Micro Focus Content Manager SDK 10.1
TRIM.SDK.RecordType Class Reference

This object represents a Record Type. A record type is required for the construction of a new record in Content Manager and the record type has a number of properties that determine behavior and default settings for records More...

Inheritance diagram for TRIM.SDK.RecordType:
TRIM.SDK.ITrimCustomIcon TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels TRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates TRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControlDefault TRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControl TRIM.SDK.ITrimSecurity TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes TRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject

Public Member Functions

 RecordType (Database database, TrimURI uri)
 RecordType (Database database, string name)
 RecordType (Database database)
 RecordType (Database inDatabase, RecordBehaviour initializeAs)
void SetUserFieldUsage (FieldDefinition userFieldToAddorRemove, bool usesThisField)
 Update the list of field definitions that can be used with this record type. More...
bool IsActiveAuditEventEnabled (Events activeAuditEventType)
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the nominated event should be logged in the active audit event log More...
void EnableOneActiveAuditEvent (Events activeAuditEventType, bool isEnabled)
 Turns on or off the logging of the nominated event within the active audit event log More...
void EnableAllActiveAuditEvents ()
 Turns on the the logging of all events within the active audit event log More...
bool IsTaskVisible (CommandIds taskId)
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the nominated record task is visable in the user interface More...
void SetTaskVisible (CommandIds taskId, bool isVisible)
 Sets the visiblity of the specified record task in the user interface More...
RecordType NewCopy ()
 Sets up a new record type by copying attributes of this record type More...
bool CanContain (RecordType contentType)
 Use this function to determine if a record of this type can act as a container for a record of the specified contentType. If it returns false, the ErrorMessage property will be set to provide extra information More...
bool CanHaveContainer (RecordType containerType)
 Use this function to determine if a record of this type can be contained within a container of the specified containerType. If it returns false, the ErrorMessage property will be set to provide extra information More...
void SetNotes (string newValue, NotesUpdateType TypeOfNotesUpdate)
 Updates the notes attached to this object. Typically used when a new contibution is to be combined with the existing notes, as some users only have the privilige to add to the notes, rather than overwriting them. More...
void SetActiveDateRange (TrimDateTime validFromDate, TrimDateTime validToDate)
 Sets the date range for which this object is active. Note that only the date component of the date and time is relevant for active date ranges. More...
void ApplyUserLabel (UserLabel userLabelToApply)
 Creates a link between the nominated user label and this object. More...
void DetachUserLabel (UserLabel userLabelToDetach)
 Removes the link between the nominated user label and this object. More...
void AddToFavorites ()
 Adds the object to the special user label called 'Favorites' More...
void RemoveFromFavorites ()
 Removes the object from the special user label called 'Favorites' More...
bool ChangePositionWithinFavorites (LabelPositionChange positionChange)
 Changes the position of this object within a users list of favorite objects of this type More...
bool ChangePositionWithinUserLabel (UserLabel label, LabelPositionChange positionChange)
 Changes the position of this object within a users list of objects that have been labeled with the specified user label More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject
virtual void Save ()
 Permanently commits all changes made to this object (and all its child objects). For new objects a new unique identifier will be allocated (Uri). More...
string MakeReference (string SuggestName)
 Creates a TRIM reference file for this object, given the path and filename. A reference file can be associated with the Open command of various of the TRIM executables - TRIM.exe, TRIMDesktop.exe, etc. When the reference file is double-clicked, the associated application will then launch (or activate if it already running) and the object will then be displayed inside that executable. Returns a string containing the path and filename of the reference file created. More...
virtual void Delete ()
 Permanently removes this object and all its associated child objects from the database. More...
bool IsDeleteOk ()
 Determines if this object can be deleted. If it returns false, check the ErrorMessage details for more information. It is possible that the ErrorMessage property could contain a warning message even though the function returns true. More...
bool Verify (bool failOnWarning)
 Verifies all properties that have been modified since this object was last saved. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the function succeeded. If false, the error description is stored in the ErrorMessage property. More...
TrimChildObjectList GetChildObjectList (BaseObjectTypes childType)
 Retrieves the child object collection of the nominated child object type. More...
TrimMainObject GetNewCopy ()
 Creates a new TrimMainObject which is a copy of this TrimMainObject. Where appropriate, property values are copied from this TrimMainObject to the new TrimMainObject. You will generally need to set any unique properties manually afterwards, prior to committing this new TrimMainObject to the TRIM database with the Save() method. See also the NewCopy function of the derived objects that implement this capability. Will return NULL if this object does not support the Copy function. More...
virtual void Refresh ()
 Resets this object to the current state on the database, will revert any changes that might have been made. Only required if you are not using BOBnotifications, or need to guarantee a really up-to-date version of the object state. More...
virtual void Reindex (bool doWordIndex, bool doAdditionalFields, bool doContentEngine)
 Sends an indexing request to the event processor to update main text index on the object, indexes for additional fields or indexes for the content engine. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimObject
bool IsMandatory (FieldDefinition field)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified field must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, TrimMainObject purposeExtraObject)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
bool IsValidFor (int purpose, int purposeExtraEnumValue)
 Call this method to determine if this object can be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look in the derived class at the more type safe versions of this function. The purposeExtraInformation is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived class will have more information. More...
bool HasPermission (GenericPermissions prm)
 Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action on this object More...
bool HasPropertyPermission (GenericPermissions prm, PropertyIds propId)
 Checks to see if the currently logged in user has permission to perform the generic action on the specified property of this object More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
TrimIcon GetPropertyIcon (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets the icon value associated the a property of this object. More...
TrimMainObject GetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId)
string GetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId)
int GetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId)
long GetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool GetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDateTime GetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimDecimal GetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimCurrency GetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId)
TrimURI GetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId)
bool SetPropertyTrimObject (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimMainObject newValue)
bool SetPropertyString (PropertyIds dnPropId, string newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong (PropertyIds dnPropId, int newValue)
bool SetPropertyLong64 (PropertyIds dnPropId, long newValue)
bool SetPropertyBool (PropertyIds dnPropId, bool newValue)
bool SetPropertyDate (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDateTime newValue)
bool SetPropertyCurrency (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimCurrency newValue)
bool SetPropertyDecimal (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimDecimal newValue)
bool SetPropertyDouble (PropertyIds dnPropId, double newValue)
bool SetPropertyUri (PropertyIds dnPropId, TrimURI newValue)
bool ClearProperty (PropertyIds dnPropId)
object GetProperty (PropertyIds propId)
bool SetProperty (PropertyIds propId, object newValue)
string GetPropertyAsString (PropertyIds propertyId, StringDisplayType propertyValueStringType, bool useHTMLEscapeChars)
 Gets a string representation of a property value in a format appropriate for a specific use. More...
bool IsMandatory (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Gets a boolean value indication whether the specified property must have a non-NULL value for this object. More...
bool VerifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId, bool doMandatoryChecks)
 Verifies the value of a particular property, by cross checking it against other property values. The ErrorMessage property provides details if the verification fails. More...
bool CanModifyProperty (PropertyIds propertyId)
 Indicates whether the current user has the permission to modify the specified property. More...


string AccessExclusions [get]
 Gets a string listing all the locations that have been specifically excluded from accessing records of this type using the Exclusions feature. More...
bool AcknowledgeRequests [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether requestors of records of this type need to acknowledge the receipt of the requested record before the request is consider complete. Only applies to delivery requests. More...
ActionDefAction [get, set]
 Assigned Action More...
bool AddContentsWhenClosed [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether non-administrators can add contents to container of this type once the container has been closed. More...
bool AllowBlankFreeTextTitle [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Free Text Title field component may be left blank. This property is only active when a structured Titling method is used (Classification, Thesaurus or Client titling methods). More...
bool AllowMultipleExtensions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type can have the borrowing return date extended multiple times More...
bool AllowParts [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating if this RecordType allows the creation of part relationships between Records. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property). More...
bool AllowReplace [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be allowed to return Electronic Documents, replacing existing copies of the document. More...
bool AllowVersions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be allowed to return Electronic Documents as new revisions, thereby retaining a history of all changes to the document. Note: This property does not allow or disallow versions. To control the creation of versions, the menu item (or task) 'New Version' must be enabled/disabled for this Record Type. More...
bool AlwaysAuditSecurityBreaches [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether events that are security breaches should always be logged to the online audit log More...
bool AnnotateOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Record Administration' will be prevented from overwriting existing notes (annotations only allowed). More...
bool AnnotateWhenReadOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to annotate the notes for records of this Record Type. More...
LocationAssignee [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default assignee location for records of this Record Type. The assignee location is traditionally used to hold the current location of a record. More...
bool AuditCreateEventsOffline [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is created, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log. More...
bool AuditDeleteEventsOffline [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is deleted, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log. More...
bool AuditModifyEventsOffline [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is modified, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log. More...
AuthorizationMethods AuthorizationMethod [get, set]
 Gets or sets an AuthorizationMethods enumerated value indicating how documents should be authorized. More...
int AuthorizerReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the authorization process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders). More...
bool AutoFinalize [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically declare this record as final once the electronic document is attached. More...
bool AutoRenderOCR [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new image documents to text using the rendering event processor. More...
bool AutoRenderPDF [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new documents to PDF using the rendering event processor. More...
bool BasicMetadataOnly [get]
 Gets a boolean property indicating that this record type is used for records which only have basic metadata. This is determined by the UsualBehaviour property and excludes metadata such as home location, assignee, actions, requests, workflow, contacts, relationships and revisions. More...
bool BelongsToAMatter [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type need to be associated with a matter before being created. More...
int BorrowingLimit [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number of days that should be used to limit borrowing of physical records. When this value is set to a non-zero value, whenever a record is moved from its home location, a due for return date is calculated based on the number of days specified for the borrowing limit More...
bool CanHaveSharePointItems [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type can be SharePoint List Item records, as designated by the Content Manager SharePoint Integration. More...
bool ChangeTitleWhenReadOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to change the free text title for records of this Record Type. More...
GeneralExceptionHandling CheckDuplicateTitles [get, set]
 Gets or sets a geGeneralExceptionHandling enum value indicating how Content Manager should behave upon saving a record of this record type with a title that has already been used for another record. Note: Checking for Duplicate Titles only occurs if the records Indexing Event has been processed. More...
ClassificationClassification [get, set]
 Gets or sets a classification that is the starting point for any classification attached to records of this Record Type. If the ClassificationMandatory property is set to true, all Records must be within this Classification. More...
bool ClassificationMandatory [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be forced to create records of this Record Type within the starting classification held in the Classification property. This property is enabled only when the Record Type has a starting classification. More...
RecordClass ClassOfRecord [get, set]
 Gets or sets an rcRecordClass enum value indicating the default Record Class for records of this Record Type. A Record may be categorised as either Vital, Corporate (default value), Workgroup, Personal, Reference or Temporary. More...
bool CompressPartNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Part Number will be compressed (displayed without any leading zeros). (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property). More...
bool ConfirmEachNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a dialog will be displayed when a record of this Record Type is saved, to confirm the record number. More...
bool ConfirmPreview [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the preview pane should display a confirmation message before automatically displaying a preview of the document. More...
ContainmentRule ContainerRule [get, set]
 Gets or sets a ContainmentRule enumerated value indicating the business rule for what is a suitable container for records of this type More...
ContainmentRule ContentsRule [get, set]
 Gets or sets a ContainmentRule enumerated value indicating the business rule for what sort of contents can be added to a container record of this type More...
GeneralExceptionHandling ContentsWithDifferentDisposal [get, set]
 Gets or sets a GeneralExceptionHandling enumerated value indicating how to deal with the situation when new contents get added to this container and it has a differant scheduled disposal type. More...
int DaysDue [get, set]
 Gets or sets an integer containing the number of days until due. If creating documents that require an action to be performed within a certain time period from the date of registration, set the value of this property to the number of business days that are to be calculated until the due date. This property is only activated when the RecordType.SetDueDateFromActions property is false, whereupon the Date Due field will operate independently of Action Tracking or Workflow. More...
JurisdictionDefaultJurisdiction [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default jurisdiction of this record type. A record type can either have a default jurisdiction or a default jurisdiction group. More...
RecordDefaultSeries [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default series record for any record created using this Record Type. The default series should be a valid series record, that is a record of a RecordType with UsualBehaviour 'bhSeries'. This property is only activated when the RecordType.WithinSeries property is set to 'true'. More...
RecordDisp Disposition [get, set]
 Gets or sets a rdRecordDisp enum value indicating the default disposition for records of this Record Type More...
bool DocumentProfilingAuthor [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document author as b_record% p_recAuthor% when auto profiles document. More...
bool DocumentProfilingComments [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document comments as b_record% p_recNotes% when auto profiles document. More...
bool DocumentProfilingDates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the the content of a document email should be examined for values for date created/modified. More...
bool DocumentProfilingGeography [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document geography as b_record% geography when auto profiles document. More...
bool DocumentProfilingKeyword [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to attach keywords to records based on the Tags metadata (Note that it will not create any new keywords). More...
bool DocumentProfilingNumberOfPages [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document number of pages as b_record% p_recNbrPages% when auto profiles document. More...
FieldDefinitionDocumentProfilingTagsAsField [get, set]
 Gets or sets a FieldDefinition object that will be used to store Tags obtained from the metadata of an electronic record. More...
AutoProfilingTitleOptions DocumentProfilingTitleOption [get, set]
 Gets or sets an enum value indicating where the b_record% p_recTitle% come from to when auto profiling documents (non-email). More...
int EditorReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the drafting process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders). More...
bool EmailProfilingContactMustExist [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the contact should be added if there is existing b_location% with matching email address. More...
int EmailProfilingMaxContacts [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating the max number of contacts to be created when auto profiles email message. This includes To: , Cc:, Bcc: recipients. More...
bool EmailProfilingSetAddressee [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email recipients as the b_record% addressees when auto profiles email message. More...
bool EmailProfilingSetAuthor [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email sender as the b_record% author when auto profiles email message. More...
bool EmailProfilingSetBcc [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email Cc: recipients as the b_record% Cc: contacts when auto profiles email message. More...
bool EmailProfilingSetCc [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email Cc: recipients as the b_record% Cc: contacts when auto profiles email message. More...
AutoProfilingTitleOptions EmailProfilingTitleOption [get, set]
 Gets or sets an enum value indicating where the b_record% title come from to when auto profiling email message. More...
bool EndUsersCanModify [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission can update record metadata if the record is not finalized. Users must have the Document Update permission. More...
EsoActionType EsoActionType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a esoActionType enumeration value indicating what type of action to perform on documents when they are selected for Inactive Record Management More...
bool EsoAllowEvents [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether documents can be moved to other storage by the event processor More...
EsoDateType EsoDateType [get, set]
 Gets or sets the date field used to select candidate documents for Inactive Record Management More...
bool EsoEnable [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether this record type support Electronic Inactive Record Management More...
int EsoMonths [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number of months to pass before a document is eligible for Inactive Record Management More...
ElectronicStoreEsoStoreUri [get, set]
 Gets or sets the electronic store an inactive document is moved to More...
int EsoYears [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number of years to pass before a document is eligible for Inactive Record Management More...
ElectronicStoreEStore [get, set]
 Gets or sets the ElectronicStore object used to store electronic attachments to records of this Record Type. More...
int ExtensionLimit [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number of days that should be used to limit extension of borrowing of physical records. When this value is set to a zero value, there is no extension allowed More...
string ExternalId [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the External Identification Number for this Record Type. This identifier cannot be changed through the Content Manager user interface and so guarantees your program a reliable handle to the record type aside from the URI. If this field contains a value and the Database.HideCustomRecordTypes property is set to true, then the whole record type will not be visible in the Content Manager user interface. More...
bool FinalisePreviousVersion [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the previous version should be set to final (meaning no more modifications may be made) upon creation of a new version for a record of this Record Type. Any old revisions of the finalized record may be automatically removed when this occurs by setting the RecordType.PurgePreviousVersion property to 'true'. More...
int FinalReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the finalization of a document (0 = don't issue reminders). More...
int FollowupReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a further reminder about completing an action in the review process (0 = don't issue reminders). More...
bool HideFreeTextTitle [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Free Text Title field should be suppressed on the Data Entry Form. This is used in conjunction with the Record.AllowBlankFreeTextTitle property and only becomes active when a blank Free Text Title is allowed. More...
bool HomeCanBeSpace [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type are allowed to have a home location within the Space Management System. More...
LocationHomeLocation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default home location for records of this Record Type. The home location is traditionally used to hold the storage location of a record. If this property does not have a value, the default Location set in Tools - System Options - Locations will be assigned. Note: This Location must not have a lower Security Profile than the Record Type. More...
ContainerSecurityHandling InsecureContainer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a csContainerSecurityHandling enum value indicating the behavior for a record of this Record Type if it becomes an insecure container. That is if records (documents) of a higher Security Level are enclosed in a container of this Record Type which has a lower Security Level. More...
DocumentSecurityHandling InsecureDocument [get, set]
 Gets or sets a dsDocumentSecurityHandling enum value indicating the behavior for a record of this Record Type if it becomes an insecure document. That is if records (documents) of this Record Type with a lower Security Level are enclosed in a container of a higher Security Level. More...
string LastNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the starting number for any new records created with this Record Type. This must be set to a value that matches the numbering pattern determined by the RecordType.NumberPattern property before this RecordType object can be saved. More...
int Level [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number (0-9) indicating the container level allocated to this Record Type. A record may only contain records of a lower level number. More...
int MaximumContents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating the maximum number of contained items that can be contained within records of this type ( 0 = no limit ). More...
int MaximumParts [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating the maximum number of parts that can be created for records of this type (0-999). More...
MediaTypes MediaType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a MediaTypes enumerated value to indicate the default media type for records of this record. More...
bool MoveWhenReadOnly [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users with no 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to move (change Assignee) records of this Record Type. More...
new string Name [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the name of this Record Type. More...
bool NeedsAuthorizationProcess [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating where records of this type should be subject to an authorization process before being finalized. More...
bool NeedsClassification [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type need to have a classification provided as part of the record creation process More...
bool NeedsReviewProcess [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating where records of this type should be subject to a review process before being finalized. More...
AutoPartRuleNewPartCreationRule [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default Automated Part Rule used by records of this Record Type which governs the automated closure and creation of new record parts based on predefined criteria. More...
NotesInsertStyles NotesInsertStyle [get, set]
 Gets or sets an niNotesInsertStyle enum value indicating how notes should be added to the notes field on records of this Record Type. The possible styles are: only at the top, only at the bottom, or either at the top or the bottom. More...
RecordTypeNumberFromType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a RecordType object whose numbering pattern and starting number this Record Type shares. More...
bool NumberingIsManual [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the numbering of records using this Record Type requires manual input. More...
NumberingMethods NumberMethod [get, set]
 Gets or sets an nmNumberingMethods enum value indicating whether records of this Record Type should be numbered by container, by a numbering pattern, or by copying the numbering pattern of another Record Type. To number based on Classification, include one of the characters 'P' or 'S' within the number pattern set via the RecordType.NumberPattern property. More...
string NumberPattern [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number pattern for this Record Type. It establishes the form of the record number for records created using this Record Type. The RecordType.LastNumber property must also be set before the RecordType can be saved.If the Record Type is to be numbered by classification, one of the characters 'P' or 'S' must be included within the number pattern. If the number pattern includes a 'P', (along with any of the alphabetic characters), the record number will be generated from the Record Numbering Pattern defined in the Classification.RecPattern property for this classification, and no RecordType.LastNumber property needs to be set. If it includes an 'S' (in which case some alphabetic and some numeric characters must also be specified within the number pattern), the record number will be generated in the usual way for record numbers, with the full classification level number replacing the 'S' character. For more information on the characters used to create a numbering pattern, refer to the Content Manager Help File. More...
OldVersionPurgeOptions OldVersionPurgeStyle [get, set]
 Gets or sets a oldVersionPurgeOptions enumeration value indicating whether old revisions of the previous version for records of this Record Type should be removed when the a new version is created upon creation of a new version. This property is activated when the RecordType.FinalizePreviousVersion is set to true. More...
LocationOwnerLocation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default owner location for records of this Record Type. The owner location traditionally has responsibility for a record. Only users that belong to the owner location of a record can initially set its access controls. Note: This Location must not have a lower Security Profile than the Record Type. More...
string PartSeparator [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string which separates the Record Number from the Part Number of any parts created for records of this Record Type. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property). More...
StorePoolPool [get, set]
 Gets or sets the StorePool object used to select the store for electronic attachments to records of this Record Type. Setting this property will clear the EStore property. More...
bool PreserveRevisions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to preserve all revisions of electronic documents associated with records of this type. More...
bool PreventDispChangeIfNoSchedule [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the record's disposition is prevented from being changed if it does not have an attached schedule. More...
PsoActionType PsoActionType [get, set]
 Gets or sets a psoActionType enumeration value indicating what type of action to perform on records when they are selected for Inactive Record Management More...
RecordTypePsoBoxRTY [get, set]
 Gets or sets the record type that will be used to create boxes during the inactive physical record management process More...
PsoDateType PsoDateType [get, set]
 Gets or sets the date field used to select physical candidate records for Inactive Record Management More...
bool PsoEnable [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether this record type support Inactive Record Management More...
int PsoMonths [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number of months to pass before a physical record is eligible for Inactive Record Management More...
LocationPsoNewHomeLoc [get, set]
 Gets or sets the new home location of a physical inactive record More...
int PsoYears [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number of years to pass before a physical record is eligible for Inactive Record Management More...
bool PurgePreviousVersion [get, set]
 You should use the oldversionPurgeStyle property instead. More...
bool ResetAtYearEnd [get, set]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether any automatic component of this Record Type's numbering pattern will restart at number one at the beginning of a new year. More...
bool RestrictExtractAndPrint [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean property indicating that finalized records of this type cannot be extracted or printed unless the user has the Extract sensitive documents permission. More...
ScheduleRetentionSchedule [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Schedule object which is the default Retention Schedule to be attached to new records of this Record Type. Setting a value for this property automatically sets the RecordType.UseRetention property to true. More...
int ReviewerReminderDays [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the review process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders). More...
bool ReviewersCanEdit [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether reviewers in the document review process are allowed to make changes to the document being reviewed. More...
RecordTypeSapContainerRecordType [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default Record Type to be used when creating containers for SAP documents. More...
bool SapCreateContact [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create contacts (for customer ID) when creating SAP documents. More...
bool SapCreateContainers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create containers (based on customer id/name) when creating SAP documents. More...
bool SapCreateCountries [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create a new jurisdiction if one is no found to match the supplied 'LAND1' SAP metadata value. More...
bool SapCreateCreatorLoc [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create a creator location when creating SAP documents. More...
bool SapForceDeleteDate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should override any existing retention schedule with a manual destruction date when using the delete date metadata. More...
string SapRepositoryId [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value indicating if this record type is the default for the specified SAP repository More...
string SapTitleTemplate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value for the title of SAP documents created for this record type. More...
string SapTitleTemplateKS [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value for the title of SAP documents created for this record type. This form is used after a call to DocumentKeysSet has been made for the new document. More...
bool SapUseCountryCode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should attach jurisdictions based on the SAP metadata property 'LAND1'. More...
bool SapUseDeleteDate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should set the manual destruction due date based on the SAP metadata property 'DEL_DATE'. More...
bool SecCompliant [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this record type implements SEC compliance rules. A record type is SEC compliant if it uses an SEC-Compliant document store. More...
bool SetDueDateFromActions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Record.DateDue property should be updated based on the current action (Action Tracking) of the Record. If set to false, the Date Due field will operate independently of any Actions associated with the record. More...
bool SetLastActionOnView [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the Last Action Date of a record should be updated when a document is viewed. More...
string SortOrder [get, set]
 Gets or sets an alphabetic string (up to 3 characters long) by which this Record Type is sorted within the Record Types list. This is helpful if there is a large number of Record Types and there is a preferred order in which they should be displayed to the user. When the string is empty, the Record Types will be sorted alphabetically by Record Type name. More...
WorkflowTemplateStartupTemplate [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default Workflow Template used to initiate a new workflow whenever a new record of this Record Type is created. More...
UseStoreType StoreType [get]
 Gets or sets a tsUseStoreType enum value indicating whether the record type will use the default electronic document store, the nominated store set in the RecordType.Store property, or not use a store at all (no electronic object support for this Record Type). More...
bool SuppressContentIndexing [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Content Manager should suppress document content indexing for records of this Record Type. Document content indexing enables the ability to search for records in Content Manager by words that occur inside the attached electronic documents. More...
TitlingMethods TitlingMethod [get, set]
 Gets or sets a tmTitlingMethod enum value indicating the default titling method for records of this Record Type. A record may be titled by: Free Text (default) in which there is no controlled list of values for the title the user sets; Classification in which record titles are created according to a hierarchical Classification system; Thesaurus (ISO Standard) in which titles are created according to a hierarchical word list of standard terms; Thesaurus (Descriptor) in which titles are created with any thesaurus terms, as long as the first term is a top term; or Client in which titles contain a Location name at the start of the title. More...
Icons TrimIconId [get, set]
 Gets or sets a number indicating the style of icon that will depict records of this type throughout Content Manager. More...
bool UseCensus [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type will be tracked during a census. The object of a Census is to create an accurate count of records assigned to a particular location during a defined date/time period. More...
bool UsePartNumber [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Record Type should use part numbering. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property). More...
bool UseRetention [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a Retention Schedule may be attached to records of this Record Type. More...
RecordBehaviour UsualBehaviour [get, set]
 Gets or sets a RecordBehaviour value determining the general behavior for records of this RecordType. You cannot change the behavior of an existing record type and it is preferable to use the appropriate RecordType constructor to specifify this property. A number of other properties will be automatically reset if you change this property. More...
bool VersionNumbering [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether version numbering should be used when creating new versions for records of this Record Type. A new version of a document is registered as a record in its own right with a link to its previous version. This is different from a revision, which gets attached to the same record. More...
bool WithinSeries [get, set]
 Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type should be placed within a series. The RecordType.DefaultSeries property is only activated upon setting this property to true. More...
XdmsSystem XdmsSystemName [get, set]
 Gets an XdmsSystem enumerated type describing the external document management system being allocated to this record type (only relevant for XdmsFolder and XdmsDocument behaviors only). More...
RecordTypeAutoSubFolders ChildAutoSubFolders [get]
 Get the list of Automatic Sub Folders More...
FieldDefinitionListUserFields [get]
 Gets a FieldDefinitionList that indicates which fields are being used with this record type. More...
FormDefinitionRecordPropertiesFormDefinition [get, set]
 Gets or sets the form definition used for editing records of this type. More...
TrimURIListReviewers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a list of locations representing the default reviewers of a document when using the Document Review feature More...
TrimURIListAuthorizers [get, set]
 Gets or sets a list of locations representing the default authorizers of a document when using the Document Review feature More...
TrimURIListContainerTypes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a list of record types representing the list of valid record types that can be containers of this record type. Use this with the ContainerRule value of ByList More...
TrimURIListContentsTypes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a list of record types representing the list of valid record types that can be contains of a container record of this record type. Use this with the ContentsRule value of ByList More...
LocationList Exclusions [get, set]
 Gets or sets a list of locations that have been specified as being excluded access to all records of this type due to conflicts of interest More...
bool CanModifyExistingNotes [get]
bool CanAddToNotes [get]
string Notes [get, set]
TrimSecurityProfileSecurityProfile [get, set]
TrimAccessControlListAccessControlList [get, set]
TrimAccessControlListDefaultAccessControlList [get, set]
TrimDateTime DateActiveFrom [get]
TrimDateTime DateActiveTo [get]
string ActiveDateRangeDescription [get]
bool IsActive [get]
TrimIcon CustomIcon [get, set]
Icons CustomIconInternal [get]
ExternalIconCustomIconExternal [get]
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimMainObject
TrimDateTime LastUpdatedOn [get]
 Returns the date and time that changes to this object were last committed. More...
LocationLastUpdatedBy [get]
 Returns the user that committed the most recent change to this object. More...
string Name [get]
 Gets a string name for this object which is a user-friendly way of displaying this object. For most TRIM objects the name is a unique string, although some times this is not the case (eg Location Names). More...
bool Verified [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object has been verified. That is, whether a call to the 'Verify' method has been made and has succeeded. More...
string WebURL [get]
bool IsInFavorites [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this object is in the current user's list of favorites More...
string UpdateComment [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value to be recorded with any audit entries related to the update of this object More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimObject
BaseObjectTypes TrimType [get]
 Gets a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating the type of this object. More...
TrimURI Uri [get]
 Gets the unique row identifier for this object. Once an object has been committed to the database, typically by calling a Save method, this unique identifier is allocated. From that time on, the uri will remain constant and can never be changed. It is always unique across all objects of the same Type. More...
string URN [get]
 Gets the uniform resource name for this object. More...
string NameString [get]
 Gets a string name for this object which is a user-friendly way of displaying this object. For most TRIM objects the name is a unique string, although some times this is not the case (eg Location Names). More...
string NameStringExtra [get]
 Gets a more verbose description of this object, particularly when the name is perhaps a little cryptic or not enough to fully describe the object. More...
bool IsReadOnly [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if this object is "ReadOnly". This would generally indicate that none of the object's properties could be modified, in some cases there are exceptions that can be tested via CanModifyProperty method. More...
bool PossiblyHasSubordinates [get]
 Indicates if this object could possibly have child objects of the same type that can be displayed in a hierarchy. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.TrimPropertySet
string ErrorMessage [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
TrimException Error [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
Database Database [get]
 Gets the TRIM Database object in which this object resides. All TRIM objects live within a particular TRIM database and cannot be created without one. More...
virtual string Caption [get]
 Gets the user-defined caption that has been associated with all TrimPropertySets of this type. More...
virtual TrimIcon Icon [get]
 Gets the icon value associated this TrimPropertySet. More...
bool IsModified [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating if any changes have been made to this object since it was first constructed, or last saved. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes
bool CanModifyExistingNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean parameter indicating whether the current user can modify the existing notes attached to this object. More...
bool CanAddToNotes [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current user can either append or prepend some text to the existing notes. More...
string Notes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string value corresponding to the notes attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimSecurity
TrimSecurityProfile SecurityProfile [get, set]
 Gets or sets the security profile attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControl
TrimAccessControlList AccessControlList [get, set]
 Gets or sets the access control list attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimAccessControlDefault
TrimAccessControlList DefaultAccessControlList [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default reference or copied access control list attached to this object. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates
TrimDateTime DateActiveFrom [get]
 Gets the TrimDateTime property corresponding to when this object first became active. If the returned value is blank, it indicates that the item has always been active (until the DateActiveTo value). More...
TrimDateTime DateActiveTo [get]
 Gets the TrimDateTime property corresponding to when this object first became active. If the returned value is blank, it indicates that the item has always been active (until the DateActiveTo value). More...
string ActiveDateRangeDescription [get]
 Gets a string describing the period during which this object was active. More...
bool IsActive [get]
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether this object is currently active. More...
- Properties inherited from TRIM.SDK.ITrimCustomIcon
TrimIcon CustomIcon [get, set]
 Gets or sets the custom icon associated with this object. More...
Icons CustomIconInternal [get]
 Gets the internal icon identifier if the custom icon is based on an internal icon. More...
ExternalIcon CustomIconExternal [get]
 Gets the external icon object if the custom icon associated with this object is an externally defined icon. More...

Detailed Description

This object represents a Record Type. A record type is required for the construction of a new record in Content Manager and the record type has a number of properties that determine behavior and default settings for records

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RecordType() [1/4]

TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RecordType ( Database  database,
TrimURI  uri 

◆ RecordType() [2/4]

TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RecordType ( Database  database,
string  name 

◆ RecordType() [3/4]

TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RecordType ( Database  database)

◆ RecordType() [4/4]

TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RecordType ( Database  inDatabase,
RecordBehaviour  initializeAs 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddToFavorites()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AddToFavorites ( )

Adds the object to the special user label called 'Favorites'

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ ApplyUserLabel()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ApplyUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToApply)

Creates a link between the nominated user label and this object.

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ CanContain()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CanContain ( RecordType  contentType)

Use this function to determine if a record of this type can act as a container for a record of the specified contentType. If it returns false, the ErrorMessage property will be set to provide extra information

◆ CanHaveContainer()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CanHaveContainer ( RecordType  containerType)

Use this function to determine if a record of this type can be contained within a container of the specified containerType. If it returns false, the ErrorMessage property will be set to provide extra information

◆ ChangePositionWithinFavorites()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ChangePositionWithinFavorites ( LabelPositionChange  positionChange)

Changes the position of this object within a users list of favorite objects of this type

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ ChangePositionWithinUserLabel()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ChangePositionWithinUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToChange,
LabelPositionChange  positionChange 

Changes the position of this object within a users list of objects that have been labeled with the specified user label

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ DetachUserLabel()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DetachUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToDetach)

Removes the link between the nominated user label and this object.

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ EnableAllActiveAuditEvents()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EnableAllActiveAuditEvents ( )

Turns on the the logging of all events within the active audit event log

◆ EnableOneActiveAuditEvent()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EnableOneActiveAuditEvent ( Events  activeAuditEventType,
bool  isEnabled 

Turns on or off the logging of the nominated event within the active audit event log

◆ IsActiveAuditEventEnabled()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.IsActiveAuditEventEnabled ( Events  activeAuditEventType)

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the nominated event should be logged in the active audit event log

◆ IsTaskVisible()

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.IsTaskVisible ( CommandIds  taskId)

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the nominated record task is visable in the user interface

◆ NewCopy()

RecordType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NewCopy ( )

Sets up a new record type by copying attributes of this record type

◆ RemoveFromFavorites()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RemoveFromFavorites ( )

Removes the object from the special user label called 'Favorites'

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimLabels.

◆ SetActiveDateRange()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetActiveDateRange ( TrimDateTime  validFromDate,
TrimDateTime  validToDate 

Sets the date range for which this object is active. Note that only the date component of the date and time is relevant for active date ranges.

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimActiveDates.

◆ SetNotes()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetNotes ( string  NewNotesText,
NotesUpdateType  TypeOfNotesUpdate 

Updates the notes attached to this object. Typically used when a new contibution is to be combined with the existing notes, as some users only have the privilige to add to the notes, rather than overwriting them.

Implements TRIM.SDK.ITrimNotes.

◆ SetTaskVisible()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetTaskVisible ( CommandIds  taskId,
bool  isVisible 

Sets the visiblity of the specified record task in the user interface

◆ SetUserFieldUsage()

void TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetUserFieldUsage ( FieldDefinition  userFieldToAddorRemove,
bool  usesThisField 

Update the list of field definitions that can be used with this record type.

Property Documentation

◆ AccessControlList

TrimAccessControlList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AccessControlList

◆ AccessExclusions

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AccessExclusions

Gets a string listing all the locations that have been specifically excluded from accessing records of this type using the Exclusions feature.

◆ AcknowledgeRequests

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AcknowledgeRequests

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether requestors of records of this type need to acknowledge the receipt of the requested record before the request is consider complete. Only applies to delivery requests.

◆ Action

ActionDef? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Action

Assigned Action

◆ ActiveDateRangeDescription

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ActiveDateRangeDescription

◆ AddContentsWhenClosed

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AddContentsWhenClosed

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether non-administrators can add contents to container of this type once the container has been closed.

◆ AllowBlankFreeTextTitle

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AllowBlankFreeTextTitle

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Free Text Title field component may be left blank. This property is only active when a structured Titling method is used (Classification, Thesaurus or Client titling methods).

◆ AllowMultipleExtensions

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AllowMultipleExtensions

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type can have the borrowing return date extended multiple times

◆ AllowParts

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AllowParts

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating if this RecordType allows the creation of part relationships between Records. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property).

◆ AllowReplace

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AllowReplace

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be allowed to return Electronic Documents, replacing existing copies of the document.

◆ AllowVersions

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AllowVersions

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be allowed to return Electronic Documents as new revisions, thereby retaining a history of all changes to the document. Note: This property does not allow or disallow versions. To control the creation of versions, the menu item (or task) 'New Version' must be enabled/disabled for this Record Type.

◆ AlwaysAuditSecurityBreaches

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AlwaysAuditSecurityBreaches

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether events that are security breaches should always be logged to the online audit log

◆ AnnotateOnly

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AnnotateOnly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Record Administration' will be prevented from overwriting existing notes (annotations only allowed).

◆ AnnotateWhenReadOnly

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AnnotateWhenReadOnly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to annotate the notes for records of this Record Type.

◆ Assignee

Location? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Assignee

Gets or sets the default assignee location for records of this Record Type. The assignee location is traditionally used to hold the current location of a record.

◆ AuditCreateEventsOffline

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AuditCreateEventsOffline

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is created, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log.

◆ AuditDeleteEventsOffline

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AuditDeleteEventsOffline

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is deleted, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log.

◆ AuditModifyEventsOffline

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AuditModifyEventsOffline

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when a record of this type is modified, there should be an entry added to the offline audit log.

◆ AuthorizationMethod

AuthorizationMethods TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AuthorizationMethod

Gets or sets an AuthorizationMethods enumerated value indicating how documents should be authorized.

◆ AuthorizerReminderDays

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AuthorizerReminderDays

Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the authorization process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders).

◆ Authorizers

TrimURIList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Authorizers

Gets or sets a list of locations representing the default authorizers of a document when using the Document Review feature

◆ AutoFinalize

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AutoFinalize

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically declare this record as final once the electronic document is attached.

◆ AutoRenderOCR

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AutoRenderOCR

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new image documents to text using the rendering event processor.

◆ AutoRenderPDF

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.AutoRenderPDF

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to automatically convert new documents to PDF using the rendering event processor.

◆ BasicMetadataOnly

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.BasicMetadataOnly

Gets a boolean property indicating that this record type is used for records which only have basic metadata. This is determined by the UsualBehaviour property and excludes metadata such as home location, assignee, actions, requests, workflow, contacts, relationships and revisions.

◆ BelongsToAMatter

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.BelongsToAMatter

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type need to be associated with a matter before being created.

◆ BorrowingLimit

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.BorrowingLimit

Gets or sets a number of days that should be used to limit borrowing of physical records. When this value is set to a non-zero value, whenever a record is moved from its home location, a due for return date is calculated based on the number of days specified for the borrowing limit

◆ CanAddToNotes

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CanAddToNotes

◆ CanHaveSharePointItems

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CanHaveSharePointItems

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type can be SharePoint List Item records, as designated by the Content Manager SharePoint Integration.

◆ CanModifyExistingNotes

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CanModifyExistingNotes

◆ ChangeTitleWhenReadOnly

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ChangeTitleWhenReadOnly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to change the free text title for records of this Record Type.

◆ CheckDuplicateTitles

GeneralExceptionHandling TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CheckDuplicateTitles

Gets or sets a geGeneralExceptionHandling enum value indicating how Content Manager should behave upon saving a record of this record type with a title that has already been used for another record. Note: Checking for Duplicate Titles only occurs if the records Indexing Event has been processed.

◆ ChildAutoSubFolders

RecordTypeAutoSubFolders TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ChildAutoSubFolders

Get the list of Automatic Sub Folders

◆ Classification

Classification? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Classification

Gets or sets a classification that is the starting point for any classification attached to records of this Record Type. If the ClassificationMandatory property is set to true, all Records must be within this Classification.

◆ ClassificationMandatory

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ClassificationMandatory

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users will be forced to create records of this Record Type within the starting classification held in the Classification property. This property is enabled only when the Record Type has a starting classification.

◆ ClassOfRecord

RecordClass TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ClassOfRecord

Gets or sets an rcRecordClass enum value indicating the default Record Class for records of this Record Type. A Record may be categorised as either Vital, Corporate (default value), Workgroup, Personal, Reference or Temporary.

◆ CompressPartNumber

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CompressPartNumber

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Part Number will be compressed (displayed without any leading zeros). (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property).

◆ ConfirmEachNumber

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ConfirmEachNumber

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a dialog will be displayed when a record of this Record Type is saved, to confirm the record number.

◆ ConfirmPreview

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ConfirmPreview

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the preview pane should display a confirmation message before automatically displaying a preview of the document.

◆ ContainerRule

ContainmentRule TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ContainerRule

Gets or sets a ContainmentRule enumerated value indicating the business rule for what is a suitable container for records of this type

◆ ContainerTypes

TrimURIList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ContainerTypes

Gets or sets a list of record types representing the list of valid record types that can be containers of this record type. Use this with the ContainerRule value of ByList

◆ ContentsRule

ContainmentRule TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ContentsRule

Gets or sets a ContainmentRule enumerated value indicating the business rule for what sort of contents can be added to a container record of this type

◆ ContentsTypes

TrimURIList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ContentsTypes

Gets or sets a list of record types representing the list of valid record types that can be contains of a container record of this record type. Use this with the ContentsRule value of ByList

◆ ContentsWithDifferentDisposal

GeneralExceptionHandling TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ContentsWithDifferentDisposal

Gets or sets a GeneralExceptionHandling enumerated value indicating how to deal with the situation when new contents get added to this container and it has a differant scheduled disposal type.

◆ CustomIcon

TrimIcon TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CustomIcon

◆ CustomIconExternal

ExternalIcon? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CustomIconExternal

◆ CustomIconInternal

Icons TRIM.SDK.RecordType.CustomIconInternal

◆ DateActiveFrom

TrimDateTime TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DateActiveFrom

◆ DateActiveTo

TrimDateTime TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DateActiveTo

◆ DaysDue

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DaysDue

Gets or sets an integer containing the number of days until due. If creating documents that require an action to be performed within a certain time period from the date of registration, set the value of this property to the number of business days that are to be calculated until the due date. This property is only activated when the RecordType.SetDueDateFromActions property is false, whereupon the Date Due field will operate independently of Action Tracking or Workflow.

◆ DefaultAccessControlList

TrimAccessControlList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DefaultAccessControlList

◆ DefaultJurisdiction

Jurisdiction? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DefaultJurisdiction

Gets or sets the default jurisdiction of this record type. A record type can either have a default jurisdiction or a default jurisdiction group.

◆ DefaultSeries

Record? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DefaultSeries

Gets or sets the default series record for any record created using this Record Type. The default series should be a valid series record, that is a record of a RecordType with UsualBehaviour 'bhSeries'. This property is only activated when the RecordType.WithinSeries property is set to 'true'.

◆ Disposition

RecordDisp TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Disposition

Gets or sets a rdRecordDisp enum value indicating the default disposition for records of this Record Type

◆ DocumentProfilingAuthor

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingAuthor

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document author as b_record% p_recAuthor% when auto profiles document.

◆ DocumentProfilingComments

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingComments

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document comments as b_record% p_recNotes% when auto profiles document.

◆ DocumentProfilingDates

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingDates

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the the content of a document email should be examined for values for date created/modified.

◆ DocumentProfilingGeography

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingGeography

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document geography as b_record% geography when auto profiles document.

◆ DocumentProfilingKeyword

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingKeyword

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to attach keywords to records based on the Tags metadata (Note that it will not create any new keywords).

◆ DocumentProfilingNumberOfPages

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingNumberOfPages

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set the document number of pages as b_record% p_recNbrPages% when auto profiles document.

◆ DocumentProfilingTagsAsField

FieldDefinition? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingTagsAsField

Gets or sets a FieldDefinition object that will be used to store Tags obtained from the metadata of an electronic record.

◆ DocumentProfilingTitleOption

AutoProfilingTitleOptions TRIM.SDK.RecordType.DocumentProfilingTitleOption

Gets or sets an enum value indicating where the b_record% p_recTitle% come from to when auto profiling documents (non-email).

◆ EditorReminderDays

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EditorReminderDays

Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the drafting process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders).

◆ EmailProfilingContactMustExist

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingContactMustExist

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the contact should be added if there is existing b_location% with matching email address.

◆ EmailProfilingMaxContacts

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingMaxContacts

Gets or sets a number value indicating the max number of contacts to be created when auto profiles email message. This includes To: , Cc:, Bcc: recipients.

◆ EmailProfilingSetAddressee

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingSetAddressee

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email recipients as the b_record% addressees when auto profiles email message.

◆ EmailProfilingSetAuthor

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingSetAuthor

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email sender as the b_record% author when auto profiles email message.

◆ EmailProfilingSetBcc

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingSetBcc

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email Cc: recipients as the b_record% Cc: contacts when auto profiles email message.

◆ EmailProfilingSetCc

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingSetCc

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to set email Cc: recipients as the b_record% Cc: contacts when auto profiles email message.

◆ EmailProfilingTitleOption

AutoProfilingTitleOptions TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EmailProfilingTitleOption

Gets or sets an enum value indicating where the b_record% title come from to when auto profiling email message.

◆ EndUsersCanModify

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EndUsersCanModify

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether users without 'Modify Record' permission can update record metadata if the record is not finalized. Users must have the Document Update permission.

◆ EsoActionType

EsoActionType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoActionType

Gets or sets a esoActionType enumeration value indicating what type of action to perform on documents when they are selected for Inactive Record Management

◆ EsoAllowEvents

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoAllowEvents

Gets or sets whether documents can be moved to other storage by the event processor

◆ EsoDateType

EsoDateType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoDateType

Gets or sets the date field used to select candidate documents for Inactive Record Management

◆ EsoEnable

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoEnable

Gets or sets whether this record type support Electronic Inactive Record Management

◆ EsoMonths

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoMonths

Gets or sets the number of months to pass before a document is eligible for Inactive Record Management

◆ EsoStoreUri

ElectronicStore? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoStoreUri

Gets or sets the electronic store an inactive document is moved to

◆ EsoYears

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EsoYears

Gets or sets the number of years to pass before a document is eligible for Inactive Record Management

◆ EStore

ElectronicStore? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.EStore

Gets or sets the ElectronicStore object used to store electronic attachments to records of this Record Type.

◆ Exclusions

LocationList TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Exclusions

Gets or sets a list of locations that have been specified as being excluded access to all records of this type due to conflicts of interest

◆ ExtensionLimit

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ExtensionLimit

Gets or sets a number of days that should be used to limit extension of borrowing of physical records. When this value is set to a zero value, there is no extension allowed

◆ ExternalId

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ExternalId

Gets or sets a string containing the External Identification Number for this Record Type. This identifier cannot be changed through the Content Manager user interface and so guarantees your program a reliable handle to the record type aside from the URI. If this field contains a value and the Database.HideCustomRecordTypes property is set to true, then the whole record type will not be visible in the Content Manager user interface.

◆ FinalisePreviousVersion

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.FinalisePreviousVersion

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the previous version should be set to final (meaning no more modifications may be made) upon creation of a new version for a record of this Record Type. Any old revisions of the finalized record may be automatically removed when this occurs by setting the RecordType.PurgePreviousVersion property to 'true'.

◆ FinalReminderDays

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.FinalReminderDays

Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the finalization of a document (0 = don't issue reminders).

◆ FollowupReminderDays

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.FollowupReminderDays

Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a further reminder about completing an action in the review process (0 = don't issue reminders).

◆ HideFreeTextTitle

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.HideFreeTextTitle

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Free Text Title field should be suppressed on the Data Entry Form. This is used in conjunction with the Record.AllowBlankFreeTextTitle property and only becomes active when a blank Free Text Title is allowed.

◆ HomeCanBeSpace

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.HomeCanBeSpace

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type are allowed to have a home location within the Space Management System.

◆ HomeLocation

Location? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.HomeLocation

Gets or sets the default home location for records of this Record Type. The home location is traditionally used to hold the storage location of a record. If this property does not have a value, the default Location set in Tools - System Options - Locations will be assigned. Note: This Location must not have a lower Security Profile than the Record Type.

◆ InsecureContainer

ContainerSecurityHandling TRIM.SDK.RecordType.InsecureContainer

Gets or sets a csContainerSecurityHandling enum value indicating the behavior for a record of this Record Type if it becomes an insecure container. That is if records (documents) of a higher Security Level are enclosed in a container of this Record Type which has a lower Security Level.

◆ InsecureDocument

DocumentSecurityHandling TRIM.SDK.RecordType.InsecureDocument

Gets or sets a dsDocumentSecurityHandling enum value indicating the behavior for a record of this Record Type if it becomes an insecure document. That is if records (documents) of this Record Type with a lower Security Level are enclosed in a container of a higher Security Level.

◆ IsActive

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.IsActive

◆ LastNumber

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.LastNumber

Gets or sets a string containing the starting number for any new records created with this Record Type. This must be set to a value that matches the numbering pattern determined by the RecordType.NumberPattern property before this RecordType object can be saved.

◆ Level

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Level

Gets or sets a number (0-9) indicating the container level allocated to this Record Type. A record may only contain records of a lower level number.

◆ MaximumContents

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.MaximumContents

Gets or sets a number indicating the maximum number of contained items that can be contained within records of this type ( 0 = no limit ).

◆ MaximumParts

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.MaximumParts

Gets or sets a number value indicating the maximum number of parts that can be created for records of this type (0-999).

◆ MediaType

MediaTypes TRIM.SDK.RecordType.MediaType

Gets or sets a MediaTypes enumerated value to indicate the default media type for records of this record.

◆ MoveWhenReadOnly

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.MoveWhenReadOnly

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether users with no 'Modify Record' permission are allowed to move (change Assignee) records of this Record Type.

◆ Name

new string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Name

Gets or sets a string containing the name of this Record Type.

◆ NeedsAuthorizationProcess

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NeedsAuthorizationProcess

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating where records of this type should be subject to an authorization process before being finalized.

◆ NeedsClassification

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NeedsClassification

Gets a boolean value indicating whether records of this type need to have a classification provided as part of the record creation process

◆ NeedsReviewProcess

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NeedsReviewProcess

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating where records of this type should be subject to a review process before being finalized.

◆ NewPartCreationRule

AutoPartRule? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NewPartCreationRule

Gets or sets the default Automated Part Rule used by records of this Record Type which governs the automated closure and creation of new record parts based on predefined criteria.

◆ Notes

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Notes

◆ NotesInsertStyle

NotesInsertStyles TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NotesInsertStyle

Gets or sets an niNotesInsertStyle enum value indicating how notes should be added to the notes field on records of this Record Type. The possible styles are: only at the top, only at the bottom, or either at the top or the bottom.

◆ NumberFromType

RecordType? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NumberFromType

Gets or sets a RecordType object whose numbering pattern and starting number this Record Type shares.

◆ NumberingIsManual

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NumberingIsManual

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the numbering of records using this Record Type requires manual input.

◆ NumberMethod

NumberingMethods TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NumberMethod

Gets or sets an nmNumberingMethods enum value indicating whether records of this Record Type should be numbered by container, by a numbering pattern, or by copying the numbering pattern of another Record Type. To number based on Classification, include one of the characters 'P' or 'S' within the number pattern set via the RecordType.NumberPattern property.

◆ NumberPattern

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.NumberPattern

Gets or sets the number pattern for this Record Type. It establishes the form of the record number for records created using this Record Type. The RecordType.LastNumber property must also be set before the RecordType can be saved.If the Record Type is to be numbered by classification, one of the characters 'P' or 'S' must be included within the number pattern. If the number pattern includes a 'P', (along with any of the alphabetic characters), the record number will be generated from the Record Numbering Pattern defined in the Classification.RecPattern property for this classification, and no RecordType.LastNumber property needs to be set. If it includes an 'S' (in which case some alphabetic and some numeric characters must also be specified within the number pattern), the record number will be generated in the usual way for record numbers, with the full classification level number replacing the 'S' character. For more information on the characters used to create a numbering pattern, refer to the Content Manager Help File.

◆ OldVersionPurgeStyle

OldVersionPurgeOptions TRIM.SDK.RecordType.OldVersionPurgeStyle

Gets or sets a oldVersionPurgeOptions enumeration value indicating whether old revisions of the previous version for records of this Record Type should be removed when the a new version is created upon creation of a new version. This property is activated when the RecordType.FinalizePreviousVersion is set to true.

◆ OwnerLocation

Location? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.OwnerLocation

Gets or sets the default owner location for records of this Record Type. The owner location traditionally has responsibility for a record. Only users that belong to the owner location of a record can initially set its access controls. Note: This Location must not have a lower Security Profile than the Record Type.

◆ PartSeparator

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PartSeparator

Gets or sets a string which separates the Record Number from the Part Number of any parts created for records of this Record Type. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property).

◆ Pool

StorePool? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Pool

Gets or sets the StorePool object used to select the store for electronic attachments to records of this Record Type. Setting this property will clear the EStore property.

◆ PreserveRevisions

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PreserveRevisions

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to preserve all revisions of electronic documents associated with records of this type.

◆ PreventDispChangeIfNoSchedule

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PreventDispChangeIfNoSchedule

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the record's disposition is prevented from being changed if it does not have an attached schedule.

◆ PsoActionType

PsoActionType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoActionType

Gets or sets a psoActionType enumeration value indicating what type of action to perform on records when they are selected for Inactive Record Management

◆ PsoBoxRTY

RecordType? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoBoxRTY

Gets or sets the record type that will be used to create boxes during the inactive physical record management process

◆ PsoDateType

PsoDateType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoDateType

Gets or sets the date field used to select physical candidate records for Inactive Record Management

◆ PsoEnable

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoEnable

Gets or sets whether this record type support Inactive Record Management

◆ PsoMonths

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoMonths

Gets or sets the number of months to pass before a physical record is eligible for Inactive Record Management

◆ PsoNewHomeLoc

Location? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoNewHomeLoc

Gets or sets the new home location of a physical inactive record

◆ PsoYears

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PsoYears

Gets or sets the number of years to pass before a physical record is eligible for Inactive Record Management

◆ PurgePreviousVersion

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.PurgePreviousVersion

You should use the oldversionPurgeStyle property instead.

◆ RecordPropertiesFormDefinition

FormDefinition? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RecordPropertiesFormDefinition

Gets or sets the form definition used for editing records of this type.

◆ ResetAtYearEnd

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ResetAtYearEnd

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether any automatic component of this Record Type's numbering pattern will restart at number one at the beginning of a new year.

◆ RestrictExtractAndPrint

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RestrictExtractAndPrint

Gets or sets a boolean property indicating that finalized records of this type cannot be extracted or printed unless the user has the Extract sensitive documents permission.

◆ RetentionSchedule

Schedule? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.RetentionSchedule

Gets or sets the Schedule object which is the default Retention Schedule to be attached to new records of this Record Type. Setting a value for this property automatically sets the RecordType.UseRetention property to true.

◆ ReviewerReminderDays

int TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ReviewerReminderDays

Gets or sets a number value indicating how many days should pass before sending a reminder about completing the review process for a document (0 = don't issue reminders).

◆ Reviewers

TrimURIList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.Reviewers

Gets or sets a list of locations representing the default reviewers of a document when using the Document Review feature

◆ ReviewersCanEdit

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.ReviewersCanEdit

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether reviewers in the document review process are allowed to make changes to the document being reviewed.

◆ SapContainerRecordType

RecordType? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapContainerRecordType

Gets or sets the default Record Type to be used when creating containers for SAP documents.

◆ SapCreateContact

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapCreateContact

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create contacts (for customer ID) when creating SAP documents.

◆ SapCreateContainers

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapCreateContainers

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create containers (based on customer id/name) when creating SAP documents.

◆ SapCreateCountries

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapCreateCountries

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create a new jurisdiction if one is no found to match the supplied 'LAND1' SAP metadata value.

◆ SapCreateCreatorLoc

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapCreateCreatorLoc

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should create a creator location when creating SAP documents.

◆ SapForceDeleteDate

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapForceDeleteDate

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should override any existing retention schedule with a manual destruction date when using the delete date metadata.

◆ SapRepositoryId

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapRepositoryId

Gets or sets a string value indicating if this record type is the default for the specified SAP repository

◆ SapTitleTemplate

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapTitleTemplate

Gets or sets a string value for the title of SAP documents created for this record type.

◆ SapTitleTemplateKS

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapTitleTemplateKS

Gets or sets a string value for the title of SAP documents created for this record type. This form is used after a call to DocumentKeysSet has been made for the new document.

◆ SapUseCountryCode

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapUseCountryCode

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should attach jurisdictions based on the SAP metadata property 'LAND1'.

◆ SapUseDeleteDate

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SapUseDeleteDate

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the SAP interface should set the manual destruction due date based on the SAP metadata property 'DEL_DATE'.

◆ SecCompliant

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SecCompliant

Gets a boolean value indicating whether this record type implements SEC compliance rules. A record type is SEC compliant if it uses an SEC-Compliant document store.

◆ SecurityProfile

TrimSecurityProfile? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SecurityProfile

◆ SetDueDateFromActions

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetDueDateFromActions

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the Record.DateDue property should be updated based on the current action (Action Tracking) of the Record. If set to false, the Date Due field will operate independently of any Actions associated with the record.

◆ SetLastActionOnView

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SetLastActionOnView

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the Last Action Date of a record should be updated when a document is viewed.

◆ SortOrder

string TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SortOrder

Gets or sets an alphabetic string (up to 3 characters long) by which this Record Type is sorted within the Record Types list. This is helpful if there is a large number of Record Types and there is a preferred order in which they should be displayed to the user. When the string is empty, the Record Types will be sorted alphabetically by Record Type name.

◆ StartupTemplate

WorkflowTemplate? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.StartupTemplate

Gets or sets the default Workflow Template used to initiate a new workflow whenever a new record of this Record Type is created.

◆ StoreType

UseStoreType TRIM.SDK.RecordType.StoreType

Gets or sets a tsUseStoreType enum value indicating whether the record type will use the default electronic document store, the nominated store set in the RecordType.Store property, or not use a store at all (no electronic object support for this Record Type).

◆ SuppressContentIndexing

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.SuppressContentIndexing

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether Content Manager should suppress document content indexing for records of this Record Type. Document content indexing enables the ability to search for records in Content Manager by words that occur inside the attached electronic documents.

◆ TitlingMethod

TitlingMethods TRIM.SDK.RecordType.TitlingMethod

Gets or sets a tmTitlingMethod enum value indicating the default titling method for records of this Record Type. A record may be titled by: Free Text (default) in which there is no controlled list of values for the title the user sets; Classification in which record titles are created according to a hierarchical Classification system; Thesaurus (ISO Standard) in which titles are created according to a hierarchical word list of standard terms; Thesaurus (Descriptor) in which titles are created with any thesaurus terms, as long as the first term is a top term; or Client in which titles contain a Location name at the start of the title.

◆ TrimIconId

Icons TRIM.SDK.RecordType.TrimIconId

Gets or sets a number indicating the style of icon that will depict records of this type throughout Content Manager.

◆ UseCensus

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.UseCensus

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type will be tracked during a census. The object of a Census is to create an accurate count of records assigned to a particular location during a defined date/time period.

◆ UsePartNumber

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.UsePartNumber

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether this Record Type should use part numbering. (Note for COM developers, use the SetPartNumberingDetails method to set the value of this property).

◆ UseRetention

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.UseRetention

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a Retention Schedule may be attached to records of this Record Type.

◆ UserFields

FieldDefinitionList? TRIM.SDK.RecordType.UserFields

Gets a FieldDefinitionList that indicates which fields are being used with this record type.

◆ UsualBehaviour

RecordBehaviour TRIM.SDK.RecordType.UsualBehaviour

Gets or sets a RecordBehaviour value determining the general behavior for records of this RecordType. You cannot change the behavior of an existing record type and it is preferable to use the appropriate RecordType constructor to specifify this property. A number of other properties will be automatically reset if you change this property.

◆ VersionNumbering

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.VersionNumbering

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether version numbering should be used when creating new versions for records of this Record Type. A new version of a document is registered as a record in its own right with a link to its previous version. This is different from a revision, which gets attached to the same record.

◆ WithinSeries

bool TRIM.SDK.RecordType.WithinSeries

Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether records of this Record Type should be placed within a series. The RecordType.DefaultSeries property is only activated upon setting this property to true.

◆ XdmsSystemName

XdmsSystem TRIM.SDK.RecordType.XdmsSystemName

Gets an XdmsSystem enumerated type describing the external document management system being allocated to this record type (only relevant for XdmsFolder and XdmsDocument behaviors only).