▼NHP | |
►NSDK | |
CActionDef | Defines characteristics of a task/function that can be assigned to a Record |
CActionDefStep | Defines how individual action definitions can be grouped to perform a sequential procedure |
CActionDefSteps | A collection of Action Steps |
CActivity | An activity is the fundamental element of a workflow, and represents a unit of work to be performed by an action officer, usually within a defined time period |
CActivityAuthorization | Allows you to define the locations responsible for finally authorizing that the activity has been completed |
CActivityAuthorizations | A collection of Authorizations |
CActivityDocument | Represents a document that is used by this activity |
CActivityDocuments | A collection of Documents |
CActivityEmailRecipient | Allows you to define the locations that will be cc'd on email that is sent to assignees by the workflow email processor |
CActivityEmailRecipients | A collection of Email Recipients |
CActivityEscalation | Allows you define a process of escalating the responsibility for completing this activity |
CActivityEscalations | A collection of Escalations |
CActivityResult | Represents the possible outcomes of performing this activity |
CActivityResults | A collection of Results |
CActivityStartCondition | Represents a conditions that needs to be satisfied before this activity can start (usually the completion of a 'predecessor' activity |
CActivityStartConditions | A collection of Start Conditions |
CAgendaItem | A submission made to be included in the agenda of a meeting |
CAgendaItemAttachment | A trim object(eg record, location) that has been attached to an agenda item for consideration/explanation/reference, etc |
CAgendaItemAttachments | A collection of Agenda Item Attachments |
CAgendaItemType | A template for generation of specific agenda items to be included in the agenda of a meeting |
CAgendaItemTypeAttachment | A placeholder indicating a relationship with a record or location and agenda items of this type, (eg 'Builder', 'Application Form') |
CAgendaItemTypeAttachments | A collection of Agenda Item Type Attachment |
CAlert | Defines an email alert that has been requested by a user (e.g. when a document is placed on a particular folder) |
CAlertSubscriber | List of all the people wishing to receive an email when this alert is satisfied |
CAlertSubscribers | A collection of Alert Subscribers |
CAutoPartRule | Defines a set of rules for the automated generation of new parts of |
CBlockedSearchMethodsUserOptions | Blocked Search Methods|Search Methods that are hidden from normal user-interface (BlockedSearchMethodsUserOptions) |
CBulkDataLoader | The BulkDataLoader object is designed to provide a high-performance method of loading records (and a few other associated things) into a TRIM database. The intention is to run this component inside a WorkgroupServer to avoid network RCF calls, and also to allow us to run at the sort of privilege where we can use the inherent DBMS bulk loading tools, etc. |
CCensus | The census object keeps track of census activities performed for a certain location |
CClassification | A subject or functional entry used to classify (and possibly affect behaviour of) a set of Records |
CClassificationSapBusinessObject | A link between an SAP Business Object and a HPE Records Manager Classification |
CClassificationSapBusinessObjects | A collection of SAP Business Object Links |
CClassifiedSecurity | The ClassifiedSecurity class is used when implementing the US DoD Classified Security standard. It is necessary to manage all updates to a Record's Security Classification using this class, rather than the TrimSecurityProfile class, to comply with the US DoD standard. Classified Security extends a normal security by classification by scheduling declassification and downgrading events |
CCommandDef | CommandDef : This class encapsulates a command that can be executed against a TRIM base objects. It can be used to determine if a command is enabled for an object, and there are also some localised command string and icons that can be useful. |
►CCommandDefList | |
CCommandDefListEnumerator | |
CCommunication | A communication represents the transmission of a record from one or more locations to one or more locations (e.g. a registered receipt) |
CCommunicationDetail | Describes one of the Locations involved in the parent communication |
CCommunicationDetails | A collection of Communication Details |
CConsignment | Describes a consignment that is used to perform disposal actions on one or more Records |
CConsignmentApprover | Defines the subject-matter approval requirements and processing for a record within a consignment |
CConsignmentIssue | Represents an issued detected by the system when examining the suitability of a record for disposal processing within a consignment |
CDatabase | The Database object is the first object that must be created when using the TRIM SDK. All other objects in the SDK are dependent upon this object – they cannot be created independently. The Database object is responsible for making a connection to a TRIM database and for creating all SDK objects that are to be used by the client |
►CDatabaseList | |
CDatabaseListEnumerator | |
CDatasetConfiguration | The DatasetConfiguration object manages a local configuration containing a list of datasets available for a user to select. |
CDesktopHelper | |
CDigitalSignatureTool | |
CDocStoreEnumerator | ApiDocStoreEnumerator |
CDocumentInfo | ApiDocumentInfo |
CDocumentQueue | Defines a location for electronic documents that are to be transferred into HPE Records Manager |
CDocumentStore | ApiDocumentStore |
CDocumentStream | This class allows a document to be extracted as a stream, regardless of whether the document is in the local document cache or not. Calling GetAvailableData() repeatededly, until Done() returns false, gives access to the bytes of the document as they become available. |
CDownloadNotifier | |
CDownloadNotifierBase | |
CDroppedFilesUserOptions | Dropped Documents|Defaults when a document is dropped onto HPE Records Manager (DroppedFilesUserOptions) |
CDroppedFoldersUserOptions | Dropped Folders|Filtering for dropped folders (DroppedFoldersUserOptions) |
CElectronicStore | Defines settings for a place to store electronic documents |
CEmailAttachment | A helper class that encapsulates a sender or recipient of a mail message |
►CEmailAttachmentList | |
CEmailAttachmentListEnumerator | |
CEmailingRecordsUserOptions | Emailing Records|Defaults for sending Records via email (EmailingRecordsUserOptions) |
CEmailLink | An email link is a place where users can drop email messages for filing into HPE Records Manager |
CEmailParticipant | A helper class that encapsulates a sender or recipient of a mail message |
►CEmailParticipantList | |
CEmailParticipantListEnumerator | |
CEmailUserOptions | Email|Sending email settings (EmailUserOptions) |
CEnum | A helper class that allows you to iterate through enum item values and access captions for them. |
CEnumItem | A helper class that allows you to iterate through enum item values and access captions for them. |
►CEnumItemList | |
CEnumItemListEnumerator | |
►CEnumList | |
CEnumListEnumerator | |
CExtractDocument | A helper class that encapsulates the process of extracting a document attached to a Trim object. |
CFieldDefinition | Defines characteristics of a user-defined metadata element that can be used to supplement standard HPE Records Manager data elements for some objects |
►CFieldDefinitionList | |
CFieldDefinitionListEnumerator | |
CFormDefinition | This class defines a generic layout of a data entry form that can be used to drive a web-based data entry application |
CHistory | Stores historical information about events that have happened to Records, primarily for audit purposes |
CHold | Describes a restriction that may be could be applied to one or more Records, usually related to ongoing legal action |
CHtmlLayout | A template used in determining the format of a web publication |
CHwnd | |
CInputDocument | A helper class that encapsulates a document that is to be attached to a TRIM object. |
CIntegrationUserOptions | Integration|Defaults when integrating with desktop applications (IntegrationUserOptions) |
►CIntList | |
CIntListEnumerator | |
CITrimAccessControl | Allows you to retrieve and update the access control list associated with this Trim Main Object |
CITrimAccessControlDefault | Allows you to retrieve and update the referenced or copied access control list associated with this Trim Main Object |
CITrimActiveDates | Allows you to get and set the range of dates for which a particular object is active) |
CITrimAddIn | The TrimAddIn interface is defined so that SDK developers can develop a class that implements this interface. The class can then be registered with TRIM to support customising a number of elements of TRIM behavior. Note that your class must not require any constructor parameters. |
CITrimAddInBase | |
CITrimDocument | Allows you to access attach, detach and extract a document associated with a Trim object |
CITrimLabels | Allows you to attach or detach a label to a Trim object |
CITrimNotes | Allows you to retrieve and set the notes associated with a Trim Object |
CITrimSecurity | Allows you to retrieve and update the security profile associated with this Trim Main Object |
CITrimUserFields | Allows you to retrieve and set values for user-defined fields associated with a Trim Object |
CJurisdiction | A jurisdiction is a legal entity that has the power to compel an organization to retain its records in a particular manner |
CJurisdictionMember | Represents a Jurisdiction which is a member of the parent Jurisdiction |
CJurisdictionMembers | A collection of Member Jurisdictions |
CKeyword | An individual term within the HPE Records Manager thesaurus, used to provide a controlled terminology with which to index Records |
CLocaleUserOptions | Language|Language and other regional settings (LocaleUserOptions) |
CLocation | The Location object is the second most important object in the HP Records Object Model. It is used to record the various relationships between people and places and records. There are many types of locations as indicated by the TypeOfLocation enumeration |
CLocationAddress | A physical address (ie street / post office box, etc) associated with the parent Location |
CLocationAddresses | A collection of physical addresses associated with a location |
CLocationEAddress | The LocEAddress object is a child object of the Location object. Once initialized, it represents one of the electronic objects associated with its parent Location object. This may be a photo, web or email address |
CLocationEAddresses | A collection of electronic addresses associated with a location |
►CLocationList | |
CLocationListEnumerator | |
CLookupItem | An individual entry within a Lookup Set |
CLookupSet | An list of items that can be used to suggest/verify a value entered for some types of user-defined fields |
CMailTemplate | A mail template is designed to allow mail messages sent by HPE Records Manager to be customized |
CMeeting | Used to describe meetings, conferences, events, etc |
CMeetingDocument | A document that is related to the parent meeting ( e.g. agenda, minutes, submission) |
CMeetingDocuments | A collection of Meeting Documents |
CMeetingInvitation | Someone who participates in some way at the parent meeting |
CMeetingInvitations | A collection of Meeting Participants |
CMeetingType | Used to describe a particular type of meeting, conference, event, etc |
CMeetingTypeUsualParticipant | Someone who would usually participate in any meeting of this type |
CMeetingTypeUsualParticipants | A collection of Usual Participants |
CMenuItem | The MenuItem class is a simple base class that allows different types of menu elements to be put into an array. |
►CMenuItemList | |
CMenuItemListEnumerator | |
►CMenuPopup | MenuPopup : This class is a derived MenuItem class that represents a popup submenu within in a context menu |
CCustomCommandEnablerWrapper | |
CMenuPopupCommandEnabler | Gets the type of menu item - indicates which derived class this item belongs to |
CMenuPopupEnumerator | |
CMenuSeparator | MenuSeparator : This class is a derived MenuItem class that represents a separator in a context menu (e.g. a horizontal line). |
CMinuteItem | Minutes pertaining to a particular agenda item |
CMinuteItemActionArising | An action item that resulted from discussion of the agenda item |
CMinuteItemActionArisings | A collection of Action Items Arising |
CMinuteItemType | A template for generation of specific minute items to be included in the minutes of a meeting |
CNotification | A notification is used to queue up an event notification for the IDOL CFS connector |
CObjectDef | A helper class that allows you to determine generic capabilities of any of the objects in the TRIM object model. |
►CObjectDefList | |
CObjectDefListEnumerator | |
CObjectSelector | |
CObjectViewer | |
COfflineRecord | A document that has been temporarily stored outside of HPE Records Manager for offline access |
COrigin | An origin represents a location from which one or more records are imported |
COriginHistory | The Origin history object represents a single import run based on a particular Origin |
COutlookUserOptions | Outlook Add-In|HPE Records Manager In Outlook configuration (OutlookUserOptions) |
CPageDefinition | This class defines a page contained within an ApiFormDefinition |
CPageItemDefinition | This class defines an item contained within an ApiPageDefinition |
CPropertyDef | |
►CPropertyDefList | |
CPropertyDefListEnumerator | |
CPropertyEditor | |
CPropertyOrFieldDef | |
►CPropertyOrFieldDefList | |
CPropertyOrFieldDefListEnumerator | |
CPropertyOrFieldValue | |
►CPropertyOrFieldValueList | |
CPropertyOrFieldValueListEnumerator | |
CPropertyValue | |
►CPropertyValueList | |
CPropertyValueListEnumerator | |
►CRecord | A Record is the fundamental object that is managed by HPE Records Manager. It is usually a piece of evidence that must be kept for compliance or business reasons. To create a new record you must provide a RecordType object |
CSpLirIdProperty | |
CSpLirListGUIDProperty | |
CSpLirListRecordProperty | |
CSpLirListTypeProperty | |
CSpLirListURLProperty | |
CSpLirStatusProperty | |
CSpLirURLProperty | |
CRecordAction | An Action associated with a Record |
CRecordClientMatterParties | A collection of Client/Matter Parties |
CRecordClientMatterParty | A client/matter party is a relationship between a client or a matter and a person or organization, primarily for describing that location's involvement in the matter |
CRecordClientMatterRole | A client/matter role is a relationship between a client or a matter and a person or organization, primarily for describing the day-to-day activities being undertaken for a client |
CRecordClientMatterRoles | A collection of Client/Matter Roles |
CRecordHold | Association between the parent Record and a Hold, designed to prevent deletion |
CRecordHolds | A collection of Record Holds |
CRecordJurisdiction | Association between the parent Record and a Jurisdiction, designed to indicate applicability of Triggers |
CRecordJurisdictions | A collection of Record Jurisdictions |
CRecordKeyword | Associates a standard entry from the Thesaurus with the parent Record |
CRecordKeywords | A collection of Attached Thesaurus Terms |
CRecordLinkedDocument | Documents contained as links within another document |
CRecordLinkedDocuments | A collection of Linked Documents |
CRecordLocation | Defines an association between the parent Record and a Location |
CRecordLocations | A collection of Contacts |
CRecordRelationship | Describes an association that has been made between the parent Record and another Record |
CRecordRelationships | A collection of Related Records |
CRecordRendition | The RecRendition object represents one of a Record's electronic attachments. It is therefore only available if the Record has an Electronic Document associated with it |
CRecordRenditions | The RecRendition Collection object is a Child List representing the electronic renditions of a Record. It is only available if the Record has one or more Electronic Documents associated with it |
CRecordRevision | The RecRevision may be used only if the Record has an Electronic Document associated with it. The object is a child object and represents a revision of a Record's electronic document. |
CRecordRevisions | A collection of Revisions |
CRecordSapComponent | Used to represent a SAP component - SAP documents are composed of one or more SAP components |
CRecordSapComponents | A collection of SAP Components |
CRecordType | This object represents a TRIM Record Type. A record type is required for the construction of a new record in TRIM and the record type has a number of properties that determine behavior and default settings for records |
CRecordTypeAutoSubFolder | Defines a set of sub folders that will be automatically created whenever a record of this type is created |
CRecordTypeAutoSubFolders | A collection of Automatic Sub Folders |
CReport | A template used to design a printable listing of items in the HPE Records Manager database |
CReportBitmap | Stores an electronic document that is used to create a graphical item on a report layout (e.g. a company logo) |
CReporterUserOptions | Reporter|Fonts For HPE Records Manager report layouts (ReporterUserOptions) |
CRequest | Describes a request made by a Location for a particular Record |
CSavedSearch | The RecordSearch object enables TRIM records to be retrieved by creating a search expression from a number of search methods. The object has methods to allow boolean AND, OR and NOT relationships (these use the ‘Reverse Polish’ notation), and also the ability to set Record Type filters and sort criteria. RecordSearch instances(Searches) may also be loaded or saved |
CSchedule | Defines a set of rules that determine the lifecycle of a set of one or more Records |
CScheduledTask | Describes a computerised task that is to be performed regularly by the HPE Records Manager scheduler |
CScheduledTaskHistory | Summarises a completed scheduled task for audit purposes |
CScheduledTaskHistorys | A collection of Scheduled Task Actions |
CScheduleTrigger | An individual rule of the parent Schedule that defines circumstances under which a Record should undergo archival/disposal action |
CScheduleTriggers | A collection of Triggers |
CSearchClauseDef | A helper class that allows you to determine generic capabilities of any of the search clauses defined for selecting TRIM objects in the TRIM object model. |
►CSearchClauseIdsList | |
CSearchClauseIdsListEnumerator | |
CSearchForm | A search form contains a definition of the search methods and layout to be used by the HPE Records Manager Web Client when searching for a particular type of object |
CSearchUserOptions | Search|Search settings (SearchUserOptions) |
CSecurityCaveat | A privacy control allowing Records to be marked as requiring users to ave the corresponding control before being given access |
CSecurityGuide | Describes standard security settings which can be used in specialised security scenarios |
►CSecurityGuideList | |
CSecurityGuideListEnumerator | |
CSecurityLevel | A hierarchical security indicator that can be associated with Records and Locations to determine access rights |
CSharePointItem | Describes a SharePoint Document that is managed by HPE Records Manager SharePoint Integration |
CSortAndFilterUserOptions | Default Sort and Filters|Default search sorting and filtering (SortAndFilterUserOptions) |
CSpace | Represents a location for long term archival storage of physical records, typically within a warehouse |
CSpellingUserOptions | Spelling|Spelling checker dictionaries (SpellingUserOptions) |
CStartupUserOptions | Start Up|Windows to display when starting HPE Records Manager (StartupUserOptions) |
CStopWord | A word that will not be indexed when HPE Records Manager indexes long text strings (e.g. for a Record title word search) |
►CStringArray | |
CStringArrayEnumerator | |
CSwigArgumentPack | |
CSwigHelper | |
CSwigMarshal | |
CSWIGTYPE_p_boost__int16_t | |
CTodoItem | Things that need doing |
CTodoItemItemReference | Additional reference information that may be helpful in completing the To Do item |
CTodoItemItemReferences | A collection of To Do Item References |
CTreeBoxUserOptions | Tree Box Columns|Default properties and fields for tree boxes (TreeBoxUserOptions) |
CTrimAccessControlList | The TrimAccessControlList class is used to encapsulate the access controls that can be applied to an object an access control list consists of an array of entries that control who has access to a particular restricted function. These restricted functions may differ depending upon which object the access control list applies to, for example a meeting object may wish to restrict who can 'Take Minutes'. Each object that support access control lists will have an enum describing its set of restricted functions - in this class, the elements of this enum are simple defined as an int. |
CTrimApplication | ApiTrimApplication |
CTrimApplicationBase | |
CTrimChildObject | ApiTrimChildObject |
CTrimChildObjectList | ApiTrimChildObjectList |
CTrimChildObjectListEnumerator | |
CTrimCurrency | |
CTrimDateTime | |
CTrimDecimal | |
CTrimEnterpriseConfiguration | |
CTrimEvent | |
CTrimEventProcessorAddIn | The TrimEventProcessorAddIn class is an abstract base class from which SDK developers can derive to create their own SDK.Net Event Processing AddIn.Note that your derived class must not require any constructor parameters. |
CTrimEventProcessorAddInBase | |
CTrimException | |
CTrimGeography | |
CTrimIcon | |
CTrimMainObject | ApiTrimMainObject |
CTrimMainObjectSearch | The TrimMainObjectSearch represents a collection of TrimMainObjects that can be enumerated. It basically represent a database query, and so it it works a little differently to a static array. It is designed for performance to prefetch only the next batch of items, as Trim databases can quite often contain very large collections. |
CTrimMenuLink | The TrimMenuLink class represents a user-defined item on an objects context menu. This base class is designed to allow SDK addIn developers to add their own menu items to these menus, using the TrimAddIn GetLinks function. |
CTrimMenuLinkBase | |
►CTrimMenuLinkList | |
CTrimMenuLinkListEnumerator | |
CTrimObject | ApiTrimObject |
►CTrimObjectList | |
CTrimObjectListEnumerator | |
CTrimObjectListEnumerator | |
CTrimParserException | A special form of TRIMexception that is used whenever a function is called that parses a string. If an error is detected, this class also gives you a start and end position within the string, to assist in displaying where the error actually was detected. |
CTrimPropertySet | |
CTrimSDKObject | This class holds an APPError object as a member to allow all derived classes (pretty much everything in the API) to be able to store the results of an operation. The member m_error should always be 'reset' prior to calling a method that uses it. |
CTrimSearchClause | The TrimSearchOperator is a type of TrimSearchStackItem that represents an operator - one of (and, or, not) |
►CTrimSearchClauseList | |
CTrimSearchClauseListEnumerator | |
CTrimSearchOperator | The TrimSearchOperator is a type of TrimSearchStackItem that represents an operator - one of (and, or, not) |
CTrimSearchSortItem | The TrimSearchSortItem is a class representing a sort criteria. |
►CTrimSearchSortItemList | |
CTrimSearchSortItemListEnumerator | |
CTrimSearchStack | The TrimSearchStack object is an array of TrimSearchStackItem objects, providing search parsing, clause iteration and conversion from linear (normal user presentation) to reverse-polish(as used by TrimMainItemSearch) |
CTrimSearchStackItem | The TrimSearchStackItem is an abstract base class representing an item that participates in the definition of a search criteria. As such, it can be a specific search clause (ie dateCreated = today) or an operator designed to be applied to preceding search clauses. |
►CTrimSearchStackItemList | |
CTrimSearchStackItemListEnumerator | |
CTrimSearchStackIterator | |
CTrimSecurityProfile | The TrimSecurityProfile class is used to encapsulate the components of a security profile - these being a single security level which is a simple numerical scale, and an array of up to 45 user defined caveats which can either be on or off. |
CTrimURI | |
►CTrimURIList | |
CTrimURIListEnumerator | |
CTrimUserOptionSet | The trimChildObject is an abstract base class representing child objects of a TRIMmain object. Child objects are not independently persisted, and always belong to a parent object. A main object can have multiple child objects, and therefore each child object is grouped into a child object list collection. |
CUserFieldValue | |
CUserLabel | A user label is a user-defined tag that can be applied to any HPE Records Manager object to provide a logical grouping of those objects (similar to favorites) |
CViewerUserOptions | Viewer|Viewers to use when displaying electronic documents (ViewerUserOptions) |
CViewPaneUserOptions | View Pane Items|Default properties and fields for view panes (ViewPaneUserOptions) |
CWord | A word obtained as part of the HPE Records Manager process for indexing large text strings |
CWorkflow | A workflow is a structured set of activities that need to be completed according to a set sequence |
CWorkflowDocument | Represents a document that is related to a workflow process |
CWorkflowDocuments | A collection of Documents |
CWorkflowTemplate | A workflow template is a predefined workflow that is designed to be applied repetitively as part of an organization's ongoing business processes |
CWorkflowTemplateDocument | Represents a document that is related to a workflow process |
CWorkflowTemplateDocuments | A collection of Documents |
CZipCode | Description of a standard geographical place that is used to assist in the entering of physical addresses for Locations |