM event processor

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RunRecordCreationStatistics ( string  outputFileName,
TrimDateTime  fromDateTime,
TrimDateTime  toDateTime,
PrimaryRecordStatisticsGrouping  primaryGrouping,
LocationGrouping  locationGrouping,
StatisticalDateRangeTypes  statisticalDateType,
bool  useStatisticalLocations,
string  recordSearchString 

Creates an output file (.html or .csv) containing statistics related to how many records were created divided into specified sub-categories

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Save ( )

Permanently commits all changes made to this database properties.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SaveCaptions ( )

Any changes made to the default captions for objects and properties are held in memory. This method will make these changes permanent and apply them to all users of this database.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetAppConfig ( string  appName,
string  configText 

Sets a string which represents the configuration setting of the nominated application

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetAuthenticationCredentials ( string  userName,
string  password 

Provides credentials for use with the specified Authentication method. Currently only used by the ExplicitWindows authentication method

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetClassificationTopLevelNumbering ( string  numberingPattern,
string  lastNumberUsed 

Allows you to set the numbering pattern and last number for the numbering of top level classification

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetDefaultUserAppConfig ( string  appName,
string  configXML 

Sets an XML string which represents the default user preferences for the nominated application

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetStrictRecordNumbers ( bool  setStrictValueOn)

Turns off the TRIM feature that finds the first part of a container, if the part suffix was not specified. For example if the feature is not turned off, passing the record number 'G05/1' to the GetRecord method will also look for the record 'G05/1-01' if no record 'G05/1' exists.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetTimezone ( int  minutesAheadOfGMT)

Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Consider using the SetTimezoneString function instead, as it supports daylight saving

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetTimezone ( System.TimeZoneInfo  timeZone)

Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Need to have called SetAsService or SetAsWebService prior to calling this function.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetTimezoneString ( string  windowsTimezoneString)

Primarily used by a service program satisfying a remote client. Allows you to specify a different timezone to the timezone on the machine that is running the SDK. Uses the standard windows timezone string to specify a timezone, which supports daylight saving times, and is therefore preferable to using the basic GMT offset approach.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SetUserAppConfig ( string  appName,
string  configXML 

Sets an XML string which represents the current user's preferences for the nominated application

Database HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SpawnImpersonatedDatabase ( string  loginUserNameToImpersonate)

Gets a copy of the this database that simulates a login by a different user

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UnescapeString ( string  src,
bool  useHtmlEscapeCharacters 

Removes escape characters in the supplied string - reverses effect of EscapeString.

Property Documentation

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ActionReminder

Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether a reminder email message should be sent when an action is approaching its due date

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ActionReminderInterval

Gets or sets an integer containing the time (in seconds) before the due date when a reminder email should be sent for an action.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ActivityReminder

Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether a reminder email message should be sent when an activity is approaching its due date

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ActivityReminderInterval

Gets or sets an integer containing the time (in seconds) before the due date when a reminder email should be sent for an activity.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AddHoldToContainedRecord

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records that are within a container may be added to Holds.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AddToContainerOnHold

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records can be added to a container which is on hold. Note that holds that affect disposition only will always allow contents to be added.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AllowAccessFromMultipleThreads

Indicates whether the developer has provided thread protection such that calls can be made to a database object from a different thread to that which created it.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AllowCatalogMessageBodyOnly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should allow users the option of only cataloguing the body of an email message (without attachments)

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AllowLargeFolders

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should implement business rules based on folders possibly containing large numbers of contained items (>500)

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AllowManualSentItemsCheckin

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that, when using the Outlook Add-In, users can directly check in email from the Sent Items folder

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AllowUsersToSetDblClick

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating whether users are allowed to set the double click behavior for bs_record%

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AlternatelyContainDuplicateMail

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should create an alternate container for a duplicated email message, rather than creating a new record

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AlternateWorkgroupServerName

Gets or sets a string containing the name of an alternative Workgroup Server to use to connect to this database. The alternate workgroup is used if the main workgroup server is unavailable.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AlternateWorkgroupServerPort

Gets or sets a number value to indicate which RCF port to use to connect to the alternate Content Manager Workgroup Server. Note that this will only be used if you specify a value for alternateWorkgroupServerName.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AlternateWorkgroupServerURL

Gets or sets the URL used to connect to the alternate Content Manager Workgroup Server. The URL is in the format {protocol}://{machine}:{port}. Protocol and port components are optional and will default to TCP and 1137, respectively.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AlwaysCheckSpelling

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a spelling check should be enforced for every user upon any modifications to Title and Notes fields.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AuditActive

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether events should be logged to the Content Manager Audit Log.

Record HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AuditLogContainer

Gets or sets a Record object which is used as a container when cataloguing audit logs into TRIM

RecordType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AuditLogRecordType

Gets or sets a RecordType object which is used when cataloguing audit logs into TRIM

ClientAuthenticationMechanism HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AuthenticationMethod

Gets or sets the authentication method to be used when making the database connection

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AutoConnect

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an automatic connection should be made to the workgroup server. If turned off (it is on by default), you can start the Database in an 'offline' mode which allows certain objects to be managed without a workgroup connection.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AutoFinalizeEmail

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that when creating a record from an email message, automatically finalize the record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AutoGenerateThumbnail

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that a thumbnail rendition should be automatically generated for a b_record%.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AutomaticallyOCR

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new image documents to text using the Image Processing functions of R_trim%.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.AutoVitalRecordReview

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Vital Classifications and Records must automatically have a Vital Record Review and Update assigned. This will cause all records with Scheduled Tasks attached to be automatically processed and placed in the Scheduled Tasks Due tray of the responsible location when the due date for the Scheduled Task arrives. An email notification will also be sent to the responsible location upon this event.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.BlueprintsConverted

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether all Document Templates and Content Blocks have been converted to the new Office 2007 Open XML format

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.BusyThreadId

Gets the id of the thread that is currently using this database for work. Mostly useful for diagnosing multi-threaded issues.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.BypassBobChildListLimits

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a site can bypass the BOBchildList limits

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CalculateDispositionEvents

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Schedule events should be created for this database and processed by the Event Server. This property also enables the calculation and recalculation of Retention Schedule Trigger dates whenever these events occur (upon the creation/modification of any Retention Schedules) and activates Pending Event Search functionality.

NativeMailStyles HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CaptureNativeMailAs

Obsolete - no longer used

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CascadeClassifications

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a classification applied to a folder or a box should be cascaded down to all its contents

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CascadeParentFields

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that, when creating a new record for a classification, client or matter, relevant user-defined field values will be copied from the parent item to the new record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CatalogAuditLogs

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to catalog offline audit log files into TRIM

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CheckForDocumentLinks

Gets a boolean value to indicate whether TRIM should check submitted documents to see if they contain links to separate external documents. If enabled, TRIM will provide some special options for managing these linked documents. Corresponds to the Embedded Links product feature.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CheckForDuplicateDocuments

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should check for duplicate documents when creating new records (requires Document Hashing feature to be enabled)

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CheckForDuplicateEmailMessages

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should check for duplicate email messages when creating new records based on email messages

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClassificationLastNumber

Gets the last number used for creating top level classifications.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClassificationsNeedApproval

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether classification require an approval process before being available for use.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClassificationTopPattern

Gets the numbering pattern used for top level classifications.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClassifiedSecurity

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the Classified Security functionality specific to Us DoD (United States Department of Defense) 5015.2 compliance should be activated. Corresponds to the Classified Security product feature.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClientDocumentCacheSize

Gets or sets a number indicating how many megabytes to reserve for a client side document cache for TRIM. TRIM will remove older documents if the client document cache exceeds this limit. You must enable document caching using the UseClientDocumentCache parameter before this setting will take effect.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClientIPAddress

Gets or sets the IP address of the client machine that this database is servicing. This is only relevant for web applications where the connection is being made from a remote browser. This IP address is available in audit logs - web browser developers should set this for a more comprehensive audit trail.

IpConnectionType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClientIPConnectionType

Gets an IpConnectionType enum value indicating how the client is connecting to the machine running the SDK

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ClientRecordAccessReferenced

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the client record provides access control and security references to all records for that client

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CollectUpdateComments

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to display an update comment facility for audit log entries

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ConfirmContactValidation

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether strict validation for Record contacts should be used. When true, the user is forced to validate (via KwikSelect) every contact selection made.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ConfirmLocationValidation

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether strict validation for all Record locations should be used. When true, the user is forced to validate (via KwikSelect) every location selection made.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ConsignmentApprovalReminderDays

Gets or sets a number indicating how many days to wait before sending a reminder to consignment approvers to complete the approval process

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ContainerRulesForAlternate

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that containment rules should apply to alternate containers as well as the main container.

ContentIndexType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ContentIndex

Gets a ContentIndexType enumerated value indicating the features of the content index available with with this dataset.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CreateUdfChangedEvents

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to create an event whenever an additional field value is modified

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyDecimalDigits

Gets or sets an integer containing the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal symbol for the currency used in this database.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyDecimalSymbol

Gets or sets a string containing the decimal symbol to be used for the currency in this database. For example '.' or ','.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyGroupingFmt

Gets or sets an integer indicating how the currency should be grouped in this database. That is, it indicates how many numbers should be assembled in each group. For example, the value '3' will correspond to a grouping: '123,456,789'. The separation character is held in the database.currGroupingSymbol property

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyGroupingSymbol

Gets or sets a string containing the grouping symbol to be used for the currency in this database. For example ',' or ' '. This determines the separator used in the number arrangement of numbers before the decimal symbol in this currency. The grouping format is held in the database.currGroupingFmt property

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyNegativeFormat

Gets or sets a number indicating how negative currency amounts should be displayed in this database. The integer values correspond to the following set formats: 0: '($1.1)', 1: '-$1.1', 2 '$-1.1', 3 '$1.1-', 4 '(1.1$)', 5 '-1.1$', 6 '1.1-$', 7 '1.1$-', 8 '1.1$-', 9 '-1.1 $', 10 '-$ 1.1', 11 '1.1 $-', 12 '$ 1.1-', 13 '$ -1.1', 14 '1.1- $', 15 '($ 1.1)', 16 '(1.1 $)'.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencyPositiveFormat

Gets or sets a number indicating how positive currency amounts should be displayed in this database. The integer values correspond to the following set formats: 0 '$1.1', 1 '1.1$', 2 '$ 1.1', 3 '1.1 $'.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrencySymbol

Gets or sets a string containing the symbol for the currency used in this database. For example '$'.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrentUser

Gets the Content Manager Location corresponding to the current logged in user.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.CurrentWorkgroup

Gets a string containing the name of the current Workgroup Server. Set the property Database.WorkgroupServerName to specify which Workgroup Server to use.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DataSecurity

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records with a higher Security Profile than the Current User should not be retrieved (and displayed amongst the search results) when searching in this database. The value of this property is true by default.

TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DateIdolMetadataSchemaChanged

Gets the date that the most recent change to the system was made that affects the IDOL metadata schema.

TrimDateTime HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DateUserKeyStateChanged

Gets the date that the most recent change to the system was made that affects the state of the user record access keys.

DblClickContainerStyle HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DblClickContainers

Gets or sets a DblClickContainerStyle enum that determines what happens when a user double clicks on a container

DblClickStyle HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DblClickDocsDesktop

Gets or sets a DblClickStyle enum that determines what the happens when a user double clicks on a document in R_DESKTOP%

DblClickStyle HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DblClickDocsTrim

Gets or sets a DblClickStyle enum that determines what the happens when a user double clicks on a document in R_TRIM%

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DblClickExtLink

Gets or sets a external link to run when a user double clicks on a record

DatabaseTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Dbms

Gets a databaseTypes enumerated value indicating the type of DBMS used for this TRIM dataset.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DeclassifyYears

Gets or sets an integer containing the number of years set as the default declassification period for classified records (if not otherwise specified).

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DeduplicationThreshold

Gets or sets a file size parameter (bytes) to indicate the minimum size a document needs to be before it is considered suitable for de-duplication.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DefaultAssigneeFromClassificationOwner

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the default assignee for a record should be based on the Owner Location of a selected classification.

LocationDefault HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DefaultHome

Gets a ldLocationDefault value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's home location (unless otherwise specified) should be the assignee, or the assignee's organization.

LocationDefault HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DefaultOwner

Gets a ldLocationDefault value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's owner location (unless otherwise specified) should be the assignee, or the assignee's organization.

ElectronicStore HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DefaultStore

Gets or sets the ElectronicStore object which is the default Document Store for this Database.

ElectronicStore HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DefaultStoreForConsignmentApprovals

Gets or sets the TRIM ElectronicStore object which will be used as a default for storing all consignment approval documentation

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DeleteEmailCaptureDuplicates

Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether a captured email that is a copy of an email filed by a user should be deleted.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DocumentSecurity

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records with a higher Security Profile than the Current User should not available for document operations (view, edit, etc). Only relevant if the DataSecurity property is false. The value of this property is true by default.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DocumentSingleInstancing

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the storage system will do single instancing for documents that are no email messages

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.DocumentsOnlyWithinFolders

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records that behave as documents may only be contained within records that behave as a container. It prevents a document from being directly filed under a classification. by default.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EmailActivitySupervisors

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating whether the supervisor of an activity should be added to the cc list for any email notifications sent out regarding that activity.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EmailExpandOrganisations

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating that when sending an email to an activity assignee, if the assignee is an organization, expand the organization to include members of the organization

EmailSecurityMode HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EmailSecurity

Gets or sets an emailSecurityMode enumeration value indicating whether email should be annotated with standard security annotations

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EmailSubjectPrefix

Gets or sets a string value specifying a subject prefix to place on any email message that has been catalogued into R_TRIM%.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EmlAttachmentSingleInstancing

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the storage system extracts attachments from EML email messages, single instancing them separately and replace the embedded attachment with a store item reference

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EnableScheduledTasks

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether Vital Record review tasks should be created. Corresponds to the Vital Records product feature.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EndOfDay

Gets or sets an integer containing the number of seconds since midnight indicating the time the working day usually ends. This is used to calculate the timing of Record Action Tracking and Workflows.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EnsureUniqueEmails

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether email addresses are unique

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.EstoreMailAddress

Gets or sets a Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Document Store reaching its set capacity, or a percentage of total capacity

Classification HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FailedAutoClassifyClassification

Gets or sets a classification object representing the default classification for records that fail auto-classification.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FDA21CFR11compliant

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager should work in compliance with the US FDA 21 CFR 11 standard.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FileIntoClosedContainers

Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating whether non-administrative users are allowed to put records into closed containers.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FilterClassifications

Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether classification plan levels that are of a higher security level than the user should not be displayed to the user in a classification list.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.FilterClassificationsByCopyACL

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating if classifications should be hidden from classification lists when users are not included in the default record access control list, irrespective of the copy style

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GenerateAddAuditSummary

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Added events in Audit Logs

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GenerateDeleteAuditSummary

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Removed events in Audit Logs

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GenerateModifyAuditSummary

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether a detailed summary should be generated for Object Modified events in Audit Logs

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GlobalTimezone

Gets or sets a number indicating a global timezone as seconds after GMT. This timezone is used when determining if a formatted number needs to be reset at the end of a year.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.GoogleKey

Gets or sets your organization's Google license key.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.HideClassificationNumbers

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the display of Classification numbers will be limited in this database. That is, whether the Classification Number component for any records created using a Classification Plan should be hidden from users or not.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.HideCustomRecordTypes

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether custom record types (those with a non-blank RecordType.ExternalId property) should be hidden from users of standard Content Manager client applications

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.HideSQLFromClients

Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating if SQL should be hidden from client interfaces. This affects the content of error messages produced by the server and also turns off client side SQL logging

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Id

Gets or sets a string containing the Database id for this Database. Setting this property will make a connection to the specified database.

IdolSearchStyles HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IdolSearchStyle

Gets or sets a idolSearchStyles enum value indicating extended usage of the content search engine

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IgnoreAccentsInWordIndexes

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether TRIM should ignore accents on characters when word indexing text containing them. If enabled, words containing accents are treated identically to the same word spelt without access on any characters.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IgnoreStaleUpdates

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether updates will be processed regardless of whether the data being used for the update is out of date.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IncludeLargeTextUpdatesInLogs

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether full details of additions and changes to large text fields should be included in audit logs

ContainerSecurityHandling HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.InsecureContainer

Gets or sets a csContainerSecurityHandling enum value indicating the desired behavior when placing a record in a container with a lower security profile than the record.

GeneralExceptionHandling HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.InsecureCurrent

Gets or sets a geGeneralExceptionHandling enum value indicating whether changing a record's assignee, home or owner location to a location with a lower security profile than the record should be prevented, ignored, or initiate a warning message.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsConnected

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether there is currently a connection to this Database object.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsDefault

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this Database is the default database for this user.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsSingleHopClient

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that the SDK connection is being made from the same machine that is running the client application. Basically, a thick client.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.IsValid

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this Database is valid. This property indicates if the Database is in a valid state to be used, and should be queried prior to connecting to the database. If the query indicates the database is invalid the Database.ErrorMessage property is populated with a description of the problem.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.JitcCompliant

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether user permissions and functionality specific to US DoD (United States Department of Defense) 5015.2 compliance should be enforced.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LastDayInFiscalMonth

Gets or sets a day of the month value to endicate which day of the month (as indicated LastMonthInFiscalYear) is the end of the financial year for the default locale that this database will operate in.

Months HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LastMonthInFiscalYear

Gets or sets a months enumerated value indicate which month is the last month of the financial year for the default locale that this database will operate in

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LicenceeName

Gets a string containing the name of the Content Manager license holder.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LicenseMailAddress

Gets or sets the Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Content Manager licensing breach or if the license nearing its limit

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LocationCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of locations in the Content Manager business object cache.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LocationFormatShowHonorific

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether any title (honorific) belonging to the person should be displayed for 'Person' type locations.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LocationFormatShowInitials

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the initials should be displayed rather than first names for 'Person' type locations.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LocationFormatShowPostNominal

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether any suffix (post-nominal) belonging to the person should be displayed for 'Person' type locations.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LocationFormatSurnameFirst

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the last name should be displayed before the first name or initials for 'Person' type locations.

LockdownStyles HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LockdownSettings

Gets or sets an lkLockdownStyles enum value indicating the type of lock down to apply to this database. This feature affects how users may use or modify Global Settings, making it possible to force users to use Global Settings. The values are 'lkNormal' (No lock down - Users can get global settings, and are also allowed to modify settings), 'lkSessionLock' (Session Lock down - Users can modify settings but the new settings are not retained past the current logged-on session) and 'lkTotalLock' (Lock down - Users are not allowed to change any settings, they must use the global settings).

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LogStorageTransfers

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to create an audit log entry whenever a document is transferred to a different storage device

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.LogWebServiceLogins

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an event should be created when a user logs in or out using a web service.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.MailRecipientMustExist

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether recipients from an email message will be added as contacts in Content Manager. Recipient must exist as a Location to be attached to the Record

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.MailRecipientsAsContacts

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether all the recipients from an email message being cataloged as a Content Manager Record should be created as contacts in Content Manager and attached to the Record. Note: Recipients in the 'bcc' field will not be captured.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.MatterRecordAccessReferenced

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the client record provides access control and security references to all records within a matter

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.MinimumThesaurusLevels

Gets or sets an integer indicating the minimum number of required Thesaurus Terms when titling records by Thesaurus in this Database.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ModifyLogsPreviousValues

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether previous values of properties should be displayed in the Audit Log for Object Modified events

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.MyContainersLimit

Gets or sets a number that limits how many containers are kept in the 'Containers' tray

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.Name

Gets a string containing the name of this Database object.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NeedLongevityRenditionToArchive

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether archiving is prevented for records that do not have a longevity rendition.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NENcompliant

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager (in particular in the management of location information) should work in compliance with the Dutch NEN1888 standard.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyAssignedAction

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to all responsible locations when an Action is first assigned to a record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyAutomaticUserRegistrations

Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether an email message should be sent when a new user is automatically registered by the Content Manager Workgroup Server

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyDocumentReviewEvents

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that email messages should be sent to editors, reviewers or authorizers when relevant events occur

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyNextAction

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location when an Action is ready to commence or has been reassigned (responsible location has changed).

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyOverdueAction

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location in the event of an Action becoming overdue.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyOverdueReturn

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the assignee location in the event of the Record Return Date becoming overdue.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyRecordRequest

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification or Digest should be sent to the service location in the event of a new Record Request.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyRequestsAwaitingAcknowledgement

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to a requestor when a request is waiting for an acknowledgement of delivery.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyTodoItems

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether reminder email notifications should be sent regarding outstanding todo items.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyUserOptionChanges

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether changes to a user's preferred options should be notified to all machines on the network

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.NotifyWorkflowMail

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether an email notification should be sent to the responsible location when an event occurs in a Workflow Activity. The detailed settings are applied in the workflow definition itself.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ObjectCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of objects in the Content Manager business object cache.

ObjectURLformats HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ObjectURLFormat

Gets or sets an ouObjectUrlFormats enum value indicating which web-based product the URL should be formatted to work with, when embedding URLs in reference files.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.OnlyEmailTRIMRefsToTRIMUsers

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Content Manager Record References will only be sent to locations that can log in to Content Manager. Any addressee locations that are not able to log in to this database will be sent an email without the Record Reference, but the actual document attached.

BarcodePrintOption HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.OtherBarcode

Gets or sets a bpBarcodePrintOption enum value indicating which function should occur when printing barcodes for non-record objects (for example, Locations). The values are 'bpInternal' (Print Content Manager Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and the foreign barcode to be retained, 'bpInternalClear' (Print Content Manager Barcode, Clear Any Foreign Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and removes the foreign barcode upon printing, or 'bpExternal' (Print Foreign Barcode, if it exists) which utilizes the foreign barcode rather than the Content Manager internal barcode.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.OwnerFromContainer

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the default owner of a new record (unless otherwise specified) should be determined from the owner location of its container, if it has a container record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.PaperFoldersBypassRecordTypeRestriction

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether Paper Folder records ignore the 'Restrict To Record Type'.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.PrefetchForeignBarcodes

Gets or sets a boolean parameter to indicate whether foreign barcodes are prefetched when prefetching TRIM objects into the client side object cache.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.PreventDuplicatedDocuments

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should prevent users from storing duplicate documents (requeires Document Hashing feature to be enabled

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.PreventDuplicatedMailMessages

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should prevent users from storing duplicate mail messages

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.PreventZeroByteFiles

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that files that are 0 bytes in length should not be allowed to be added to the repository.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ReadOnly

Gets a boolean value indicating whether this database is in a read-only state and cannot be updated.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RecentDocumentsLimit

Gets or sets a number that limits how many documents are kept in the 'E_tt_documents' view

CurrLocDef HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RecordAssigneeDefault

Gets a CurrLocDef enum value indicating whether the default setting for a new record's assignee location (unless otherwise specified) should be the current user (that is, the user who is logged on and creating the new record), the current user's position, or the current user's organization.

BarcodePrintOption HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RecordBarcode

Gets or sets a bpBarcodePrintOption enum value indicating which function should occur when printing barcodes for records. The values are 'bpInternal' (Print Content Manager Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager internal barcode and allows the foreign barcode to be retained, 'bpInternalClear' (Print Content Manager Barcode, Clear Any Foreign Barcode) which utilizes the Content Manager Context internal barcode and removes the foreign barcode upon printing, or 'bpExternal' (Print Foreign Barcode, if it exists) which utilizes the foreign barcode rather than the Content Manager internal barcode.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RecordCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of records in the Content Manager business object cache.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RecordOwnersInAuditLog

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the owner of a record should appear in the offline audit log when displaying events for records

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RelaxBusinessRulesForConversion

Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether certain business rules should be relaxed to assist in certain conversion scenarios. This should only be used when running a data conversion and requires administrator privileges.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RelaxBusinessRulesForPerformance

Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether certain business rules should be relaxed to improve performance. This turns off a number of duplicate tests and should only be used when running a data conversion and requires administrator privileges.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RelaxedActionDates

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether actions may be added to a record with a starting date earlier than the due date of existing actions already attached to the record. If true, it means that more than one action may simultaneously be active for a record. The only restriction is that the starting date of new Procedures added to the record must not be earlier than the starting date of the first (earliest starting) action on the record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RelaxedDates

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether chronological discrepancies in date checking should be ignored or not. That is, whether date comparisons between Date Registered, Date Created, Date Closed, Last Action Date and Retention Review Date fields should be suppressed during record creation and modification.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ReportAddInMemoryLeaks

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if TRIM should prompt when external add-ins create memory leaks.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RescheduleActionsIfFinishEarly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether subsequent actions should be automatically rescheduled when an action is completed early.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RescheduleActionsIfFinishLate

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether subsequent actions should be automatically rescheduled when an action is completed late.

RmTerminologyType HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.RmTerminology

Gets or sets a rmTerminologyType enum value indicating which style of captioning to use for records management concepts

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SaveTransparentRedactions

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether, upon creating a redaction from an original record, a transparent form of the redaction should be saved as a rendition of the original record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ScanEmailForSecurityMarkings

Gets or sets a boolean parameter indicating if the subject of email messages should be scanned for a security level, eg [SEC=TOP SECRET]

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SchemaVersion

Gets an integer containing the version number of the Database schema.

Location HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SecurityMailAddress

Gets or sets the Location to whom an email notification should be sent in the event of a Security Breach. A Security Breach occurs when a record is moved to a location of a lower security profile than its own security profile.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ServerDocumentCacheSize

Gets or sets a number indicating how many megabytes to reserve for a document cache for an SDK-based service application.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ServiceLocationCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of locations in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ServiceObjectCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of objects in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ServiceRecordCacheSize

Gets or sets the default size for the caching of records in the Content Manager business object cache, when the cache is inside a service program.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.ShredderDelete

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a 'Shredder Delete' should be used for electronic documents. With this option set to true, electronic documents that are deleted from this database are not only deleted but also overwritten with nonsense characters. This means that nobody with third party 'unerase' software will be able to read what was deleted on the hard-drive.

HashingAlgorithms HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SignatureHashingAlgorithm

Gets or sets a haHashingAlgorithm enum value indicating the type of Signature Hashing Algorithm to be used for encrypting message digests. The values are 'haSha': Secure Hash Algorithm (default) or 'haMd5': Message Digest 5.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SiteId

Gets a string containing a unique identifier for the customer site which this database belongs to.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StartOfDay

Gets or sets an integer containing the number of seconds since midnight indicating the time the working day usually starts. This is used to calculate the timing of Record Action Tracking and Workflows.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StatisticsDst

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to adjust the statisticsTimeZone for daylight saving changes

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StatisticsTimeZone

Gets or sets a string value indicating the time zone to be used when calculating time based statistics.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StorageHashCheck

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should perform a hash check to verify the safe transfer of documents from the workgroup to the final storage destination

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StoreAutoClassifyNotes

Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether auto-classification details are being stored on the notes of a record

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StoreDocumentHashes

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether document hashes should be stored for latest document revisions

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.StrictCount

Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating if counts displayed for search results should include all security filtering.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SuppressAutoProfile

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether automatic profiling of a record from its document profile should be suppressed in this database. With this option set to true the user will not be able to extract any profiling information for new documents - it thus may be used to prevent unreliable summary data being used to populate fields in Content Manager.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SuppressWarningsForClosedContainers

Gets or sets a Boolean parameter indicating whether to suppress warning when users put records into closed containers.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.SurnamePrefixNotInSort

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a location's last name prefix will not impact its sort order. That is, if true, a location with Surname 'van Garderen' will be sorted by 'G' rather than 'v'. If false, the location will be sorted under 'v'.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.TitleAndNotesEvents

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to generate record title and notes events (if not, presumes that the Content Index will be used for these type of searches)

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.TNAcompliant

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether certain features of Content Manager should work in compliance with the UK National Archives standard.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.TransferHashCheck

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether TRIM should perform a hash check to verify the safe transfer of documents from a client to a server

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.TrustedUser

Instruct TRIM to connect using the supplied user name, rather than the user name of the currently logged in process. This will fail if the connection is not being made by a trusted account name in the TRIM network (see TRIM Enterprise Studio - Miscellaneous).

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UnambiguousDateDisplay

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the dates should be displayed in reports with unambiguous day/month value

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UpdateCommentsAreMandatory

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether audit comments are mandatory whgen using the update comment facility

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UpdateUserTrays

Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether records should be added to trays (Recent Documents, Recent Containers) in the same way that happens when using the HPE Content Manager client software

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UseClientDocumentCache

Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether TRIM clients will cache any documents added or extracted to TRIM. The client cache can speed up operations in many desktop editing situations.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UseServerDocumentCache

Gets or sets a boolean value to determine whether SDK=based service applications will cache any documents added or extracted from the dataset.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UseServiceAPIUIinOfficeAddin

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to use the serviceAPI UI components instead of the SDK.NET UI components in the Office addin

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UsingInternetContentSearchStyle

Indicates whether the content search string format is the ISYS 'Internet Style' or the older format ISYS search.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.UsingStoredProcedures

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether Stored Procedures are used in this database. A Stored Procedure is a set procedure that will be run by the database software when a field is accessed in Content Manager.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.WarnWhenChangeDispositionOfRelated

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a warning should be displayed upon removing or changing the disposition of a record if it is related to other records.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.WebServerURL

Gets or sets a string containing the URL (Universal Resource Locator) where the Web Server for this database may be found, if a Context ICE Server is being used.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.WorkgroupServerName

Gets or sets a string containing the name of the Workgroup Server on which this database will be found. This property is only used when making an connection - if the database is already connected, it will have no effect.

int HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.WorkgroupServerPort

Gets or sets a number value to indicate which RCF port to use to connect to the nominated Content Manager Workgroup Server. Note that this will only be used if you specify a value for workgroupServerName.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.Database.WorkgroupServerURL

Gets or sets the URL used to connect to the Content Manager Workgroup Server. The URL is in the format {protocol}://{machine}:{port}. Protocol and port components are optional and will default to TCP and 1137, respectively.