HPE Content Manager SDK 8.3
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch Class Reference

The TrimMainObjectSearch represents a collection of TrimMainObjects that can be enumerated. It basically represent a database query, and so it it works a little differently to a static array. It is designed for performance to prefetch only the next batch of items, as Trim databases can quite often contain very large collections. More...

Inheritance diagram for HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch:

Public Member Functions

System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumeratorSorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sort1, bool ascending1)
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumeratorSorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sort1, bool ascending1, PropertyOrFieldDef sort2, bool ascending2)
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumeratorSorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sort1, bool ascending1, PropertyOrFieldDef sort2, bool ascending2, PropertyOrFieldDef sort3, bool ascending3)
 TrimMainObjectSearch (Database database, BaseObjectTypes objectType)
 Constructs a main object list for the specified TRIM object type. More...
 TrimMainObjectSearch (SavedSearch savedSearch)
 Constructs a main object list based on a previously saved search More...
TrimURIList GetResultAsUriArray ()
 Gets a URI list object representing the results of the search. More...
TrimURIList GetResultAsUriArray (long maxUrisToReturn)
 Gets a URI list object representing the results of the search, limited by maxUrisToReturn. More...
TrimURIList GetResultAsUriArraySorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sortField, bool ascendingOrder)
 Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results. More...
TrimURIList GetResultAsUriArraySorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sortField1, bool ascendingOrder1, PropertyOrFieldDef sortField2, bool ascendingOrder2)
 Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results. More...
TrimURIList GetResultAsUriArraySorted (PropertyOrFieldDef sortField1, bool ascendingOrder1, PropertyOrFieldDef sortField2, bool ascendingOrder2, PropertyOrFieldDef sortField3, bool ascendingOrder3)
 Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results. More...
TrimParserException SetSearchString (string newValue)
 Sets a string value representing the main search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Query String formatting rules. More...
void ClearSearch ()
 Clears any search criteria currently in force (unless new search criteria are added), the search will return no results. More...
void AddSearchClause (TrimSearchClause clause)
 Adds the specific search criteria to the reverse-polish clause stack More...
void And ()
 Adds the AND operator to the reverse-polish clause stack More...
void Or ()
 Adds the OR operator to the reverse-polish clause stack More...
void Not ()
 Adds the NOT operator to the reverse-polish clause stack More...
TrimSearchStack GetSearchAsStack ()
 Gets a TrimSearchStack array that represents this search. This array is in a reverse polish format which doesn't include any precedence operators. More...
void SetSearchFromStack (TrimSearchStack stack)
 Sets the search to be based on the supplied search stack More...
TrimParserException SetFilterString (string filter)
 Sets a string value representing the current filters that are applied together with the search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Filter String formatting rules. More...
void ClearFilters ()
 Clears any filters that are currently operating on the search. More...
void SetFiltersToDefault ()
 Sets the filters to the previously saved set of default filters for the current user. More...
void SaveFiltersAsDefault ()
 Sets the current filters to be the default filters for the current user. More...
void AddFilterClause (TrimSearchClause clause)
 Adds the specific search criteria to the array of filters More...
TrimSearchClauseList GetFiltersAsArray ()
 Gets an array of TrimSearchStackItem objects that represents this search. This array is in a reverse polish format which doesn't include any precedence operators. More...
TrimParserException SetSortString (string newSort)
 Sets a string value representing a sort criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Sort String formatting rules. More...
void ClearSort ()
 Clears any sort criteria that currently operate on the search. More...
void SuppressDefaultSort ()
 Ensures that if no sort criteria are specified, results are not sorted according to a default sort order. You can use this function if you have a list set as a uri list and want to preserve that ordering. More...
void SetSortToDefault ()
 Sets the filters to the previously saved set of default filters for the current user. More...
void SaveSortAsDefault ()
 Sets the current filters to be the default filters for the current user. More...
void AddSortItemAscending (SearchClauseIds clauseId)
 Adds the specific search item to the list of sort criteria for this search More...
void AddSortItemDescending (SearchClauseIds clauseId)
 Adds the specific search item to the list of sort criteria for this search More...
TrimSearchSortItemList GetSortAsArray ()
 Gets an array of TrimSearchSortItem objects that represents the sorting criteria. More...
void SetOptionsToDefault ()
 Sets the search options for this search to be the users preferred default More...
void SaveOptionsAsDefault ()
 Sets the current options to be the default options for the current user. More...
PropertyValue GetSearchOption (PropertyDef propDef)
 Gets or sets a search option value using the generic PropertyDef object More...
void SetSearchOption (PropertyValue propDef)
void SelectByPrefix (string startingPrefix)
 Sets this collection to contain objects with names that begin with the nominated string. More...
void SelectFavorites ()
 Sets the collection to contain objects that are in the current user's Favorites list. More...
void SelectFavorites (FavoriteType typeOfFavorite)
 Sets the collection to contain objects that are in the current user's Favorites list. More...
void SelectByUserLabel (UserLabel userLabelToSelectBy)
 Sets the collection to contain objects lonked to the nominated user label. More...
void SelectNone ()
 Sets the collection to contain no objects. More...
void SelectAll ()
 Sets the collection to contain all objects of this collection's Type. Use with care as some Trim Databases can be very large. More...
void SelectByUris (TrimURIList specifiedUriArray)
 Sets the collection to contain all objects with unique identifiers matching those in the specified array. More...
void SelectTopLevels ()
 Sets the collection to contain all objects which are at the top level of the hierarchy. Only useful for objects that implement hierarchy, such as classifications, labels, schedules, etc. More...
void SelectThoseWithin (TrimMainObject parentObject)
 Sets the collection to contain all objects which placed within a hierarchy where the nominated object is its parent. The list must be for hierarchical objects and the parent object must be of the same object type as the list. More...
void SetPurpose (int purpose)
 Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection. More...
void SetPurpose (int purpose, TrimMainObject purposeExtraObject)
 Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived TrimMainObject class will have more information. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection. More...
void SetPurpose (int purpose, int purposeExtraEnumValue)
 Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived TrimMainObject class will have more information. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection. More...
void ClearPurpose ()
 Removes the current purpose setting for this list. More...
bool IsValidForPurpose (TrimMainObject trimObject)
 Determines if the specified object is valid for the current purpose associated with this list. More...
bool ItemMatches (TrimMainObject trimObject)
 Determines if the specified object matches the criteria for this search More...
string MakeReference (string outputFileName)
 Creates a TRIM reference file for this search, given the path and filename. A reference file can be associated with the Open command of various of the TRIM executables - TRIM.exe, TRIMDesktop.exe, etc. When the reference file is double-clicked, the associated application will then launch (or activate if it already running) and a new search will then be displayed inside that executable. Returns a string containing the path and filename of the reference file created. More...
void ReportAsHTML (Report report, string outputHTMLFileName)
 Generates a report on a list of objects with output in HTML and following the nominated report design layout. The image folder name is used as a location for any hyper-links to images created by the report generator. More...
void ReportAsHTML (Report report, string outputHTMLFileName, string imageFolderName)
 Generates a report on a list of objects with output in HTML and following the nominated report design layout. The image folder name is used as a location for any hyper-links to images created by the report generator. If you leave the value blank, the function will create a sub-folder within the path of the outputHTMLfileName if one is needed. More...
void PublishAsHTML (string outputHTMLFileName, HtmlLayout layout, HtmlLayout detailedLayout, TrimDateTime publicationDate, bool deleteExistingFiles)
 Publishes the objects in this collection to HTML according to nominated HTML layouts. The detailed layout is optional. More...
void ExportAsXML (string outputXMLFileName, int depth, XmlDocumentExportType xptType, string encoding, bool indent)
 Exports the objects in this collection to an XML output file More...


string ErrorMessage [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
TrimException Error [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
Database Database [get]
 Gets the TRIM Database object in which this collection resides. More...
BaseObjectTypes TrimType [get]
 Gets a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating the type of object in this collection. More...
TrimIcon Icon [get]
 Gets the icon associated this object collection. More...
string Title [get]
 Gets a string briefly describing the selection criteria used for this collection. More...
long FastCount [get]
 Gets a number indicating a likely number of items in the collection. Since the building of the collection is dynamic, this count value could change depending on whether new items are added during the iterating of the collection. To obtain this count, a separate SQL query is issued - if that is not possibly for some reason, the value -1 will be returned. More...
long Count [get]
 Gets a number indicating a the number of items in the collection at the time of the call. Since the building of the collection is dynamic, this count value could change depending on whether new items are added during the iterating of the collection. To obtain this count, a separate SQL query is attempted. If that is not possible, the query is executed and the results are iterated, so in some cases it may be slow. More...
string QueryInfoMessage [get]
 Gets a string describing any information about the search. For example, if the content clause in the search was unable to return all of the results. More...
string SearchString [get, set]
 Gets a string value representing the main search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Query String formatting rules. More...
string FilterString [get]
 Gets a string value representing the current filters that are applied together with the search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Filter String formatting rules. More...
string SortString [get]
 Gets a string value representing a sort criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Sort String formatting rules. More...
bool AssigneeSearchIncludesAuthorisation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by activity assignee, the search engine will also return any activities that are awaiting authorising by the specified action officer More...
bool AssigneeSearchIncludesDelegates [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) and the assignee corresponds to the currently logged in user, results will also include those items assigned to anyone who has delegated work to the currently logged in user. More...
bool AssigneeSearchIncludesEscalated [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by activity assignee, the search engine will also return any activities that have been escalated to the specified action officer More...
bool AssigneeSearchIncludesGroups [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) and the assignee corresponds to the currently logged in user, results will also include those items assigned to any location that the current user is a member of More...
bool AssigneeSearchIncludesPosition [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) results will also include those items assigned to the positions of any locations specified in the search More...
IdolSearchStyles IdolSearchStyle [get, set]
 Gets or sets an IdolSearchStyles enumeration value indicating whether to optimize this search by utilizing the IDOL search engine for some types of search methods. More...
bool ExtendedIDOLOptimization [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that the search optimizer should attempt to convert additional search methods to uri list based searches which can be resolved by the IDOL search engine More...
bool AnyWordIncludesTitle [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include the record title. More...
bool AnyWordIncludesNotes [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include the record notes. More...
bool AnyWordIncludesContents [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include any document content associated with the record. More...
bool IncludeLocationsByAddressReference [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching for locations, include any that match because of a 'use address of' reference More...
bool IncludeLocationsByProfileReference [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching for locations, include any that match because of a 'use profile of' reference More...
bool UseSQLViews [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to use SQL VIEW search optimization More...
bool AlphaObjectSort [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to use alphabetical order for object sorting More...
bool UseDirectIDOLquery [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to Allow direct IDOL queries More...
string SearchAsXML [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing an XML representation of the search. This XML is language and locale independent and can be used for persisting a query for later execution, perhaps by a user using a different language. More...
string HitHighlightString [get]
 Gets a string containing a string that can be used for hit highlighting in a document viewer. It basically contains an array of content search related strings, separated by commas. It can be passed to the ExtractDocument class when producing a HTML rendering that highlights hits More...
string WebURL [get]
 Gets a string representing a URL that can be used to display this search in a web browser. More...
TrimURI SkipToUri [get, set]
 Gets or sets a TRIM uri value which will be skipped to when iterating through the results of this list. When you set this parameter, search results will be ignored until a result matching the specified uri is found, once the skip uri is found, results are returned from that point on (includes the skip uri in the result) More...
bool PagingMode [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that the results of the search are going to be accesses in a web browser "one page at a time" style. When in paging mode, results will be uniquely sorted in order that when you use the SkipCount parameter to move to the next page, you are assured that the query will be working through the same results. Set this proeprty if you intend to use SkipCount and LimitOnRowsReturned for the search results. More...
long SkipCount [get, set]
 Gets or sets a skip counter which indicates how many items to skip before returning any search results. When you set the value of the skip counter, results will be read and discarded until the specified number of items to skip has been reached. Note that a SkipToUri value can be specified in addition. Set the value to 0 if you wish to clear the skip behavior More...
long LimitOnRowsReturned [get, set]
 Gets or sets a limit on the number of objects that should be returned as part of this search. This is useful if you wish to display, say, the most recently modified 10 records. Set the value to 0 if you wish to clear the limit behavior More...

Detailed Description

The TrimMainObjectSearch represents a collection of TrimMainObjects that can be enumerated. It basically represent a database query, and so it it works a little differently to a static array. It is designed for performance to prefetch only the next batch of items, as Trim databases can quite often contain very large collections.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.TrimMainObjectSearch ( Database  database,
BaseObjectTypes  objectType 

Constructs a main object list for the specified TRIM object type.

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.TrimMainObjectSearch ( SavedSearch  savedSearch)

Constructs a main object list based on a previously saved search

Member Function Documentation

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AddFilterClause ( TrimSearchClause  clause)

Adds the specific search criteria to the array of filters

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AddSearchClause ( TrimSearchClause  clause)

Adds the specific search criteria to the reverse-polish clause stack

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AddSortItemAscending ( SearchClauseIds  clauseId)

Adds the specific search item to the list of sort criteria for this search

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AddSortItemDescending ( SearchClauseIds  clauseId)

Adds the specific search item to the list of sort criteria for this search

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.And ( )

Adds the AND operator to the reverse-polish clause stack

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ClearFilters ( )

Clears any filters that are currently operating on the search.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ClearPurpose ( )

Removes the current purpose setting for this list.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ClearSearch ( )

Clears any search criteria currently in force (unless new search criteria are added), the search will return no results.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ClearSort ( )

Clears any sort criteria that currently operate on the search.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ExportAsXML ( string  outputXMLFileName,
int  depth,
XmlDocumentExportType  xptType,
string  encoding,
bool  indent 

Exports the objects in this collection to an XML output file

System.Collections.IEnumerator HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetEnumerator ( )
System.Collections.IEnumerator HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetEnumeratorSorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sort1,
bool  ascending1 
System.Collections.IEnumerator HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetEnumeratorSorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sort1,
bool  ascending1,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sort2,
bool  ascending2 
System.Collections.IEnumerator HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetEnumeratorSorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sort1,
bool  ascending1,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sort2,
bool  ascending2,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sort3,
bool  ascending3 
TrimSearchClauseList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetFiltersAsArray ( )

Gets an array of TrimSearchStackItem objects that represents this search. This array is in a reverse polish format which doesn't include any precedence operators.

TrimURIList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetResultAsUriArray ( )

Gets a URI list object representing the results of the search.

TrimURIList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetResultAsUriArray ( long  maxUrisToReturn)

Gets a URI list object representing the results of the search, limited by maxUrisToReturn.

TrimURIList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetResultAsUriArraySorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField,
bool  ascendingOrder 

Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results.

TrimURIList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetResultAsUriArraySorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField1,
bool  ascendingOrder1,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField2,
bool  ascendingOrder2 

Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results.

TrimURIList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetResultAsUriArraySorted ( PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField1,
bool  ascendingOrder1,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField2,
bool  ascendingOrder2,
PropertyOrFieldDef  sortField3,
bool  ascendingOrder3 

Gets a URI list object that allows you to iterate all the objects that are currently selected, with the option of sorting by the supplied sortField. Use this sorting technique when you need to sort by a field that is not part of the SearchClauseIds sortable set. It requires results to be downloaded first and then sorted, so it can take some time if there are lots of results.

TrimSearchStack HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetSearchAsStack ( )

Gets a TrimSearchStack array that represents this search. This array is in a reverse polish format which doesn't include any precedence operators.

PropertyValue HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetSearchOption ( PropertyDef  propDef)

Gets or sets a search option value using the generic PropertyDef object

TrimSearchSortItemList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.GetSortAsArray ( )

Gets an array of TrimSearchSortItem objects that represents the sorting criteria.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.IsValidForPurpose ( TrimMainObject  trimObject)

Determines if the specified object is valid for the current purpose associated with this list.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ItemMatches ( TrimMainObject  trimObject)

Determines if the specified object matches the criteria for this search

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.MakeReference ( string  outputFileName)

Creates a TRIM reference file for this search, given the path and filename. A reference file can be associated with the Open command of various of the TRIM executables - TRIM.exe, TRIMDesktop.exe, etc. When the reference file is double-clicked, the associated application will then launch (or activate if it already running) and a new search will then be displayed inside that executable. Returns a string containing the path and filename of the reference file created.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Not ( )

Adds the NOT operator to the reverse-polish clause stack

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Or ( )

Adds the OR operator to the reverse-polish clause stack

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.PublishAsHTML ( string  outputHTMLFileName,
HtmlLayout  layout,
HtmlLayout  detailedLayout,
TrimDateTime  publicationDate,
bool  deleteExistingFiles 

Publishes the objects in this collection to HTML according to nominated HTML layouts. The detailed layout is optional.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ReportAsHTML ( Report  report,
string  outputHTMLFileName 

Generates a report on a list of objects with output in HTML and following the nominated report design layout. The image folder name is used as a location for any hyper-links to images created by the report generator.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ReportAsHTML ( Report  report,
string  outputHTMLFileName,
string  imageFolderName 

Generates a report on a list of objects with output in HTML and following the nominated report design layout. The image folder name is used as a location for any hyper-links to images created by the report generator. If you leave the value blank, the function will create a sub-folder within the path of the outputHTMLfileName if one is needed.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SaveFiltersAsDefault ( )

Sets the current filters to be the default filters for the current user.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SaveOptionsAsDefault ( )

Sets the current options to be the default options for the current user.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SaveSortAsDefault ( )

Sets the current filters to be the default filters for the current user.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectAll ( )

Sets the collection to contain all objects of this collection's Type. Use with care as some Trim Databases can be very large.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectByPrefix ( string  startingPrefix)

Sets this collection to contain objects with names that begin with the nominated string.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectByUris ( TrimURIList  specifiedUriArray)

Sets the collection to contain all objects with unique identifiers matching those in the specified array.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectByUserLabel ( UserLabel  userLabelToSelectBy)

Sets the collection to contain objects lonked to the nominated user label.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectFavorites ( )

Sets the collection to contain objects that are in the current user's Favorites list.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectFavorites ( FavoriteType  typeOfFavorite)

Sets the collection to contain objects that are in the current user's Favorites list.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectNone ( )

Sets the collection to contain no objects.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectThoseWithin ( TrimMainObject  parentObject)

Sets the collection to contain all objects which placed within a hierarchy where the nominated object is its parent. The list must be for hierarchical objects and the parent object must be of the same object type as the list.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SelectTopLevels ( )

Sets the collection to contain all objects which are at the top level of the hierarchy. Only useful for objects that implement hierarchy, such as classifications, labels, schedules, etc.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetFiltersToDefault ( )

Sets the filters to the previously saved set of default filters for the current user.

TrimParserException HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetFilterString ( string  filter)

Sets a string value representing the current filters that are applied together with the search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Filter String formatting rules.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetOptionsToDefault ( )

Sets the search options for this search to be the users preferred default

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetPurpose ( int  purpose)

Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetPurpose ( int  purpose,
TrimMainObject  purposeExtraObject 

Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived TrimMainObject class will have more information. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetPurpose ( int  purpose,
int  purposeExtraEnumValue 

Call this method to indicate that the items in the list may need to be used for the nominated purpose. To determine what the valid purposes are, look at the IsValidFor functions in the derived TrimMainObject classes The purposeExtraObject is necessary for some purpose types - once again, the derived TrimMainObject class will have more information. In some instances (not all), the purpose value will remove certain items from the selection.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchFromStack ( TrimSearchStack  stack)

Sets the search to be based on the supplied search stack

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchOption ( PropertyValue  propDef)
TrimParserException HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchString ( string  newValue)

Sets a string value representing the main search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Query String formatting rules.

TrimParserException HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSortString ( string  newSort)

Sets a string value representing a sort criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Sort String formatting rules.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSortToDefault ( )

Sets the filters to the previously saved set of default filters for the current user.

void HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SuppressDefaultSort ( )

Ensures that if no sort criteria are specified, results are not sorted according to a default sort order. You can use this function if you have a list set as a uri list and want to preserve that ordering.

Property Documentation

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AlphaObjectSort

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to use alphabetical order for object sorting

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AnyWordIncludesContents

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include any document content associated with the record.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AnyWordIncludesNotes

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include the record notes.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AnyWordIncludesTitle

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by the AnyWord method, whether the search should include the record title.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AssigneeSearchIncludesAuthorisation

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by activity assignee, the search engine will also return any activities that are awaiting authorising by the specified action officer

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AssigneeSearchIncludesDelegates

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) and the assignee corresponds to the currently logged in user, results will also include those items assigned to anyone who has delegated work to the currently logged in user.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AssigneeSearchIncludesEscalated

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by activity assignee, the search engine will also return any activities that have been escalated to the specified action officer

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AssigneeSearchIncludesGroups

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) and the assignee corresponds to the currently logged in user, results will also include those items assigned to any location that the current user is a member of

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.AssigneeSearchIncludesPosition

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching by an assignee (records, record actions, activities, etc) results will also include those items assigned to the positions of any locations specified in the search

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Count

Gets a number indicating a the number of items in the collection at the time of the call. Since the building of the collection is dynamic, this count value could change depending on whether new items are added during the iterating of the collection. To obtain this count, a separate SQL query is attempted. If that is not possible, the query is executed and the results are iterated, so in some cases it may be slow.

Database HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Database

Gets the TRIM Database object in which this collection resides.

TrimException HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Error

All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ErrorMessage

All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.ExtendedIDOLOptimization

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that the search optimizer should attempt to convert additional search methods to uri list based searches which can be resolved by the IDOL search engine

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.FastCount

Gets a number indicating a likely number of items in the collection. Since the building of the collection is dynamic, this count value could change depending on whether new items are added during the iterating of the collection. To obtain this count, a separate SQL query is issued - if that is not possibly for some reason, the value -1 will be returned.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.FilterString

Gets a string value representing the current filters that are applied together with the search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Filter String formatting rules.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.HitHighlightString

Gets a string containing a string that can be used for hit highlighting in a document viewer. It basically contains an array of content search related strings, separated by commas. It can be passed to the ExtractDocument class when producing a HTML rendering that highlights hits

TrimIcon HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Icon

Gets the icon associated this object collection.

IdolSearchStyles HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.IdolSearchStyle

Gets or sets an IdolSearchStyles enumeration value indicating whether to optimize this search by utilizing the IDOL search engine for some types of search methods.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.IncludeLocationsByAddressReference

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching for locations, include any that match because of a 'use address of' reference

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.IncludeLocationsByProfileReference

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that when searching for locations, include any that match because of a 'use profile of' reference

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.LimitOnRowsReturned

Gets or sets a limit on the number of objects that should be returned as part of this search. This is useful if you wish to display, say, the most recently modified 10 records. Set the value to 0 if you wish to clear the limit behavior

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.PagingMode

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate that the results of the search are going to be accesses in a web browser "one page at a time" style. When in paging mode, results will be uniquely sorted in order that when you use the SkipCount parameter to move to the next page, you are assured that the query will be working through the same results. Set this proeprty if you intend to use SkipCount and LimitOnRowsReturned for the search results.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.QueryInfoMessage

Gets a string describing any information about the search. For example, if the content clause in the search was unable to return all of the results.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SearchAsXML

Gets or sets a string containing an XML representation of the search. This XML is language and locale independent and can be used for persisting a query for later execution, perhaps by a user using a different language.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SearchString

Gets a string value representing the main search criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Query String formatting rules.

long HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SkipCount

Gets or sets a skip counter which indicates how many items to skip before returning any search results. When you set the value of the skip counter, results will be read and discarded until the specified number of items to skip has been reached. Note that a SkipToUri value can be specified in addition. Set the value to 0 if you wish to clear the skip behavior

TrimURI HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SkipToUri

Gets or sets a TRIM uri value which will be skipped to when iterating through the results of this list. When you set this parameter, search results will be ignored until a result matching the specified uri is found, once the skip uri is found, results are returned from that point on (includes the skip uri in the result)

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.SortString

Gets a string value representing a sort criteria for this list. See the TRIM HELP documentation for a comprehensive description of the Sort String formatting rules.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.Title

Gets a string briefly describing the selection criteria used for this collection.

BaseObjectTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.TrimType

Gets a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating the type of object in this collection.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.UseDirectIDOLquery

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to Allow direct IDOL queries

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.UseSQLViews

Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether to use SQL VIEW search optimization

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimMainObjectSearch.WebURL

Gets a string representing a URL that can be used to display this search in a web browser.