HPE Content Manager SDK 9.2
Search Clauses

Using Search Clauses

Search clauses may be used with TrimMainObjectSearch either via the TrimSearchClause class or as strings via TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchString. Given that search clauses may be captioned it is a good idea when using them as strings to use their internal name. This document lists all search clauses along with their internal names.

Interrogating metadata

The information about search clauses, like much of the CM metadata, is available via the SDK. In this case we can use the SearchClauseDef to get information about each search clause. This Powershell script was used to build the table below.

Code Sample

Add-Type -Path "[PATH TO cm BINARIES]\HP.HPTRIM.SDK.dll"
$database.Id = "[YOUR DATABASE id]"
$database.WorkgroupServerName = "[YOUR SERVER NAME]"
try {
$file = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\temp\\searchClauses.txt", $false)
foreach ($objectDef in [HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef]::SelectAllSearchableObjects($database) ) {
$file.WriteLine("## {0} {{#search_clauses_{0}}}", $objectDef.Id)
$file.WriteLine("Name | Internal Name | Parameter Type | Is Sortable | Based On Property | Tooltip")
$a = @()
[HP.HPTRIM.SDK.SearchClauseDef]::GetAllSearchClauseIds($objectDef.Id, $database) | foreach {
$a += New-Object HP.HPTRIM.SDK.SearchClauseDef($_, $database);
$a | sort Name | foreach {
$parName = $_.ParameterFormat.ToString()
If ($_.ParameterFormat -eq [HP.HPTRIM.SDK.PropertyFormats]::Enum)
$parName = [string]::Format("[{0}](@ref HP.HPTRIM.SDK.{0})", $_.GetEnumTypeParameter());
ElseIf ($_.ParameterFormat -eq [HP.HPTRIM.SDK.PropertyFormats]::Object)
$parName = [string]::Format("[{0}](@ref HP.HPTRIM.SDK.{0})", $_.GetObjectTypeParameter($objectDef.Id));
$relatedProp = $_.BasedOnProperty
if ($relatedProp -eq [HP.HPTRIM.SDK.PropertyIds]::Unknown) {
$relatedProp = ""
} else {
$relatedProp = [string]::Format("[{0}](@ref HP.HPTRIM.SDK.PropertyIds.{0})", $relatedProp);
$file.WriteLine("{0,-30} | {1,-20} | {2,-30} | {3,-11} | {4,-56} | {5}",
$_.Name, $_.InternalName, $parName, $_.CanSort($objectDef.Id), $relatedProp, $_.GetTooltip($objectDef.Id));
} catch{
"Error: "
finally {

List of search clauses by object type


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Actions within this dataset.
assignable adfAssignable Boolean True ActionDefAssignable Selects Actions based on a value for Assignable.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Actions that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Actions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Actions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
isProcedure adfIsProcedure Boolean True ActionDefIsProcedure Selects Actions based on a value for Is Procedure?.
name adfName String True ActionDefActionName Selects Actions based on a value for Action Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Actions.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Actions that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Actions based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Actions based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Actions based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Activities within this dataset.
assignedOn wacAssignedOn Datetime True ActivityDateAssigned Selects Activities based on a value for Date Assigned.
assignee wacAssignee Location True ActivityAssignedTo Selects Activities based on a value for Assigned To.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Activities that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
authorizedBy wacAuthorizedBy Location False Selects Activities authorized by the specified location
authorizedOn wacAuthorizedOn Datetime True ActivityDateAuthorized Selects Activities based on a value for Final Completion Date.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Activities by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
canStart wacCanStart Boolean False Selects Activities that can now be worked on
ccto wacCcto Location False Selects Activities having the specified location on the cc list
child wacChild Boolean False Selects Activities that are subordinate activities
compound wacCompound Boolean False ActivityHasSubActivities Selects Activities that are compound activities
default unkDefault String False Selects all Activities based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
done wacDone Boolean False ActivityIsComplete Selects Activities based on a value for Is Complete.
doneBy wacDoneBy Location True ActivityCompletedBy Selects Activities based on a value for Completed By.
doneOn wacDoneOn Datetime True ActivityDateCompleted Selects Activities based on a value for Interim Completion Date.
doneOnTime wacDoneOnTime Boolean False ActivityCompletedOnTime Selects Activities based on a value for Completed On Time.
dueOn wacDueOn Datetime True ActivityDateDue Selects Activities based on a value for Due Date.
earliestStartOn wacEarliestStartOn Datetime True ActivityDateEarliestStart Selects Activities based on a value for Earliest Start Date.
escalatedTo wacEscalatedTo Location True ActivityEscalatedTo Selects Activities based on a value for Escalated To.
id wacId Number True ActivityActivityId Selects Activities based on a value for Activity ID.
insideTemplate wacInsideTemplate Boolean False ActivityWithinTemplate Selects Activities that are within a template
latestStartOn wacLatestStartOn Datetime True ActivityDateLatestStart Selects Activities based on a value for Latest Start Date.
name wacName String True ActivityName Selects Activities based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Activities.
originalAssignee wacOriginalAssignee Location True ActivityOriginalAssignee Selects Activities based on a value for Original Assignee.
overdue wacOverdue Boolean False ActivityIsOverdue Selects Activities based on a value for Is Overdue.
pendingAuthorizationBy wacPendingAuthorizationBy Location False Selects Activities awaiting authorization from the specified location
priority wacPriority Priority True ActivityActivityPriority Selects Activities based on a value for Priority.
record wacRecord Record False Selects Activities with the specified record as an associated document.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Activities that satisfy a specified saved search.
skipped wacSkipped Boolean False ActivityWasSkipped Selects Activities based on a value for Was Skipped.
startedOn wacStartedOn Datetime True ActivityDateStarted Selects Activities based on a value for Start Date.
supervisor wacSupervisor Location True ActivitySupervisor Selects Activities based on a value for Supervisor.
suspendedBy wacSuspendedBy Location True ActivitySuspendedBy Selects Activities based on a value for Suspended By.
suspendedUntil wacSuspendedUntil Datetime True ActivityDateSuspendedUntil Selects Activities based on a value for Suspended Until.
template wacTemplate WorkflowTemplate True ActivityTemplate Selects Activities based on a value for Template.
top unkTop Boolean False Selects all top-level Activities (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Activity).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Activities based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Activities based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Activities based on a unique identifier value.
within wacWithin Activity False Selects Activities Selects subordinate activities of a specified parent activity
workflow wacWorkflow Workflow True ActivityWorkflow Selects Activities based on a value for Workflow.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Agenda Items having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Agenda Items within this dataset.
approved agiApproved Boolean False AgendaItemApproved Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Approved.
approvedOn agiApprovedOn Datetime True AgendaItemDateApproved Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Date Approved.
approver agiApprover Location True AgendaItemNeedsApprovalBy Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Requiring Approval By.
attached agiAttached AgendaItemAttachment False Selects Agenda Items with an associated Agenda Item Attachment having selected property values.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Agenda Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Agenda Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
carriedOverFrom agiCarriedOverFrom AgendaItem True AgendaItemCarriedForwardFromItem Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Carried Forward From Item.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Agenda Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
meeting agiMeeting Meeting True AgendaItemParentMeeting Selects Agenda Items based on a value for For meeting.
meetingType agiMeetingType MeetingType True AgendaItemParentMeetingType Selects Agenda Items based on a value for For meeting type.
name agiName String True AgendaItemDescription Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Description.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Agenda Items.
number agiNumber String True AgendaItemNumber Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Number.
numberx agiNumberx String True AgendaItemExpandedNumber Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Expanded Number.
order agiOrder Number True AgendaItemAgendaItemOrderNumber Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Item Order Number.
parent agiParent AgendaItem True AgendaItemParentAgendaItem Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Subordinate Item Of.
pending agiPending Boolean False AgendaItemIsPending Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Pending Item.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Agenda Items that satisfy a specified saved search.
section agiSection Boolean False AgendaItemIsSection Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Section Heading.
standing agiStanding Boolean False AgendaItemIsStanding Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Is Standing Item.
submittedBy agiSubmittedBy Location True AgendaItemSubmittedBy Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Submitted By.
submittedOn agiSubmittedOn Datetime True AgendaItemDateSubmitted Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Date Submitted.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Agenda Items (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Agenda Item).
type agiType AgendaItemType True AgendaItemItemType Selects Agenda Items based on a value for Agenda Item Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Agenda Items based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Agenda Items based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Agenda Items based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Agenda Item Types having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Agenda Item Types within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Agenda Item Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Agenda Item Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Agenda Item Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name agtName String True AgendaItemTypeName Selects Agenda Item Types based on a value for Agenda Item Type Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Agenda Item Types.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Agenda Item Types that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Agenda Item Types based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Agenda Item Types based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Agenda Item Types based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Agenda Item Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Alerts within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Alerts by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
eventType altEventType Events True AlertEventType Selects Alerts based on a value for Event Type.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Alerts.
objectType altObjectType BaseObjectTypes True AlertObjectType Selects Alerts based on a value for Object Type.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Alerts that satisfy a specified saved search.
subscriber altSubscriber AlertSubscriber False Selects Alerts with an associated Alert Subscriber having selected property values.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Alerts based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Alerts based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Alerts based on a unique identifier value.
user altUser Location False Selects Alerts that are subscribed to by the specified location


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Automated Part Rules having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Automated Part Rules within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Automated Part Rules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
dateType aprDateType AprDateTypes True AutoPartRuleDateType Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Date Type.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Automated Part Rules based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name aprName String True AutoPartRuleName Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Automated Part Rules.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Automated Part Rules that satisfy a specified saved search.
type aprType AprType True AutoPartRulePartRuleType Selects Automated Part Rules based on a value for Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Automated Part Rules based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Automated Part Rules based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Automated Part Rules based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Automated Part Rules that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Censuses within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Censuses that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Censuses by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
censusLocation cnsCensusLocation Location True CensusCensusLocation Selects Censuses based on a value for Location.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Censuses based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
endDate cnsEndDate Datetime True CensusEndDate Selects Censuses based on a value for End Date.
inProgress cnsInProgress Boolean True CensusInProgress Selects Censuses based on a value for In Progress.
name cnsName String True CensusName Selects Censuses based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Censuses.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Censuses that satisfy a specified saved search.
startDate cnsStartDate Datetime True CensusStartDate Selects Censuses based on a value for Start Date.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Censuses based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Censuses based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Censuses based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
action chsAction ActionDef True CheckinStyleAction Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Action.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Check In Styles within this dataset.
assignee chsAssignee Location True CheckinStyleAssignee Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Assignee.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Check In Styles by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
classification chsClassification Classification True CheckinStyleClassification Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Classification.
container chsContainer Record True CheckinStyleContainer Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Container.
jurisdiction chsJurisdiction Jurisdiction True CheckinStyleJurisdiction Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Jurisdiction.
matter chsMatter Record True CheckinStyleMatter Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Matter record.
matterFolder chsMatterFolder Boolean False CheckinStyleIsMatterSubfolder Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Is Matter SubFolder.
matterTemplate chsMatterTemplate Boolean False CheckinStyleIsMatterTemplate Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Is Matter Template.
name chsName String True CheckinStyleName Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Check In Styles.
owner chsOwner Location True CheckinStyleStyleOwner Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Style Owner.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Check In Styles that satisfy a specified saved search.
schedule chsSchedule Schedule True CheckinStyleRetentionSchedule Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Retention schedule.
template chsTemplate WorkflowTemplate True CheckinStyleInitiateWorkflow Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Template.
type chsType RecordType True CheckinStyleRecordType Selects Check In Styles based on a value for Record Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Check In Styles based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Check In Styles based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Check In Styles based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Classifications having selected locations in a particular access control.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Classifications that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Classifications that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Classifications that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Classifications within this dataset.
approved plnApproved Boolean True ClassificationIsApproved Selects Classifications based on a value for Approved.
approver plnApprover Location True ClassificationApprover Selects Classifications based on a value for Approver.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Classifications that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Classifications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
class plnClass RecordClass True ClassificationClassOfRecord Selects Classifications based on a value for Record Class.
copyacl unkCopyacl Location False Selects Classifications having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Classifications based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Classifications.
home plnHome Location True ClassificationHomeLocation Selects Classifications based on a value for Home.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Classifications with a specified User Label.
name plnName String True ClassificationName Selects Classifications based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Classifications.
number plnNumber String True ClassificationIdNumber Selects Classifications based on a value for Number.
numberx plnNumberx String True ClassificationIdNumberUncompressed Selects Classifications based on a value for Expanded Number.
owner plnOwner Location True ClassificationOwnerLocation Selects Classifications based on a value for Owner.
parent plnParent Classification True ClassificationParentClassification Selects Classifications based on a value for Parent classification.
parentOf plnParentOf Classification False Selects Classifications that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s)
pcsid plnPcsid String True ClassificationPolicyCentreGUID Selects Classifications based on a value for Policy Center Solution GUID.
pendingAuto plnPendingAuto Boolean True ClassificationPendingAutoClassification Selects Classifications based on a value for Holding Bay For records requiring automatic classification.
recordType plnRecordType RecordType False Selects Classifications that have the specified record types in the 'Only Record Types' list
sapobject plnSapobject String False Selects Classifications that have been linked to the specified SAP Business Object
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Classifications that satisfy a specified saved search.
schedule plnSchedule Schedule True ClassificationRetentionSchedule Selects Classifications based on a value for Retention schedule.
secure plnSecure Boolean False Selects Classifications that have have a security profile no higher than that of the current user
title plnTitle String False ClassificationTitle Selects Classifications based on a value for Classification title.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Classifications (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Classification).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Classifications based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Classifications based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Classifications based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Classifications that satisfy the can use or view criteria.
viewRecords plnViewRecords Boolean False Selects Classifications that satisfy the view record access control
word plnWord String False Selects Classifications based on the Classification Word index.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Communications within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Communications that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Communications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
dated cmmDated Datetime True CommunicationDated Selects Communications based on a value for Date Of Communication.
detail cmmDetail CommunicationDetail False Selects Communications with an associated Communication Detail having selected property values.
direction cmmDirection CommunicationDirection True CommunicationDirection Selects Communications based on a value for Direction.
medium cmmMedium CommunicationMedium True CommunicationMedium Selects Communications based on a value for Medium.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Communications.
record cmmRecord Record True CommunicationRecord Selects Communications based on a value for Record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Communications that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Communications based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Communications based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Communications based on a unique identifier value.
viewable cmmViewable Boolean False CommunicationViewable Selects Communications based on a value for Record is viewable.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Consignments within this dataset.
approvedOn conApprovedOn Datetime True ConsignmentDateApproved Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Approval Complete.
archivist conArchivist Location True ConsignmentArchivist Selects Consignments based on a value for Responsible Archivist.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Consignments that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
autoExaminedOn conAutoExaminedOn Datetime True ConsignmentDateAutoExamined Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Auto Examination Complete.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Consignments by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
cutoffDate conCutoffDate Datetime True ConsignmentCutoffDate Selects Consignments based on a value for Cutoff Date.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Consignments based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
disposalDate conDisposalDate Datetime True ConsignmentDisposalDate Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Date.
disposedOn conDisposedOn Datetime True ConsignmentDisposalDate Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Date.
done conDone Boolean False ConsignmentIsComplete Selects Consignments based on a value for Is Complete.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Consignments.
number conNumber String True ConsignmentNumber Selects Consignments based on a value for Number.
reviewedOn conReviewedOn Datetime True ConsignmentDateReviewed Selects Consignments based on a value for Date Review Complete.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Consignments that satisfy a specified saved search.
status conStatus ConsignmentState True ConsignmentStatus Selects Consignments based on a value for Status.
transferLocation conTransferLocation Location True ConsignmentTransferLocation Selects Consignments based on a value for Transfer To location.
type conType ConsignmentDisposalType True ConsignmentDisposalMethod Selects Consignments based on a value for Disposal Method.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Consignments based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Consignments based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Consignments based on a unique identifier value.
waiting conWaiting Boolean True ConsignmentWaitingAcknowledgement Selects Consignments based on a value for Is Waiting For Transfer Acknowledgement.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Consignment Approvers within this dataset.
approver coaApprover Location True ConsignmentApproverApprover Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Approver.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Consignment Approvers by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
consignment coaConsignment Consignment True ConsignmentApproverConsignment Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Consignment.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Consignment Approvers.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Consignment Approvers that satisfy a specified saved search.
status coaStatus ConsignmentItemApprovalStatus True ConsignmentApproverStatus Selects Consignment Approvers based on a value for Status.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Consignment Approvers based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Consignment Approvers based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Consignment Approvers based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Consignment Issues within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Consignment Issues by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
consignment cisConsignment Consignment True ConsignmentIssueConsignment Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Consignment.
issueType cisIssueType ConsignmentItemIssueType True ConsignmentIssueIssueType Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Issue Type.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Consignment Issues.
reviewer cisReviewer Location True ConsignmentIssueReviewer Selects Consignment Issues based on a value for Reviewer.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Consignment Issues that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Consignment Issues based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Consignment Issues based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Consignment Issues based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Consignment Record Rejections within this dataset.
approver crjApprover Location True ConsignmentRejectionApprover Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Approver.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Consignment Record Rejections by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
consignment crjConsignment Consignment True ConsignmentRejectionConsignment Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Consignment.
isConfirmed crjIsConfirmed Boolean True ConsignmentRejectionIsConfirmed Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Rejection Confirmed?.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Consignment Record Rejections.
record crjRecord Record True ConsignmentRejectionRecord Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Record.
rejectedOn crjRejectedOn Datetime True ConsignmentRejectionRejectedOn Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a value for Date Rejected.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Consignment Record Rejections that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Consignment Record Rejections based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Document Queues having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Document Queues within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Document Queues that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
auto dcqAuto Boolean True DocumentQueueAllowAutomaticProcessing Selects Document Queues based on a value for Allow Automatic Processing.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Document Queues by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
container dcqContainer Record True DocumentQueueContainer Selects Document Queues based on a value for Default container.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Document Queues based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Document Queues.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Document Queues with a specified User Label.
location dcqLocation String False DocumentQueueLocation Selects Document Queues based on a value for Location.
machine dcqMachine String True DocumentQueueMachine Selects Document Queues based on a value for Machine.
name dcqName String True DocumentQueueName Selects Document Queues based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Document Queues.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Document Queues that satisfy a specified saved search.
type dcqType QueueTypes True DocumentQueueQueueType Selects Document Queues based on a value for Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Document Queues based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Document Queues based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Document Queues based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Document Queues that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
accessDate estAccessDate Datetime True ElectronicStoreDefaultAccessDate Selects Document Stores based on a value for Default Last Access Date For Documents.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Document Stores within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Document Stores that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
autnGroup estAutnGroup String False ElectronicStoreAutnGroup Selects Document Stores based on a value for AUTN_GROUP for CFS Connector Store.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Document Stores by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Document Stores based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name estName String True ElectronicStoreName Selects Document Stores based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Document Stores.
readonly estReadonly Boolean False ElectronicStoreWriteProtected Selects Document Stores based on a value for Read Only.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Document Stores that satisfy a specified saved search.
storeType estStoreType EstoreTypes True ElectronicStoreStoreType Selects Document Stores based on a value for Type.
tier estTier TieredStorageType True ElectronicStoreStorageTier Selects Document Stores based on a value for Storage Tier.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Document Stores based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Document Stores based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Document Stores based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Additional Fields having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Additional Fields within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Additional Fields that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Additional Fields by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Additional Fields based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
forLocations fldForLocations LocationType False Selects Additional Fields that are used by locations of the specified type.
format fldFormat UserFieldFormats True FieldDefinitionFormat Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Format.
forRecords fldForRecords RecordType False Selects Additional Fields that are used by records of the specified record type
inIdolSchema fldInIdolSchema Boolean True FieldDefinitionIsSearchable Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Is Searchable.
lookupSet fldLookupSet LookupSet True FieldDefinitionLookupSet Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Lookup Set.
name fldName String True FieldDefinitionName Selects Additional Fields based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Additional Fields.
sapkey fldSapkey String True FieldDefinitionSapKeySetField Selects Additional Fields based on a value for SAP KeySet Field.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Additional Fields that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Additional Fields based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Additional Fields based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Additional Fields based on a unique identifier value.
usedFor fldUsedFor BaseObjectTypes False Selects Additional Fields that are used by trim objects of the specified type
visible fldVisible Boolean False FieldDefinitionIsVisible Selects Additional Fields based on a value for View additional field Value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
activity hisActivity Activity False HistoryActivity Selects Historical Events based on a value for For activity.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Historical Events within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Historical Events by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
breach hisBreach Boolean True HistoryIsSecurityViolation Selects Historical Events based on a value for Security Violation.
changedTo hisChangedTo Location False HistoryMovementLocation Selects Historical Events based on a value for Moved To location.
clientIPA hisClientIPA String True HistoryClientIPAddress Selects Historical Events based on a value for Client IP Address.
computer hisComputer String True HistoryDoneOnMachine Selects Historical Events based on a value for Computer Name.
connectionIPA hisConnectionIPA String True HistoryConnectionIPAddress Selects Historical Events based on a value for Connection IP Address.
date hisDate Datetime True HistoryDoneOn Selects Historical Events based on a value for Event Date.
event hisEvent Events True HistoryOtherEventType Selects Historical Events based on a value for Event.
location hisLocation Location False HistoryLocation Selects Historical Events based on a value for For location.
login hisLogin String True HistoryLogin Selects Historical Events based on a value for Updated By (Login User Name).
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Historical Events.
object hisObject Unknown False Selects Historical Events that occurred for the specified object
objectType hisObjectType BaseObjectTypes True HistoryForObjectType Selects Historical Events based on a value for For Object Type.
record hisRecord Record False HistoryRecord Selects Historical Events based on a value for For record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Historical Events that satisfy a specified saved search.
type hisType HistoryTypes False HistoryEventType Selects Historical Events based on a value for Record Event.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Historical Events based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Historical Events based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Historical Events based on a unique identifier value.
user hisUser Location True HistoryLoginLocation Selects Historical Events based on a value for Updated By.
workflow hisWorkflow Workflow False HistoryWorkflow Selects Historical Events based on a value for For workflow.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Holds that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Holds that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Holds that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Holds within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Holds that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Holds by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
contact lglContact Location True HoldContact Selects Holds based on a value for Contact.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Holds based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
external lglExternal String True HoldExternalId Selects Holds based on a value for External ID.
name lglName String True HoldName Selects Holds based on a value for Hold Title.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Holds.
record lglRecord Record False Selects Holds that have been applied to the specified record
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Holds that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Holds based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Holds based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Holds based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Web Publisher Layouts within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Web Publisher Layouts by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Web Publisher Layouts based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name wwwName String True HtmlLayoutName Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Web Publisher Layouts.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Web Publisher Layouts that satisfy a specified saved search.
type wwwType BaseObjectTypes True HtmlLayoutForType Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a value for Object Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Web Publisher Layouts based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Jurisdictions that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Jurisdictions that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Jurisdictions that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Jurisdictions within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Jurisdictions that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Jurisdictions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Jurisdictions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
description jrsDescription String True JurisdictionDescription Selects Jurisdictions based on a value for Description.
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Jurisdictions.
hasMember jrsHasMember Jurisdiction False Selects Jurisdictions that have the specified jurisdiction as a member.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Jurisdictions with a specified User Label.
members jrsMembers Jurisdiction False Selects Jurisdictions that are members of a specified jurisdiction
name jrsName String True JurisdictionName Selects Jurisdictions based on a value for Short Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Jurisdictions.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Jurisdictions that satisfy a specified saved search.
top unkTop Boolean False Selects all top-level Jurisdictions (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Jurisdiction).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Jurisdictions based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Jurisdictions based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Jurisdictions based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Thesaurus Terms having selected locations in a particular access control.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Thesaurus Terms that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Thesaurus Terms that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Thesaurus Terms that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Thesaurus Terms within this dataset.
attachedTo thsAttachedTo Record False Selects Thesaurus Terms that have been attached to the specified records
audit unkAudit History False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Thesaurus Terms by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
broader thsBroader Keyword False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are broader terms of a specified thesaurus term
default unkDefault String False Selects all Thesaurus Terms based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Thesaurus Terms.
forbidden thsForbidden Boolean True KeywordIsForbidden Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Is Forbidden.
inTitleOf thsInTitleOf Record False Selects Thesaurus Terms that have been used to title the specified records
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Thesaurus Terms with a specified User Label.
name thsName String True KeywordName Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Term.
narrower thsNarrower Keyword False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are narrower terms of a specified thesaurus term
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Thesaurus Terms.
nonPreferredFormsOf thsNonPreferredFormsOf Keyword False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are non-preferred forms of the specified thesaurus term
primary thsPrimary Boolean True KeywordIsAPrimaryTerm Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Is Primary Term.
related thsRelated Keyword False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are related terms of a specified thesaurus term
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Thesaurus Terms that satisfy a specified saved search.
source thsSource String True KeywordSource Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a value for Source Authority.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Thesaurus Terms based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Thesaurus Terms based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Thesaurus Terms based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Thesaurus Terms that satisfy the can use or view criteria.
usedFor thsUsedFor Keyword False Selects Thesaurus Terms that are used in preference to the specified thesaurus term
word thsWord String False Selects Thesaurus Terms based on the Thesaurus Word index.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Locations having selected locations in a particular access control.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Locations that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Locations that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Locations that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
address locAddress LocationAddress False Selects Locations with an associated Physical Address having selected property values.
administeredBy locAdministeredBy Location False Selects Locations that the specified location. are administered by.
administratorOf locAdministratorOf Location False Selects Locations that are adminstrators of the specified location.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Locations within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Locations that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
barcode unkBarcode String False Selects Locations by barcode.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Locations by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
communication locCommunication Communication False Selects Locations that are associated with the specified communication
contactOf locContactOf Record False Selects Locations that are contacts of the specified record
default unkDefault String False Selects all Locations based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
delegateOf locDelegateOf Location False Selects Locations that are delegates of the specified location.
delegateTo locDelegateTo Location False Selects Locations that have been delegated to by the specified location.
dob locDob Date True LocationDateOfBirth Selects Locations based on a value for Date Of Birth.
email locEmail String False LocationEmailAddress Selects Locations with a specified email address
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Locations.
fbarcode unkFbarcode String False Selects Locations by foreign barcode.
givenNames locGivenNames String True LocationGivenNames Selects Locations based on a value for First Names.
gps locGps Geography True LocationGpsLocation Selects Locations based on a value for GPS Location.
hasMember locHasMember Location False Selects Locations that have the specified location as a member.
hasOther locHasOther Location False Selects Locations that have the specified location as an 'other' relationship.
id locId String True LocationIdNumber Selects Locations based on a value for ID Number.
initials locInitials String True LocationInitials Selects Locations based on a value for Initials.
internal locInternal Boolean True LocationIsWithin Selects Locations based on a value for Internal.
jurisdiction locJurisdiction Jurisdiction True LocationDefaultJurisdiction Selects Locations based on a value for Default jurisdiction.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Locations with a specified User Label.
login locLogin String False Selects Locations that have the specified network login
members locMembers Location False Selects Locations that are members of a specified location.
name locName String False Selects Locations that have a name matching the supplied value (uses name parsing techniques)
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Locations.
others locOthers Location False Selects Locations that have an 'other' relationship to a specified location.
phone locPhone String False Selects Locations with the specified phone number.
recipientOf locRecipientOf Communication False Selects Locations that are recipients of the specified communication
review locReview Datetime True LocationReviewDate Selects Locations based on a value for Review Date.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Locations that satisfy a specified saved search.
securityCaveat locSecurityCaveat SecurityCaveat False Selects Locations that have the specified security caveat attached
securityLevel locSecurityLevel SecurityLevel False Selects Locations that have the specified security level
senderOf locSenderOf Communication False Selects Locations that are senders of the specified communication
sortName locSortName String True LocationSortName Selects Locations based on a value for Name.
supervisedBy locSupervisedBy Location False Selects Locations that have a supervisor of a specified location.
supervisorOf locSupervisorOf Location False Selects Locations that are the supervisor of the specified location.
surname locSurname String True LocationSurname Selects Locations based on a value for Last Name.
surnamePrefix locSurnamePrefix String True LocationSurnamePrefix Selects Locations based on a value for Last Name Prefix.
type locType LocationType True LocationTypeOfLocation Selects Locations based on a value for Location Type.
unique locUnique String True LocationNickName Selects Locations based on a value for Unique Name.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Locations based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Locations based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Locations based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Locations that satisfy the can use or view criteria.
userType locUserType UserTypes True LocationUserType Selects Locations based on a value for User Type.
usingAddressOf locUsingAddressOf Location True LocationUseAddressOf Selects Locations based on a value for Use Address Of.
usingProfileOf locUsingProfileOf Location True LocationUseProfileOf Selects Locations based on a value for Use Profile Of.
validLogin locValidLogin Boolean False LocationHasAValidLogin Selects Locations based on a value for Has A Valid Login.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Lookup Sets having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Lookup Sets within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Lookup Sets that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Lookup Sets by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Lookup Sets based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name cdsName String True LookupSetName Selects Lookup Sets based on a value for Lookup Set.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Lookup Sets.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Lookup Sets that satisfy a specified saved search.
type cdsType LookupSetType True LookupSetLookupSetType Selects Lookup Sets based on a value for Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Lookup Sets based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Lookup Sets based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Lookup Sets based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Lookup Sets that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Email Templates within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Email Templates that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Email Templates by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Email Templates based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name mtmName String True MailTemplateName Selects Email Templates based on a value for Template Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Email Templates.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Email Templates that satisfy a specified saved search.
type mtmType MailEventType True MailTemplateForEventType Selects Email Templates based on a value for Mail Event Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Email Templates based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Email Templates based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Email Templates based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Meetings having selected locations in a particular access control.
agenda mtgAgenda Record True MeetingAgendaRecord Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Meetings within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Meetings that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Meetings by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
cutoff mtgCutoff Datetime True MeetingSubmissionsCutoffDate Selects Meetings based on a value for Submission Cutoff Date.
date mtgDate Datetime True MeetingMeetingDate Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Date.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Meetings based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
document mtgDocument MeetingDocument False Selects Meetings with an associated Meeting Document having selected property values.
invite mtgInvite MeetingInvitation False Selects Meetings with an associated Meeting Participant having selected property values.
issue mtgIssue Datetime True MeetingAgendaIssueDate Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda Issue Date.
minutes mtgMinutes Record True MeetingMinutesRecord Selects Meetings based on a value for Minutes.
name mtgName String True MeetingName Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Meetings.
open mtgOpen Boolean False MeetingAgendaOpen Selects Meetings based on a value for Agenda Open.
pending mtgPending Boolean False MeetingPending Selects Meetings based on a value for Pending.
place mtgPlace Location True MeetingMeetingPlace Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Place.
record mtgRecord Record False Selects Meetings that are associated with the specified records
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Meetings that satisfy a specified saved search.
type mtgType MeetingType True MeetingMeetingType Selects Meetings based on a value for Meeting Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Meetings based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Meetings based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Meetings based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Meetings that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Meeting Types having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Meeting Types within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Meeting Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Meeting Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
copyacl unkCopyacl Location False Selects Meeting Types having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Meeting Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name mgmName String True MeetingTypeName Selects Meeting Types based on a value for Meeting Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Meeting Types.
place mgmPlace Location True MeetingTypeMeetingPlace Selects Meeting Types based on a value for Meeting Place.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Meeting Types that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Meeting Types based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Meeting Types based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Meeting Types based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Meeting Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Metadata Validation Rules within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Metadata Validation Rules that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Metadata Validation Rules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
message metMessage String True MetadataRuleMessage Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a value for Message.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Metadata Validation Rules.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Metadata Validation Rules that satisfy a specified saved search.
type metType BaseObjectTypes True MetadataRuleObjectType Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a value for Object Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Metadata Validation Rules based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
action mniAction MinuteItemActionArising False Selects Minute Items with an associated Action Item Arising having selected property values.
agenda mniAgenda AgendaItem True MinuteItemParentAgendaItem Selects Minute Items based on a value for For agenda item.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Minute Items within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Minute Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Minute Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Minute Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
meeting mniMeeting Meeting False MinuteItemMeeting Selects Minute Items based on a value for Meeting.
motion mniMotion Boolean False MinuteItemIsMotion Selects Minute Items based on a value for Is Motion.
name mniName String True MinuteItemDescription Selects Minute Items based on a value for Description.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Minute Items.
order mniOrder Number True MinuteItemMinuteItemOrderNumber Selects Minute Items based on a value for Item Order Number.
outcome mniOutcome MotionOutcome True MinuteItemOutcome Selects Minute Items based on a value for Outcome.
proposer mniProposer Location True MinuteItemProposedBy Selects Minute Items based on a value for Proposed By.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Minute Items that satisfy a specified saved search.
seconder mniSeconder Location True MinuteItemSecondedBy Selects Minute Items based on a value for Seconded By.
type mniType MinuteItemType True MinuteItemItemType Selects Minute Items based on a value for Minute Item Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Minute Items based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Minute Items based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Minute Items based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Minute Item Types having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Minute Item Types within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Minute Item Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Minute Item Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Minute Item Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name mitName String True MinuteItemTypeName Selects Minute Item Types based on a value for Minute Item Type Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Minute Item Types.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Minute Item Types that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Minute Item Types based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Minute Item Types based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Minute Item Types based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Minute Item Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Notifications within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Notifications by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
eventDate ntfEventDate Datetime True NotificationEventDate Selects Notifications based on a value for Event Date.
eventType ntfEventType Events True NotificationEventType Selects Notifications based on a value for Event Type.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Notifications.
objectType ntfObjectType BaseObjectTypes True NotificationObjectType Selects Notifications based on a value for Object Type.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Notifications that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Notifications based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Notifications based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Notifications based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Offline Records within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Offline Records by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
container offContainer OfflineRecord True OfflineRecordContainer Selects Offline Records based on a value for Container (Offline).
default unkDefault String False Selects all Offline Records based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
extension offExtension String True OfflineRecordExtension Selects Offline Records based on a value for Extension.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Offline Records.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Offline Records that satisfy a specified saved search.
status offStatus OfflineStatus True OfflineRecordStatus Selects Offline Records based on a value for Status.
title offTitle String True OfflineRecordTitle Selects Offline Records based on a value for Title.
top unkTop Boolean False Selects all top-level Offline Records (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Offline Record).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Offline Records based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Offline Records based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Offline Records based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Origins having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Origins within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Origins that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
auto ognAuto Boolean True OriginAutoStart Selects Origins based on a value for Auto Start.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Origins by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Origins based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
loadedOn ognLoadedOn Datetime True OriginDateLastLoaded Selects Origins based on a value for Date Last Loaded.
machine ognMachine String True OriginRunsOnMachine Selects Origins based on a value for Run On Computer.
name ognName String True OriginName Selects Origins based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Origins.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Origins that satisfy a specified saved search.
source ognSource String True OriginOriginLocation Selects Origins based on a value for Source.
type ognType OriginType True OriginTypeOfOrigin Selects Origins based on a value for Origin Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Origins based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Origins based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Origins based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Origins that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Origin Run Histories within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Origin Run Histories by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Origin Run Histories.
origin oghOrigin Origin True OriginHistoryOrigin Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Origin.
runOn oghRunOn Datetime True OriginHistoryDateRun Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Date Import Run.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Origin Run Histories that satisfy a specified saved search.
source oghSource String True OriginHistoryOriginLocationUsed Selects Origin Run Histories based on a value for Source.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Origin Run Histories based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Origin Run Histories based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Origin Run Histories based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
accessedOn recAccessedOn Datetime False RecordDocumentLastAccessedDate Selects Records based on a value for Document Last Accessed Date.
accession recAccession Number True RecordAccessionNumber Selects Records based on a value for Accession Number.
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Records having selected locations in a particular access control.
action recAction RecordAction False Selects Records that have the specified action(s) attached
actionedOn recActionedOn Datetime True RecordLastActionDate Selects Records based on a value for Last Action Date.
activity recActivity Activity False Selects Records that are associated with the specified activity
addressee recAddressee Location False Selects Records that have an addressee of the specified location
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Records within this dataset.
allParts recAllParts Record False Selects Records that have in the same part series as the specified record
allRelated recAllRelated Record False Selects Records that have any relationship with the specified record (excludes parts, versions, series, alt container and SharePoint relationship types)
allVersions recAllVersions Record False Selects Records that have in the same version series as the specified record
altContainer recAltContainer Record False Selects Records that have the alternatively contains relationship with the specified record
altContains recAltContains Record False Selects Records that have the alternatively within relationship with the specified record
anyWord recAnyWord String False Selects Records based on the Any Word index.
archivedOn recArchivedOn Datetime True Selects Records that had disposition changed to archived (keep forever) on the specified date.
archiveOn recArchiveOn Datetime True Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to archived (keep forever) on the specified date.
assignee recAssignee Location True RecordAssignee Selects Records based on a value for Assignee.
assigneex recAssigneex RecordLocation False Selects Records with an associated assignee having selected property values
atHome recAtHome Boolean False Selects Records that are at home (i.e. assignee is same as home)
attachedTo recAttachedTo Record False Selects Records that have the attached to relationship with the specified record
attachments recAttachments Boolean False RecordHasEmailAttachments Selects Records based on a value for Has Email Attachments.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Records that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
author recAuthor Location False Selects Records that have an author of the specified location
authorizer recAuthorizer Location False Selects Records that have an authorizer of the specified location
barcode unkBarcode String False Selects Records by barcode.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Records by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
bcc recBcc Location False Selects Records that have the specified location in the bcc contacts list
canUseClass recCanUseClass Boolean False RecordCanUseClassification Selects Records based on a value for Can Use Classification.
cc recCc Location False Selects Records that have the specified location in the cc contacts list
checkedInBy recCheckedInBy Location True RecordCheckedInBy Selects Records based on a value for Checked In By.
checkedOutBy recCheckedOutBy Location True RecordCheckedOutTo Selects Records based on a value for Checked Out To.
checkinStyle recCheckinStyle CheckinStyle False Selects Records that are used by the specified check in style
class recClass RecordClass True RecordClassOfRecord Selects Records based on a value for Record Class.
classification recClassification Classification True RecordClassification Selects Records based on a value for Classification.
client recClient Location True Selects Records that have a client contact of the specified location
clientOf recClientOf Record False Selects Records that are the Client record of the specified records
clientRecord recClientRecord Record True RecordClientRecord Selects Records based on a value for Client record.
closedOn recClosedOn Datetime True RecordDateClosed Selects Records based on a value for Date Closed.
combinedTitle recCombinedTitle String True RecordTitle Selects Records based on a value for Full Title.
communication recCommunication Communication False Selects Records that were associated with the specified communication
consignment recConsignment Consignment True RecordConsignmentObject Selects Records based on a value for Consignment.
consignmentNumber recConsignmentNumber String True RecordConsignment Selects Records based on a value for Consignment Number.
contact recContact Location True Selects Records that have a contact attached matching the location details specified.
contactx recContactx RecordLocation False Selects Records with an associated Contact having selected property values.
container recContainer Record True RecordContainer Selects Records based on a value for Container.
containerEx recContainerEx Record False Selects Records that are contained within or are alternately contained within the specified record
contains recContains Record False Selects Records that are a container for the specified records
containsEx recContainsEx Record False Selects Records that are either a container or an alternate container for the specified records
content recContent String False Selects Records that have a document with contents matching the content index search clause supplied.
contentBlockIn recContentBlockIn Record False Selects Records that have the is a document content block within relationship with the specified record
conversation recConversation Record False Selects Records that are in the same email message conversation as the specified record
conversationId recConversationId String True RecordConversationId Selects Records based on a value for Email Conversation ID.
copyOf recCopyOf Record False Selects Records that have the copy of relationship with the specified record
createdOn recCreatedOn Datetime True RecordDateCreated Selects Records based on a value for Date Created.
creator recCreator Location True RecordCreator Selects Records based on a value for Creator.
CS_atRegistration recCS_atRegistration SecurityLevel False Selects Records that have classified security with the nominated security level at registration
CS_classifiedBy recCS_classifiedBy String False Selects Records that have classified security that has been classified by the specified person
CS_classifiedByAgency recCS_classifiedByAgency String False Selects Records that have classified security that has been classified by the specified agency
CS_declassify recCS_declassify Datetime False RecordCSdeclassifyOn Selects Records based on a value for CS: Declassify On.
CS_derivedFrom recCS_derivedFrom String False Selects Records that have classified security derived from a particular source
CS_downgrade recCS_downgrade Datetime False RecordCSdowngradeOn Selects Records based on a value for CS: Downgrade On.
CS_downgradeInstructions recCS_downgradeInstructions String False Selects Records that have classified security with the specified downgrade instructions
CS_guide recCS_guide SecurityGuide False Selects Records that have security set up from the specified security guide entry entry
CS_initial recCS_initial String False RecordCSinitialSecurity Selects Records based on a value for CS: Security At Registration.
CS_reason recCS_reason String False Selects Records that have classified security with a particular reason
CS_reviewedBy recCS_reviewedBy Location False Selects Records that have classified security that has been reviewed by the specified location
CS_reviewedOn recCS_reviewedOn Datetime False Selects Records that have classified security that has been reviewed on the specified date
CS_updatedBy recCS_updatedBy Location False Selects Records that have classified security that has been updated by the specified location
CS_updatedOn recCS_updatedOn Datetime False Selects Records that have classified security that has been updated on the specified date
CS_updatedReason recCS_updatedReason String False Selects Records that have classified security that was updated for the specified reason
currentVersion recCurrentVersion Record False Selects Records that are the most recently finalized version of the specified record
default unkDefault String False Selects all Records based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
derivedFrom recDerivedFrom Record False Selects Records that have the derived from relationship with the specified record
destroyedOn recDestroyedOn Datetime True Selects Records that had disposition changed to destroyed on the specified date.
destroyOn recDestroyOn Datetime True Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to destroyed on the specified date.
disposition recDisposition RecordDisp True RecordDisposition Selects Records based on a value for Disposition.
documentSize recDocumentSize BigNumber True RecordDocumentSize Selects Records based on a value for Size.
dueOn recDueOn Datetime True RecordDateDue Selects Records based on a value for Date Due.
dueOrInTray recDueOrInTray Boolean False Selects Records that you or your position are the current assignee of or have a current action or document review task to be completed.
dueTray recDueTray Boolean False Selects Records that you or your position have a current action or document review task to be completed.
editedOn recEditedOn Datetime True RecordDateModified Selects Records based on a value for Date Modified.
editor recEditor Location False Selects Records that have an editor of the specified location
electronic recElectronic Boolean False RecordIsElectronic Selects Records based on a value for Is Electronic.
enclosed recEnclosed Boolean False Selects Records that have a container and are enclosed in that container
extension recExtension String True RecordExtension Selects Records based on a value for Extension.
external recExternal String True RecordExternalReference Selects Records based on a value for External ID.
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Records.
fbarcode unkFbarcode String False Selects Records by foreign barcode.
final recFinal Boolean False Selects Records that have been finalized.
finalisedOn recFinalisedOn Datetime True RecordDateFinalized Selects Records based on a value for Date Declared As Final.
firstPart recFirstPart Record False Selects Records that have the first part of relationship with the specified record
firstVersionOf recFirstVersionOf Record False Selects Records that have the first version of relationship with the specified record
folderOrigin recFolderOrigin Origin True RecordFolderOrigin Selects Records based on a value for Folder Origin.
generatedTitle recGeneratedTitle String True RecordGeneratedTitle Selects Records based on a value for Title (Structured Part).
gps recGps Geography True RecordGpsLocation Selects Records based on a value for GPS Location.
hasAttachment recHasAttachment Record False Selects Records that have the has attachment relationship with the specified record
hasContentBlock recHasContentBlock Record False Selects Records that have the contains document content block relationship with the specified record
hasContents recHasContents Boolean True RecordIsContainer Selects Records based on a value for Has Contents.
hasDerivation recHasDerivation Record False Selects Records that have the derivations relationship with the specified record
hasFirstPart recHasFirstPart Record False Selects Records that have the has first part of relationship with the specified record
hasFirstVersion recHasFirstVersion Record False Selects Records that have the has first version of relationship with the specified record
hasHold recHasHold Boolean True RecordHasHold Selects Records based on a value for Is in one or more holds.
hasRedaction recHasRedaction Record False Selects Records that have the was redacted to relationship with the specified record
hasReply recHasReply Record False Selects Records that have the has reply relationship with the specified record
hasSite recHasSite Record False Selects Records that have the contains sharepoint list or site relationship with the specified record
hold recHold Hold False Selects Records that are associated with the specified hold
holdingBay recHoldingBay Space False RecordHomeSpace Selects Records based on a value for In Holding Bay.
home recHome Location True RecordHomeLocation Selects Records based on a value for Home.
homex recHomex RecordLocation False Selects Records with an associated home having selected property values
idol recIdol String False Selects Records that match the specified IDOL query string.
imported recImported Datetime True RecordDateImported Selects Records based on a value for Date Imported.
inactiveOn recInactiveOn Datetime True RecordDateInactive Selects Records based on a value for Date Inactive.
index recIndex RecordKeyword False Selects Records with an associated Attached thesaurus term having selected property values.
inSeries recInSeries Record False Selects Records that are in the specified series record
inSite recInSite Record False Selects Records that have the within sharepoint site relationship with the specified record
inSpList recInSpList Record False Selects Records that represent SharePoint list items within the nominated SharePoint list.
inTray recInTray Boolean False Selects Records that you or your position are the current assignee of.
isSeriesOf recIsSeriesOf Record False Selects Records that are a series record of the specified record
jurisdiction recJurisdiction Jurisdiction False Selects Records that have the specified jurisdiction.
keyword recKeyword Keyword False Selects Records that have the specified thesaurus term attached.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Records with a specified User Label.
latestPart recLatestPart Record False Selects Records that are the latest part of the specified record
latestVersion recLatestVersion Record False Selects Records that are the latest version of the specified record
linkOf recLinkOf Record False Selects Records that have an document that contains an embedded link to record
linksTo recLinksTo Record False Selects Records that is an embedded link of the the specified record
lockedOn recLockedOn Datetime True RecordCheckedOutOn Selects Records based on a value for Checked Out On.
makeInactiveOn recMakeInactiveOn Datetime True Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to inactive on the specified date.
matterOf recMatterOf Record False Selects Records that are the Matter record of the specified records
matterRecord recMatterRecord Record True RecordMatterRecord Selects Records based on a value for Matter record.
media recMedia MediaTypes True RecordMediaType Selects Records based on a value for Media Type.
meeting recMeeting Meeting False Selects Records associated with the specified meeting.
messageId recMessageId String True RecordMessageId Selects Records based on a value for Email Message ID.
mime recMime String True RecordMimeType Selects Records based on a value for Internet Media Type.
missing recMissing Boolean False Selects Records that have an unknown assignee
myContainers recMyContainers Boolean False Selects Records that are in your recently used containers tray.
myContent recMyContent Boolean False Selects Records that are in your favorite content blocks tray.
myDocuments recMyDocuments Boolean False Selects Records that are in your recently accessed documents tray.
myTemplates recMyTemplates Boolean False Selects Records that are in your favorite document templates tray.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Records.
notes recNotes String False Selects Records based on the Notes Word index.
number recNumber String True RecordNumber Selects Records based on a value for Record Number.
numberx recNumberx String True RecordLongNumber Selects Records based on a value for Expanded Number.
offline recOffline OfflineRecord False Selects Records that are associated with the specified offline records
origin recOrigin Origin False RecordOriginatedFrom Selects Records based on a value for Originated From.
originalOf recOriginalOf Record False Selects Records that have the original of relationship with the specified record
originRun recOriginRun OriginHistory True RecordOriginatedFromRun Selects Records based on a value for Originated From Run.
otherContact recOtherContact Location False Selects Records that have an other type of contact of the specified location
owner recOwner Location True RecordOwnerLocation Selects Records based on a value for Owner.
partRule recPartRule AutoPartRule True RecordNewPartCreationRule Selects Records based on a value for Automated Part Rule.
party recParty Location False Selects Records that have the specified location attached as an interested party.
partyEx recPartyEx RecordClientMatterParty False Selects Records with an associated Client/Matter Party having selected property values.
priority recPriority String True RecordPriority Selects Records based on a value for Priority.
publishedOn recPublishedOn Datetime True RecordDatePublished Selects Records based on a value for Date Published.
receivedOn recReceivedOn Datetime True RecordDateReceived Selects Records based on a value for Date Received.
reclocationx recReclocationx RecordLocation False Selects Records with an associated record location having selected property values
redactionOf recRedactionOf Record False Selects Records that have the redaction of relationship with the specified record
registeredOn recRegisteredOn Datetime True RecordDateRegistered Selects Records based on a value for Date Registered.
related recRelated Record False Selects Records that have the related to relationship with the specified record
relatedEx recRelatedEx Record False Selects Records that have the specified relationship with the specified records
relatedReverseEx recRelatedReverseEx Record False Selects Records that have the specified reverse record relationship with the specified records
replyTo recReplyTo Record False Selects Records that have the reply to relationship with the specified record
representative recRepresentative Location False Selects Records that have a representative of the specified location
request recRequest Request False Selects Records that are associated with the specified request
requestedOn recRequestedOn Datetime False Selects Records that have been requested on the specified date/time
requestor recRequestor Location False Selects Records that have been requested by the specified location
returnOn recReturnOn Datetime True RecordReturnDueDateTime Selects Records due for return by a specified date.
review recReview Datetime True RecordReviewDate Selects Records based on a value for Retention Review Date.
reviewer recReviewer Location False Selects Records that have a reviewer of the specified location
reviewState recReviewState DocumentReviewStates True RecordReviewState Selects Records based on a value for Document Review State.
reviewStatus recReviewStatus PendingEventReviewFilter False Selects Records that have a review date set indicating the desired review status
revisionEx recRevisionEx RecordRevision False Selects Records with an associated Revision having selected property values.
role recRole Location False Selects Records that have the specified location attached as playing a role for the client.
roleEx recRoleEx RecordClientMatterRole False Selects Records with an associated Client/Matter Role having selected property values.
sameClient recSameClient Record False Selects Records that share the same client as the specified record
sameContact recSameContact Record False Selects Records that share the same contact as the specified record
sapcustomer recSapcustomer String True RecordSapCustomerName Selects Records based on a value for SAP Customer.
sapcustomerid recSapcustomerid String True RecordSapCustomerNumber Selects Records based on a value for SAP Customer ID.
sapdoc recSapdoc String True RecordSapDocumentId Selects Records based on a value for SAP Document.
saprepos recSaprepos String True RecordSapReposId Selects Records based on a value for SAP Repository.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Records that satisfy a specified saved search.
schedule recSchedule Schedule True RecordRetentionSchedule Selects Records based on a value for Retention schedule.
scheduleStatus recScheduleStatus DisposalScheduleStatus True RecordScheduledDisposalStatus Selects Records based on a value for Scheduled Disposal Status.
sdmenv recSdmenv String False RecordSdmEnvironmentID Selects Records based on a value for SDM Environment ID.
sdmfile recSdmfile String False RecordSdmFileName Selects Records based on a value for SDM File Name.
sdmfolder recSdmfolder String False RecordSdmFolderName Selects Records based on a value for SDM Folder Name.
sdmrun recSdmrun String False RecordSdmRunID Selects Records based on a value for SDM Run ID.
securityCaveat recSecurityCaveat SecurityCaveat False Selects Records that have the specified security caveat
securityLevel recSecurityLevel SecurityLevel False Selects Records that have the specified security level
space recSpace Space True RecordHomeSpace Selects Records based on a value for In space.
spaceOrBay recSpaceOrBay Space False RecordHomeSpace Selects Records based on a value for In space Or Holding Bay.
spFarmGUID recSpFarmGUID String True RecordSpFarmGUID Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint Server Farm ID.
spGUID recSpGUID String True RecordSpGUID Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint GUID.
spLirId recSpLirId BigNumber False Selects Records that represent a SharePoint List Item with the nominated ID.
spLirURL recSpLirURL String False Selects Records that represent a SharePoint List Item with the nominated URL.
spList recSpList SharePointItem False Selects Records that represent the SharePoint List for the specified SharePoint items
spRecord recSpRecord SharePointItem False Selects Records that manage the specified SharePoint items
spSiteCollectionGUID recSpSiteCollectionGUID String True RecordSpSiteCollectionGUID Selects Records that represent a SharePoint Site within the nominated site collection.
spType recSpType SpElementType False RecordSpType Selects Records that are the specified type of SharePoint object.
spURL recSpURL String True RecordSpURL Selects Records based on a value for SharePoint URL.
store recStore ElectronicStore True RecordEStore Selects Records based on a value for Document Store.
supersededBy recSupersededBy Record False Selects Records that have the is superseded by relationship with the specified record
supersededOn recSupersededOn Datetime True RecordDateSuperseded Selects Records based on a value for Date Superseded.
supersedes recSupersedes Record False Selects Records that have the supersedes relationship with the specified record
task recTask ScheduledTask False Selects Records that have the specified vital review task(s) attached
title recTitle String False Selects Records based on the Title Word index.
todo recTodo TodoItem False Selects Records referenced by the specificed to do item.
transferOn recTransferOn Datetime True Selects Records that are due to have a disposition change to archived (custody transferred) on the specified date.
transferredOn recTransferredOn Datetime True Selects Records that had disposition changed to archived (custody transferred) on the specified date.
type recType RecordType True RecordRecordType Selects Records based on a value for Record Type.
typedTitle recTypedTitle String True RecordTypedTitle Selects Records based on a value for Title (Free Text Part).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Records based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Records based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Records based on a unique identifier value.
workflow recWorkflow Workflow False Selects Records that are associated with the specified workflow
workTray recWorkTray Boolean False Selects Records that are in your working records tray.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Record Actions within this dataset.
assignee racAssignee Location True RecordActionResponsibility Selects Record Actions based on a value for Responsible location.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Record Actions that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
barcode unkBarcode String False Selects Record Actions by barcode.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Record Actions by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
canStart racCanStart Boolean False Selects Record Actions that can now be worked on
completedBy racCompletedBy Location True RecordActionCompletedBy Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed By location.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Record Actions based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
done racDone Boolean False RecordActionDone Selects Record Actions based on a value for Done.
doneOn racDoneOn Datetime True RecordActionEndDate Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed On.
doneOnTime racDoneOnTime Boolean False RecordActionCompletedOnTime Selects Record Actions based on a value for Completed On Time.
dueOn racDueOn Datetime True RecordActionDueDate Selects Record Actions based on a value for Due Date.
fbarcode unkFbarcode String False Selects Record Actions by foreign barcode.
name racName String True RecordActionActionName Selects Record Actions based on a value for Action.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Record Actions.
overdue racOverdue Boolean False RecordActionOverdue Selects Record Actions based on a value for Overdue.
parent racParent RecordAction True RecordActionParentRecordAction Selects Record Actions based on a value for Parent record action.
procedure racProcedure Boolean False RecordActionProcedure Selects Record Actions based on a value for Procedure.
record racRecord Record True RecordActionRecord Selects Record Actions based on a value for Record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Record Actions that satisfy a specified saved search.
startOn racStartOn Datetime True RecordActionStartDate Selects Record Actions based on a value for Start Date.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Record Actions (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Record Action).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Record Actions based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Record Actions based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Record Actions based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
ackRequests rtyAckRequests Boolean True RecordTypeAcknowledgeRequests Selects Record Types based on a value for Requests Need Acknowledgement before Completion.
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Record Types having selected locations in a particular access control.
action rtyAction ActionDef True RecordTypeAction Selects Record Types based on a value for Assigned action.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Record Types that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Record Types that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Record Types that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Record Types within this dataset.
archive rtyArchive Boolean True RecordTypeUseRetention Selects Record Types based on a value for Allow Retention Schedule.
assignee rtyAssignee Location True RecordTypeAssignee Selects Record Types based on a value for Assignee.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Record Types that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Record Types by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
behaviour rtyBehaviour RecordBehaviour True RecordTypeUsualBehaviour Selects Record Types based on a value for Behaves Like.
canBeContainedBy rtyCanBeContainedBy RecordType False Selects Record Types that can contained by the specified record types
canContain rtyCanContain RecordType False Selects Record Types that can contain the specified record types
census rtyCensus Boolean True RecordTypeUseCensus Selects Record Types based on a value for Track during Census.
classification rtyClassification Classification True RecordTypeClassification Selects Record Types based on a value for Starting classification.
copyacl unkCopyacl Location False Selects Record Types having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Record Types based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
externalId rtyExternalId String True RecordTypeExternalId Selects Record Types based on a value for External ID.
field rtyField FieldDefinition False Selects Record Types that use the specified additional field
hasElecDocSupport rtyHasElecDocSupport Boolean False Selects Record Types that support Electronic Documents.
hasMatter rtyHasMatter Boolean True RecordTypeBelongsToAMatter Selects Record Types based on a value for Records Must Belong To A Matter.
home rtyHome Location True RecordTypeHomeLocation Selects Record Types based on a value for Home.
level rtyLevel Number True RecordTypeLevel Selects Record Types based on a value for Container Level.
lir rtyLir Boolean True RecordTypeCanHaveSharePointItems Selects Record Types based on a value for Records can be SharePoint List Item records.
media rtyMedia MediaTypes True RecordTypeMediaType Selects Record Types based on a value for Default media type.
name rtyName String True RecordTypeName Selects Record Types based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Record Types.
owner rtyOwner Location True RecordTypeOwnerLocation Selects Record Types based on a value for Owner.
saprepository rtySaprepository String True RecordTypeSapRepositoryId Selects Record Types based on a value for SAP Repository ID.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Record Types that satisfy a specified saved search.
schedule rtySchedule Schedule True RecordTypeRetentionSchedule Selects Record Types based on a value for Retention schedule.
sortOrder rtySortOrder String True RecordTypeSortOrder Selects Record Types based on a value for Sort Order.
space rtySpace Boolean False RecordTypeHomeCanBeSpace Selects Record Types that can be stored in the space management system
store rtyStore ElectronicStore True RecordTypeEStore Selects Record Types based on a value for Store Name.
template rtyTemplate WorkflowTemplate True RecordTypeStartupTemplate Selects Record Types based on a value for Initiate workflow based on a template.
titling rtyTitling TitlingMethods True RecordTypeTitlingMethod Selects Record Types based on a value for Titling Method.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Record Types based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Record Types based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Record Types based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Record Types that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Reports having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Reports within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Reports by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Reports based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Reports.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Reports with a specified User Label.
name rptName String True ReportReportName Selects Reports based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Reports.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Reports that satisfy a specified saved search.
type rptType BaseObjectTypes True ReportForObject Selects Reports based on a value for For Object Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Reports based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Reports based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Reports based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Reports that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Report Graphics within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Report Graphics by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Report Graphics based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name rbmName String True ReportBitmapName Selects Report Graphics based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Report Graphics.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Report Graphics that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Report Graphics based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Report Graphics based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Report Graphics based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Requests within this dataset.
assignee rcqAssignee Location False RequestCurrentLocation Selects Requests based on a value for Record assignee.
athome rcqAthome Boolean False Selects Requests that are for records that are currently at their home location.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Requests that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Requests by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
by rcqBy Location True RequestRequestor Selects Requests based on a value for Requested By.
completedOn rcqCompletedOn Datetime True RequestDateCompleted Selects Requests based on a value for Date Completed.
createdOn rcqCreatedOn Datetime True RequestDateCreated Selects Requests based on a value for Date Created.
deliverTo rcqDeliverTo Location True RequestTransitLocation Selects Requests based on a value for Delivery/Pickup Location.
done rcqDone Boolean False RequestIsComplete Selects Requests based on a value for Is Complete.
dueOn rcqDueOn Datetime True RequestDueDate Selects Requests based on a value for Date Required.
isCurrent rcqIsCurrent Boolean False Selects Requests that are the currently outstanding retrieval request for the records they are associated with.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Requests.
priority rcqPriority RequestPriority True RequestPriority Selects Requests based on a value for Priority.
record rcqRecord Record True RequestRecord Selects Requests based on a value for Record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Requests that satisfy a specified saved search.
serviceLocation rcqServiceLocation Location True RequestServiceLocation Selects Requests based on a value for Service Location.
space rcqSpace Space True RequestServiceSpace Selects Requests that are for records with home location within the nominated spaces.
status rcqStatus RequestStatus True RequestStatus Selects Requests based on a value for Status.
statusDate rcqStatusDate Datetime True RequestStatusChangedDate Selects Requests based on a value for Date Status Changed.
type rcqType RequestTypes True RequestRequestType Selects Requests based on a value for Request Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Requests based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Requests based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Requests based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Saved Searches having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Saved Searches within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Saved Searches that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Saved Searches by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
canEdit srhCanEdit Boolean False SavedSearchCanEdit Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Can edit query.
canExecute srhCanExecute Boolean False SavedSearchCanExecute Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Can execute query.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Saved Searches based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Saved Searches.
fullName srhFullName String False SavedSearchFullName Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Full Name.
group srhGroup Boolean True SavedSearchIsGrouping Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Is Search Group.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Saved Searches with a specified User Label.
name srhName String True SavedSearchName Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Saved Searches.
old srhOld Boolean True SavedSearchIsOldFormat Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Old Format.
owner srhOwner Location True SavedSearchOwner Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Owner.
parent srhParent SavedSearch True SavedSearchParent Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Within Search Group.
public srhPublic Boolean False SavedSearchIsPublic Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Is Public.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Saved Searches that satisfy a specified saved search.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Saved Searches (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Saved Search).
type srhType BaseObjectTypes True SavedSearchObjectType Selects Saved Searches based on a value for Object Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Saved Searches based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Saved Searches based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Saved Searches based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Saved Searches that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Schedules having selected locations in a particular access control.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Schedules that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Schedules that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Schedules that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
agency schAgency Boolean True ScheduleIsAgencySpecific Selects Schedules based on a value for Agency Specific.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Schedules within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Schedules that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
barcode unkBarcode String False Selects Schedules by barcode.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Schedules by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Schedules based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Schedules.
fbarcode unkFbarcode String False Selects Schedules by foreign barcode.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Schedules with a specified User Label.
name schName String True ScheduleName Selects Schedules based on a value for Schedule Number.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Schedules.
parent schParent Schedule True ScheduleParentSchedule Selects Schedules based on a value for Parent Schedule.
parentOf schParentOf Schedule False Selects Schedules that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s)
pcsid schPcsid String True SchedulePolicyCentreGUID Selects Schedules based on a value for Policy Center Solution GUID.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Schedules that satisfy a specified saved search.
source schSource String True ScheduleSource Selects Schedules based on a value for Source.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Schedules (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Schedule).
trigger schTrigger ScheduleTrigger False Selects Schedules with an associated Trigger having selected property values.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Schedules based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Schedules based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Schedules based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Schedules that satisfy the can use or view criteria.
word schWord String False Selects Schedules based on the Schedule Word index.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Scheduled Tasks within this dataset.
assignee tskAssignee Location True ScheduledTaskAssignee Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Assigned To.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Scheduled Tasks by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
classification tskClassification Classification False Selects Scheduled Tasks that are attached to the specified classifications
date tskDate Datetime True ScheduledTaskStartDate Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Commencement date.
done tskDone Boolean False ScheduledTaskIsComplete Selects Scheduled Tasks that have been completed.
folders tskFolders Boolean False Selects Scheduled Tasks for records that are folders.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Scheduled Tasks.
objectType tskObjectType BaseObjectTypes True ScheduledTaskAttachedToObjectType Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a value for Attached To.
overdue tskOverdue Boolean False Selects Scheduled Tasks that are overdue.
record tskRecord Record False Selects Scheduled Tasks that are attached to the specified records
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Scheduled Tasks that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Scheduled Tasks based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Scheduled Tasks based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Scheduled Tasks based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Search Forms having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Search Forms within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Search Forms by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Search Forms based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Search Forms.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Search Forms with a specified User Label.
name sfmName String True SearchFormName Selects Search Forms based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Search Forms.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Search Forms that satisfy a specified saved search.
type sfmType BaseObjectTypes True SearchFormObjectType Selects Search Forms based on a value for Object Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Search Forms based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Search Forms based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Search Forms based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Search Forms that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
abbreviation scvAbbreviation String True SecurityCaveatAbbreviation Selects Security Caveats based on a value for Abbreviation.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Security Caveats that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Security Caveats that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Security Caveats that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Security Caveats within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Security Caveats that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Security Caveats by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
caveatNumber scvCaveatNumber Number True SecurityCaveatCaveatNumber Selects Security Caveats based on a value for ID.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Security Caveats based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
held scvHeld Boolean False Selects Security Caveats that are also held by the currently logged-in user
name scvName String True SecurityCaveatName Selects Security Caveats based on a value for Description.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Security Caveats.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Security Caveats that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Security Caveats based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Security Caveats based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Security Caveats based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
abbreviation slvAbbreviation String True SecurityLevelAbbreviation Selects Security Levels based on a value for Abbreviation.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Security Levels that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Security Levels that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Security Levels that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Security Levels within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Security Levels that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Security Levels by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Security Levels based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
held slvHeld Boolean False Selects Security Levels that are at or below the currently logged in users security level
levelNumber slvLevelNumber Number True SecurityLevelLevelNumber Selects Security Levels based on a value for Ranking.
name slvName String True SecurityLevelName Selects Security Levels based on a value for Description.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Security Levels.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Security Levels that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Security Levels based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Security Levels based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Security Levels based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all SharePoint Documents within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects SharePoint Documents by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all SharePoint Documents based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
list spiList Record True SharePointItemListRecord Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List record.
listId spiListId BigNumber True SharePointItemListItemId Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List Item ID.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no SharePoint Documents.
record spiRecord Record True SharePointItemListItemRecord Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for List Item record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects SharePoint Documents that satisfy a specified saved search.
synchPending spiSynchPending Boolean True Selects SharePoint Documents that are currently needing synchronization
uniqueId spiUniqueId String True SharePointItemUniqueId Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for SharePoint Identifier.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects SharePoint Documents based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects SharePoint Documents based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects SharePoint Documents based on a unique identifier value.
viewable spiViewable Boolean False SharePointItemViewable Selects SharePoint Documents based on a value for Record is viewable.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Spaces having selected locations in a particular access control.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Spaces within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Spaces that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
barcode unkBarcode String False Selects Spaces by barcode.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Spaces by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
bay spmBay Boolean True SpaceHasHoldingBay Selects Spaces based on a value for Has Holding Bay.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Spaces based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Spaces.
fbarcode unkFbarcode String False Selects Spaces by foreign barcode.
key spmKey String True SpaceNickName Selects Spaces based on a value for Search Key.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Spaces with a specified User Label.
lowest spmLowest Boolean True SpaceIsLowestLevel Selects Spaces based on a value for Is Lowest Level.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Spaces.
number spmNumber String True SpaceNumber Selects Spaces based on a value for Space Number.
parentOf spmParentOf Space False Selects Spaces that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s)
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Spaces that satisfy a specified saved search.
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level Spaces (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other Space).
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Spaces based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Spaces based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Spaces based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Spaces that satisfy the can use or view criteria.
within spmWithin Space True SpaceWithin Selects Spaces based on a value for Within space.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Noise Words within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Noise Words by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Noise Words based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
name swdName String True StopWordName Selects Noise Words based on a value for Noise Word.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Noise Words.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Noise Words that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Noise Words based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Noise Words based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Noise Words based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all To Do Items within this dataset.
assignee tdoAssignee Location True TodoItemAssignee Selects To Do Items based on a value for Assignee.
audit unkAudit History False Selects To Do Items that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects To Do Items by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
creator tdoCreator Location True TodoItemCreatedBy Selects To Do Items based on a value for Created By.
default unkDefault String False Selects all To Do Items based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
done tdoDone Boolean False TodoItemIsComplete Selects To Do Items based on a value for Completed.
doneOn tdoDoneOn Datetime True TodoItemDateDone Selects To Do Items based on a value for Date Completed.
dueOn tdoDueOn Datetime True TodoItemDateDue Selects To Do Items based on a value for Date Due.
name tdoName String True TodoItemTodo Selects To Do Items based on a value for To Be Done.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no To Do Items.
overdue tdoOverdue Boolean False TodoItemIsOverdue Selects To Do Items based on a value for Overdue.
priority tdoPriority Priority True TodoItemItemPriority Selects To Do Items based on a value for Priority.
reference tdoReference TodoItemItemReference False Selects To Do Items with an associated To Do Item Reference having selected property values.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects To Do Items that satisfy a specified saved search.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects To Do Items based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects To Do Items based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects To Do Items based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all User Labels within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects User Labels by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
dateCreated lblDateCreated Datetime True UserLabelDateCreated Selects User Labels based on a value for Date Created.
default unkDefault String False Selects all User Labels based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
fullName lblFullName String False UserLabelFullName Selects User Labels based on a value for Full user label Name.
name lblName String True UserLabelName Selects User Labels based on a value for User Label Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no User Labels.
owner lblOwner Location True UserLabelOwner Selects User Labels based on a value for Owner.
parent lblParent UserLabel True UserLabelParentLabel Selects User Labels based on a value for Parent user label.
parentOf lblParentOf UserLabel False Selects User Labels that are the parent(s) of the selected item(s)
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects User Labels that satisfy a specified saved search.
stuckOn lblStuckOn Unknown False Selects User Labels that have been attached the specified Content Manager object
top unkTop Boolean True Selects all top-level User Labels (those that have no parent or are not enclosed within any other User Label).
type lblType UserLabelType True UserLabelLabelType Selects User Labels based on a value for User Label Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects User Labels based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects User Labels based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects User Labels based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Indexed Words within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Indexed Words by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
count wrdCount BigNumber True WordCount Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Usage Count.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Indexed Words based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
field wrdField FieldDefinition False WordField Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Field.
name wrdName String True WordName Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Indexed Word.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Indexed Words.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Indexed Words that satisfy a specified saved search.
type wrdType WordTypes True WordWordType Selects Indexed Words based on a value for Type.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Indexed Words based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Indexed Words based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Indexed Words based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Workflows having selected locations in a particular access control.
activity wkfActivity Activity False Selects Workflows that contain the specified activity
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Workflows within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Workflows that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Workflows by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
container wkfContainer Record True WorkflowDefaultContainer Selects Workflows based on a value for Default container.
creator wkfCreator Location True WorkflowCreator Selects Workflows based on a value for Workflow Creator.
customer wkfCustomer Location True WorkflowCustomer Selects Workflows based on a value for Client.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Workflows based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
destroyOn wkfDestroyOn Datetime True WorkflowDestroyDueDate Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Due For Destruction.
done wkfDone Boolean False WorkflowIsComplete Selects Workflows based on a value for Complete.
doneOn wkfDoneOn Datetime True WorkflowDateCompleted Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Completed.
dueOn wkfDueOn Datetime True WorkflowDateDue Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Due.
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Workflows.
initiator wkfInitiator Record True WorkflowInitiator Selects Workflows based on a value for Initiating record.
job wkfJob String False WorkflowJobNumber Selects Workflows based on a value for Job Number.
jobx wkfJobx String True WorkflowJobNumberExpanded Selects Workflows based on a value for Job Number (Expanded).
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Workflows with a specified User Label.
lockedBy wkfLockedBy Location True WorkflowLockedBy Selects Workflows based on a value for Locked By.
name wkfName String True WorkflowName Selects Workflows based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Workflows.
overdue wkfOverdue Boolean False WorkflowIsOverdue Selects Workflows based on a value for Overdue.
priority wkfPriority Priority True WorkflowWorkflowPriority Selects Workflows based on a value for Priority.
record wkfRecord Record False Selects Workflows associated with the specified record
registeredOn wkfRegisteredOn Datetime True WorkflowDateRegistered Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Registered.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Workflows that satisfy a specified saved search.
scheduledStartOn wkfScheduledStartOn Datetime True WorkflowScheduledStartDate Selects Workflows based on a value for Scheduled Start Date.
startedOn wkfStartedOn Datetime True WorkflowDateStarted Selects Workflows based on a value for Date Started.
supervisor wkfSupervisor Location True WorkflowSupervisor Selects Workflows based on a value for Workflow Supervisor.
template wkfTemplate WorkflowTemplate True WorkflowTemplate Selects Workflows based on a value for Based On template.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Workflows based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Workflows based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Workflows based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Workflows that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
acl unkAcl Location False Selects Templates having selected locations in a particular access control.
active unkActive Boolean True Selects Templates that are active.
activeFrom unkActiveFrom Date True Selects Templates that have a Date Active From value matching the specified date range.
activeTo unkActiveTo Date True Selects Templates that have a Date Active To value matching the specified date range.
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Templates within this dataset.
audit unkAudit History False Selects Templates that are involved with the specified Historical Event.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Templates by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
copyacl unkCopyacl Location False Selects Templates having selected locations in a particular access control in the copied access control set.
dateRegistered wktDateRegistered Datetime True WorkflowTemplateDateRegistered Selects Templates based on a value for Date Registered.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Templates based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
favorite unkFavorite Boolean False Selects favourite Templates.
label unkLabel UserLabel False Selects Templates with a specified User Label.
name wktName String True WorkflowTemplateName Selects Templates based on a value for Name.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Templates.
priority wktPriority Priority True WorkflowTemplateDefaultPriority Selects Templates based on a value for Priority.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Templates that satisfy a specified saved search.
supervisor wktSupervisor Location True WorkflowTemplateSupervisor Selects Templates based on a value for Workflow Supervisor.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Templates based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Templates based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Templates based on a unique identifier value.
usable unkUsable Boolean False Selects Templates that satisfy the can use or view criteria.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Working Copies within this dataset.
author wcrAuthor Location True WorkingCopyAuthor Selects Working Copies based on a value for Author.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Working Copies by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Working Copies based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
extension wcrExtension String False WorkingCopyExtension Selects Working Copies based on a value for Extension.
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Working Copies.
record wcrRecord Record True WorkingCopyRecord Selects Working Copies based on a value for Record.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Working Copies that satisfy a specified saved search.
title wcrTitle String False WorkingCopyTitle Selects Working Copies based on a value for Title.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Working Copies based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Working Copies based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Working Copies based on a unique identifier value.


Name Internal Name Parameter Type Is Sortable Based On Property Tooltip
all unkAll Boolean False Selects all Postal Codes within this dataset.
batch unkBatch Number False Selects Postal Codes by calculating a batch number based on the unique row identifier of the object. Requires a batch number and a number of batches parameters.
city zipCity String True ZipCodeCity Selects Postal Codes based on a value for City.
country zipCountry String True ZipCodeCountry Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Country.
default unkDefault String False Selects all Postal Codes based on a generic interpretation of a string value (usually by matching the name property).
none unkNone Boolean False Selects no Postal Codes.
postcode zipPostcode String True ZipCodePostcode Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Postal Code.
region zipRegion String True ZipCodeRegion Selects Postal Codes based on a value for Region.
saved unkSaved SavedSearch False Selects Postal Codes that satisfy a specified saved search.
state zipState String True ZipCodeState Selects Postal Codes based on a value for State.
updated unkUpdated Datetime True DateLastUpdated Selects Postal Codes based on when they were last updated.
updatedBy unkUpdatedBy Location True LastUpdatedBy Selects Postal Codes based on who they were last updated by.
uri unkUri BigNumber True Uri Selects Postal Codes based on a unique identifier value.