Micro Focus Content Manager SDK 9.4
HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef Class Reference

A helper class that allows you to determine generic capabilities of any of the objects in the TRIM object model. More...

Inheritance diagram for HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef:

Public Member Functions

 ObjectDef (BaseObjectTypes objectType)
 Constructs an ObjectDef object based on the specified object type enumeration value. More...
 ObjectDef (BaseObjectTypes objectType, Database forDatabase)
 Constructs an ObjectDef object based on the specified object type enumeration value. This form of constructor allows you to specify a database which is used to retrieve customised captions. More...
bool HasExtraPurposeParameter (int forPurposeValue)
 For the given purpose, indicates whether extra information can be provided to supplement a given purpose value. For example, when testing whether a record is suitable as a container (RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor) you can specify an extra parameter as the contained item's record type, which allows the function to provide a more accurate validation. More...
AllEnumerations ExtraPurposeEnum (int forPurposeValue)
 If the specified purpose has an extra purpose parameter, it will be either an object or an enum value. For example, RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor can have a RecordType object as an extra parameter, LabelPurposes.Attach can have a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating what type of object you are selecting the label to attach to. If the extra purpose parameter for the specified purposeValue is an enumeration, this method returns the type of enumeration, otherwise it returns AllEnumerations.Unknown. More...
BaseObjectTypes ExtraPurposeObjectType (int forPurposeValue)
 If the specified purpose has an extra purpose parameter, it will be either an object or an enum value. For example, RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor can have a RecordType object as an extra parameter, LabelPurposes.Attach can have a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating what type of object you are selecting the label to attach to. If the extra purpose parameter for the specified purposeValue is a uri of an object, this method returns the type of object, otherwise it returns BaseObjectTypes.Unknown. More...
ObjectDefList SelectAllChildObjects ()
 Gets an array of all the child Object Definitions for this TRIM object. More...
ObjectDefList SelectAllChildObjects (Database forDatabase)
 Gets an array of all the child Object Definitions for this TRIM object. Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customized captions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimSDKObject
 TrimSDKObject ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ObjectDef FindByName (string internalObjectName)
 Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique object name. More...
static ObjectDef FindByName (string internalObjectName, Database forDatabase)
 Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique object name. Providing the database object allows the returned objectDef object to be able to access any customised captions. More...
static ObjectDef FindByAbbreviation (string internalObjectAbbreviation)
 Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique 3-character abbreviation. More...
static ObjectDef FindByAbbreviation (string internalObjectAbbreviation, Database forDatabase)
 Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique 3-character abbreviation. Providing the database object allows the returned objectDef object to be able to access any customised captions. More...
static ObjectDefList SelectAllObjects ()
 Gets an array of all the Object Definitions currently defined in the TRIM object model More...
static ObjectDefList SelectAllObjects (Database forDatabase)
 Gets an array of all the Object Definitions currently defined in the TRIM object model Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customised captions. More...
static ObjectDefList SelectAllMainObjects ()
 Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model. It excludes all child objects. More...
static ObjectDefList SelectAllMainObjects (Database forDatabase)
 Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model. It excludes all child objects. Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customised captions. More...
static ObjectDefList SelectAllSearchableObjects (Database forDatabase)
 Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model that should be displayed in a search menu. It excludes objects that are part of an inactivate feature, excludes child objects, and objects that would only be useful if you could edit them. More...


BaseObjectTypes Id [get]
 Gets or sets the unique identifier for this Object Definition More...
string Name [get]
 Gets a string containing the unique name for the object corresponding to this Object Definition. This unique name is not changed when the object is captioned. More...
string Abbreviation [get]
 Gets a string containing the unique 3-character abbreviation used internally for the object corresponding to this Object Definition. More...
string Caption [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the descriptive caption for this object. Note that to set a caption, this object must have been constructed with a valid Database parameter. To make caption changes permanent, call the SaveCaptionChanges method of the database More...
string CaptionPlural [get, set]
 Gets or sets a string containing the descriptive caption for a collection of these objects Note that to set a caption, this object must have been constructed with a valid Database parameter. To make caption changes permanent, call the SaveCaptionChanges method of the database More...
Icons Icon [get]
 Gets the enumerated icon value for the icon which is associated with this object. More...
bool IsChild [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object of this ObjectDef is a child object. More...
bool HasFavorites [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether there are any objects of this ObjectDef in the current user's Favorites list. More...
bool InXMLSchema [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object corresponding to this Object Definition has an XML Schema definition that enables it to be exported to XML in the ExportToXML method. More...
bool HasHierarchy [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have a hierarchical structure More...
bool HasValidDateRange [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether an object corresponding to this Object Definition may be assigned a date range within which it is active. More...
bool HasUserFields [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have any user fields assigned. More...
bool CanBeUserFieldFormat [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this type of object can be a format for a user-defined field. More...
bool HasBarcode [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition may have a foreign (external) barcode assigned. More...
bool HasNotes [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have a free text field for notes. More...
bool HasAudit [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition have audit capabilities More...
bool HasPrimaryACL [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether each object corresponding to this Object Definition has its own set of access controls that explicitly control access to the object More...
bool HasCopiedACL [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have access controls that may be inherited by other objects. For example, Classifications have a set of access controls that may be inherited by records using the Classification. More...
AllEnumerations PrimaryACLEnum [get]
 Gets the enum value describing the access control set that is applied to objects of this Object Definition as primary access controls. Primary access controls are the object's own set of access controls that explicitly control access to it. More...
AllEnumerations CopiedACLEnum [get]
 Gets the enum describing the access control set that is inherited from this object by other TRIM objects, if it has copied access controls. This object has copied access controls if the 'HasCopiedACL' property is true. More...
AllEnumerations PurposeEnum [get]
 Gets the enum describing the purpose for this object when testing whether it is valid for usage in a certain context.   This is used by TrimMainObjectSearch.SetPurpose and TrimMainObject.IsValidFor functions. More...
bool HasSecurity [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition may be assigned a security profile More...
bool HasCopiedSecurity [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition have a security profile that may be inherited by other objects. More...
PropertyIds NamePropertyId [get]
 Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the property id for the default 'unique naming' property for the object, by which it may be instantiated instead of by uri. For example, the Record object's Name property is the Record Number ('Number' property). More...
PropertyIds PrefixPropertyId [get]
 Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that is searched when selecting by prefix (that is, when using the 'SelectByPrefix' method). More...
PropertyIds ToolTipPropertyId [get]
 Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that should be used in a tool tip. For example, the ToolTip property for a record is the 'Title' property, which may be more informative to the user than the Record's Name property (the Record Number). More...
PropertyIds NotesPropertyId [get]
 Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that should be used in a tool tip. For example, the ToolTip property for a record is the 'Title' property, which may be more informative to the user than the Record's Name property (the Record Number). More...
SearchClauseIds HierarchySearchClauseId [get]
 Gets a SearchClauseIds enum value containing the search clause id that can be used if searching by hierarchy. More...
SearchClauseIds PrefixSearchClauseId [get]
 Gets a SearchClauseIds enum value containing the search clause id that can be used if searching by hierarchy. More...
bool HasLabels [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this type may be attached to user labels More...
bool AvailableOffline [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this type are available offline (i.e. without a workgroup server connection) More...
bool HasContextMenu [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this object type has a context menu (usually displayed when clicking the right mouse button. See the MenuPopup class for more details on loading context menus. More...
bool RequiresAProductFeature [get]
 Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this object requires a product feature to be activated before it can be made visible More...
ProductFeatures ProductFeature [get]
 Gets a ProductFeatures enumerate value indicating the product feature required before this object should be exposed in a user interface. Check the RequiresAProductFeature first before calling this function More...
- Properties inherited from HP.HPTRIM.SDK.TrimSDKObject
string ErrorMessage [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an ErrorMessage property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...
TrimException Error [get]
 All TRIM SDK objects have an Error property which can be used to examine any error that may have occurred in the most recent method call. More...

Detailed Description

A helper class that allows you to determine generic capabilities of any of the objects in the TRIM object model.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ObjectDef ( BaseObjectTypes  objectType)

Constructs an ObjectDef object based on the specified object type enumeration value.

HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ObjectDef ( BaseObjectTypes  objectType,
Database  forDatabase 

Constructs an ObjectDef object based on the specified object type enumeration value. This form of constructor allows you to specify a database which is used to retrieve customised captions.

Member Function Documentation

AllEnumerations HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ExtraPurposeEnum ( int  forPurposeValue)

If the specified purpose has an extra purpose parameter, it will be either an object or an enum value. For example, RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor can have a RecordType object as an extra parameter, LabelPurposes.Attach can have a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating what type of object you are selecting the label to attach to. If the extra purpose parameter for the specified purposeValue is an enumeration, this method returns the type of enumeration, otherwise it returns AllEnumerations.Unknown.

BaseObjectTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ExtraPurposeObjectType ( int  forPurposeValue)

If the specified purpose has an extra purpose parameter, it will be either an object or an enum value. For example, RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor can have a RecordType object as an extra parameter, LabelPurposes.Attach can have a BaseObjectTypes enum value indicating what type of object you are selecting the label to attach to. If the extra purpose parameter for the specified purposeValue is a uri of an object, this method returns the type of object, otherwise it returns BaseObjectTypes.Unknown.

static ObjectDef HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.FindByAbbreviation ( string  internalObjectAbbreviation)

Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique 3-character abbreviation.

static ObjectDef HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.FindByAbbreviation ( string  internalObjectAbbreviation,
Database  forDatabase 

Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique 3-character abbreviation. Providing the database object allows the returned objectDef object to be able to access any customised captions.

static ObjectDef HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.FindByName ( string  internalObjectName)

Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique object name.

static ObjectDef HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.FindByName ( string  internalObjectName,
Database  forDatabase 

Constructs an Object Definition to correspond to that with the nominated unique object name. Providing the database object allows the returned objectDef object to be able to access any customised captions.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasExtraPurposeParameter ( int  forPurposeValue)

For the given purpose, indicates whether extra information can be provided to supplement a given purpose value. For example, when testing whether a record is suitable as a container (RecordPurposes.FindContainerFor) you can specify an extra parameter as the contained item's record type, which allows the function to provide a more accurate validation.

ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllChildObjects ( )

Gets an array of all the child Object Definitions for this TRIM object.

ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllChildObjects ( Database  forDatabase)

Gets an array of all the child Object Definitions for this TRIM object. Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customized captions.

static ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllMainObjects ( )

Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model. It excludes all child objects.

static ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllMainObjects ( Database  forDatabase)

Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model. It excludes all child objects. Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customised captions.

static ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllObjects ( )

Gets an array of all the Object Definitions currently defined in the TRIM object model

static ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllObjects ( Database  forDatabase)

Gets an array of all the Object Definitions currently defined in the TRIM object model Providing the database object allows the returned array to have objectDef objects that will be able to access any customised captions.

static ObjectDefList HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.SelectAllSearchableObjects ( Database  forDatabase)

Gets an array of all the Object Definitions corresponding to a TrimMainObject currently defined in the TRIM object model that should be displayed in a search menu. It excludes objects that are part of an inactivate feature, excludes child objects, and objects that would only be useful if you could edit them.

Property Documentation

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.Abbreviation

Gets a string containing the unique 3-character abbreviation used internally for the object corresponding to this Object Definition.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.AvailableOffline

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this type are available offline (i.e. without a workgroup server connection)

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.CanBeUserFieldFormat

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this type of object can be a format for a user-defined field.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.Caption

Gets or sets a string containing the descriptive caption for this object. Note that to set a caption, this object must have been constructed with a valid Database parameter. To make caption changes permanent, call the SaveCaptionChanges method of the database

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.CaptionPlural

Gets or sets a string containing the descriptive caption for a collection of these objects Note that to set a caption, this object must have been constructed with a valid Database parameter. To make caption changes permanent, call the SaveCaptionChanges method of the database

AllEnumerations HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.CopiedACLEnum

Gets the enum describing the access control set that is inherited from this object by other TRIM objects, if it has copied access controls. This object has copied access controls if the 'HasCopiedACL' property is true.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasAudit

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition have audit capabilities

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasBarcode

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition may have a foreign (external) barcode assigned.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasContextMenu

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this object type has a context menu (usually displayed when clicking the right mouse button. See the MenuPopup class for more details on loading context menus.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasCopiedACL

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have access controls that may be inherited by other objects. For example, Classifications have a set of access controls that may be inherited by records using the Classification.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasCopiedSecurity

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition have a security profile that may be inherited by other objects.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasFavorites

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether there are any objects of this ObjectDef in the current user's Favorites list.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasHierarchy

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have a hierarchical structure

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasLabels

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this type may be attached to user labels

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasNotes

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have a free text field for notes.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasPrimaryACL

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether each object corresponding to this Object Definition has its own set of access controls that explicitly control access to the object

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasSecurity

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether objects of this Object Definition may be assigned a security profile

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasUserFields

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the objects of this Object Definition have any user fields assigned.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HasValidDateRange

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether an object corresponding to this Object Definition may be assigned a date range within which it is active.

SearchClauseIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.HierarchySearchClauseId

Gets a SearchClauseIds enum value containing the search clause id that can be used if searching by hierarchy.

Icons HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.Icon

Gets the enumerated icon value for the icon which is associated with this object.

BaseObjectTypes HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.Id

Gets or sets the unique identifier for this Object Definition

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.InXMLSchema

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object corresponding to this Object Definition has an XML Schema definition that enables it to be exported to XML in the ExportToXML method.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.IsChild

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object of this ObjectDef is a child object.

string HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.Name

Gets a string containing the unique name for the object corresponding to this Object Definition. This unique name is not changed when the object is captioned.

PropertyIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.NamePropertyId

Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the property id for the default 'unique naming' property for the object, by which it may be instantiated instead of by uri. For example, the Record object's Name property is the Record Number ('Number' property).

PropertyIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.NotesPropertyId

Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that should be used in a tool tip. For example, the ToolTip property for a record is the 'Title' property, which may be more informative to the user than the Record's Name property (the Record Number).

PropertyIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.PrefixPropertyId

Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that is searched when selecting by prefix (that is, when using the 'SelectByPrefix' method).

SearchClauseIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.PrefixSearchClauseId

Gets a SearchClauseIds enum value containing the search clause id that can be used if searching by hierarchy.

AllEnumerations HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.PrimaryACLEnum

Gets the enum value describing the access control set that is applied to objects of this Object Definition as primary access controls. Primary access controls are the object's own set of access controls that explicitly control access to it.

ProductFeatures HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ProductFeature

Gets a ProductFeatures enumerate value indicating the product feature required before this object should be exposed in a user interface. Check the RequiresAProductFeature first before calling this function

AllEnumerations HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.PurposeEnum

Gets the enum describing the purpose for this object when testing whether it is valid for usage in a certain context.   This is used by TrimMainObjectSearch.SetPurpose and TrimMainObject.IsValidFor functions.

bool HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.RequiresAProductFeature

Gets a Boolean value indicating whether this object requires a product feature to be activated before it can be made visible

PropertyIds HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef.ToolTipPropertyId

Gets a PropertyIds enum value containing the id for the property of this object that should be used in a tool tip. For example, the ToolTip property for a record is the 'Title' property, which may be more informative to the user than the Record's Name property (the Record Number).