HPE Content Manager SDK 8.3
Access Control

Access Control Overview

Search clauses may be used with TrimMainObjectSearch either via the TrimSearchClause class or as strings via TrimMainObjectSearch.SetSearchString. Given that search clauses may be captioned it is a good idea when using them as strings to use their internal name. This document lists all search clauses along with their internal names.

Setting Access Control Locations

Making the ACL of a Record (or other object) private requires you to set the access locations. You can set this to one or more Locations (individuals or groups). There are a couple of tricks to know, the first is knowing the correct ACL function enum (see below, the second is to avoid 'the double dot problem'. Given that AccessControlList is a property of the object it can be tempting to use it directly, instead you must assign it to a temporary variable while updating the ACL and then re-set the ACL from the temporary variable before saving.

Incorrect way to set the ACL

Record record = new Record(database, "REC_1");
new LocationList() {
new Location(database, 9000000072),
new Location(database, 9000000049) });

Setting the ACL Correctly

Record record = new Record(database, "REC_1");
TrimAccessControlList accessControl = record.AccessControlList;
new LocationList() {
new Location(database, 9000000072),
new Location(database, 9000000049) });
record.AccessControlList = accessControl;

ACL Enums

The ACL enum for a particular object can be determined either from the TrimAccessControlList.FunctionEnum property or from the ObjectDef. The table below is built by iterating ObjectDefs for all TrimMainObjects.

List of TrimMainObjects with primary ACL

Id PrimaryACL Enum Has User Fields Has copied ACL HasCopiedSecurity
ActionDef False False False
Activity True False False
AgendaItem AgendaItemAccess False False False
AgendaItemType GeneralAccess False False False
Alert False False False
AutoPartRule GeneralAccess False False False
Census False False False
Classification GeneralAccess True True True
Communication False False False
Consignment True False False
ConsignmentApprover False False False
ConsignmentIssue False False False
Database False False False
DocumentQueue GeneralAccess False False False
ElectronicStore False False False
EmailLink False False False
FieldDefinition FieldAccess False False False
History False False False
Hold True False False
HtmlLayout False False False
Jurisdiction False False False
Keyword GeneralAccess True False False
Location GeneralAccess True False False
LookupItem GeneralAccess False False False
LookupSet GeneralAccess False False False
MailTemplate False False False
Meeting MeetingAccess True False False
MeetingType GeneralAccess True True False
MinuteItem False False False
MinuteItemType GeneralAccess False False False
Notification False False False
OfflineRecord False False False
Origin GeneralAccess False False False
OriginHistory False False False
Record RecordAccess True False False
RecordAction False False False
RecordType GeneralAccess False True True
Report GeneralAccess False False False
ReportBitmap False False False
Request False False False
SavedSearch GeneralAccess False False False
Schedule GeneralAccess True False False
ScheduledTask False False False
SearchForm GeneralAccess False False False
SecurityCaveat False False False
SecurityLevel False False False
SharePointItem False False False
Space GeneralAccess True False False
StopWord False False False
TodoItem True False False
UserLabel False False False
Word False False False
Workflow WorkflowAccess True False False
WorkflowTemplate GeneralAccess False True False
ZipCode False False False

Code Sample

This Powershell script was used to generate the table above.

Add-Type -Path "[PATH TO cm BINARIES]\HP.HPTRIM.SDK.dll"
$database.Id = "[YOUR DATABASE id]"
$database.WorkgroupServerName = "[YOUR SERVER NAME]"
function Em
if ($a -eq $true) {
return "**True**"
return "False"
try {
$file = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\temp\\objectDefinitions.txt", $false)
$file.WriteLine("Id | PrimaryACL Enum | Has User Fields | Product Feature | Has copied ACL | HasCopiedSecurity")
[HP.HPTRIM.SDK.ObjectDef]::SelectAllMainObjects($database) | sort Name | foreach {
$id = [string]::Format("[{0}](@ref HP.HPTRIM.SDK.{0})", $_.Id);
$aclEnum = ""
if ($_.PrimaryACLEnum -ne [HP.HPTRIM.SDK.AllEnumerations]::Unknown) {
$aclEnum = $_.PrimaryACLEnum.ToString();
$hasFields = Em($_.HasUserFields)
$hasACL = Em($_.HasCopiedACL)
$sec = Em($_.HasCopiedSecurity)
$file.WriteLine("{0,-61} | {1,-20} | {2,-16} | {3,-15} | {4}",
$Id, $aclEnum,$hasFields, $hasACL, $sec);
} catch{
"Error: "
finally {